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Zoroaster - Matador review


17 users:
Band: Zoroaster
Album: Matador
Style: Sludge metal
Release date: June 2010

01. D.N.R
02. Ancient Ones
03. Odyssey
04. Trident
05. Firewater
06. Old World
07. Black Hole
08. Odyssey II
09. Matador

I found Zoroaster to be a very interesting name for a band. The name comes from a Persian prophet in ancient times that founded the religion of Zoroastrianism, but I am sure you are not here to get a religion lesson so let's get down to business.

Zoroaster's 3rd full length album, Matador is something to indeed marvel at. After I played the first full run I thought "meh", but of course we all can't judge an album after only one play through. I listened to it again, and again, and again, and so on. This album was indeed quite a piece of work and the amount of effort the band put into it shows.

Matador is extremely psychedelic with the echoing guitar solos and the droning riffs. Songs such as "D.N.R.", "Odyssey", "Ancient Ones", and "Trident" all have their guitar playing that works wonders on your mind. When listening to this album I sometimes would doze off into weird trances without the aid of any psychedelics. The solos are reminiscent of old psychedelic rock, while the rhythm keeps the heavy pace going. The bass and drums set a great tempo for all the songs and never falter in delivering the good stoner/sludge tempo necessary to keep everything flowing nicely. Some of the songs can seem very mellow, but the band is able to keep a heavy sound despite this.

I find the vocals that are put forth by Brent Anderson and Will Fiore to be quite amazing. In songs like "D.N.R." and "Old World" they sound like a group of Buddhist monks chanting in prayer. While in other songs they keep up a good rasp to accompany their faster paced songs such as "Black Hole".

Overall, I highly recommend this album to anyone who is a fan of psychedelic stoner/sludge. Matador will definitely take your mind on a great trip that you might just not want to return from for a while. I predict a good future for this band.

Written by The Brown Umber | 16.06.2011

Guest review disclaimer:
This is a guest review, which means it does not necessarily represent the point of view of the MS Staff.


Comments: 3   Visited by: 45 users
19.06.2011 - 01:17
Account deleted
Fuck yeah, kick-ass record. Would have easily made a top 10, maybe top 5, of 2010 list if I'd discovered it last year. Love the psychedelic components to it.
19.06.2011 - 01:38
Troy Killjoy
And don't forget, Zoroaster does not rhyme with toaster.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
19.06.2011 - 02:14
Account deleted
Written by Troy Killjoy on 19.06.2011 at 01:38

And don't forget, Zoroaster does not rhyme with toaster.

That depends on how you pronounce "toaster" - I've always said it as toe-aster...

That's a lie btw.

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