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Working On New Music
Working On New Music
Dec 20
Page: 1
Not to mention a strategy right out of the alt-right playbook. Make vague claims to occupy people with refuting them while ignoring facts and only triggering emotions. Maybe you're confusing Metal Storm with Telegram?
01:07 - corrupt
And simply saying "this didn't used to happen in my day" is nothing but a smoke bomb that has nothing to do with the situation at hand.
00:59 - corrupt
There's nothing to figure out as far as I can see. You had a chance to post about this and make it about the victims, and chose to make it about your racist assumptions about the perpetrator. Even made false claims as support.
00:57 - F3ynman
All I know is this stuff didnt happen 10 years ago. You can figure out the correlation; I'm done for tonight
00:54 - F3ynman
at Christmas markets
00:54 - F3ynman
Sorry that I was making a connection to the 8-year anniversary of a Ismalist attack at a German Christmas market, plus the fact there have been Free Palestine and Islamist protests in Stuttgart, Dresden, Essen in the last few days
00:54 - corrupt
Maybe you should ask yourself why you go from "is from Saudi Arabia" straight to "islamist". I never saw you call an American shooter a fundamental christian.
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