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All things modern hardcore. There will be no grind or sludgcore in this list in order to avoid duplicates. You will find some grind here and some sludgecore here</u>. If it is classic hardcore punk you seek, I advise you to try Lit.'s list.

- Since I moved those heavy ones, I'll need some time to rearrange and fill this up with all the hardcore goodness I said no to before.
- Order changes depending on what I am currently obsessed with

Created by: Ilham | 03.08.2014

1. Death Engine - Mud
2015 - Noise + Hardcore - Anguish in an urban setting - Review: - Listen:
2. Silent Planet - The Night God Slept
2014 - Raw and passionate melodic metalcore.
3. Idylls - Prayer For Terrene
2014 - Post hardcore/noise. Completely bonkers. Seriously.
4. Plebeian Grandstand - Lowgazers
2014 - Black/hardcore. Dissonant. - Free legal download.
5. Fjørt - D'accord
2014 - Post-hardcore/screamo sang in German. Just the right amount of emotion and aggression.
6. The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza - Danza IIII: The Alpha - The Omega
7. Euglena - Split
2014 - EP - Black/grindcore. A younger Anaal Nathrakh without the cyber elements gone hardcore? - Free legal download.
8. Nice Hooves - Nice Hooves
2013 - Hardcore/sludge/rock. Imagine Queens Of The Stone Age gone hardcore/sludge. - Free legal download.
9. Jack The Stripper - Raw Nerve
2013 - Hardcore/mathcore. Chaotic. Heavy. Shit band name, great variety in the vocals, sometimes similar to Randy Blythe's.
10. Doctor Livingstone - Contemptus Saeculi
2014 - DsO-core. Very innovative.
11. The Tidal Sleep - Vorstellungskraft
2014 - Beautiful post-hardcore, screamo to be precise.
12. Martyrdöd - Paranoia
2012 - Crust/D-beat. Catchy catchy.
13. Black Monolith - Passenger
2014 - Black/crust/post-rock. More depressing that most of these. - Free legal download.
14. Hierophant - Peste
2014 - Pummeling blackened, death grind and punk like you've never heard.
15. Murder Construct - Results
2012 - The results are in, and they're fucking good.
16. Kvelertak - Meir
2012 - Blackened punk. Get dancing, come on.
17. Raised Fist - Ignoring The Guidelines
2000 - Holy fucking shit, angry fast hardcore punk with a raspy/rappy fast vocal delivery and great riffs.
18. Hexis - XI
2012 - EP - Black/hardcore. Dissonant. Angry. - Free legal download.
19. Trap Them - Blissfucker
2014 - Hardcore. Heavy shit.
20. All Pigs Must Die - Nothing Violates This Nature
2013 - Very aggressive hardcore/thrash.
21. Everything Went Black - Cycles Of Light
2012 - Black/hardcore.
22. Enabler - La Fin Absolue Du Monde
2014 - Catchy hardcore, pretty good guitar work.
23. Oh, Sleeper - Children Of Fire
2011 - Fucking angry metalcore -
24. Dark Circles - MMXIV
2014 - Black/crust.
25. Dark Sermon - In Tongues
2013 - Deathcore - Death metal wrapped deathcore for your pleasure.
26. The Armed - Spreading Joy
2012 - EP - Hardcore. A little thrash. - Free legal download.
27. Seizures - The Sanity Universal
2014 - Mathcore bitch -
28. Black Breath - Sentenced To Life
2012 - Death with a hardcore/groovy twist. Best thing to start your day with.
29. Let It Die - Because The World Is Perfidious, I Am Going Into Mourning
2013 - EP - Split with Monolithian. Hardcore. Doom-ier release because of the association with Monolithian. - Free legal download.
30. Ossacrux - Orgi Of Atrocities
2013 - EP - Crust/d-beat goodness, with a great vocalist and catchy songs -
31. Code Orange - Love Is Love​/​/​Return To Dust
2012 - Formely "Code Orange Kids" - unpredictable and heavy hardcore -
32. Fever Dreams - Life Has Departed
2014 - Gnarly blackened grindcore/hardcore - - Free legal download
33. Homewrecker - Worms & Dirst
2012 - Motherfucking crusty thrashy punk -
34. Colossvs - Unholy
2014 - Behemoth-like with crust elements, but 78425652558 times better than actual current Behemoth.
35. Villains - Freudian Slip
2014 - Disjointed mathcore madness -
36. Jungbluth - Partache
2013 - Post-hardcore - Scream your heart out -
37. Baptists - Bushcraft
2013 - Hardcore, you know, it's awesome.
38. Ache - Self-titled
2014 - Post-hardcore. Melancholic and chaotic. - Free legal download.
39. Ringworm - Hammer Of The Witch
2014 - Hardcore. More traditional than most of this list.
40. Convert - Convert 7"
2014 - Hardcore/D-beat. A little grindy at times. - Free legal download.
41. Oathbreaker - Eros-Anteros
2014 - Hardcore. A little black.
42. Calvaiire - Forceps
2013 - Hardcore. With a little black metal and dissonance. Chaotic.
43. Protestant - In Thy Name
2014 - Raw black/crust with hardcore vocals.
44. Pine Barrens - King Maker
2013 - Let's call it hardcore with thrasy and bm elements.
45. Cleric - Regressions
2010 - Mathcore - It's a weird album, very long and with experimental passages, but worth the try.
46. Bury What's Left - Memoirs
2014 - EP - Metalcore is definitely not for pussies when it's well done -
47. Herod (SUI) - They Were None
2014 - Meshuggah-core. Heavy shit.

Disclaimer: All top lists are unofficial and do not represent the point of view of the MS Staff.
[ More lists by Ilham ]

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15.08.2014 - 20:04
Giant robot
Written by Alex F on 15.08.2014 at 19:59

I'm just some tool.

Yeah I actually spend a lot of time looking for my own music. But fine, if that's how it's going to be. I said that just to be polite.
Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to exit the donut.
15.08.2014 - 20:08
Alex F
Written by Ilham on 15.08.2014 at 20:04

Yeah I actually spend a lot of time looking for my own music. But fine, if that's how it's going to be. I said that just to be polite.
Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to exit the donut.

Ooh ooh I remembered something that might actually fit your list. It's Buckshot Facelift's Elder's Rasp. Really fuckin cool, although the genre might be off for the list.....either way check it out.
15.08.2014 - 20:50
Giant robot
Written by Alex F on 15.08.2014 at 20:08
Ooh ooh I remembered something that might actually fit your list. It's Buckshot Facelift's Elder's Rasp. Really fuckin cool, although the genre might be off for the list.....either way check it out.

No but it's actually a pretty cool album, I almost finished listening to it. Makes me curious about the rest of their discography. They do have one of the ugliest bandcamp pages I have ever seen though.
16.08.2014 - 18:25
Au Pays Natal
16.08.2014 - 18:33
Giant robot
Written by tea[m]ster on 16.08.2014 at 18:25

I love this cover so much. Thank you Jay. I listened to one song and I can already tell I like it. Verdict within forty-eight hours.
18.08.2014 - 03:27
Giant robot
Written by tea[m]ster on 16.08.2014 at 18:25

I keep spamming my own list, and I feel bad about it. But I wanted to tell you that I did listen to the whole thing, three times now, and liked it very much. It has that... adolescent feel - because of those almost emo-like vocals - that I find refreshing since it's the first time I hear them associated with sludge. That feeling you get while looking at the cover is the same you get while listening to the album. Thank you again Jay.

Now. Look at #23 on the list .
18.08.2014 - 17:51
Account deleted
Nice list. A couple of death-infused hardcore recommendations, if you're interested.

Also; wouldn't Nails, Shai Hulud or Gaza fit in here as well?
19.08.2014 - 18:22
Giant robot
Written by [user id=109200] on 18.08.2014 at 17:51
Nice list. A couple of death-infused hardcore recommendations, if you're interested.
Also; wouldn't Nails, Shai Hulud or Gaza fit in here as well?

Thank you for stopping by and leaving recommendations.

I should change the description of the list. I am actually very new to all things hardcore, and anything in -core in general. I just had a sudden epiphany a few months ago, and started binging on the genre since then. This is a list of what I liked the most. Not seeing a band/album in here means I am not aware of its existence, most of the time. I have to admit I might be going at it the wrong way, as I started with listening to the latest releases and many underground bands instead of starting from the beginning with the classics. But I'll get there anyway. Nonetheless, I might be doing that for a reason, since I have a tendency to like the post-hardcore/hardcore/sludge or the black/hardcore kind a lot more than the straightforward stuff.

- Which is why Shai Hulud isn't here. I only listened to the 2013 release, and I didn't like it enough to grant it a spot in the list. But it was still an enjoyable record.
- Nails. I had listened to Abandon All Life, which is a bulldozer of an album I must say, but didn't get around to add it. I am giving it a spin right now to decide where it's going to land. And decided it deserved #20.
- Gaza. Had never heard of them, so I have to thank you for that. I listened to No Absolutes In Human Suffering and I was impressed. I'll need some time to see if it gets a seat here.
- For those two videos, I have to thank you again, because I didn't know any of the bands before. I will listen to both albums and get back to you on that.

Now, from the five names you mentioned, I can see you have a soft spot for things revolving around grindcore/death/hardcore. Have you listened to Vermin Womb? #1 on the list.
19.08.2014 - 20:52
Account deleted
Written by Ilham on 19.08.2014 at 18:22

Thank you for stopping by and leaving recommendations.

I should change the description of the list. I am actually very new to all things hardcore, and anything in -core in general. I just had a sudden epiphany a few months ago, and started binging on the genre since then. This is a list of what I liked the most. Not seeing a band/album in here means I am not aware of its existence, most of the time. I have to admit I might be going at it the wrong way, as I started with listening to the latest releases and many underground bands instead of starting from the beginning with the classics. But I'll get there anyway. Nonetheless, I might be doing that for a reason, since I have a tendency to like the post-hardcore/hardcore/sludge or the black/hardcore kind a lot more than the straightforward stuff.

- Which is why Shai Hulud isn't here. I only listened to the 2013 release, and I didn't like it enough to grant it a spot in the list. But it was still an enjoyable record.
- Nails. I had listened to Abandon All Life, which is a bulldozer of an album I must say, but didn't get around to add it. I am giving it a spin right now to decide where it's going to land. And decided it deserved #20.
- Gaza. Had never heard of them, so I have to thank you for that. I listened to No Absolutes In Human Suffering and I was impressed. I'll need some time to see if it gets a seat here.
- For those two videos, I have to thank you again, because I didn't know any of the bands before. I will listen to both albums and get back to you on that.

Now, from the five names you mentioned, I can see you have a soft spot for things revolving around grindcore/death/hardcore. Have you listened to Vermin Womb? #1 on the list.

Much obliged, and thank you for the explanation regarding the inclusions and omissions. In all fairness, I'm pretty new to this genre too, but growing into it steadily and surely. I'm glad you found Gaza to your liking. No Absolutes In Human Suffering is one of my favorites of the entire genre, I must say. Curiously enough, both Cult Leader and Bird Eater were formed from the members of Gaza when they split (not as creative with names as they're with their tunes but what the heck in any case).

Actually no, I haven't listened to Vermin Womb yet but methinks I will get 'round to that soon enough, as with the others I wasn't really aware of. Keep up the good work, and if I find something worthwhile I'll be sure to drop it by. Cheers.
23.08.2014 - 02:28
Giant robot
Written by [user id=109200] on 19.08.2014 at 20:52

Much obliged, and thank you for the explanation regarding the inclusions and omissions. In all fairness, I'm pretty new to this genre too, but growing into it steadily and surely. I'm glad you found Gaza to your liking. No Absolutes In Human Suffering is one of my favorites of the entire genre, I must say. Curiously enough, both Cult Leader and Bird Eater were formed from the members of Gaza when they split (not as creative with names as they're with their tunes but what the heck in any case).

Actually no, I haven't listened to Vermin Womb yet but methinks I will get 'round to that soon enough, as with the others I wasn't really aware of. Keep up the good work, and if I find something worthwhile I'll be sure to drop it by. Cheers.

Absolutely not a problem, I felt it was important. I took the time to listen to Gaza a few more times, and I couldn't deny them a spot in the list. I also checked out Bird Eater, and I am afraid the list is going to get longer because of this one as well. I was also surprised to see Bird Eater, Cult Leader and Gaza were connected, but when you listen to the music, it's obvious, both in terms of quality and similarity. I also listened to Dripback, quite frankly, they're impressive. But that album lacked the maturity I found in your other suggestions. (I actually wrote a review about it).

I can only be grateful to you for mentioning bands that fit my tastes so perfectly. I mean, three out of five do. If I can add another recommendation to Vermin Womb (#1), I'd say Jack The Stripper (#11). I don't know you, but I have a feeling that might work for you.
23.08.2014 - 08:39
Account deleted
Written by Ilham on 23.08.2014 at 02:28

Absolutely not a problem, I felt it was important. I took the time to listen to Gaza a few more times, and I couldn't deny them a spot in the list. I also checked out Bird Eater, and I am afraid the list is going to get longer because of this one as well. I was also surprised to see Bird Eater, Cult Leader and Gaza were connected, but when you listen to the music, it's obvious, both in terms of quality and similarity. I also listened to Dripback, quite frankly, they're impressive. But that album lacked the maturity I found in your other suggestions. (I actually wrote a review about it).

I can only be grateful to you for mentioning bands that fit my tastes so perfectly. I mean, three out of five do. If I can add another recommendation to Vermin Womb (#1), I'd say Jack The Stripper (#11). I don't know you, but I have a feeling that might work for you.

No problem! I'm glad my suggestions (both active and passive) were helpful. Sharing good music can only be a universal plus, so no biggie. :3

A small note on Dripback; maybe it's the stripped down, direct nature that's putting you off? Or the simplistic death-borrowed parts? For me, those are the things that actually stood out but ultimately it boils down to preferences, of course.

I'm also keeping tabs on this list and actively trying to expand my own library too. Heard Vermin Womb and I can safely say it's tailor made for me yay. Can't wait for their debut to drop. I'll be getting around lewd Jack at the earliest, believe you me. Thank you again for the kind words.
26.08.2014 - 21:21
Account deleted
Thought about adding this on the list, but decided against it. Has members of Mastodon and Brutal Truth, and a release in 2012. Seems to be right up your alley.

26.08.2014 - 23:00
Giant robot
Written by [user id=101272] on 26.08.2014 at 21:21

Thought about adding this on the list, but decided against it. Has members of Mastodon and Brutal Truth, and a release in 2012. Seems to be right up your alley.

That little ping-pong exchange between the two lists was funny. Thank you. I am listening right now. If you hadn't just announced you were done with your list, I would have found something to suggest in return. But still, knowing you liked Plebeian Grandstand, Vermin Womb and Trap Them, I'd advise you to listen to The Psyche Project - Guillotine.

I don't know how I missed these guys, it's a super-group signed with Relapse. Goes to show that even after listening to four/five albums a day and extensive research, recs are still the best way of finding cool new tunes.
The album is so short, I already listened to it and I am giving a second spin right now. It's a great, fun little album (or EP?). Would it break your heart if I said it won't make the list? For the same reason as you. It lacks that feeling of despair and pure hate you can find in most of these. If I don't make enough sense, I could say this - but it's going to sound weird: "too" groovy for the list.

I am listening to one album I hadn't seen on your list before today. The Secret - Solve Et Coagula. I have a feeling it would have been added here if it had been released later. I chose 2012 because I'm afraid of being spammed like in your epic songs list.
26.08.2014 - 23:34
Account deleted
Written by Ilham on 26.08.2014 at 23:00

That little ping-pong exchange between the two lists was funny. Thank you. I am listening right now. If you hadn't just announced you were done with your list, I would have found something to suggest in return. But still, knowing you liked Plebeian Grandstand, Vermin Womb and Trap Them, I'd advise you to listen to The Psyche Project - Guillotine.

I'll check it. I've been eating up recs like cocaine-flavored candy lately, and you've been a good supplier.

Written by Ilham on 26.08.2014 at 23:00

I don't know how I missed these guys, it's a super-group signed with Relapse. Goes to show that even after listening to four/five albums a day and extensive research, recs are still the best way of finding cool new tunes.
The album is so short, I already listened to it and I am giving a second spin right now. It's a great, fun little album (or EP?). Would it break your heart if I said it won't make the list? For the same reason as you. It lacks that feeling of despair and pure hate you can find in most of these. If I don't make enough sense, I could say this - but it's going to sound weird: "too" groovy for the list.

Hardcore isn't all about despair or pure hate or even anger, and not all of your suggestions fall into the category. I figured any decent hardcore was as long as it post-2012. I suggested Primate assuming they'd fall into the category of bands like Ringworm and Black Breath (which, I might add, were also a consideration for the Angry List but were rejected for more or less the same reason).
But hey, it's your list. No skin off my nose long as you considered it.

Written by Ilham on 26.08.2014 at 23:00

I am listening to one album I hadn't seen on your list before today. The Secret - Solve Et Coagula. I have a feeling it would have been added here if it had been released later. I chose 2012 because I'm afraid of being spammed like in your epic songs list.

I wouldn't exactly call The Secret the kind of band you're looking for with this list; they're moreso sludgey grindcore to me, if you can categorize them at all.
But again, you're list.
27.08.2014 - 00:13
Giant robot
Written by [user id=101272] on 26.08.2014 at 23:34

I'll check it. I've been eating up recs like cocaine-flavored candy lately, and you've been a good supplier.

Hardcore isn't all about despair or pure hate or even anger, and not all of your suggestions fall into the category. I figured any decent hardcore was as long as it post-2012. I suggested Primate assuming they'd fall into the category of bands like Ringworm and Black Breath (which, I might add, were also a consideration for the Angry List but were rejected for more or less the same reason).
But hey, it's your list. No skin off my nose long as you considered it.

I wouldn't exactly call The Secret the kind of band you're looking for with this list; they're moreso sludgey grindcore to me, if you can categorize them at all.
But again, you're list.

Good, I'm sure it'll be right up your alley, happy to share.

Of course, I know, and you're 100% right. Black Breath and Ringworm are similar and still they're here. But I'm really just adding those who struck me the most. Don't see anything else in that more than affinity. If you have more like Primate, I'm buying. Not making the list doesn't mean it's not appreciated, and I actually keep tabs on everything I listen to, they might pop in another (future) list.

And, about The Secret, I finished the album now, and I loved it. It's actually exactly what I'm looking for. I absolutely love it when it's heavy and slow and grindy. The -core might be minimal, but this list isn't just about pure hardcore.

Also, just because it's so rare for me to be able to correct a native: "But again, you're list". Your* .
08.09.2014 - 15:56
Account deleted
Would this qualify? I'm certain I'm hearing some hardcore/post-hardcore elements here, although they're labelled as experimental post-metal. In any case, tasty stuff.

08.09.2014 - 16:03
Giant robot
Written by [user id=109200] on 08.09.2014 at 15:56

Would this qualify? I'm certain I'm hearing some hardcore/post-hardcore elements here, although they're labelled as experimental post-metal. In any case, tasty stuff.

Haha. You posted this one in the Peanut Butter Burger list and I just commented that it was a great recommendation. It definitely would. I just don't really know where to put it yet. I'm also thinking about adding the new FANGE and Protestant, in case you were going to recommend those as well .
08.09.2014 - 16:54
Account deleted

Haha. You posted this one in the Peanut Butter Burger list and I just commented that it was a great recommendation. It definitely would. I just don't really know where to put it yet. I'm also thinking about adding the new FANGE and Protestant, in case you were going to recommend those as well .

Just want this fucker recommended to as many peeps as possible who're into this stuff. Seriously, more people need to listen to this brilliant offering.

I understand your confusion. Some tracks are straight up and violent ala hardcore stuff. The others intricate and multi-layered, reminiscent of post-metal. Still, for the sake of "well-roundedness", I'd say it can fit in here, but of course it's your call at the end of the day. By the way, the tracks are free to download on WOOP.

I wasn't aware of any of the other names you suggested, so I'll try hunting them down at the earliest and then rec them back to you, as prophesied. :3
10.09.2014 - 02:25
Giant robot
Written by [user id=109200] on 08.09.2014 at 16:54

Just want this fucker recommended to as many peeps as possible who're into this stuff. Seriously, more people need to listen to this brilliant offering.

I understand your confusion. Some tracks are straight up and violent ala hardcore stuff. The others intricate and multi-layered, reminiscent of post-metal. Still, for the sake of "well-roundedness", I'd say it can fit in here, but of course it's your call at the end of the day. By the way, the tracks are free to download on WOOP.

I wasn't aware of any of the other names you suggested, so I'll try hunting them down at the earliest and then rec them back to you, as prophesied. :3

Haha, I can only encourage you. You should notify Jay (teamster) as well. It's a great piece of hardcore/post-metal

Yeah that's exactly why I need a little more time before pinning it to the rank it deserves on that board. I agree with how you described it. It flows so well, and feels more like a very long song with fluctuations in the level of violence.

That would be funny, we would just keep recommending the same bands to each other every day, and maybe fall in love with each other like in Groundhog Day. Stop me I'm already daydreaming.

So yeah, FANGE - Poisse, doomy sludge with guitars tuned down loooooooooooooow. A bit like in Bongripper but filthier. The band name translates to "sludge", and the album title to "slimy and sticky matter". Hints of stoner sometimes. And hardcore vocals, which are kinda buried in the mix most of the time. It would be the most alien item in this list, but it's so good I might just add it. And Protestant is very good black with just a little crust elements in the music, and core vocals.
10.09.2014 - 10:53
Account deleted
Written by Ilham on 10.09.2014 at 02:25

Haha, I can only encourage you. You should notify Jay (teamster) as well. It's a great piece of hardcore/post-metal

Yeah that's exactly why I need a little more time before pinning it to the rank it deserves on that board. I agree with how you described it. It flows so well, and feels more like a very long song with fluctuations in the level of violence.

That would be funny, we would just keep recommending the same bands to each other every day, and maybe fall in love with each other like in Groundhog Day. Stop me I'm already daydreaming.

So yeah, FANGE - Poisse, doomy sludge with guitars tuned down loooooooooooooow. A bit like in Bongripper but filthier. The band name translates to "sludge", and the album title to "slimy and sticky matter". Hints of stoner sometimes. And hardcore vocals, which are kinda buried in the mix most of the time. It would be the most alien item in this list, but it's so good I might just add it. And Protestant is very good black with just a little crust elements in the music, and core vocals.

Now that you mention it, I should yes. He'd gobble it all up like gerbils deep-fried in chocolate syrup. :3

Haha yeah, I like the sound of that, 'cept that part where we marry and have children who turn their backs on us in our old age and turn into scene kids one day k I'll stop now wuf

The descriptions sound great actually. What I like about a sludge/stoner/hardcore mish-mash is that it always has a base quality and provides me with guaranteed thrills for a limited amount of time at the very least. Black Crust-aseans are somewhat of a novelty diet for me and it has that harshness that I really dig, so on board with that as well. Thank you for the heads up regarding the sound. I'll get 'round to them at the earliest.
12.09.2014 - 15:53
Gem Seeker
12.09.2014 - 16:24
Gem Seeker
And one more:
12.09.2014 - 20:34
Giant robot
Written by Hex_Omega on 12.09.2014 at 15:53


Firstly, thanks for stopping by.
I suppose what I heard in that first video was from that... "proto" metalcore band, not just an homonym right? I had listened to a couple of songs, and I don't like it, sorry. And the album from which this song is from is a bit "old" for the list. I chose 2012 as a limit so it doesn't turn into a list with 150 items.

Now, I'm much more familiar with CTTS, I listened to their debut not too long ago. I am not into that weird ADD screamo thing they do. And I hated the female vocals. Now, in this link you shared they sound like they put out the fire they had in their panties. Is the whole album like that? If it is, I might give them another chance, that doesn't sound too bad at all.
12.09.2014 - 20:46
Gem Seeker
Written by Ilham on 12.09.2014 at 20:34

I suppose what I heard in that first video was from that... "proto" metalcore band

Written by Ilham on 12.09.2014 at 20:34

And the album from which this song is from is a bit "old" for the list. I chose 2012 as a limit so it doesn't turn into a list with 150 items.

Oh ok, now I see.
Written by Ilham on 12.09.2014 at 20:34

Now, I'm much more familiar with CTTS, I listened to their debut not too long ago. I am not into that weird ADD screamo thing they do. And I hated the female vocals. Now, in this link you shared they sound like they put out the fire they had in their panties. Is the whole album like that? If it is, I might give them another chance, that doesn't sound too bad at all.

Well whole album is generally very aggressive (rather vocally than musically) so if you are into that kind of vocals/screams you should try it out (that album is from 2012). Personally I think that it's better than their debut. Here is the link -
However female vocals are still very present...
12.09.2014 - 21:14
Giant robot
Written by Hex_Omega on 12.09.2014 at 20:46

Well whole album is generally very aggressive (rather vocally than musically) so if you are into that kind of vocals/screams you should try it out (that album is from 2012). Personally I think that it's better than their debut. Here is the link -
However female vocals are still very present...

Okay. I am not really into screamo to be honest. But I will listen to it, bitch screams or not. You'll have feedback in 48 hours.
15.09.2014 - 13:37
Giant robot
Written by Hex_Omega on 12.09.2014 at 20:46

Well whole album is generally very aggressive (rather vocally than musically) so if you are into that kind of vocals/screams you should try it out (that album is from 2012). Personally I think that it's better than their debut. Here is the link -
However female vocals are still very present...

Yeah I liked it better than their debut, they dropped that forced "chaotic" act. But I really won't be coming back to it, for the same reasons I stated before. Soz!
16.09.2014 - 00:49
That Doctor Livingstone album is massive! Such an underappreciated band. Probably my favourite record on this list. :^)
16.09.2014 - 01:05
Giant robot
Written by moonflash on 16.09.2014 at 00:49

That Doctor Livingstone album is massive! Such an underappreciated band. Probably my favourite record on this list. :^)

I'm so happy everyone just liked it, I take it as my personal responsibility to spread the word about them. They didn't even get enough recognition in their own hometown. I just hate myself for missing the very rare shows they gave there. But I got Joe to put them on his list, it's almost as if they already went platinum.

If you liked Doctor Livingstone, you'll surely enjoy Plebeian Grandstand. Really not the same thing structure-wise, but if you like your bm to be hardcore infused and highly dissonant, it's the thing to listen to. Unless you already did. What else do you know from the list? Maybe I could direct you at something.
16.09.2014 - 01:31
Written by Ilham on 16.09.2014 at 01:05

If you liked Doctor Livingstone, you'll surely enjoy Plebeian Grandstand. Really not the same thing structure-wise, but if you like your bm to be hardcore infused and highly dissonant, it's the thing to listen to. Unless you already did. What else do you know from the list? Maybe I could direct you at something.

Thanks for the recommendation! I will surely give that band my time, sure sounds like something I would enjoy. Actually, I've only been recently getting into crust punk and discovered a bunch of tasty bands who incorporate some sludge and black metal in their crust dominated sound, the likes of Fall of Efrafa, Black Monolith, Tragedy, Martyrdöd etc. Have to say I love that combination and your list does have quite a few of those bands on it so I keep coming back to it looking to make more amazing discoveries. So far it has been a fruitful journey thanks to you. ^_^

Apart from that, my preference in metal is generally more on the bleak and dissonant side of the genre and that is true for quite a few of the bands on the list that I already know of. Specifically that Doctor Livingstone record that I already mentioned and Nails's latest effort. I also found that Herod album quite to my liking, so I can say that that particular blend of atmospheric sludge is definitely something I'm into. So that woulld be the kind of thing I hold an interest for. ^_^
16.09.2014 - 02:00
Have you tried Converge? It was my very first hardcore band and it remains my favourite.

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