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The Algorithm - OCTOPUS4

7.7 | 38 votes |
Release date: 2 June 2014
Style: Djent, Electronic


27 have it
6 want it

01. autoRun
02. discovery
03. _MOS
04. will_smith
06. synthesiz3r
07. damage points
08. void
09. loading
10. un dernier combat
11. recovery fail!
12. octopus4

Additional info
Will be exclusively available in CD and digital formats as part of a funding development for a shoot-em-up space fighter, intended for release on PS4, Mac OSX, Linux and Windows PC platforms.

Guest review by
The Algorithm, as its name suggests, is an electronic one-man project held by Rémi Gallego. His 2012 debut, Polymorphic Code, was as good a surprise as opening a box of Danish cookies and finding actual cookies in it - and the good chocolaty kind, not the ones with the dried-up, tooth-breaking raisins. Its unique recipe of djent and electro left us all longing for this new release, OCTOPUS4, which I am supposed to tell you about.

published 13.07.2014 | Comments (9)

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Comments: 25   Visited by: 150 users
20.03.2014 - 22:49
A staff guy...
Looking forward to this for sure! Thanks Nero for informing/adding!
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

29.03.2014 - 15:21
Rating: 9
Extremely excited for this as well
04.05.2014 - 01:22
Can't wait for this beast to come out. From what I've heard, it must be very interesting.
达到光亮之前我是个小龙 |
05.06.2014 - 14:21
Rating: 9
First impressions and verdict - it's awesome!!!! I REALLY dig it... there's not as much metal as the last album, but the musicianship is waaay better this time. One of the best albums of 2014 so far imo. 5/5
14.06.2014 - 11:11
Rating: 9
Written by Sword_Chant on 05.06.2014 at 14:21

First impressions and verdict - it's awesome!!!! I REALLY dig it... there's not as much metal as the last album, but the musicianship is waaay better this time. One of the best albums of 2014 so far imo. 5/5

But guitars are pretty good here. I though that there are strings in 'AutoRun' while it was guitar with reverb lol.
07.07.2014 - 01:03
Rating: 8
Giant robot
I think this one went a bit too far nintendo for a bit too long in the first third of the album. The '90s eurodance bit in synthesiz3r, directly followed by dubstep drops and a guitar solo must be the best 50 seconds of this album. Drum and bass, trip-hop, industrial, post-rock, djent, jazz and old school EBM elements are not thrown at your face for no reason. I just love how it all blends. He should have refrained from rapping in that bit though.

I don't miss the guitars - and the metal in general - that were a lot more present in the first opus, and I acclaim the song-writing skills that are obviously maturing. It's a must listen for anybody that doesn't mind listening to such an intricate cocktail of genres and influences, that fall for a majority of them far outside of metal.
07.07.2014 - 01:26
X-Ray Rod
Damn I forgot how good this stuff was. I don't remember the debut so well (besides loving it) but this one seems more... danceable. It feels quite fantastic if I'm not too ashamed of dancing around in my room hahaha.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

07.07.2014 - 01:34
Rating: 8
Giant robot
Well I wouldn't say danceable. I'd say it's headbang-able, mosh-able, and awkwardly moving like a robot-able if you're white.
I'm saying that but I can dance to almost anything.
07.07.2014 - 01:38
X-Ray Rod
I don't dance... I just awkwardly move in my room. Couldn't bring myself to do anything more than that in front of everyone. If I could, I'd totally dance to this but I don't think many people would did this in da club.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

07.07.2014 - 01:52
Rating: 8
Giant robot
Dance like nobody's watching baby. Whatever happened to that -now I think is fake- fabulousness RuPaul and Tyra passed on to us and that you were so shamelessly displaying the other day? Son I am dissapoint.

Mind you there are clubs that play good quality dubstep/EDM/EBM/industrial/drum n bass etc. I wouldn't be surprised to hear something like this in the couple of clubs I've been to that specialize in that type of sound.
07.07.2014 - 02:19
X-Ray Rod
Written by Ilham on 07.07.2014 at 01:52
Mind you there are clubs that play good quality dubstep/EDM/EBM/industrial/drum n bass etc. I wouldn't be surprised to hear something like this in the couple of clubs I've been to that specialize in that type of sound.

Sounds awesome. They don't exist here. At least not anywhere I've been in Sweden.
I did the fabulous "dancing like nobody is watching" once. It was fun, I was half drunk and they had lots of fog going on so i felt secure of my dignity. I get my shy moments, girl! Which is basically... All dancing moments. xD
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

07.07.2014 - 02:44
Account deleted
Sounds like Yuzo Koshiro on speed from what I've heard. Looks like an improvement on the debut, but I wonder if the whole novelty factor has been overcome. I'll give it a rinse tomorrow.
07.07.2014 - 03:18
Rating: 8
Giant robot
Written by [user id=4365] on 07.07.2014 at 02:44

Sounds like Yuzo Koshiro on speed from what I've heard. Looks like an improvement on the debut, but I wonder if the whole novelty factor has been overcome. I'll give it a rinse tomorrow.

Yuzo is a lot cheesier . It's an improvement if you're ready to hear only 10% metal or metal inspired material. I just think he felt more free to use all the stuff he's influenced by, in this one. That makes the song patterns more complicated but he manages the transitions very smoothly. But maybe some wouldn't like all that display of influences and could take it as a "hey look at what I can do" kind of thing. It doesn't get too technical or wanker-ish though, but that's my impression.
07.07.2014 - 03:23
Account deleted
Written by Ilham on 07.07.2014 at 03:18

Yuzo is a lot cheesier . It's an improvement if you're ready to hear only 10% metal or metal inspired material. I just think he felt more free to use all the stuff he's influenced by, in this one. That makes the song patterns more complicated but he manages the transitions very smoothly. But maybe some wouldn't like all that display of influences and could take it as a "hey look at what I can do" kind of thing. It doesn't get too technical or wanker-ish though, but that's my impression.

Well this definitely erred on the side of cheesy from my skim through =p

It's the lack of metal that makes this sound better really. The previous album seemed kind of fad-ish as the metal components sounded so embarrassingly rudimentary that it just seemed like it was put there to show off. This sounds a bit more consistent. The whole video game music mimicry thing has been done a lot though recently so not sure this will hold my attention for the duration.
07.07.2014 - 03:25
Rating: 8
Giant robot
Written by X-Ray Rod on 07.07.2014 at 02:19

Sounds awesome. They don't exist here. At least not anywhere I've been in Sweden.
I did the fabulous "dancing like nobody is watching" once. It was fun, I was half drunk and they had lots of fog going on so i felt secure of my dignity. I get my shy moments, girl! Which is basically... All dancing moments. xD

So cute.

Seriously, if they're not totally specialized in that scene, I'm sure there are theme nights at the clubs in Sweden. I'd be very surprised if Montpellier had two clubs like that and there were none in your area. But then again the French love their electronic music. We also have huge, acclaimed festivals in the south for that. The clubs are still usually underground to not very popular, and thankfully pretty cheap because of the not-so-classy population they attract.
07.07.2014 - 03:30
Account deleted
Regarding what can be danced to, this is basically me.

07.07.2014 - 03:34
Rating: 8
Giant robot
Written by [user id=4365] on 07.07.2014 at 03:23

Well this definitely erred on the side of cheesy from my skim through =p

It's the lack of metal that makes this sound better really. The previous album seemed kind of fad-ish as the metal components sounded so embarrassingly rudimentary that it just seemed like it was put there to show off. This sounds a bit more consistent. The whole video game music mimicry thing has been done a lot though recently so not sure this will hold my attention for the duration.

Of course it's cheesy. But I said Yuzo was cheesIER. You really want me to dot the i real big huh?

I totally agree. As I said before the 8bit thing is a little overused in the first songs. But then I am rapidly irritated by that stuff. I prefer when he goes into that whole EBM/indus/dubstep like a curious dog without a leash. The leash being the metal parts. Did you get to that part I talked about? '90s dance followed by wubwuwbwubstep and a far away solo? Awesome.
07.07.2014 - 03:38
Account deleted
I'm generally pretty repulsed by wubs of any kind, even when Igorrr uses them, so I'll brace myself for that bit tomorrow =p
07.07.2014 - 03:44
Rating: 8
Giant robot
Haha. Smiley, classic. He pops on on my screen in various roles from times to time. I should give Spaced a rerun though. I'm sure you're exactly like that. Let's not even start comparing the looks.

I'm a sucker for almost every kind of electronic music. Must be why I love this album so much. Love me wubwuwbwubwubwubs as well. Nah seriously even if you don't like the whole album, I think it's rare enough to give it at least a couple songs a try.
07.07.2014 - 03:50
Account deleted
Dubstep, unless it sounds like Burial, is just about the only form of electronic music that doesn't appeal to me in some way really. I'm fairy sure this record will hold high levels of enjoyment for me. It sounds pretty slick.
07.07.2014 - 16:22
Rating: 9
I'd still say this is one of my favourite releases of 2014. A lot of releases this year have been death metal so when this came out it was a welcome change! I grew up on playing all the NES games as a kid... there's not all that much metal but the new Wolves In The Throne Room album is similar. Although there's hardly any heavy parts, I thought it was stronger and more consistent than Polymorphic Code.
27.12.2014 - 21:41
Rating: 7
I preferred Polymorphic Code to this album on first listen, a more of an appeal than this for me. Still really love those nostalgic, retro electronics.
10.09.2015 - 00:09
Rating: 8
I don't know how I stumbled upon this band, nor why the hell they are on MS, I think I was looking for prog-trance bands in the vein of Shpongle and somebody recommended this. Well it doesn't sound the least bit like Shpongle (except for a few dub passages, but that's a stretch) but I found a new quite likable artist in the process. This album loses me sometimes, especially in the most "8-bitty" parts and that horrible French rap thing, but as a whole it's a very interesting listen even though I hardly listen to any trance (or other electronica) and not a single djent band.
Whenever I write something funny, keep in mind I learned English through Baldur's Gate.
29.09.2015 - 18:15
A staff guy...
Written by Netzach on 10.09.2015 at 00:09

I don't know how I stumbled upon this band, nor why the hell they are on MS, I think I was looking for prog-trance bands in the vein of Shpongle and somebody recommended this. Well it doesn't sound the least bit like Shpongle (except for a few dub passages, but that's a stretch) but I found a new quite likable artist in the process. This album loses me sometimes, especially in the most "8-bitty" parts and that horrible French rap thing, but as a whole it's a very interesting listen even though I hardly listen to any trance (or other electronica) and not a single djent band.

He's on here because some of his earlier material, and his last album, has a rather djent-like sound and style to it. Was deemed to be relative enough to the djent scene to be permitted.
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

30.09.2015 - 13:20
Account deleted
Yeah, I'll go with the majority and say the previous album is slightly better. This one lacks the craziness, but it makes up for it with insane dancibility.

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