@X-Ray Rod, I'm from Russia, but I've moved to Argentina couple of years ago. Chile... well, it's not work related, I guess I'm just looking for a country in South America to settle in, and Chile seems to be the best choice
Another thing is that to think about history one has to do more than basic survival, and world's in a bad shape for most people to do more than simply exist.
@corrupt: The reason we as species don't learn from history is because history is many times longer than a lifespan of a single human. Anything at that scale is beyond comprehension of most people.
I hope I never become so cynical and say "eff everything, I dont care anymore". But sadly I'm seeing many friends that, even though we share the same values, simply do not want to engage with current events in any way.
I like to believe most people want the same thing (food, health, education, stability, order, etc) and belong to the first group. Desperation is one hell of a drug.