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Debut New Single
Debut New Single
Jan 10
Call It Quits
Call It Quits
Jan 10
Page: 1
Hello there. Welcome to Metal Storm.
14:25 - MetalHead8567
Hey everyone!
13:23 - Cynic Metalhead
He who builds expectations must be prepared to meet them. For me, corrupt is server fixation AI.
13:06 - corrupt
Set a good baseline for expectation management? ^^
12:51 - nikarg
We have become spoiled, we should go back to "unable to connect to the database" for a day or two :P
12:08 - corrupt
Good thing phones have a DND mode for nights :D
12:06 - corrupt
hahaha, we don't even have any alerting. Ain't nobody got money for that. Most of my in-bed server status updates are text messages by Ivor.
Guests: 782