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Streaming New Track
Nov 15
Page: 1
I do traveling sales and I wouldn’t be able to work without a laptop/ipad tbh. And I actually feel the opposite where my laptop is good enough that I had no use for a desktop anymore
12:53 - Roman DoezI also met a woman in Beijing who was speaking in a strange mix of English, German and Chinese it was fun trying to decipher that
12:52 - Roman DoezI've been in China for 3 months now and I have a very elementary Chinese level while Chinese people usually don't speak English very well, but I've still managed to have conversations with people thanks mostly to deepl
12:51 - Roman DoezTo come back to the language conversation, although having a way to speak fluently with everyone is the ideal, I think we can manage pretty well today thanks to translation apps
09:41 - corruptIf you don't have anything meaningful to contribute, then don't. If you can't be trusted with this simple rule then we can help. Shoutbox privileges are what the name says: privileges.
09:39 - corruptApart from that your shout contributes nothing to what no one said. Are you so bored that all you can contribute to other peoples' stories is tell them why something they do is wrong in your opinion?
09:36 - corruptYeah like travel
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