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1999-  Eve Heinaste - vocals
1999-  Dzenan "Geno" Kapidzic - guitars
2000-  Jan Sigemyr - bass
2003-  Gustav Ladén - keyboards, rhythm guitars
2005-  Isak Andersson - drums
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1999-2004  Emil Gustafsson - drums
2002-2004  Rikard Johansson - bass
2004-2005  Magnus Hård - drums
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Latest reviews

X - Z - O - R - I - A - T - H- GOOO ZXORIATH!

Third Demo chance for Xzoriath, second one reviewed here at the site (I reviewed their previous work "Redimensioned"). If you took attention to their last effort, you won't notice many chances...
Review by Undercraft ››
Xzoriath is a band with an unusual name, that's for sure, I have no clue of what the word stands for, the band was formed in Linköping, Sweden in 1999, and this is their third demo so far.
5 song demo of this band that could be described as...
Review by Undercraft ››


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