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2000-  Jason Hartman - guitars, vocals
2000-2010  Nikki Drohomyreky - vocals, keyboards, guitars
› 2010-  -//- vocals, keyboards
2015-  Jerry Sofran - bass
2015-  Hart Allan Miller - drums
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2000-2002  Barrett Lahey - bass
2000-2003  Neil Everett - drums
2003-2004  Lauren K. Newman - drums
2003-2004  Eric Hold - bass
› 2010-2015  -//-
2004-2010  Ben Farringer - drums
2005-2010  Travis Marks - bass
2010-2015  Ben Stroller - drums
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Since their formation back in 2000, Vanishing Kids have been releasing interesting albums that do not sound very similar to each other. With the addition of bassist Jerry Soffran next to the founding duo of Nikki Drohomyreky (voice, organ, synthesizers)...
Review by nikarg ››

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