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Embrace Depart

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.


2003-  Akis Vamvakides - drums
2003-  Stathis Gazepis - vocals
2003-  Pashalis Toufexis - guitars
2003-  Vaggelis Bakos - guitars
2003-  Giannis Toufexis - keyboards
2004-  George Iliakopoulos - bass
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2003-2004  Teo Tsiklanis - bass
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Latest reviews

Embrace Depart is a band hailing from Edessa, Greece and they are moving in melodic/atmospheric gothic metal soundscapes and I have to say that they are an interesting act!

During 2005 they released "Promo 2005" which consists of 4 compositions...
Review by KwonVerge ››


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