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Subliminal Crusher


2002-  Jerico Biagiotti - bass
2002-  Rawdeath - drums
2013-  Marco Benedetti - guitars
2013-  Lorenzo Lucchini - guitars
2013-  Emiliano Liti - vocals
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2002-2006  Elvys Damiano - guitars
2003-2008  TooZ - vocals
2004-2013  Hatewerk - guitars
2008-2009  Panduk - guitars
2009-2010  Andy - guitars
2009-2013  Steph - vocals
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2008  Christofer Malmström - guitars

Latest reviews

"Antithesis" is the 2nd album of my Italian mates of Subliminal Crusher. If their first album "Life Drought" was already a good surprise and a damn great start, I was expecting that this "Antithesis" could be a confirmation...
Review by Jeff ››
Death Metal from Italy? hum well that's not really common at least for the ones who don't live in this country, but when I see the first demo "Life Drought" of Subliminal Crusher, I have the feeling that maybe it could be a good idea...
Review by Jeff ››

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