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1989-  Patrick Germonville - vocals
1989-  Jean Noel Verbecq - bass
1994-  Alexis Baudin - guitars
2010-  Yohann Voirin - drums
2022-  Gautier "Goat" Merklen - guitars
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1989-1993  Guy Pommet - drums
1989-1993  Gilles Pincet - guitars
1989-1994  Jean-Paul Gralak - guitars
1993-1995  Jean-Serge Kuhn - guitars
1993-1998  Jean-Yves Chateaux - drums
1996-1999  Christophe De La Fuente - guitars
1999-2002  Christophe Touly - guitars
2000-2003  Dirk Verbeuren - drums
2003-2004  Julien Ferber - drums
2003-2016  Paul Perrin - guitars
2004-2007  Gael Feret - drums
2007-2010  Johann Valleck - drums
2016-2021  Bastien Legras - guitars
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2015-2016  Cédric Gérard - guitars

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Mortuary is a band from France and I thought they were newcomers to the scene, but when I went to their website I found with surprise that they are around since 1990, and this is their third album, so we're dealing with some veterans here?

So what's...
Review by Undercraft ››


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