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Hollow Haze


2003-  Nick Savio - guitars
2010-  Dave Cestaro - bass
2017-  Paolo "Dimitri" Caridi - drums
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2003-2008  Dan Keying - vocals
2003-2008  Paolo Veronese - drums
2003-2008  Matt Cingano - bass
2008-2010  Ivan Rave - vocals
2008-2010  Fabio Perini - drums
2008-2010  Massimo "Max" Cassol - bass
2008-2010  Simone Scardanzan - keyboards
2008-2012  Simone Giorgini - keyboards
2010-2012  Alessandro Sonato - vocals
2010-2017  Camillo Calleluori - drums
2012-2014  Fabio Lione - vocals
2015-2017  Giorgia Colleluori - vocals
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2014-2015  Mats Levén - vocals
2015-  Ivan Giannini - vocals
2014  Fabio Dessi - vocals
2014  Simon Dredo - bass
2006  Fausto Torresan - guitars
2013  Rick Altzi - vocals
› 2015  -//-
2013  Aligi Pasqualetto - keyboards
2015  Amanda Somerville-Scharf - vocals
2015  Claudia Layline - vocals
2019  Alessandro Conti - vocals
2019  Simone Mularoni - guitar solo
2019  Michele Luppi - keyboards

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For a not well-known band, hiring a famous vocalist is always an important career booster, often independent from the quality of the album that gets released. Then, if the singer is renowned Fabio Lione (Rhapsody Of Fire, Vision Divine) and the output...
Review by R Lewis ››

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