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Magic Kingdom


1998-  Dushan Petrossi - guitars, backing vocals, keyboards
1998-  Vassili Moltchanov - bass
2014-  Michael Brush - drums
2019-  Michael Vescera - vocals
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1998-2004  Chris Hoffbauer - drums
1998-2006  Max Leclerq - vocals
1998-2007  Frederik Donche - keyboards
2004-2006  Anton Arkhipov - drums
2006-NA  Olaf Hayer - vocals
2007  Nick Spreutels - drums
2007  Julien Spreutels - keyboards
2007-2014  Roma Siadletski - vocals
2008-2014  Philippe "Phil" Giordana - keyboards
2008-2014  Freddy Ortscheid - drums
2014-2019  Christian Palin - vocals, additional keyboards
2019  Fabio Lione - vocals
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2010  Geraldine Gadaut - soprano voice
2010  Oliver Hartmann - backing vocals and epic choirs
2004  Oliver Hartmann - vocals
2004  Babis "Bob" Katsionis - keyboards
2010  Herbie Langhans - voice
2019  Philippe "Phil" Giordana - keyboard solo

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Power Metal from Belgium? hmm that isn't anything we hear every day, so just the origin is tempting here. Not only the origin, but I guess you get my point.
And Power Metal is a very common style today, but sometimes it's possible to find a...
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