Recording New Music
Recording New Music
Jan 31
Announce Fourth LP
Announce Fourth LP
Jan 31
Page: 1
Sometimes I just like the Ambience some games and movies have. [link]
01:52 - Ch'ti
I wanted to nominate DGM but it's closer to prog. I guess I will choose Iron Attack!. I don't know about their last 70 albums but I find the last one pretty good.
01:45 - F3ynman
the two genres that I probably dislike the most. Needless to say that I have no clue about the fusion. But, if you have your own nomination in mind, then you're free to add it anywhere you like, I think!
01:21 - Ch'ti
Are progressive power albums in the prog or are they in the power category?
01:19 - Ch'ti
@F3ynman I first thought that you were talking about the subgenre, but after I thought you thought that I thought about that so you were talking about the band genre.
01:16 - F3ynman
oh I thought you meant the subgenre lol
01:13 - Ch'ti
@Feynman I don't think that the new Funeral is a funeral doom despite the name of the band. The band profile also says that it's not a funeral doom band anymore.
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