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Funérarium - Discography

This band's profile is 'invisible', meaning that it's much less prominent on the site - either because it's incomplete, or maybe doesn't entirely fit MS format.

Studio (15)
EP (2)

Showing 15 releases of 17 [ show all ]

01. Prisoner Of The Penumbra
02. Enfield Poltergeist 1977
03. The Death Of The Dawn
04. Nocturnal Presence
05. The Children Of Satan
06. The Beyond

01. Kingdom Of Spirit
02. Suicide Room
03. Kardec Prophety
04. From The Outside
05. Evelyn Mc Hale
06. The Cry Of Limbo
07. Goodbye And Forever [bonus]

01. Abaddon
02. Liberame
03. Tenebris
04. Seventh Hallmark
05. Black Coronation
06. The Servants Of Baphomet
07. Brothers Of Darkness

01. Eternal Punishment
02. Salvation
03. The Cruelty Of The Life
04. Solitude
05. The Treason

01. Hatred In My Blood
02. Sorrow Boning
03. Dark Glory
04. Tenebre Amor
05. Last Chapter
06. Nocturnus
07. Abyssal Addiction

01. Necro World
02. Left Too Early
03. The Lord Of Distress
04. Sadness Of Soul
05. Without Armor
06. The Flayed
07. Sky Heritage
08. Melancholy Act

01. The Failure Of The Christe
02. Timore Nocturno
03. Nigrum In Fletu
04. Prayer For The Dead
05. Alone
06. I'm Coming
07. Avec Le Temps
08. Prisoner Of Penumbra

01. Ouverture
02. Deliverance
03. The Messenger Of The Death
04. Fallen
05. The Conquest Of Arcadia
06. Umbra Angeli
07. Feodus
08. I Promise
09. The Armed Arms Of Lilith
10. Divine Massacre

01. Rivail Origine
02. Le Cercle Spirit (Paris 1855)
03. Présence
04. Le Livre Des Esprits (1857)
05. Spiritisme
06. Éloge Funèbre (Mort d'Allan Kardec 1869)

01. Haunted
02. EVP
03. I Will Watch Over You
04. Believe In Me
05. The White Lady Of Charle Fort
06. Let Me Go
07. Remember Me
08. Loneliness In The Afterlife
09. The End [bonus]

01. Les Pleurs Sinistre Du Cimetiere
02. Deuil Eternel
03. Cris Sans Theme
04. Fossoyeur
05. Dans La Froideur De Ma Tombe
06. Advitam Catafalque
07. Croix De Bois
08. Condoleance

01. The Awakening Of Anubis
02. Schield From Another World
03. The Rite
04. Amenti
05. Black Sand
06. Offering To The Gods
07. Curse
08. Horizon

01. Adieu
02. Pourquoi Moi
03. Reste
04. Sèche Tes Larmes
05. Neurasthenie
06. Lumière Blanche
07. Ne Me Quitte Pas [Jacques Brel cover]
08. C'est La Vie
09. Ne Crois Pas
10. Bas Astral [bonus]

01. Welcome To Salem
02. Witch Hunt
03. Tituba Torture
04. Heretical Loneliness
05. Ember Sentence
06. The Condemned
07. Woodrow's Revenge
08. First Sabbath
09. A Witch Is Born

01. Zeta Reticuli
02. Stellar Desolation
03. Death Of Space
04. Malicious Manipulation
05. Massive Arrival
06. We Are Here
07. Abduction [feat. Stéphane Buriez]
08. RR-4
09. Mandragore Odyssey
10. Putrid Reflextion Of Vanity [bonus]