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Bog Wizard - A Frog In The Bog lyrics


01. Reptilian Death Squad

The Marsh



Death Squad

02. The Frog Lord

Exist in the murk now serene
The Wizard abides in the quietude
Stranger intruding unseen
Disciples at heel by the multitude
Coldly observing the host
Congregation of flowing robes
Plot of destruction provoked
Annihilate this intruding toad

Invasion of strange acts and ways
Amphibian rites in disunity
Mistaken assumption displays
No right to intrude with impunity
Driven conviction obscene
Wasted souls kneel in false belief
Reverence far too extreme
Bloody death shall provide release

Bow down to the power of the Froglord
I am the anti-frog

Bog Wizard
I will never bow

You son of a bitch

A throaty croak
Try not to choke
From slime comes smoke
Behold the smoke of the Froglord
Aura invoked
A noxious cloak
The purple smoke
The Wizard wreathed in a fog hoard

Straight to the brain
These thoughts insane
Through mud and rain
The plume will permeate
Anger in vain
Tension refrain
A shared domain
The Bog Wizard and The Froglord

03. The Bog

Whispers of a beast hidden in the depths
Feeling the shadow reach from the east to west
Devil, you soon will face my amphibian wrath
Demon flame and darkness is what will be left

I’ll hunt you down to the end of the world of this planet of mine
None shall stand to oppose me, that is the bottom line

Here, here is a mystery
the cryptic ways of The Bog Wizard, the ancient words he speaks

I am the only one to rule this planet here
None shall stand to oppose my throne; my rage will make that clear

04. The Wizard

You’re so deep in to my world
You don’t stand a chance
So let us commence and start the opening moves
Of this final dance

So begins this ultimate battle of the greats
The wizard he stands up against this frog
A clash of the titans awaits

I have wandered across the earth
Come to the mire of the wizard
Covered in moss and empty eyes
He soon will fall to my death ray sight

The sole reason that I came here was to make you disappear
With my cult of followers, you shall die soon or become one of us

05. The Bog Wizard

The weight of this fight, I can’t go on
We are equally matched
The land and the sea, yeah all can agree
We should no longer clash

And collaborate in this, unforgiving riff
And give worship too, the stoner, sludge and doom
These transcendent fumes, blessed upon us chosen few

You and I we must unite, make peace over the leaf
And inhale the fumes of the slime, follow the smoke toward the riff
You and I we shall not fight, but fill the pipe with your leaf
And breathe in the fumes of my slime, consumed by the riff

It seems like time has all led to this, the great session with The Bog Wizard
For so long we were such foes, but I’m so high that was long ago

New, planes we’re arriving to, we shall break on through
Through the gates of time
Here, suspended for a year, without doubt or fear
Lost to the throes of the frogbog ride

At the end of this long journey who here would of thought
These titans unite in harmony, Froglord and Bog Wizard
But now we must each go our ways; it is time to depart