Recording New Music
Recording New Music
Jan 31
Announce Fourth LP
Announce Fourth LP
Jan 31
Page: 1
New yovel [link]
06:00 - no one
Still got the picture on my wall
04:36 - Vellichor
Look back at the old awards talk about the best moments, like that time you clicked the vote button in 2015
04:03 - no one
What do u do for an anniversary?
03:55 - ScreamingSteelUS
preserve. But I have given thought to the next anniversary edition, and I would like to have another. I thought it was a lot of fun.
03:54 - ScreamingSteelUS
Ah, I see. Although technically that’s still incorrect - there actually were Metal Storm Awards for several years prior to 2004, it’s just that they aren’t archived on the current site; 2004 is just the earliest year we stil
03:01 - NastyHero
I didn't say MS 20th Anniversary - I said MS_A(wards)_ 20th Anniversary. Which was last year : ) Yeah, you did anniversary awards for 10th anniversary, so I thought it'd have been cool to have it for 20th as well.
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