Recording New Music
Recording New Music
Jan 31
Announce Fourth LP
Announce Fourth LP
Jan 31
Page: 1
My Dying Bride have always played gothic doom metal.
09:31 - Kaos svarta mar
Apples and pears, but death looks quite good from apples perspective.
09:22 - Iceland_Norway
My Dying Bride is a Depressive Doom Metal not Gothic for what I know.
08:41 - Cynic Metalhead
And MSA is a great edition to find one. It's time to ride on this fucking train that will last for a month, before results roll in with some unrealistic choices.
08:40 - Cynic Metalhead
I know I'm jumping late on it, but MSA are open. Anyone reading this request to listen all noms before you punch your vote in. From my experience of 13 yrs here, I've got to find great hidden gems which are stuck with me.
06:00 - no one
New yovel [link]
06:00 - no one
Still got the picture on my wall
Guests: 1156