Recording New Music
Recording New Music
Jan 31
Announce Fourth LP
Announce Fourth LP
Jan 31
Page: 1
I know I'm jumping late on it, but MSA are open. Anyone reading this request to listen all noms before you punch your vote in. From my experience of 13 yrs here, I've got to find great hidden gems which are stuck with me.
06:00 - no one
New yovel [link]
06:00 - no one
Still got the picture on my wall
04:36 - Vellichor
Look back at the old awards talk about the best moments, like that time you clicked the vote button in 2015
04:03 - no one
What do u do for an anniversary?
03:55 - ScreamingSteelUS
preserve. But I have given thought to the next anniversary edition, and I would like to have another. I thought it was a lot of fun.
03:54 - ScreamingSteelUS
Ah, I see. Although technically that’s still incorrect - there actually were Metal Storm Awards for several years prior to 2004, it’s just that they aren’t archived on the current site; 2004 is just the earliest year we stil
Guests: 1193