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Aborted - New Lineup

A new year, a new beginning: On those notes we start off the new year, wishing everyone including all our fans the best of luck with their plans and projects for 2006.

Unfortunately we have some unpleasant news to bring as well at this point. Due to personal issues that could not be resolved, Aborted, Tace & Free had to part ways. A cummulation of smaller and bigger problems in the past so and so months has made it virtually impossible to keep cooperating together as a collective unit. Tace & Free are not vanishing, they will remain active in their other projects. People will see Free in his other band "Forced Hate" and Tace in a new band.

On a more positive note, we want to state that absolutely nobody out there should worry about shows getting canceled and so on. The February tour with Cryptopsy, Grave, Dew-Scented a.o., will go on as planned! Stepping in are Seb (Genital Grinder/Balrog) on guitar, Olivia (ex-No Return/Balrog) on bass and Matty (Emeth) on guitar as well since Steph could not commit him self to this tour due to his lady sitting at home pregnant, ready to give birth.

We have already rehearsed our setlist with the new line-up several times and things are working out perfectly. The motivation and "drive" is back in the band, something that was missing since a while ago, and it feels great to be jamming out the tunes with fresh blood incorporated. Throughout the years this band has been struggling with the line-up, having more than a couple of line-up changes. However, Aborted has proven that what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger, and this time it should be no exception.

We also started working on the successor to "The Archaic Abattoir", which is set to be recorded later this year. Again we would like to thank all of those who have supported us, and we're glad you are still doing so. We will see many of you on tour in February!


Band profile: Aborted
Posted: 02.01.2006 by Dream Taster | Comments (0)

Aborted - Sign To Century Media

Century Media Records is proud to announce the worldwide signing of Belgian death/grinders, ABORTED! "It's been a very hectic, intense and heavy year for ABORTED," says founder and lead vocalist Sven De Caluwé. "Yet a year in which we have done tons of amazing things, went to amazing places and met a lot of cool new people. One of those amazing things is being signed to a label we believe will be able to lift this band to new heights. They believe in us 200% and are going to help us take the next step in our careers."

The band is gearing up for a North American tour this fall with Suffocation, CRYPTOPSY and DESPISED ICON. This will serve as the band's first full U.S. tour ever! As anyone who saw the band at their Maryland Deathfest appearance can attest, you do not want to miss out on this historical event!

"With our North American tour we will finally be able to get out to the U.S. and Canada and do some damage," De Caluwé says. "Needless to say we are extremely thrilled to hit the road and to be a part of the growing Century Family, a company that stands for nothing but quality releases and that strongly supports every cool act under their wings."

ABORTED's latest offering, The Archaic Abattoir, was licensed in North America via Century Media/Olympic Recordings on May 17th. It has been called "an epic in its own right" (Outburn) and a "highly proficient slab of ultraviolence" (Decibel). Hear and see what the fans and critics have been raving about starting September 28th at a venue near you!

Band profile: Aborted
Posted: 10.08.2005 by Abougrej | Comments (0)

Aborted - New Guitarist

The following statement was recently made on the band's official website:

"We're proud to announce we have found a fitting replacement for Bart, who recently left the band for personal reasons. The new surgeon on duty is no the less than Stephane Soutreyard, who is also known for his stellar work in his other band Yyrkoon. Stef has his first shows with us this weekend on none less than the Furyfest and the Graspop festivals. We can't wait to get on the road this weekend and do these among the other festivals we have planned, see you on stage to blast like hell!

Here are a few words from Stef about joining the band:

"I've been a fan of the band for several years now, especially since their Goremageddon album. It's a real honor for me to join the Aborted line-up. I will do my best to drive an awesome surgery!! Enjoy! See you soon guys!"

Source: Olympic Recordings Newsletter
Band profile: Aborted
Posted: 07.07.2005 by wrathchild | Comments (0)

Aborted - New Album/Special Edition

"Belgian gory death metallers ABORTED will enter Antfarm Studios in Denmark on December 8 with producer Tue Madsen (THE HAUNTED, PANZERCHRIST, MNEMIC, EKTOMORPH, DESTINY) to begin recording their new full-length album, "The Archaic Abattoir", tentatively due in early 2005. Among the 10 songs expected to appear on the album is a re-worked version of "Gestated Rabidity" (off the group's "The Haematobic" EP), as well as "The Inertia", "A Cold Logistic Slaughter", "The Archaic Abattoir", and "Parturient Homicidal Craving"."

Yup, in order to make a very limited & special edition for the new album 'the archaic abattoir', Aborted is looking for fans to make this one special for the band & themselves! A very limited quantity of the new aborted album will be released as 'The Archaic Files' and will be put in a special edition box set featuring the new album + as bonus an 'Evidence bag' filled with crime scene shots of what happened during all the Archaic Abattoir massacre sessions.

We urge the fans who want to help to send out pieces of hair (5cm length orso) broken off nails and such to:

Send your hair taped to paper with some adhesive tape, and nails as well. also everything in a plastic bag. People sending in stuff will get on a list, the list giving you following props:

1-you will be able to purchase this special edition, only people on the list will get the possibility to get this special version, other editions of the album will not have this bonus artwork & packaging.

2-your name will be printed in the crime scene report as VICTIM, so please when sending in stuff, also write in yiour letter you give us permission to put your name in the evidence bag as 'victim'. Just a legal matter which has to be taken care off.

This is your time fans, we need you all to make this work! And this is also our 'thank you' to all the people who have supported the band over the years to do something back for you with this very special edition.

Best regards"
Aborted/listenable Records

Band profile: Aborted
Posted: 09.12.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)