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2018-  Hempa Brynolfsson - guitars
2018-  Linus Nirbrant - guitars
2018-  Gord Olson - vocals
2020-  Tobias Cristiansson - bass
2022-  Per "Perra" Karlsson - drums
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2018-2020  Daryl Kahan - bass
2018-2022  Andrew Whale - drums
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With their best work to date, Darkened have solidified their position at the head of the modern death metal pack, presenting equal amounts of atmospheric melody and addictively fun heaviness.
Review by F3ynman ››
For the second time this year, I'm reviewing a two-song death metal EP with black-and-white cover art. And for the second time, it's a release that is short but sweet.
Review by F3ynman ››

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