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Plebeian Grandstand - Releasing Fourth Album In November

Emerging from the vibrant French music scene, Plebeian Grandstand fuse the musical elements of black metal and hardcore into explosive pieces of Art since 2005. Today, Debemur Morti Productions are proud to announce the signing of the band as well as the release of their fourth studio album Rien Ne Suffit on November 19th, 2021. It was mixed by Amaury Sauvé at The Apiary Studio and mastered by Thibault Chaumont of Deviant Lab. Olivier Lolmède is responsible for the cover artwork.

Plebeian Grandstand comment on joining Debemur Morti Productions:

"When DMP approached us, they were very passionate about our music. We felt that this was the right moment to take a new direction, to work with new people, to talk to a different audience, also to stand alongside DMP bands like Blut Aus Nord and Ulcerate to whom we feel creatively close, even though musically quite different. We expect a solid and long-term collaboration with DMP and hope their audience will connect to our version of overwhelming and non-conventional music."

Track listing is as follows:

01. Masse Critique
02. À Droite Du Démiurge, À Gauche Du Néant
03. Tropisme
04. Part Maudite
05. Angle Mort
06. Espoir Nuit Naufrage
07. Nous En Sommes Là
08. Rien N'y Fait
09. Jouis, Camarade
10. Aube

Band profile: Plebeian Grandstand
Posted: 22.09.2021 by Abattoir


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Comments: 2   Visited by: 15 users
22.09.2021 - 23:00
Great news, love this band.
"Nullum unquam exstitit magnum igenium sine aliqua dementia [there was never great genius without some madness]."

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23.09.2021 - 13:51
Pvt Funderground
Heh. They look like regular Starbucks' customers.

Curious about this one anyway.
Crackhead Megadeth reigns supreme.

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