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Uada - Parted Ways With Guitarist James Sloan

Oregon-based black metal formation Uada shared news that they have officially parted ways with guitarist James Sloan, who was part of the band since 2014. The band's explanation can be read down under.

Statement from the band: "After receiving consecutive accounts and admittance of misconduct, we have decided to let James go. It is of utmost importance that we protect ourselves, the band, and most of all, the fans. After recently learning about years of manipulation, lies, deceit, abuse, and sexual harassment towards many different people, we feel that we have made the absolute best decision in moving forward without him. Our thanks and appreciation go out to everyone who has come forward and provided proof about this situation. Please know that Uada will never stand for this type of behavior and that our only agenda here is music and the spirit of its creation. Unfortunately, due to these circumstances, we are now forced to cancel our appearances in Tasmania and Australia next month, but we hope to make it up to the fans down under as soon as we possibly can. Thank you for your understanding and our deepest apologies to anyone who may have been hurt because of these actions. Sincerely, Jake, Nate, and Josh."

The band has since deleted the statement, but it was captured in screenshots by James Sloan's wife (Caro Li Na) on her Facebook account, along with some of her comments on the post:

Caro Li Na posted the following along with the aforementioned screenshots: "I do not give Uada consent to use my good name or my relationship to make it look like I endorse or support their grave allegations of abuse or sexual harassment against James Sloan. I have requested for the band not to allude to me in the post, and to remove their mention of me from it, but it looks like they don't understand the meaning of consent and free will. Again, I DO NOT CONSENT to this. I DO NOT ENDORSE these accusations against James. For those who don't know, I am the only wife that James has ever had, and we are still legally married, so I am the "ex wife" they refer to. I have not heard anything regarding any abuse or sexual harassment from anyone, not from any women or girls, and certainly not from any of the members of the band, until Uada decided to use me for this post without my permission today. This is an extremely serious matter, and not something to force anyone to endorse without any prior knowledge, without a hint of evidence, or even a request for permission to use their good name and reputation. I feel slandered and harassed by this. This is not an invitation to discuss my private life or James' character. It is, plain an simple, a matter of consent: a consent I have not given this band at any point. Thank you.

"UPDATE: the band has deleted or hidden my comments asking to be removed from their post. They have decided to silence me, and to keep using me for their agenda regardless. The vocalist has since resorted to share screenshots of my private conversations with him (from when I thought that he was my friend) in which I discuss my mental health and emotions with him, in an attempt to make me look mentally unfit to know better than to stand up for myself in this matter. Those conversations had absolutely nothing to do with Uada's current allegations of sexual harassment or abuse against James (which I am convinced are entirely false). They are nothing but evidence of a normal grieving process after a breakup that has been especially hard for me.

"EDIT: I DO NOT GIVE UADA CONSENT TO PUBLISH MY PRIVATE MESSAGES, which they have been publishing and divulging, cropped and out-of-context, in an attempt to make it look like I support their defamatory claims (libel) against James Sloan. One of those private messages published by Uada mentions two of my mental health conditions. That is a public disclosure of a private fact. This means pretty much what it sounds like: "A private fact is an intimate detail of one's private life that is not generally known. Common examples of private facts include information about medical conditions, sexual orientation and history, and financial status. It may also include things like someone's social security or phone number, if that information is not ordinarily publicly available.

She later posted the following statement: "I should be taking care of myself now, but I am instead put in a position in which I feel the need to defend James Sloan and myself from the defamatory accusations made by Uada. I never went to "them" (Uada). I confided in Jake Superchi privately right after my breakup, as the friend I thought he was. We discussed my grief over the affairs that my still-husband had with their fans. As it turns out, Superchi had known about some of them for years, and he had chosen to keep quiet about them, so his sudden public outrage about James' involvement with the fans is nothing but staged. A current member of the band was recently involved with a fan too, and they kept him, just like they kept James knowingly for so long, until now. If Uada had stuck to the truth, that is, that James has had affairs with their fans, I would have corroborated this in private if needed. I do not stand for the slanderous (not to mention horribly distasteful) way that the band has treated this matter. I specifically told Superchi that I do not like to give details about my personal life in public. I have not discussed any of this openly until now, and I am only doing so because Uada has forced me to do so by continuing to allude to me in a slanderous way in order to defame James. I feel intensely harassed by Uada without cause. The one and only thing that I stated in public about my breakup before Uada's defamatory post was that James and I would get divorced, and that we were never in an open relationship. I never intended to "expose" his disloyalty to me in this awful way, or I would have. I'm barely processing what happened between us, I don't need any of this. Uada keeps trying to use me to defame James, perhaps to justify their abrupt decision to let him go for what must be personal differences. Just two nights before making his defamatory post, Superchi told me that they were all moving forward together. The next day, James told me that they had a fight on their way to Portland, and they fired him. I reiterate that I have never heard anything about sexual harassment or abuse by James aside from the defamatory post by Uada. I am (and have always been) convinced that these are mere fabrications. I wish I'd never hear from this band again in my life."

James Sloan also posted the following statement on Metal World United's Facebook page, a post shared by his wife: "As there have been some greatly misleading and downright defamatory and inaccurate statements made about my behavior, I feel the need to now tell my side of the story.

"In 2015, I was approached by Jake Superchi to start a new band along with two members of my band at the time, Infernus. This new band soon after would become Uada. In the years that I spent in this project, I wrote guitar riffs, leads, and solos for four studio albums, and continuously performed in many countries around the world as Uada's lead guitarist, as the band became widely popular and world-famous. These long years spent dedicated to this project were anything but easy, but to me it was all always worth it for the art and energy of playing that I loved sharing with the world.

"During the early years of the band, I was in and out of a few short relationships, but, in 2017, I met Carolina Andujar (Caro, as her friends call her), and fell in love with her instantly. A year later, I began residing with her in Colombia, South America, where we also got married. During the course of our relationship and marriage, Jake Superchi expressed several times both to me and to other Uada members how displeased he was with the fact that I had taken up residency in another country, so far away from him and the other Uada members, because I had ceased to be available upon request for impromptu rehearsals or spontaneous music writing sessions. These same issues represented a problem for Jake Superchi when any Uada members started serious relationships with women who lived outside of the United States, or far enough from Uada’s main headquarters.

"Even though Caro and I had agreed to be exclusive since we first started dating, and we were always in a committed relationship, I had affairs throughout the time that we dated, and continued to have them after we got married. Some of the people that I was involved with were Uada fans, and Jake Superchi watched those affairs happen. On april 12th 2023, my wife Carolina found out about some of my affairs throughout our relationship and marriage, and she confronted me when I came back home after tour. I decided to be honest and forthcoming, and I disclosed the totality of these affairs to her. Carolina told me that she wanted to get a divorce, and, with great sadness, I agreed to her petition. We have not yet started these proceedings, so we are still married. Although heartbroken, we decided to remain friends and stay in each other's lives forever.

"At this point, Caro and I agreed to reach out to a very select group of friends to seek support through such hard times. The friends that we agreed to confide in were, specifically, her sister Isabel, our friend Carlos, our friend Luke, and our then-friend, also my then-bandmate, Jake Superchi. I wrote to Jake informing him that we would be separating, and that the previous days had been the hardest of my life. Carolina and I only had the time to discuss our issues and immediate future for about a week, after which I had to leave for tour immediately again.

"Once I left Colombia to resume touring, Caro reached out to Jake to confide in him as a friend on May 6th 2023, of which I was unaware. They messaged a bit about our breakup, and then they had a long voice conversation. In the course of this conversation, Jake gave her details about my affairs that he had witnessed, and he also posed questions about our relationship’s private sexual agreements. During the two weeks that the tour lasted, from 05/10/23 until about 05/25/23, Jake was either contacting Caro or answering to her messages with false information about me, seemingly trying to convince her to separate completely from me and to cut ties with me, even though both of us had continually stated that we planned to remain close friends, and in each other’s lives. Those two weeks of tour were, until more recently, the hardest days of my life. I was crushed under my own guilt, regret, and heartbreak for what I had done, but I did my best to play my heart out every night on stage. Caro kept insisting that I should have a private talk with Jake, and she also kept asking Jake to have a clear and direct talk with me, as she felt uncomfortable with the whole situation. On 05/24/23, the tour came to a close in Florida, where we would spend a few days resting before returning back to the Pacific Northwest. On 05/26/23, our final day before driving home, Jake and I finally had a chance to talk privately. On that occasion, he was supposed to be "confronting" me about my involvement with fans. This is something that he allegedly has always frowned upon. However, it is something that he has watched happen not just with me, but with many former and current Uada members, without expressing anything against it beyond "we need to be careful to avoid a scandal". This talk turned out to be Jake barely mentioning my infidelity at all, instead focusing on his plans for us to come together as a band again and start writing a new album immediately. He told me he was relieved that Caro and I would be getting a divorce, as I would finally be back living near him, and we could rehearse and write together more frequently. He omitted the fact that he had been talking with Caro for weeks behind my back, not only lying about me to her, but also telling her that he was waiting for this day to "confront" me about the affairs. It came as no surprise to me he would not be angry or authoritative about my affairs, as he had been in close proximity or present for many of them that had occurred over the years.

"After this talk with me, Jake Superchi sent my wife a private message telling her he was going to proceed to cut communication with her because someone had reached out to him to accuse her of some undisclosed wrongdoing, and he needed to "put up his walls". At this point, Caro realized that something was obviously off. She contacted me and filled me in on everything that had happened, and what he had said to her about me over the previous two weeks. This information not only confused me greatly, but it also made me feel very angry.

"I believe that, the next morning, Jake was still unaware that I knew everything, as he came to me in the morning to show me a very cleverly cropped screenshot of a couple of Caro's messages that she had replied to Jake after his final message to her. I was not even given a chance to respond as he took his phone back because the other band members had walked over to us. We soon left the place we had been staying at, and started driving back to Oregon from Florida.

"Around an hour after we started driving, we stopped at a restaurant to eat lunch. At this time, Jake brought up Caro's cropped screenshots again, now showing them to the other two Uada members, Nate Verschoor and Josh Lovejoy. Jake Superchi began slandering Caro by saying "she is acting crazy, I never accused her of anything". He denied having told her that someone had contacted him with accusations against her when I requested that he explain this to me, saying instead that he had been referring only to band online drama in general, entirely disconnected from her. It then became evident to me that he was trying to make her appear crazy and rude to him for no reason. When I called him out on this, he asked angrily if he should expect her to "publicly bash him online". At that moment, I completely lost my temper, because not only was he slandering Caro in front of me, but because, unlike Jake Superchi, Caro doesn't bash people online, and she never intended to do that to him. She was just extremely confused about Jake Superchi's strange allegations and sudden change of demeanor with her, for which she had proceeded to block him on Facebook, quite possibly making him panic. I immediately got up and left the restaurant in a rage, throwing a half-empty can of soda against the window by where Jake sat. When Jake Superchi and the other two Uada members came outside an hour later, they tried to subject me to an emotional intervention where two members tried to force me to explain myself, which I refused to do out of anger. Jake Superchi only said "I'm done, let's go" during this time. After this, we all got in the van to resume or journey, and not another word was said to me until the next day.

"The next morning, I was forced to exit the van in the middle of nowhere in Kentucky, near a small transport air base with nothing but my backpack. I was told I was fired, and left to find my own way back across the entire country. When I arrived back to Portland, OR on 05/29/2023, I was made aware of a post made on the official Uada facebook page about me. In this post, Jake Superchi and the other current Uada members accused me, in exact terms, of “misconduct”, committing "sexual harassment" and "abuse" against fans of the band, listed as both "women" and "girls". I have never in my entire life harassed or abused anyone at any time. I completely deny and reject these fabricated and slanderous accusations against me, presented with absolutely no proof or evidence to back up their claims. This post was a purposeful attempt to silence, defame, and slander me, and to ruin my reputation, career, and life, at which they have succeeded. I have already been referred to by people in the comment section as a "rapist", "sex pest", and "abuser" due to this post being made on a platform that has over 90,000 followers and viewers. Jake Superchi, and by proxy the other two Uada members, have damaged my life beyond repair, and destroyed my career, which I have worked tirelessly to achieve over the last 20 years. This slanderous post has now been viewable and shared online for over a week at the time of writing this, and continues to be viewed by hundreds of people every day.

"I have, at no time, engaged in any sort of predatory behavior. I was unfaithful, I was dishonest, but at the end of the day, this is between Caro and me. Jake Superchi choosing to involve himself in our relationship and marriage shows that he had a clear agenda in mind. I have screen shots to substantiate every possible allegation I’ve made here, and Caro has executed a signed and notarized affidavit, attesting to everything I have said here. I am happy to provide a copy of either to any who ask. I am currently in talks with legal counsel about pursuing further legal action, specifically defamation, as a result of Jake Superchi’s actions. Additionally, and I feel it important to note, Jake Superchi has retained money owed to me due to my involvement in Uada. Aside from tarnishing my name for no reason other than malice, he is creating financial issues for me as well. I plan to see what sort of recourse I have. I am willing, as is Caro, to testify in court under oath to everything I have said here.

"I do not think that being unfaithful was right. I was a terrible husband for what I did to Caro. However, I am not a criminal. I am not a predator. I have not done anything to deserve the smear campaign Jake Superchi has launched against me. Jake Superchi is a person who has had many issues with many members of the local and international music scene, and this is fairly common knowledge. I am hopeful that in me sharing this, similar manipulative behavior on his part will be more openly discussed. Thank you to anyone who reads this. I do not expect to be seen as a paradigm of morality given my infidelity, but if my intimacy is to be aired, it should at least be done so accurately.

"James Sloan"

Band profile: Uada
Posted: 31.05.2023 by Abattoir


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Comments: 24   Visited by: 100 users
09.06.2023 - 19:40
no one
Now that's a drama!
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13.06.2023 - 08:48
Wow. As a woman and a metalhead, I have to say this sucks. When Uada made that post, I noticed immediately that they started to delete all the comments criticizing them or requesting evidence, but I was most alarmed when they deleted the very serious comments made by Sloan, Sloan's wife, and all the loyal fans who were outraged by their silencing everyone involved. There was obviously something very wrong with that post, even if a lot of stupid people believed it right away, as it tends to happen when someone decides to write that kind of nonsese on a whim. After reading this article, it's evident to me that Sloan is telling the truth. It's good that he's suing them for defamation. His former bandmates really did ruin his life and carreer over nothing. I have all their stuff in vynil, so it's particularly hard for me to see my idols fall. Thank you for updating this article, and doing some actual journalism. I saw the screenshots of the "evidence" used by Uada to support their claims before they deleted the post: it was just some thristy groupie confessing that she slept with Sloan, and then she got mad at him for not calling her after. This whole thing is so wrong, especially Uada posing as musicians who are concerned about women, and using cancel culture to ruin a person they coul've just fired, and moved on. Gross.
13.06.2023 - 20:37
"Thirsty groupie"?

What kind of right wing victim shaming is this? You six or seven people who are all riding on Caro and James bandwagon really need to get your heads out of your asses.

You can keep calling it a victimless crime all you want but James should have checked where he stuck his c*ck first. Some countries have informed consent laws and if those women had known he was full of sh*t about his relationship they would have said no. That is SA and is a crime so stop f*ckin minimizing it as a thirsty groupie. You're all part of the problem now
13.06.2023 - 21:11
Nocturnal Bro
I haven't listened to Uada before, but this was the most intense news piece here that I've read! It's horrible how Superchi treated Caro and Sloan, trying to separate them even further for his own agenda and (when that didnt work) exposing their private issues with defamation. Deleting the comments is definitely another red flag.
Sloan (and whichever lawyer helped him, most likely) wrote an amazing defense, I must say. I hope that defamation case goes well!
14.06.2023 - 02:29
Did you even read this article? It seems to me anyone with a lick of wits about themself can see this is all circus cancel culture bullshit that never should have been started in the first place! I just don't see how the supposed proof they posted can be taken seriously at all... the way it's edited and shown looks like the band could have written it themselves and posted it and it matters not anyways because it seems the couple was aware of the affairs anyways and trying to deal with them in private as it should be. I see so many blind assumptions being made and believed by c*cksuckers of this shit band. Since none of us were there or even know these people or situations, why don't we all shut the f*ck up about what is none of our business.

Written by MTLFactCheck on 13.06.2023 at 20:37

"Thirsty groupie"?

What kind of right wing victim shaming is this? You six or seven people who are all riding on Caro and James bandwagon really need to get your heads out of your asses.

You can keep calling it a victimless crime all you want but James should have checked where he stuck his c*ck first. Some countries have informed consent laws and if those women had known he was full of sh*t about his relationship they would have said no. That is SA and is a crime so stop f*ckin minimizing it as a thirsty groupie. You're all part of the problem now

14.06.2023 - 02:38
Hahahah! In what country is it SA to have sex with a woman who wants to have sex with you? Very curious here! Maybe one day it will be illegal for both men and women to lie for sexual or romantic purposes, that would be awesome, but sadly it's not the case yet. By all means, enlighten us about this law that turns lying about your relationship's current satus into SA, please. Full list of countries, if you will. Maybe I can go there and denounce every man I gladly banged! Hahahahahaha

There are no wagons, you dolt, just a case of defamation that GOT DIRTY DELETED BY THE BAND. As for thirsty groupies, they exist! Sorry to burst your bubble. The fact that this one was lied to by Sloan doesn't mean that she wasn't trying so hard to get laid that she followed the dude all over. Dude is wearing his wedding ring on every pic I've seen ffs. Die mad about it!

"Sthip minimizing mimimimimimi" You stop minimizing defamation, the only actual crime committed in this whole deal. Aside from musicians not getting paid.

Written by MTLFactCheck on 13.06.2023 at 20:37

"Thirsty groupie"?

What kind of right wing victim shaming is this? You six or seven people who are all riding on Caro and James bandwagon really need to get your heads out of your asses.

You can keep calling it a victimless crime all you want but James should have checked where he stuck his c*ck first. Some countries have informed consent laws and if those women had known he was full of sh*t about his relationship they would have said no. That is SA and is a crime so stop f*ckin minimizing it as a thirsty groupie. You're all part of the problem now

14.06.2023 - 02:46
This exactly. Cancel culture has gone too far. Sick of people getting cancelled because someone else is scorned or jealous of them.

Written by HelsinkiHordes on 14.06.2023 at 02:29

Did you even read this article? It seems to me anyone with a lick of wits about themself can see this is all circus cancel culture bullshit that never should have been started in the first place! I just don't see how the supposed proof they posted can be taken seriously at all... the way it's edited and shown looks like the band could have written it themselves and posted it and it matters not anyways because it seems the couple was aware of the affairs anyways and trying to deal with them in private as it should be. I see so many blind assumptions being made and believed by c*cksuckers of this shit band. Since none of us were there or even know these people or situations, why don't we all shut the f*ck up about what is none of our business.

14.06.2023 - 03:36
So the singer and other dudes watched for years I'm assuming all this typical standard band shit go down and gets whatever dirt or dark secret on any of them then fires them the second they don't blindly follow him and just rips them off easily from then on... wow...
Glad I never cared for this or any other pandemic wave black metal bands.
14.06.2023 - 20:28
Really unfortunate that this was all public, but there seems like there's some missing context in all of this. It states that the singer knew of the affairs going on and they have been happening since 2017. If he truly knew and there was an agenda to split up/cut ties as stated, why wouldn't he just inform her of all this way back when? Why is this all of a sudden coming out now?
14.06.2023 - 20:29
no one
Written by F3ynman on 13.06.2023 at 21:11

I haven't listened to Uada before, but this was the most intense news piece here that I've read! It's horrible how Superchi treated Caro and Sloan, trying to separate them even further for his own agenda and (when that didnt work) exposing their private issues with defamation. Deleting the comments is definitely another red flag.
Sloan (and whichever lawyer helped him, most likely) wrote an amazing defense, I must say. I hope that defamation case goes well!

You should definitely check them out pretty good really, shame about this childish shit.
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16.06.2023 - 17:06
ITT: Tons of abuser apologists from the US who don't know what the hell informed consent is.

If that guitarist lied to those women about his open relationship status and had consent prior to having relations with them, then these women found out about it, that doesn't mean that it's too late and he just had thirsty groupies.

If those women had all the facts, many of them would have said no, and that makes their consent f*cking worthless, because he lied to make sex obtainable with them.

That may not be a punishable crime in the States since sexual assault is so common, but in many European countries it's a huge crime, and one that have laws in place to protect women from guys like him.

Stop defending your friend just because you don't like the guy who runs that band. it's f*cking cringeworthy to watch people simp for an abuser because hood guy bad. you are literally the reason women don't come forward, since you are determined to make the talk about defamation when the guitarist obviously did more than just cheat on his wife

how disingenuous are you???
16.06.2023 - 18:18
i c deaf people
Written by MTLFactCheck on 16.06.2023 at 17:06

That may not be a punishable crime in the States since sexual assault is so common, but in many European countries it's a huge crime, and one that have laws in place to protect women from guys like him.

I agree with quite a few things you're saying, but I believe you're misinterpreting "informed consent".

In Europe, as almost everywhere else in the world, "informed consent" is primarily a term from medical ethics. We speak of informed consent when a patient decides in favor of a specific treatment after a comprehensive medical consultation, whereas treating patients without first informing them about possible side effects is considered a bodily harm in many countries.

I'm not aware of a single European country where the term is used in the context you describe and where such actions would nowadays be punishable by law, but it would be great if you could provide two or three examples to back up your claims.
signatures = SPAM
16.06.2023 - 19:46
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by MTLFactCheck on 16.06.2023 at 17:06

If those women had all the facts, many of them would have said no, and that makes their consent f*cking worthless, because he lied to make sex obtainable with them.

I hope you're crusading against every Tinder profile ever made too.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

16.06.2023 - 20:34
I can do that.

This is the simplest definition, with citation listed beneath. I was aware of the medical definition, but by penal code this is the one that fits it.

There are a lot of people in this thread, and across social media who are claiming they don't defend James actions, and this is defamation somehow but they refuse to acknowledge that if he had THAT MANY AFFAIRS over so many years, and clearly lied to at least one about being in an open relationship, then there surely are other women who have heard that same thing.

This isn't lying about your height on a tinder profile like the idiot below me is ranting about. It's not lying about how much money you make or what car you drive. He lied about being available to women looking for someone available. If you are in an open relationship, there are commonly f*cking rules, and by trivializing those rules as thirsty groupies looking for sex, the people defending this are saying that those women and their consent being breached really didn't matter all that much, so his lies are fine.

But what if they weren't? What if that woman whose message was posted wants to pursue it further? What if other women feel misled or deceived over his claims of being in a relationship but an open one? I don't think he will be charged for what he did, but if someone says "a member of your band tricked me into believing he was available to have relations with me, and he wasn't", that is a huge f*cking problem and I don't think anyone can discount that as reality here.
16.06.2023 - 20:35
Written by Boxcar Willy on 16.06.2023 at 19:46

Written by MTLFactCheck on 16.06.2023 at 17:06

If those women had all the facts, many of them would have said no, and that makes their consent f*cking worthless, because he lied to make sex obtainable with them.

I hope you're crusading against every Tinder profile ever made too.

Part of the problem.
16.06.2023 - 21:02
Written by MTLFactCheck on 16.06.2023 at 20:34

There are a lot of people in this thread, and across social media who are claiming they don't defend James actions, and this is defamation somehow but they refuse to acknowledge that if he had THAT MANY AFFAIRS over so many years, and clearly lied to at least one about being in an open relationship, then there surely are other women who have heard that same thing.

People cheat and those who do most likely will lie about being in a relationship. There's nothing illegal about lying to a person saying they're in a relationship just to get some sex. It certainly is a douche move though.
16.06.2023 - 21:15
Written by Nejde on 16.06.2023 at 21:02

Written by MTLFactCheck on 16.06.2023 at 20:34

There are a lot of people in this thread, and across social media who are claiming they don't defend James actions, and this is defamation somehow but they refuse to acknowledge that if he had THAT MANY AFFAIRS over so many years, and clearly lied to at least one about being in an open relationship, then there surely are other women who have heard that same thing.

People cheat and those who do most likely will lie about being in a relationship. There's nothing illegal about lying to a person saying they're in a relationship just to get some sex. It certainly is a douche move though.

And usually they don't need to worry about it.

There's already a statute listing here that it's considered a crime if their consent was based on the lie told to them. Retrospectively it is considered a deception and if any of those women lived in California let alone the UK or the rest of Europe this is a different story already.

People keep making this about just cheating but it's really not just cheating seeing as how everyone wants to make this aboit getting kicked out. The guitarist should have gotten kicked out if anyone came forward like now but his troubles for all we know may just be getting started.
17.06.2023 - 02:42
i c deaf people
Written by MTLFactCheck on 16.06.2023 at 20:34

I can do that.

I'm afraid you can't. Because rape by deception and informed consent are totally different terms that have little in common on a legal level.

You claimed that false pretenses in a sexual context would be a major crime in many European countries, but this is simply not true. None of the examples from the Wikipedia page are even remotely comparable to James Sloan's behavior. The case from Israel had a religious background, and besides, Israel is not in Europe. All the other examples involve either faking a completely different identity (gender deception or false personation) of the perpetrator and/or taking advantage of a (faked) emergency situation. None of these apply to the situation at hand.
Even in the UK, where the legal system provides quite a good protection for women from sexual assault, no judge would convict anyone who had tricked himself into a sexual relationship through dishonesty. The legal basis for this is simply not there.

Written by MTLFactCheck on 16.06.2023 at 21:15
There's already a statute listing here that it's considered a crime if their consent was based on the lie told to them.

This is not true.
I'm pretty sure you're talking about the thoughts of Dr. Elisa Hoven and Prof. Dr. Thomas Weigend on a revision of the German Penal Code (§ 177 StGB) according to the British model. But as you probably know, these are just ideas. They are far from becoming a draft law, and the thoughts on this have little to do with your interpretation of the recent debates on this subject. Even for Hoven and Weigend, a lie is just a lie, but by no means a sexual assault.

Written by MTLFactCheck on 16.06.2023 at 21:15
Retrospectively it is considered a deception and if any of those women lived in California let alone the UK or the rest of Europe this is a different story already.

No, it's not.
If you had dealt a little more intensively with the actual legal situation in the respective countries, you would know that your claims do not correspond to reality. Whether Sloan's actions were morally reprehensible is difficult to deny, but they would not be considered criminal offenses in California, England, or anywhere else in Europe.

I really appreciate hearing opinions that differ from the general consensus, but if you're just here to call other users idiots and make false claims, it doesn't help your argument at all.
signatures = SPAM
19.06.2023 - 07:17
Never heard of Uada nor their music, but man oh man, what a shitshow this is.
19.06.2023 - 07:53
This. It sucks. But, as we ALL know, it's not illegal anywhere. Definitely not in this case's context anyway.

Written by Nejde on 16.06.2023 at 21:02

Written by MTLFactCheck on 16.06.2023 at 20:34

There are a lot of people in this thread, and across social media who are claiming they don't defend James actions, and this is defamation somehow but they refuse to acknowledge that if he had THAT MANY AFFAIRS over so many years, and clearly lied to at least one about being in an open relationship, then there surely are other women who have heard that same thing.

People cheat and those who do most likely will lie about being in a relationship. There's nothing illegal about lying to a person saying they're in a relationship just to get some sex. It certainly is a douche move though.

19.06.2023 - 07:59
Keep an eye out for the wikipedia amateur lawyer on this thread, hahaha! Seriously some of the most hilarious shit i've read on any thread, ever
19.06.2023 - 08:11
I agree that Superchi must've done it all for clicks. He deleted the post, but before that, he censored everyone speaking against it. Then he announced auditions for a new guitarist, and he had to censor and close comments because he was getting destroyed there too, hahahaha. I know nothing about any 70K scandal, what was that about? I loathe what Uada has done but I'm really enjoying the drama

Written by [user id=335647] on 19.06.2023 at 07:03

Looks like singer quietly indulged guitarriste until he decided to fire him because of fight over guitarriste wife (afraid she roast him online), then exxagerated everything about guitarriste, tried to make seem like he did sexual crimes. Maybe for clicks. Singer has so many scandales like this, always talking this weird double entendre way about others (like 70,000 Tons of metal) then he denies intention. He deleted post of accusations about guitarriste. Probably very regret now with legal conséquences! Incroyable.

Written by SeventhSon on 14.06.2023 at 20:28

Really unfortunate that this was all public, but there seems like there's some missing context in all of this. It states that the singer knew of the affairs going on and they have been happening since 2017. If he truly knew and there was an agenda to split up/cut ties as stated, why wouldn't he just inform her of all this way back when? Why is this all of a sudden coming out now?

19.06.2023 - 08:13
Wikipedia amateur lawyer annihilated in 3... 2...
Nice! Hahaha

Written by Starvynth on 17.06.2023 at 02:42

Written by MTLFactCheck on 16.06.2023 at 20:34

I can do that.

I'm afraid you can't. Because rape by deception and informed consent are totally different terms that have little in common on a legal level.

You claimed that false pretenses in a sexual context would be a major crime in many European countries, but this is simply not true. None of the examples from the Wikipedia page are even remotely comparable to James Sloan's behavior. The case from Israel had a religious background, and besides, Israel is not in Europe. All the other examples involve either faking a completely different identity (gender deception or false personation) of the perpetrator and/or taking advantage of a (faked) emergency situation. None of these apply to the situation at hand.
Even in the UK, where the legal system provides quite a good protection for women from sexual assault, no judge would convict anyone who had tricked himself into a sexual relationship through dishonesty. The legal basis for this is simply not there.

Written by MTLFactCheck on 16.06.2023 at 21:15
There's already a statute listing here that it's considered a crime if their consent was based on the lie told to them.

This is not true.
I'm pretty sure you're talking about the thoughts of Dr. Elisa Hoven and Prof. Dr. Thomas Weigend on a revision of the German Penal Code (§ 177 StGB) according to the British model. But as you probably know, these are just ideas. They are far from becoming a draft law, and the thoughts on this have little to do with your interpretation of the recent debates on this subject. Even for Hoven and Weigend, a lie is just a lie, but by no means a sexual assault.

Written by MTLFactCheck on 16.06.2023 at 21:15
Retrospectively it is considered a deception and if any of those women lived in California let alone the UK or the rest of Europe this is a different story already.

No, it's not.
If you had dealt a little more intensively with the actual legal situation in the respective countries, you would know that your claims do not correspond to reality. Whether Sloan's actions were morally reprehensible is difficult to deny, but they would not be considered criminal offenses in California, England, or anywhere else in Europe.

I really appreciate hearing opinions that differ from the general consensus, but if you're just here to call other users idiots and make false claims, it doesn't help your argument at all.

22.06.2023 - 20:27
Brutal Water
Written by MTLFactCheck on 13.06.2023 at 20:37

"Thirsty groupie"?

What kind of right wing victim shaming is this?

Why are politics even relevant in this case? None of us were there, none of us know shit about shit. How is taking one stance or the other even remotely political in a case like this? People go with what little information is available right now and making guesses as to what's going on. As soon as evidence comes out that backs up one of the two opposing parties' claims, people will have to accept that they were right or wrong about their assumptions and move on.

If you want to be taken seriously in a discussion, never use "left wing" or "right wing" as an insult, otherwise you appear too close-minded to be worth talking to.
That is not dead which can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons even death may die.

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