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Elvenking - To Record An Acoustic Album

Italian metallers Elvenking have some news regarding their upcoming album on their website:

Hello everybody!

It's been a while since the release of our last album "The Scythe", which moved a whirlwind of different reactions on the metal crowd (thing that we love so much ) and is growing as a great success for this band.

Now we'd like to announce that Elvenking are working on a brand new exciting project. The next release from Elvenking will be another great challenge, something that once again will create curiosity: a totally acoustic album.

So no hard riffing and headbanging amount of metallic mayhem this time, but softer, romantic but still strong and emotional rhymes in music. We can consider this as an experiment, something that shows once again how much this band needs everytime new paths to follow and to express itself and its musical ideas.

If someone thinks that this decision may come as a reaction to "The Scythe" album we can say that we are working on this idea since a lot of time and that is also why "The Scythe" contains a lot of heavy material and less folky stuff for example. The concept of that album didn't allow us to use some of the softer and easier melodies we are also used to, and there they will come to life.

The acoustic album will contain a lot of new songs and different approaches to the non-electric side of the band but also some older songs revisited in a totally new version. So be ready for something different, hoping you can appreciate also this side of the bans, that by the way you already know well for episodes like Skywards, On the Morning Dew, Disillusion's Reel, Totentanz, Hobs an' Feathers, Loser's Ball, ...just to name a few.

While we are working on this new project though, we are also songwriting for the next "standard" electric Elvenking album, choosing which ideas can be represented at best in acoustic or heavy form. This just to let you know that we are simultaneously working on the two things so you can consider the acoustic album as an intermezzo before the new Elvenking electric album

We have no release dates ideas for them yet, but in the meantime we'd love to invite you to visit us on stage for the next gigs and to share a beer with us!

May the winds blow fair at your backs!!

- Elvenking

Band profile: Elvenking
Posted: 15.04.2008 by Bararey


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Comments: 20   Visited by: 139 users
15.04.2008 - 06:49
Sound really interesting, BTW, they are exactly following the modern skyclad steps
15.04.2008 - 07:14
hmm sounds intresting, im excited for this. a folk metal acoustic album. sounds good.:)
15.04.2008 - 08:11
WOW, I can't wait for it!
Odi profanum vulgus et arceo
15.04.2008 - 08:28
This is an awesome idea - I've grown to really dislike their heavier material (and the guitar tone, too).
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
15.04.2008 - 10:04
LeChron James
Kick Ass, Die Young

Less is More
Stay Pure
Stay Poor

Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
15.04.2008 - 11:36
This is what I have been looking for
15.04.2008 - 12:30
Account deleted
Cautiously optimistic
15.04.2008 - 13:41
Hm i just cant wait to hear it I so love Elvenking, this should be fantastic.
... For years I have traveled in coldness,
But my heart is warm as the darkened sun above me...
Nothing can never take away
What I've seen with these tired eyes
15.04.2008 - 14:10
Heaven Knight
sounds like something right for me
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

15.04.2008 - 15:27
Well this obviously sounds promising!
15.04.2008 - 18:15
Cool, this sounds like it could be pretty good, wasn't too big a fan of the Scythe, but I'm rather looking forward to this.
15.04.2008 - 21:25
Account deleted
So this time they're going to aim their music at 'indie kids' rather than emos? Great!1
16.04.2008 - 02:16
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Interesting. I liked Disillusions Reel, so I imagine I might enjoy this...
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
16.04.2008 - 05:59
good stuff, I like their acoustic songs best
16.04.2008 - 06:01
Account deleted
I still think On The Morning Dew is one of the best songs in my collection and I'm so pumped for this acoustic album. Green Carnation did it with "Acoustic Verses" and that produced my favorite song of all time: "The Burden Is Mine... Alone". With that said, metal bands CAN go acoustic and still produce outstanding songs!
16.04.2008 - 10:24
Hmm, something I oughtta check out
The silent moment, right before the dusk fades away
I open my eyes, but the darkness stays
18.04.2008 - 13:19
The Amputator
Should be cool to check out, many have tried this lark and failed but Elvenking may possibly be up to the task. 'The Scythe' was weak, so this new effort will have to be REALLY bad to outcrap that one.
"Once the game is over, the king and the pawn both go back into the same box."
18.04.2008 - 13:30
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
what next Gorgoroth realised accustic album but in Elveking case it's be good
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
24.04.2008 - 12:48
White Winter Sun
Laboratory's Rat
The band explains the acoustic album:

"Since the announcement of our new acoustic album, we have received an incredible amount of messages and we've seen a lot of different reactions on the net. We have decided to write a few lines in order to clarify what this acoustic album will be and what it will NOT be. Some of the messages we've received ask if this is going to be only a collection of old re-recorded material, if it's going to be an EP, if it will contain this or that, so we have to clear a little bit this confusion.

- First of all, we've been having the idea of making an acoustic album for a long time and over the years it has been one of the most requested things by our fans. "The Scythe" has been criticized by many but it is our most successful album to date and the overwhelming reaction of the people at our concerts and the increased number of copies sold are just confirming that we made a great album and a lot of people enjoyed it. So this goes to all the ones who think we are making this acoustic project because we failed with "The Scythe" or because we are going back to our folk roots after the critics: you are way far from the truth!!

- This will be an acoustic album but it doesn't mean it will be a folk album exclusively! Of course here we have the possibility to explore our folk influences more than ever (especially in the arrangements - probably using also some typical folk instruments) but this album will be as various as any other EK work. We will go through different styles and moods so of course you can expect a lot of folk tunes but also all the other features that make Elvenking a unique band.

- This is going to be a full length album - NOT an EP!! - and it'll contain mostly new songs as if they were written for a new normal album. So no fillers, no recycled stuff; all the new material is being written in order to form the new songs of the new EK album - even if this time it'll be acoustic, it will be done with all the enthusiasm and the inspiration that always push Elvenking when it comes to songwrite and rehearse new material?and we can already tell you that this release will contain some real great songs for sure!. As usual it's gonna be different from the previous ones and it will be closer to our acoustic, melodic and romantic side.

- As a gift to our fans, together with the new material we will re-arrange and re-record some songs coming from our previous works and maybe some other little surprises but still we have to decide most things about this section of the disc which will be in any case the smallest part!"

Source: official website.
04.07.2008 - 23:54
Advice Troll
I hope it's better than The Scythe cause they won't get money from me again...
I acoustic metal albums btw!
Bitch! Please

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