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General metal forum

Rename your favorite metal albums! 125
Video Game Metal 53
Neighbors Knockin' On The Door, Asking Can We Turn It Down ? 87
Bands you discovered at concerts 93
Recommend Me New Bands & Albums 14
What is your favorite length generally for a metal album? 53
What Would You Name A Metal Band 424
Best metal forum 19
Multi-Genre and Genre Defying Bands 42
Ever get disapointed at a Metal concert you were hyped for? 19
Sakrefix 1
Dream band 95
These kids are keeping metal alive while surrounded by hip hop culture 12
Themed music 5
Rough Female Vocals 62
So....Is it possible to be innovative in Metal anymore? 40
Albums that seriously need a re-release? 132
Metal Elitism - Elitism Of The Genre Over Others 98
Bands in your hometown 189
Confessions of a headbanger 27
Have you ever literally wept upon the first listening of a song? 109
Favorite Usage Of Sound Samples 10
Infidel Amsterdam 15
Djent bands without the cliched harsh vox or whiney emo-ish singing? 22
Greatest Metal Music Ensembles 23
Persian Metal Bands 32
Favorite Tour With Your Favorite Bands 9
Which gig would you attend if you had one day to live 130
Which song (or songs) do you wish you had written? 28
Young people creating metal music (or any music in general) 16