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The different Finnish style PM "battle"

Posts: 41   Visited by: 36 users

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Posted by Vunts, 27.07.2006 - 15:38
Okay, just yesterday, i managed to get hold of both Kalmah and Eternal Tears of Sorrow discography, so that completed all the material of the bands that i have named in the poll. All of them have a rather similar style, but none of them are copycats imo. Just the same kind of similarity that Blind Guardian and Helloween have, aKa, same genre. Now, some may wonder why EToS is present. To explain that, their latest album and the two albums before, have every right to be in the same category as the others i mentioned. Even if they aint exactly PM...which of course i aint actually all that certain about the others. I suppose that's just the border all of them are standing on. Anyways, while i have listened to CoB a whole lot, i will not vote for them in the poll. I ask of you to not compare the bands' crappy releases, but instead, remember the good times. I'll give a few sentences about each of the 4 bands.

Children of Bodom - one of the oldest bands that i've known, that i still like. Their debut album still tops all others imo, but there are plenty of other songs that i enjoy also. Main thing is that i bought Something Wild, when i had the possibility to buy any other and i haven't regretted the descision yet. However, they don't interest me as much as they used to...And i think that even if i waited a few months to vote, it wouldn't change anything.

Norther - pretty much the band that i like the least of the ones i mentioned, but that's not to the degree of DISliking them. They have great songs, like Omen, Death Unlimited, Released etc. The main thing that annoys me about them is the overly long repetitive intros on some songs. For example, the beginning of Unleash Hell was about 20 seconds long and it already got annoying, even if the melody itself was good. Now, since everyone seems to call them CoB copies, i mention that they are not copies. Their music is different enough from CoB. Some parts they play are things that CoB would never do. Since my terminology sucks however, i can't put my finger on the exact points.

Kalmah - Swamplord might very well grow to be one of my favourite CDs. The guitar on the album is simply wonderful. While i like Laiho's solos more than those ones, the regular riffing just cathes my eye. For example, the song - Hades. The beginning is far ahead from other songs that i've heard from bands that play even remotely the similar style. The main thing going for Kalmah is the riffs and aggressive vocals. They seem so much stronger than the other bands in this poll.

Eternal Tears of Sorrow - The only band from the lists whom debut album i don't enjoy very much and also the only band from here whom latest album i simply adore. They are the most melodic from the bands in this poll, but that's definately not a bad thing. In fact, that is the reason why i voted for them. Yes, now you know who i really voted for. Red Dawn Rising is quite similar to Norther's Omen in the beginning, at least those songs are connected in my mind to that one part. However, when the song kicks in, RDR keeps the good from the intro and carries it on, whereas Omen turned their way around. I haven't developed a strong knowledge of EToS yet, but from listening to the albums through once, i knew that if i stumbled on this type of thread, that's who i'd vote for...And due to boredom, i decided to make it myself.

The other option is there not as a last resort, but also an option of letting you tell me of more bands in that particular and rather new genre, that is most likely the work of CoB, because they have been around the longest (well, EToS is pretty much the same, but their oldest release doesn't fit into the category that well). I may of course be mistaken, but that's what mistakes are for: to be corrected.
So, vote away and try to give at least a few sentences commenting of the reason of voting.

P.S. and no, "Laiho rocks" doesn't count as a "few sentences"


Don't complain about the entries. There's an "other" option

Children of Bodom
Eternal Tears of Sorrow

Total votes: 40
02.08.2006 - 09:29
Written by [user id=160] on 01.08.2006 at 20:53

Written by Vunts on 01.08.2006 at 17:55

Written by Stigmatized on 01.08.2006 at 17:41

Written by [user id=160] on 01.08.2006 at 16:37

I think that this genre is gonna be dead in the next decade because all ov the ones who started it are already starting to Thrash Up / Commercialize their sound!

Well, Children Of Bodom anyway.

Here i have to agree. I feel no thrash influences in the other bands. Only CoB. I don't think they'll come back either, but Norther f.e. seems to be keeping the "extreme" power metal track nicely. Sure, it might just be a fad, but well...currently it's happening and i don't want to think a decade ahead in this case. Just enjoy it while it lasts...i hope it does.

no way! have you 2 heard Norther's latest album?

My bad I ted to forget sometimes. I must have mixed something up.
02.08.2006 - 17:10
My opinion is that Kalmah does great job and kicks asses of others. Well Im fan of every band, but not Eternal Tears Of Sorrow. Have heard just couple songs from them.

Kalmah: What I think they are more different from others. They have awesome sound and every album from them is good. Again havent heard all songs from album Swampsong, but can say that it is good

Norther: They are more same with CoB, but not (even near) copies. Their music is more same with CoBs older (Something Wild and Follow The Reaper). Death Unlimited and Till Death Unites Us are great albums!

Children Of Bodom: I was big fun of them. Now they changed their style some (maybe too much). Old albums Something Wild and Follow The Reaper are good ones and have good sound. They were more same with Norther (like I said), but new productions like Hate Crew Deathroll and Are You Dead Yet have own sound.

Eternal Tears of Sorrow: Well I cant say much from this, because havent heard much them so someone else can tell if want.

In all Finnish PM/DM is awesome! Every of these bands have their own style and are not copying.
Coffee for power
Music for creativity
Sarcasm for fun
09.01.2007 - 05:33
To Arms!
mmm nice question i like all of them in this order

1 Chilren Of Bodom , i really love the first 3 albums the solo's and the atmosphere they create is just awesome
2 Eternal Tears Of Sorrow , my 2nd favorite here , i really like them but they'r latest album was kind of weak same as COB
3 Norther , Well The keyboard work here is really a good atmospheric feel as well i like more than Kalmah
4 Kalmah , very good albums but i dont like the vocals on new album they dont sound like screams anymore , i think the growls dont fit great in this kind of music
Stay Metal !!!
09.01.2007 - 15:05
Kalmah because they are my favorite, love all of their albums, then comes Etos, phenomenal music and beauty but cant make a real opinion, havent heard all of their albums. Cob, comes in on a flat note because I dont like 40% of their albums....
09.01.2007 - 19:40
el parcero
I voted for Eternal tears. From these bands it's the one from which I have the whole disography and it's one of my favorite bands. Even though their sound might have changed through the years, IMO it's still a great band. Then I would choose Kalmah, Norther, and Children
love is like a jar of shit with a strawberry on top
13.01.2007 - 21:38
The Bard
You didn't put one pretty cool band so I voted for other, Children Of Bodom was my favorite band in Follow The Reaper period but everything after that I really don't like, Norther is nothing but a Children Of Bodom copy past band and Kalmah is very good but they are not my kind of band. Eternal Tears Of Sorrow are little different but also not a fan.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
27.03.2007 - 05:14
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
hmmm, Catamenia is somewhat similar to these bands, but more like what Bodom would sound like if they were black metal. But since Catamenia is closer to BM they dont really fit in with this poll so I'll just go with Bodom.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
27.03.2007 - 13:02
Hail Lusitânia
CoB, no doubt...

PM is a pink elephant, and can be found at the bamboo forests of Greenland...
28.03.2007 - 04:45
Bitch Boy
Definitely Eternal Tears of Sorrow, the symphonic elements and their lyrics make them more special for me than the rest of the listed bands.
28.03.2007 - 19:26
kalmah is actually the best finnish band so.... go kalmah!!!
27.02.2012 - 15:25
CoB invented Extreme Power Metal and they are really good but i prefer Wintersun.
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Rest In Peace: Bon Scott, Dave G. Halliday, Michael "Destructor" Wulf, Jerry Fogle, Quorthon, Witchhunter