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Vreid - New Album Update

The Black Metal band from Norway have issued the following update on their Myspace page:

"The spring/summer has been spent working on the 4th Vreid album. In early May we recorded the drums at good old Subsonic Society. We have a strong working bond with Lars Klokkerhaug, and I dare say that we have created the best drum sound for Vreid so far. We spent quite some time testing before we found the drum sound we were searching for. The recordings themselves went fast. Steingrim impressed us all with this drum work this time. Absolute killer and bombastic. Some of the songs are the fastest we have ever done, and some of the other stuff is heavy as hell.

In the beginning of June we went back to the base camp: Studio 1184.

We set up our Engl & Peavy stash and searched for the ultimate guitar sound for this album. Plenty of tracks were recorded, and at the moment it seems as we will go for the pure German Kraft of Engl. Both Ese & Sture worked their shirts of, and laid down some fantastic guitar tracks. Let's just say there is more of everything on this album.

The bass recording went quite fast, even though I had some problems with a broken bass guitar and an amp that broke down the minute we started the recordings. Eventually it all worked out. In the same session we also recorded the vocals for 2 tracks, with Sture sounding more harsh and furious than ever. At the end of these sessions we mixed a couple of songs to see how it all sounded so far, and we were amazed. It was a very positive thing to try and mix some of the songs so early in the process. We will continue to work on the album for the next couple of months, and has put October as a deadline for ourselves. This means that the album will be out in January.

All the lyrics and a lot of the artwork is completed, and with song titles such as: "Alarm", "Blücher" & "Speak Goddamnitt", I guess that everyone understand that we continue to serve you stories from WW2 , with the invasion of Norway and the Norwegian resistance as focus point."

Band profile: Vreid
Posted: 31.07.2008 by Sjuk


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Comments: 3   Visited by: 33 users
31.07.2008 - 07:54
LeChron James
YEEEEEEAH VREID. defnitely buying this.
Kick Ass, Die Young

Less is More
Stay Pure
Stay Poor

Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
31.07.2008 - 17:28
Oh yeah, going to have to get this.
31.07.2008 - 21:47
Wicked Mung
"The Black Metal band from Norway" they are not a black metal band, but great update!

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