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Best Spanish metal band!

Posts: 184   Visited by: 187 users


So what do you think is the best spanish metal band?

Dark Moor
Other (Specify which one)
Mägo De Oz
Barón Rojo
Tierra Santa

Total votes: 138
17.05.2006 - 23:51
So here it's again, I'm very interested in this one and due to the bunch of fans in south america I think could have a bit of success =). That are the most representative bands in the metal scene here in Spain @tm. Choose one, explain why you choose. I went for Saratoga very important for me, cool bass-lines, good guitars, good voice and good drums!! =) Very hated and very loved here. Let's vote!!

17.05.2006 - 23:59
Account deleted
Dark Moor ofcourse Like the way they were on their albums 'The Gates of Oblivion' and 'The Hall of the Olden Dreams'. They're superb! One of my top favourite bands.
18.05.2006 - 00:17
Dark Moor cuz their albums or cuz their lyrics in english?=) I think spanish metal bands would have much more success if they would sing in english, anyway, there are appearing a lot of bands here who sing in english you can check and judge yourself bands like: Pyramize or Ebony Ark

18.05.2006 - 00:36
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I guess it's not a crime if I copy here what I wrote in the last thread (which was not so long)

My choice is Mägo De Oz, but let me share some information about those Spanish metal bands.

- Mägo De Oz is the best Spanish Metal band to me. After their first release (which was Punk-Rock, nothing special at all to be honest), they switched to a characteristic mixture of Heavy Metal in the vein of Iron Maiden or Judas Priest and Folk Metal with Mohamed's violin, Fernando's flute and Kiskilla's keyboards without losing their Metal touch. Their last album, Gaia II: La Voz Dormida, probably the best Folk Metal album ever, includes some Power and Progressive Metal influences and features some of the best Spanish Metal musicians such as WarCry's Víctor García or Saratoga's Leo Jiménez. If you love Folk Metal and Melodic Metal in general, this album is a must.

- Saratoga plays traditional Heavy Metal. Fronted by guitar master Jerónimo Ramiro, they have been increasing their speed and technique throughout the years, releasing their masterpiece Agotarás in 2002. Their last two albums, El Clan de la Lucha and Tierra de Lobos, are interesting as well, and guitar riffs, basslines and drums are so fast and catchy that Metalstorm labels them as Power Metal - although they are still Heavy Metal in my book.

- WarCry is, together with Tierra Santa, the reference of Power Metal in this country. They are alright.

- Dark Moor: Probably the second best Spanish band. One of the first bands to mix Power Metal with a symphony, together with Rhapsody and Nightwish. My favourite albums are their self-titled Dark Moor (highlights: "Philip the Second", "A Life For Revenge", "Cyrano of Bergerac") and The Gates of Oblivion, with their masterpiece Dies Irae (Amadeus) - you never heard a Metal band covering Mozart's Requiem so well!

- Avalanch: Similar to WarCry (both bands share half of their members), yet heavier and faster. El Ángel Caído is a Spanish Metal classic, and its cover was designed by Luis Royo. (You should check all Avalanch album covers by the way). I wouldn't label them as 'THE Spanish Metal band', yet you won't be disappointed if you like Melodic Metal with nice riffs.

- Tierra Santa, which means "Holy Land": This is THE Spanish Power Metal band, melodic and catchy White Metal. Although they are truly disappointing live and some NS bastards claim to be Tierra Santa fans for their, according to them, 'obviously patriotic' lyrics about the Reconquista and Spanish history, this band released some great albums such as Legendario or Indomable (lol, I'm listening to that album just now). Too bad this band is only known for their Iron Maiden cover, "Flight of Icarus". Just don't listen to those retarded Fascists who want to dishonour the memory of Tierra Santa.

- Barón Rojo: I wonder whether I'll see this band added to Metalstorm one day. They are the very first Heavy Metal band in Spain (no, I don't consider Los Suaves metal), and every band in this country has been inspired by Barón Rojo and learned from Barón Rojo. Resistiré is an anthem!

Other bands that don't appear in the poll:

- Ars Amandi: They just had to release their first album, Autóctono (2003) and tour with Mägo De Oz and everybody was amazed with this extraordinary Folk Metal band, creators of Castilian Folk Metal. Hailing from Ávila, these guys had a great idea: to be the first ones to combine instruments of Castilian folklore (like Castilian whistle) with the ordinary Folk Metal sound. Check them if you're a Folk Metal freak.

- Avulsed: I don't know much about them, but it's strange to find a Spanish Death Metal band

- Numen: I don't know much about them, but it's strange to find a Spanish Black Metal band

- Ebony Ark: Nice Gothic/Power Metal, similar to Mercury Rain and somehow to early Nightwish. They also have some Symphonic elements that I like; nevertheless, before you state that they are 'just another Nightwish wannabe band', trust me - they are not.

- Saurom: Formerly known as Saurom Lamderth. They are Folk Metal, and they are obviously influenced by Mägo De Oz.

- Arwen: Prog Metal with female vocals, they were featured on a Metalstorm compilation last year or so.
18.05.2006 - 00:46
Dark Moor baby!!!!!!! Their album Hall of Olden Dreams if sheer perfection of power metal their new album and singer are great but Elisa and classic Dark Moor just stand alone.
"A life all mine
Is what I choose
At the end of my days"
--The Gathering "A Life All Mine" from Souvenirs
18.05.2006 - 00:59
I voted for WarCry they are a really cool power metal band and thou im just starting to get into them they are pretty talented althou somewhat repetitive but i must say i find most spanish metal bands to be like this just my opinion thou, I also really like a band called Soul Sailor but havent managed to get more than a couple of songs anyone know them?? or have any songs from them please PM me
-At live's eve our flames will cease-
18.05.2006 - 03:26
Baron Rojo for sure!!!! The other bands are Power Metal bands or are to near to Power Metal and I don't like it. Other great bands of spanish metal: Angeles del Infierno, Saratoga, Obus, Fuck Off, Sangre Azul, Panzer, etc.
18.05.2006 - 05:11
Star-Queen i'd go for dark moor although it's been a while since i last heard them...warcry, avalanch and mago d oz are good bands too...but i don't listen to them much either...
Live how you want just don't feed on me, if you doubt what I say I will make you believe...
18.05.2006 - 16:56
Mmmm I see that "Conemetal" likes classic metal cuz that bands were near to hard rock in the eighties. The poll is going on just as I thought Mägo De Oz and Dark Moor are the favourite ones, but I'm gonna continue watching how the poll is being developed, I hope Saratoga would get more votes =)

18.05.2006 - 17:16
To Arms!
Mägo De Oz all the way the lyrics are perfect the folk elements are really good the violin,flute,guitars,drums everything mixed is amazing
Stay Metal !!!
18.05.2006 - 17:54
Mägo De Oz drumer is overrated! He isn't that good at all

20.05.2006 - 05:49
Southern Wind
Account deleted
Runic, great Folk/Black... also Numen, they play the same and sing in Basque
20.05.2006 - 11:36
Account deleted
I voted WarCry, but I think the Avalanch era with Víctor García and Alberto Ardines (warcry founders) are the best of the best of spanish metal (el ángel caído y llanto de un heroe)

Also Mägo De Oz and Dark Moor are amazing
20.05.2006 - 14:29
best spanish metal band is Icewind
...if there was a single day I could live...
...a single breath I could take...
...I'll trade all the others away...
20.05.2006 - 16:51
so vote other XD

21.05.2006 - 01:32
Account deleted

My favourite spanish band is Su Ta Gar.
21.05.2006 - 17:43
Didn't vote because I only know Saratoga and Mägo De Oz. Can't decide wich I like the best. Love Mägo's mix of folk and heavy. In Saratoga it's the speed in most of their tracks and the lyrics eventhough I don't understand them at all. They're just catchy

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
22.05.2006 - 23:22
Curiously Dark Moor is owning, I thought that Mägo De Oz would win, we'll see... =)

23.05.2006 - 03:03
Account deleted
My favorite bands are Baron Rojo, Sangre Azul & Tierra Santa. I went for Baron Rojo as they are old school heavy metal, my favorite genre!
23.05.2006 - 18:11
Valkoinen kuolem
Mago De Oz cause it's only metal band i ever heard
On pirun vaikea selvitä hengissä hautaan saakka
It is damn difficult to stay alive till the grave
Erno Paasilinna
24.05.2006 - 16:58
Saurom and Mägo De Oz, but actualy I prefer Saurom. They are just the same, but they play even better! Really, Mägo De Oz only has 2 really awesome albums, and of those, only 1 is really metal, that is Gaia II (the other good album is Finisterra).
My account on other musical pages:
24.05.2006 - 17:37
Written by Talvi on 24.05.2006 at 16:58

Saurom and Mägo De Oz, but actualy I prefer Saurom. They are just the same, but they play even better! Really, Mägo De Oz only has 2 really awesome albums, and of those, only 1 is really metal, that is Gaia II (the other good album is Finisterra).

Lol? Jesús de Chamberí and La Leyenda de la Mancha are clearly their most reprensentative and recognize albums they wouldn't have became famous if they wouldn't have recorded that 2 albums!! Finisterra aren't the only awesome albums

24.05.2006 - 22:14
Written by Dam3k on 24.05.2006 at 17:37

Written by Talvi on 24.05.2006 at 16:58

Saurom and Mägo De Oz, but actualy I prefer Saurom. They are just the same, but they play even better! Really, Mägo De Oz only has 2 really awesome albums, and of those, only 1 is really metal, that is Gaia II (the other good album is Finisterra).

Lol? Jesús de Chamberí and La Leyenda de la Mancha are clearly their most reprensentative and recognize albums they wouldn't have became famous if they wouldn't have recorded that 2 albums!! Finisterra aren't the only awesome albums

Half of the songs of Jesís de Chamberí are crap, and it isn't really a metal album, and even La Leyenda de la Mancha is a lot better, it's still not awesome. I didn't say they weren't good, but that they weren't awesome. And BTW, La Leyenda de la Mancha isn't 100% metal neither. Nor Finisterra. Nor Gaia. Not until Gaia II they have been discovered as a REAL metal band. Remember that they roots weren't metal.
My account on other musical pages:
25.05.2006 - 16:14
Written by Talvi on 24.05.2006 at 22:14

Written by Dam3k on 24.05.2006 at 17:37

Written by Talvi on 24.05.2006 at 16:58

Saurom and Mägo De Oz, but actualy I prefer Saurom. They are just the same, but they play even better! Really, Mägo De Oz only has 2 really awesome albums, and of those, only 1 is really metal, that is Gaia II (the other good album is Finisterra).

Lol? Jesús de Chamberí and La Leyenda de la Mancha are clearly their most reprensentative and recognize albums they wouldn't have became famous if they wouldn't have recorded that 2 albums!! Finisterra aren't the only awesome albums

Half of the songs of Jesís de Chamberí are crap, and it isn't really a metal album, and even La Leyenda de la Mancha is a lot better, it's still not awesome. I didn't say they weren't good, but that they weren't awesome. And BTW, La Leyenda de la Mancha isn't 100% metal neither. Nor Finisterra. Nor Gaia. Not until Gaia II they have been discovered as a REAL metal band. Remember that they roots weren't metal.

Ehm... the first albums aren't metal? "El santo grial", "La cruz de santiago", "Satania", "Jesús de Chamberí", "El pacto".... ALL metal songs corresponding to the first albums they weren't metal in their first album but for sure they were metal in "jesus de chamberi" and in "la leyenda de la mancha"... if that albums ain't metal.... britney spears isn't pop then.... -.- The people now confuse metal with power metal, with double bass drum and all that stuff, but the real metal is far of that way of playing, the true metal is near hard rock so don't say the first albums weren't metal omfg... If you don't like Jesús de Chamberí and La leyenda de la Mancha u ain't a Mägo De Oz fan... is like a guy who like Iron Maiden and just like brave new world and dance of death... it's ok u can like, but then u really don't love Iron Maiden

25.05.2006 - 18:35
Written by Dam3k on 25.05.2006 at 16:14

Written by Talvi on 24.05.2006 at 22:14

Written by Dam3k on 24.05.2006 at 17:37

Written by Talvi on 24.05.2006 at 16:58

Saurom and Mägo De Oz, but actualy I prefer Saurom. They are just the same, but they play even better! Really, Mägo De Oz only has 2 really awesome albums, and of those, only 1 is really metal, that is Gaia II (the other good album is Finisterra).

Lol? Jesús de Chamberí and La Leyenda de la Mancha are clearly their most reprensentative and recognize albums they wouldn't have became famous if they wouldn't have recorded that 2 albums!! Finisterra aren't the only awesome albums

Half of the songs of Jesís de Chamberí are crap, and it isn't really a metal album, and even La Leyenda de la Mancha is a lot better, it's still not awesome. I didn't say they weren't good, but that they weren't awesome. And BTW, La Leyenda de la Mancha isn't 100% metal neither. Nor Finisterra. Nor Gaia. Not until Gaia II they have been discovered as a REAL metal band. Remember that they roots weren't metal.

Ehm... the first albums aren't metal? "El santo grial", "La cruz de santiago", "Satania", "Jesús de Chamberí", "El pacto".... ALL metal songs corresponding to the first albums they weren't metal in their first album but for sure they were metal in "jesus de chamberi" and in "la leyenda de la mancha"... if that albums ain't metal.... britney spears isn't pop then.... -.- The people now confuse metal with power metal, with double bass drum and all that stuff, but the real metal is far of that way of playing, the true metal is near hard rock so don't say the first albums weren't metal omfg... If you don't like Jesús de Chamberí and La leyenda de la Mancha u ain't a Mägo De Oz fan... is like a guy who like Iron Maiden and just like brave new world and dance of death... it's ok u can like, but then u really don't love Iron Maiden

I like Mägo De Oz, even those albums. As you can see, I've listed as a favorite band. But it's just that not every song on the firsts albums are metal. Some songs are, but not every. So you say that "El balsamo de fierabras" is metal? I don't think so... I really like Mägo De Oz, but that doesn't mean I'll love every album without looking back.
My account on other musical pages:
25.05.2006 - 18:51
Written by Talvi on 25.05.2006 at 18:35

Written by Dam3k on 25.05.2006 at 16:14

Written by Talvi on 24.05.2006 at 22:14

Written by Dam3k on 24.05.2006 at 17:37

Written by Talvi on 24.05.2006 at 16:58

Saurom and Mägo De Oz, but actualy I prefer Saurom. They are just the same, but they play even better! Really, Mägo De Oz only has 2 really awesome albums, and of those, only 1 is really metal, that is Gaia II (the other good album is Finisterra).

Lol? Jesús de Chamberí and La Leyenda de la Mancha are clearly their most reprensentative and recognize albums they wouldn't have became famous if they wouldn't have recorded that 2 albums!! Finisterra aren't the only awesome albums

Half of the songs of Jesís de Chamberí are crap, and it isn't really a metal album, and even La Leyenda de la Mancha is a lot better, it's still not awesome. I didn't say they weren't good, but that they weren't awesome. And BTW, La Leyenda de la Mancha isn't 100% metal neither. Nor Finisterra. Nor Gaia. Not until Gaia II they have been discovered as a REAL metal band. Remember that they roots weren't metal.

Ehm... the first albums aren't metal? "El santo grial", "La cruz de santiago", "Satania", "Jesús de Chamberí", "El pacto".... ALL metal songs corresponding to the first albums they weren't metal in their first album but for sure they were metal in "jesus de chamberi" and in "la leyenda de la mancha"... if that albums ain't metal.... britney spears isn't pop then.... -.- The people now confuse metal with power metal, with double bass drum and all that stuff, but the real metal is far of that way of playing, the true metal is near hard rock so don't say the first albums weren't metal omfg... If you don't like Jesús de Chamberí and La leyenda de la Mancha u ain't a Mägo De Oz fan... is like a guy who like Iron Maiden and just like brave new world and dance of death... it's ok u can like, but then u really don't love Iron Maiden

I like Mägo De Oz, even those albums. As you can see, I've listed as a favorite band. But it's just that not every song on the firsts albums are metal. Some songs are, but not every. So you say that "El balsamo de fierabras" is metal? I don't think so... I really like Mägo De Oz, but that doesn't mean I'll love every album without looking back.

Lol the style of a band isn't defining for a ballad... k "Remember yesterday" is a ballad so what? Hammerfall isn't metal?? LOL no "Bálsamo de Fierabras" is a ballad and? Really people nowadays don't know what metal is.... metal ISN'T velocity metal IS high-pitched vocals and heavy guitars just like Mägo De Oz in all their albums excepting their first one, I'm not inventing nothing I just saying what is the concept metal and metal doesn't mean as I said velocity even a ballad or a slow song can be metal -.- metal is in guitars, in the vocals not in the speed

25.05.2006 - 19:46
Written by Dam3k on 25.05.2006 at 18:51

Written by Talvi on 25.05.2006 at 18:35

Written by Dam3k on 25.05.2006 at 16:14

Written by Talvi on 24.05.2006 at 22:14

Written by Dam3k on 24.05.2006 at 17:37

Written by Talvi on 24.05.2006 at 16:58

Saurom and Mägo De Oz, but actualy I prefer Saurom. They are just the same, but they play even better! Really, Mägo De Oz only has 2 really awesome albums, and of those, only 1 is really metal, that is Gaia II (the other good album is Finisterra).

Lol? Jesús de Chamberí and La Leyenda de la Mancha are clearly their most reprensentative and recognize albums they wouldn't have became famous if they wouldn't have recorded that 2 albums!! Finisterra aren't the only awesome albums

Half of the songs of Jesís de Chamberí are crap, and it isn't really a metal album, and even La Leyenda de la Mancha is a lot better, it's still not awesome. I didn't say they weren't good, but that they weren't awesome. And BTW, La Leyenda de la Mancha isn't 100% metal neither. Nor Finisterra. Nor Gaia. Not until Gaia II they have been discovered as a REAL metal band. Remember that they roots weren't metal.

Ehm... the first albums aren't metal? "El santo grial", "La cruz de santiago", "Satania", "Jesús de Chamberí", "El pacto".... ALL metal songs corresponding to the first albums they weren't metal in their first album but for sure they were metal in "jesus de chamberi" and in "la leyenda de la mancha"... if that albums ain't metal.... britney spears isn't pop then.... -.- The people now confuse metal with power metal, with double bass drum and all that stuff, but the real metal is far of that way of playing, the true metal is near hard rock so don't say the first albums weren't metal omfg... If you don't like Jesús de Chamberí and La leyenda de la Mancha u ain't a Mägo De Oz fan... is like a guy who like Iron Maiden and just like brave new world and dance of death... it's ok u can like, but then u really don't love Iron Maiden

I like Mägo De Oz, even those albums. As you can see, I've listed as a favorite band. But it's just that not every song on the firsts albums are metal. Some songs are, but not every. So you say that "El balsamo de fierabras" is metal? I don't think so... I really like Mägo De Oz, but that doesn't mean I'll love every album without looking back.

Lol the style of a band isn't defining for a ballad... k "Remember yesterday" is a ballad so what? Hammerfall isn't metal?? LOL no "Bálsamo de Fierabras" is a ballad and? Really people nowadays don't know what metal is.... metal ISN'T velocity metal IS high-pitched vocals and heavy guitars just like Mägo De Oz in all their albums excepting their first one, I'm not inventing nothing I just saying what is the concept metal and metal doesn't mean as I said velocity even a ballad or a slow song can be metal -.- metal is in guitars, in the vocals not in the speed

Really? You think that is a ballad? I'm not fool. I understand that metal has balalds. But that song isn't. Like others from old Mägo De Oz. So the song "T'esnucaré contra el bidé" is metal to you? Not for me.
My account on other musical pages:
25.05.2006 - 20:34
Written by Talvi on 25.05.2006 at 19:46

Written by Dam3k on 25.05.2006 at 18:51

Written by Talvi on 25.05.2006 at 18:35

Written by Dam3k on 25.05.2006 at 16:14

Written by Talvi on 24.05.2006 at 22:14

Written by Dam3k on 24.05.2006 at 17:37

Written by Talvi on 24.05.2006 at 16:58

Saurom and Mägo De Oz, but actualy I prefer Saurom. They are just the same, but they play even better! Really, Mägo De Oz only has 2 really awesome albums, and of those, only 1 is really metal, that is Gaia II (the other good album is Finisterra).

Lol? Jesús de Chamberí and La Leyenda de la Mancha are clearly their most reprensentative and recognize albums they wouldn't have became famous if they wouldn't have recorded that 2 albums!! Finisterra aren't the only awesome albums

Half of the songs of Jesís de Chamberí are crap, and it isn't really a metal album, and even La Leyenda de la Mancha is a lot better, it's still not awesome. I didn't say they weren't good, but that they weren't awesome. And BTW, La Leyenda de la Mancha isn't 100% metal neither. Nor Finisterra. Nor Gaia. Not until Gaia II they have been discovered as a REAL metal band. Remember that they roots weren't metal.

Ehm... the first albums aren't metal? "El santo grial", "La cruz de santiago", "Satania", "Jesús de Chamberí", "El pacto".... ALL metal songs corresponding to the first albums they weren't metal in their first album but for sure they were metal in "jesus de chamberi" and in "la leyenda de la mancha"... if that albums ain't metal.... britney spears isn't pop then.... -.- The people now confuse metal with power metal, with double bass drum and all that stuff, but the real metal is far of that way of playing, the true metal is near hard rock so don't say the first albums weren't metal omfg... If you don't like Jesús de Chamberí and La leyenda de la Mancha u ain't a Mägo De Oz fan... is like a guy who like Iron Maiden and just like brave new world and dance of death... it's ok u can like, but then u really don't love Iron Maiden

I like Mägo De Oz, even those albums. As you can see, I've listed as a favorite band. But it's just that not every song on the firsts albums are metal. Some songs are, but not every. So you say that "El balsamo de fierabras" is metal? I don't think so... I really like Mägo De Oz, but that doesn't mean I'll love every album without looking back.

Lol the style of a band isn't defining for a ballad... k "Remember yesterday" is a ballad so what? Hammerfall isn't metal?? LOL no "Bálsamo de Fierabras" is a ballad and? Really people nowadays don't know what metal is.... metal ISN'T velocity metal IS high-pitched vocals and heavy guitars just like Mägo De Oz in all their albums excepting their first one, I'm not inventing nothing I just saying what is the concept metal and metal doesn't mean as I said velocity even a ballad or a slow song can be metal -.- metal is in guitars, in the vocals not in the speed

Really? You think that is a ballad? I'm not fool. I understand that metal has balalds. But that song isn't. Like others from old Mägo De Oz. So the song "T'esnucaré contra el bidé" is metal to you? Not for me.

So what's the prob? Mägo de Oz is metal in Jesus de Chamberí and in La Leyenda de la Mancha METAL IS NOT SPEED as I said, if u would understand that u wouldn't say that two albums ain't metal....

25.05.2006 - 22:13
Written by Dam3k on 25.05.2006 at 20:34

Written by Talvi on 25.05.2006 at 19:46

Written by Dam3k on 25.05.2006 at 18:51

Written by Talvi on 25.05.2006 at 18:35

Written by Dam3k on 25.05.2006 at 16:14

Written by Talvi on 24.05.2006 at 22:14

Written by Dam3k on 24.05.2006 at 17:37

Written by Talvi on 24.05.2006 at 16:58

Saurom and Mägo De Oz, but actualy I prefer Saurom. They are just the same, but they play even better! Really, Mägo De Oz only has 2 really awesome albums, and of those, only 1 is really metal, that is Gaia II (the other good album is Finisterra).

Lol? Jesús de Chamberí and La Leyenda de la Mancha are clearly their most reprensentative and recognize albums they wouldn't have became famous if they wouldn't have recorded that 2 albums!! Finisterra aren't the only awesome albums

Half of the songs of Jesís de Chamberí are crap, and it isn't really a metal album, and even La Leyenda de la Mancha is a lot better, it's still not awesome. I didn't say they weren't good, but that they weren't awesome. And BTW, La Leyenda de la Mancha isn't 100% metal neither. Nor Finisterra. Nor Gaia. Not until Gaia II they have been discovered as a REAL metal band. Remember that they roots weren't metal.

Ehm... the first albums aren't metal? "El santo grial", "La cruz de santiago", "Satania", "Jesús de Chamberí", "El pacto".... ALL metal songs corresponding to the first albums they weren't metal in their first album but for sure they were metal in "jesus de chamberi" and in "la leyenda de la mancha"... if that albums ain't metal.... britney spears isn't pop then.... -.- The people now confuse metal with power metal, with double bass drum and all that stuff, but the real metal is far of that way of playing, the true metal is near hard rock so don't say the first albums weren't metal omfg... If you don't like Jesús de Chamberí and La leyenda de la Mancha u ain't a Mägo De Oz fan... is like a guy who like Iron Maiden and just like brave new world and dance of death... it's ok u can like, but then u really don't love Iron Maiden

I like Mägo De Oz, even those albums. As you can see, I've listed as a favorite band. But it's just that not every song on the firsts albums are metal. Some songs are, but not every. So you say that "El balsamo de fierabras" is metal? I don't think so... I really like Mägo De Oz, but that doesn't mean I'll love every album without looking back.

Lol the style of a band isn't defining for a ballad... k "Remember yesterday" is a ballad so what? Hammerfall isn't metal?? LOL no "Bálsamo de Fierabras" is a ballad and? Really people nowadays don't know what metal is.... metal ISN'T velocity metal IS high-pitched vocals and heavy guitars just like Mägo De Oz in all their albums excepting their first one, I'm not inventing nothing I just saying what is the concept metal and metal doesn't mean as I said velocity even a ballad or a slow song can be metal -.- metal is in guitars, in the vocals not in the speed

Really? You think that is a ballad? I'm not fool. I understand that metal has balalds. But that song isn't. Like others from old Mägo De Oz. So the song "T'esnucaré contra el bidé" is metal to you? Not for me.

So what's the prob? Mägo de Oz is metal in Jesus de Chamberí and in La Leyenda de la Mancha METAL IS NOT SPEED as I said, if u would understand that u wouldn't say that two albums ain't metal....

I just don't understand how you can't see that I understand that metal isn't speed. If it was like that, doom couldn't be metal. I don't know why you say that. And Jesus de Chamberí ISN'T metal. And if this topic continues, we will have to talk this in the Genre Definition forum.
My account on other musical pages:
25.05.2006 - 22:49
Written by Talvi on 25.05.2006 at 22:13

Written by Dam3k on 25.05.2006 at 20:34

Written by Talvi on 25.05.2006 at 19:46

Written by Dam3k on 25.05.2006 at 18:51

Written by Talvi on 25.05.2006 at 18:35

Written by Dam3k on 25.05.2006 at 16:14

Written by Talvi on 24.05.2006 at 22:14

Written by Dam3k on 24.05.2006 at 17:37

Written by Talvi on 24.05.2006 at 16:58

Saurom and Mägo De Oz, but actualy I prefer Saurom. They are just the same, but they play even better! Really, Mägo De Oz only has 2 really awesome albums, and of those, only 1 is really metal, that is Gaia II (the other good album is Finisterra).

Lol? Jesús de Chamberí and La Leyenda de la Mancha are clearly their most reprensentative and recognize albums they wouldn't have became famous if they wouldn't have recorded that 2 albums!! Finisterra aren't the only awesome albums

Half of the songs of Jesís de Chamberí are crap, and it isn't really a metal album, and even La Leyenda de la Mancha is a lot better, it's still not awesome. I didn't say they weren't good, but that they weren't awesome. And BTW, La Leyenda de la Mancha isn't 100% metal neither. Nor Finisterra. Nor Gaia. Not until Gaia II they have been discovered as a REAL metal band. Remember that they roots weren't metal.

Ehm... the first albums aren't metal? "El santo grial", "La cruz de santiago", "Satania", "Jesús de Chamberí", "El pacto".... ALL metal songs corresponding to the first albums they weren't metal in their first album but for sure they were metal in "jesus de chamberi" and in "la leyenda de la mancha"... if that albums ain't metal.... britney spears isn't pop then.... -.- The people now confuse metal with power metal, with double bass drum and all that stuff, but the real metal is far of that way of playing, the true metal is near hard rock so don't say the first albums weren't metal omfg... If you don't like Jesús de Chamberí and La leyenda de la Mancha u ain't a Mägo De Oz fan... is like a guy who like Iron Maiden and just like brave new world and dance of death... it's ok u can like, but then u really don't love Iron Maiden

I like Mägo De Oz, even those albums. As you can see, I've listed as a favorite band. But it's just that not every song on the firsts albums are metal. Some songs are, but not every. So you say that "El balsamo de fierabras" is metal? I don't think so... I really like Mägo De Oz, but that doesn't mean I'll love every album without looking back.

Lol the style of a band isn't defining for a ballad... k "Remember yesterday" is a ballad so what? Hammerfall isn't metal?? LOL no "Bálsamo de Fierabras" is a ballad and? Really people nowadays don't know what metal is.... metal ISN'T velocity metal IS high-pitched vocals and heavy guitars just like Mägo De Oz in all their albums excepting their first one, I'm not inventing nothing I just saying what is the concept metal and metal doesn't mean as I said velocity even a ballad or a slow song can be metal -.- metal is in guitars, in the vocals not in the speed

Really? You think that is a ballad? I'm not fool. I understand that metal has balalds. But that song isn't. Like others from old Mägo De Oz. So the song "T'esnucaré contra el bidé" is metal to you? Not for me.

So what's the prob? Mägo de Oz is metal in Jesus de Chamberí and in La Leyenda de la Mancha METAL IS NOT SPEED as I said, if u would understand that u wouldn't say that two albums ain't metal....

I just don't understand how you can't see that I understand that metal isn't speed. If it was like that, doom couldn't be metal. I don't know why you say that. And Jesus de Chamberí ISN'T metal. And if this topic continues, we will have to talk this in the Genre Definition forum.

Jesus de Chamberi isn't metal Iron Maiden isn't neither then... -.- I'm tired of arguing don't wanna argue with u, u don't know anything about metal and I don't wanna explain i recommend u to visit wikipedia u could find it useful to know what's metal, look, Is not my opinion is what it is jesus de chamberi, finisterra, and la leyenda de la mancha are metal is not my opinion is the music genre no more don't continue with this plz, anyway,
