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How Has Elitism Affected Your Metal Taste/Mentality?

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How have metal elitist views affected your metal taste/mentality?

I was closed minded, but I've opened up.
I've always thought metal is metal. \m/
Mainstream & melodic = poser faggots
Lolwut? Metallica invented metal wtf!!!

Total votes: 62
17.03.2013 - 07:51
We all (should) know about the traditional metal ideology dating to the early '80s or so which includes the view that bands that have too much melody in their music and/or go for the money are pose(u)rs. That includes glam, metalcore, nu metal, and alt metal (and in some people's views power metal, gothic, etc.). The only true metal is traditional metal, thrash metal, and underground bands.

I personally started listening to metal about two years ago, as a freshman in high school. I still remember hearing songs like "Your Betrayal" by BFMV, "Last Man Standing" by HammerFall, "Engel" by Rammstein, "Dragula" by Rob Zombie, "Monster" by Skillet, and "Enter Sandman" by (uh, who made that song again ) that got me interested in heavier music. I knew I liked what I was hearing (although I thought the video for "Engel" was kinda weird and gothic), but I couldn't tell the difference between metal and straight hard rock, so I put "heavy metal (music)" into Wikipedia and started looking into the difference. From there, I found bands like Black Sabbath, Metallica, and Iron Maiden (having already heard some songs by the former two before, without realizing it), and got into those bands. While on YouTube I found one of those retarded "true metal vs. false metal" videos that had classic, thrash, death, and black metal as the "real metal" and nu metal, metalcore, and alt rock as the "poser metal." This was reinforced by an entry for metal that I found on Urbandictionary that said at the bottom, "Nu-metal and metalcore ain't metal."

So basically I was left as a newborn metal fan (who didn't really identify myself as a metalhead until at least a year later, having gotten to know a ton of different styles and grown a liking for many of them in the process) who only knew that high screaming = metalcore/screamo = poser metal (at least before I learned how to identify "trve" black metal) and wankster/goth/emo look = poser fags. I later came to understand that mainstream bands were sellout fags (including my Metallica, whose old stuff I'd grown enough liking for not to give a fuck that they sold out in 1991) because they were in it for the money, and that a common method of selling out was to soften down your music to get a wider audience.

With this mentality, I got into actually listening to these new types of metal: black, thrash, death, metalcore, hard rock, etc. To be able to tell the difference between them. I got into the more underground and old-school stuff because those were the true styles of metal. And if a band suddenly released an album with a softer sound, then they must be sellout fags. Seriously, I remember a quote that I made several months ago on the YouTube video for one of the new Ahab songs from their album The Giant, which was a lot more melodic doom/post-doom than their funeral doom debut The Call of the Wretched Sea, saying that they had sold out. Looking back on it now, I realize that they still play a style that is far from ever being mainstream, and had changed because of the development of their own style, which is as "metal" as hell. So I listened to my true metal, over time adding deathcore to the list of styles to hate and power metal, doom metal, stoner metal, sludge metal, grind, and prog to the styles to appreciate.

To this day I prefer the older and more underground styles to mainstream metal as a rule of thumb, for the simple reason that I've grown accustomed to those styles and been trained as to what "poser shit" to look out for. However I've come to the realization that many of the more mainstream bands, if overrated, sound as much like "real metal" as a lot of the off-the-beaten-path stuff I listen to (like doom metal and the occasional experimental band) and consider metal which other metalheads might not think is real metal. (And likewise a lot of "true" old-school bands are probably overrated quality-wise, despite having been highly influential.) I make a point of sampling some songs by different "poser" bands to see if they sound like metal, having come to conclusions about which ones are "true." And I've decided that some bands from all those styles I brought up are metal, some are not. And most of the ones that aren't don't really give a fuck, and I respect that. They're not really poser metal if they don't claim to be metal, eh?

As for whether bands like Metallica have changed their style for the money, and therefore are sellouts, is not my place to judge, since I've never been in the situation of being pressured by a label to play a certain style, knowing that it'll put my band in the "big, big leagues," as their producer at the time of the Black Album put it. Our gods Judas Priest had a time when they played a more mainstream style that had somewhat of a glam sound to it. (That was just an alternative example, since bands in virtually every style have at some point played something that intentionally or unintentionally sounded like a more mainstream style, and either went back to their old style or ran with their take on the mainstream one.)

And to this day, I occasionally ponder on whether certain bands or songs I like are "real metal," because it's been so ingrained in my head that whether it's metal vs. hard rock determines its quality. But then I realize how juvenile that is, and how much that mentality resembles that of the metal elitists who had my view of metal fucked up for so long. And I just let the song blare.

TL;DR: Vote on the poll and post about how the elitist viewpoint of some metalheads has affected your opinions/tastes. I would vote on the first option.
17.03.2013 - 09:00
Those are interesting thoughts you've got on this subject! Nowadays I've only got two rough categories myself, "Good music" and "Bad music". Or, "Music I like" and "Music I don't like". 99% of the music I like enough for me to purchase it, listen to it, enjoy it and pull it out frequently, happens to be within the melodic branches of Metal. I admit it, occasionally I enjoy some radio-Rock, soft Pop, Filmscores, occasionally a Country song, and gasp, I even tap my feet and start humming to Lady Gaga if it happens to cross my ears somehow (Damn, now I probably lost all the web metal creds I was ever gonna get ).

But these are the types of music I can respect or that I find "listenable" but ultimately uninteresting for me (except Filmscores though), while Melodic Metal music happens to be what I love. And I don't care if it's laughed upon by others as "Glam Poser Hard Rock" or "European Flower Power Ghey Metal" or "Symphonic Self Indulgent Progressive Wank Metal" or "True Classic Testosteron Badass Manly Heavy Metal", as long as it sounds great to me which is all that matters.

The worst thing about not having an open mind towards music are the negative after-effects of expectations and preconceived notions, in my opinion. The day someone stops the heated arguments about what subgenre something is or isn't, and gets rid of thoughts like "Damn, this is not metal but I like it, that can't be a good thing", is the day that very someone is suddenly able to enjoy music much more (I think). (I apologize if this was too long, hope you don't mind)

What you wrote here resonated so well, and I can recognise myself in this:
"And to this day, I occasionally ponder on whether certain bands or songs I like are "real metal," because it's been so ingrained in my head that whether it's metal vs. hard rock determines its quality. But then I realize how juvenile that is, and how much that mentality resembles that of the metal elitists who had my view of metal fucked up for so long. And I just let the song blare." That's the spirit, right there!
17.03.2013 - 12:20
I could not care less.

I listen to over 9000 different stuffs, only a fraction of which is metal and most of the time it is fringe territory of metal anyways, I listen to very little of the "authentic" metal genres.
I think this said everything.
17.03.2013 - 19:52
Account deleted
There are "authentc" metal genres?
17.03.2013 - 20:19
Written by [user id=101272] on 17.03.2013 at 19:52

There are "authentc" metal genres?

On that I mean stuff like heavy, thrash, doom, death, black, power etc.
17.03.2013 - 20:26
Account deleted
Written by Uldreth on 17.03.2013 at 20:19

Written by [user id=101272] on 17.03.2013 at 19:52

There are "authentc" metal genres?

On that I mean stuff like heavy, thrash, doom, death, black, power etc.

From a logical standpoint, the only one of those that can be remotely called "authentic" is heavy, since it's sort of the backbone of the genre. Maybe doom too, since Black Sabbath sounds like it. Everything after that is pretty much "false metal."
17.03.2013 - 20:49
A staff guy...
There sure do seem to be a several elitism and "how have your tastes in metal been affected by this or that" topics cropping here lately...
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

17.03.2013 - 22:03
Fairly nonsensical poll options and an entire novel as OP... so

my answer is: I listen to music that I like, and occasionally some that I don't like, which I likely won't listen to again
17.03.2013 - 22:59
Maybe back in the "tr00 metal" days when I was like 14 and just getting over nu metal, it would have affected me and possibly caused me to miss out on some good music. Now I listen to whatever I want.
Whenever I see metalheads with an elitist attitude, it just strikes me as immature and insecure. I assume they probably got into metal just a few years ago and will eventually grow up. Though I do know someone around my age who's been listening to metal for as long as I have and I swear he propagates every elitist stereotype about metalheads. Makes me wanna facepalm...
17.03.2013 - 23:35
Written by psykometal on 17.03.2013 at 20:49

There sure do seem to be a several elitism and "how have your tastes in metal been affected by this or that" topics cropping here lately...

LOL I just did a simple search for "elitism," and two threads came up that seemed more general than my topic idea.

Written by Mattybu on 17.03.2013 at 22:03

Fairly nonsensical poll options and an entire novel as OP... so

my answer is: I listen to music that I like, and occasionally some that I don't like, which I likely won't listen to again

I tried to make the possibilities general enough but not specific enough to have to add 15 options. And I wanted to add some humor in, especially on the last two
18.03.2013 - 10:03
M C Vice
Written by Patrick. on 17.03.2013 at 09:00

"True Classic Testosteron Badass Manly Heavy Metal",

Can someone on the staff please make them the official gene for Motorhead, please?
"Another day, another Doug."
"I'll fight you on one condition. That you lower your nipples."
" 'Tis a lie! Thy backside is whole and ungobbled, thou ungrateful whelp!"
18.03.2013 - 10:15
A staff guy...
Written by M C Vice on 18.03.2013 at 10:03

Can someone on the staff please make them the official gene for Motorhead, please?

That would be a pretty freakin' appropriate genre tag...
~Zep, Database and Forum Moderation~

18.03.2013 - 10:35
Heaven Knight
At first i used to be elitist for some period, then i realized that "being metal" is more than just saying "everything apart metal sucks"
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

18.03.2013 - 14:16
My experience has been, the more I learn about music, the more I enjoy quality and the less I enjoy quantity. What I mean is, I enjoy the music I enjoy more. I can delve deeper into feeling various musical styles. However, the side effects is that there is more and more music out there that I dislike. If the music is shallow I tend to dismiss it. Granted I don't discount any genre and I will give anything a try at least once. But I've definitely become more picky with what I'll spend my time listening to.

As far as selling out, I used to care, then I learned about stuff like 'paying bills'. There's a lot of shit to worry about in real life. If you can make a living going on tour, playing shows and making people happy, kudos to you. Doesn't mean I have to listen to your music, but I won't resent you for it.
18.03.2013 - 14:47
Account deleted
I voted for the second option. I've always been the opposite of a metal elitist, most of the bands I like are on the melodic/soft side, some of them are mainstream, and I never really cared for the "classic" bands. Fortunately metal is so diverse that everyone can find some bands to like. Elitists sometimes annoy me, when they say stupid things like "female vocals don't belong to metal", "flower metal must die", etc., but I just don't care for them anymore. They are missing out some great bands. Metal is metal, good music is good music, just listen what you like, and don't force your tastes on others.
19.03.2013 - 03:05
I hopped aboard the 'core' trend when it was first getting big (like 5 or 6 years ago.)
But after about 6 months I was like, "What the Fuck am I listening to? This isn't even metal!"

I still enjoy the odd 'core' band that was good enough to keep my attention. But these days I find it hard to enjoy most core music.
"Sataaaaaaaaan. Yeah yeah!"
-King Diamond
19.03.2013 - 10:54
Elitism has affected to me a lot cuz I know exactly I what kind of metal I'm looking for so it's easy to search for bands in certain subgenres that I like and it also helps me to filter out all stuff I'm not into. Of course it makes me miss out on some stuff that I'm not very familiar w/ but I don't even know what I would be missing!. w/o this kind of thinking I wouldn't know about most of my current favourite albums. But if I get to know about some album no matter what kind of metal or non-metal music it is I will give it a chance IF THERE'S GOOD REASONING to listen to it, i.e a convincing review about it. So I suppose my vote goes for both 1st (I was closed minded, but I've opened up.) and 2nd (Mainstream & melodic = poser faggots) options.

TL DR: elitism has affected me and it seems to be more of a benefit than a disadvantage.
My vision is augmented
20.03.2013 - 00:52
Written by TERÄSMESTARI on 19.03.2013 at 10:54

Elitism has affected to me a lot cuz I know exactly I what kind of metal I'm looking for so it's easy to search for bands in certain subgenres that I like and it also helps me to filter out all stuff I'm not into. Of course it makes me miss out on some stuff that I'm not very familiar w/ but I don't even know what I would be missing!. w/o this kind of thinking I wouldn't know about most of my current favourite albums. But if I get to know about some album no matter what kind of metal or non-metal music it is I will give it a chance IF THERE'S GOOD REASONING to listen to it, i.e a convincing review about it. So I suppose my vote goes for both 1st (I was closed minded, but I've opened up.) and 2nd (Mainstream & melodic = poser faggots) options.

TL DR: elitism has affected me and it seems to be more of a benefit than a disadvantage.

Yeah I'm of the *Insert "Listens to underground metal/Doesn't hate on the mainstream" pic here* mentality. I don't consider people posers simply for the style they listen to, even if I avoid those styles because they're not my taste.
20.03.2013 - 08:21
Nemo Atkins
Personally, if I like it, I don't care if it's metal or not, I'll still listen to it.
22.03.2013 - 01:00
At most I was an elitist black metal head. Now, I just really don't give a shit. I like my metal genres but I have enough of an open mind to be able to listen to almost anything else. There is a time and place for all genres and while I might blast some tunes in my house, you're not going to find me dancing to it in a club. Yes I said it...a club. Most people when they first encounter me cant even grasp the fact that I listen to metal... I look too much suit and tie like and I like to keep it that way
From YOLO to LOLOL. You're welcome.
22.03.2013 - 15:41
"Thou shalt only listen to 'trve' metal!"

No, seriously, I think you have a good point. If you like Metal that shouldn't mean you are not "allowed" to listen to oher stuff. But to be honest, other stuff will never feel that good
And yes, I've become more open-minded in the last few years (listening to metal to > 10 years now). I just listen to what I like rather than following genres.
24.03.2013 - 06:45
The Sasquatch
I used to be a metal elitist but today I think I'm pretty open minded when it comes to music.

I tried to get into 80's and 70's Metal, but its just not my thing. I grew up in the 90's and 00's, so I enjoy crystal clear productions and the crossover genres that emerged from this period way more than the the traditional stuff. The reason I like live albums better than studio albums for the "classic bands" (especially Iron Maiden) is because I can't stand the vintage production and the weird mixing that they used in the 80's.

Although I still enjoy my Epica, Helloween, Edguy, and Blind Guardian today my playlist is maybe 10% Metal and 90% everything else. Lately I've been listening to a lot of Brazilian pop/rock (REALLY popy stuff like Clarice Leão, Little Joy, and Los Hermanos), lots of classical (finally found recordings of Bethoven symphonies played at the ridiculously fast tempo markings he wrote down!), Swing/jazz (makes me want to live in USA during the early 20's), and a decent amount of plain pop music (Adele, Jason Mraz, Carla Bruni, and the likes). Oh yeah some classic rock like Dylan, The Beatles, and the Rolling Stones too.

As far as metal is concerned I've always been a Power, Prog, Doom, Symphonic metal type of guy. Black Metal never did anything for me because I think it sounds too much like Punk, and to me vocals either have to be operatic or deep growls/grunts/guttural. What I look for in music is either great musicianship, technique, complexity, and emotion (for this I generally look for Classical, Jazz, and Tango) or catchiness, nice melodies, good lyrics, and fantastic voices (for this I generally look for the pop, rock, metal, MPB, electronic music, and so on).
24.03.2013 - 08:24
Written by 4look4rd on 24.03.2013 at 06:45

lots of classical (finally found recordings of Beethoven symphonies played at the ridiculously fast tempo markings he wrote down!

For example?
30.03.2013 - 00:15
The Sasquatch
Written by nasmith on 24.03.2013 at 08:24

Written by 4look4rd on 24.03.2013 at 06:45

lots of classical (finally found recordings of Beethoven symphonies played at the ridiculously fast tempo markings he wrote down!

For example?

This is the 5th Symphony at the actual tempo marking, which is half-note= 108 (it is often played at 80-92). I think it sounds much better when its played faster.

07.04.2013 - 17:57
I went through an elitist phase, where I'd only listen to death, black, funeral doom and prog/avant garde metal. Now I listen to everything from hip hop to jazz, indie, postmodernist classical - you name it. There is good in every genre, and just because you dislike a style of music doesn't make it bad.
When God made up the golden rule, do you think he noticed that it condones rape?
07.04.2013 - 21:34
Well I was some time ago very strict on what I would listen to even if I never went totally black/death but I would never listen to BFMV even if I really liked them at first. Nowadays I barely listen to metal (but I like to play it on the guitar) and if I do it's mostly the good old bands I fell in love with, I don't even try to find new Metal bands anymore because there's so much crap new bands are releasing
08.04.2013 - 08:29
Written by 4look4rd on 24.03.2013 at 06:45

I tried to get into 80's and 70's Metal, but its just not my thing. I grew up in the 90's and 00's, so I enjoy crystal clear productions and the crossover genres that emerged from this period way more than the the traditional stuff. The reason I like live albums better than studio albums for the "classic bands" (especially Iron Maiden) is because I can't stand the vintage production and the weird mixing that they used in the 80's.

Yeah, that is a good point. When it comes to old school stuff I like my classic thrash, speed, doom, and straight heavy metal, but I don't really like the vintage production either. Same goes for the majority of newer bands/albums I listen to.

Written by moe5512 on 07.04.2013 at 21:34

I don't even try to find new Metal bands anymore because there's so much crap new bands are releasing

Very true. I generally listen to songs I know I like or look deeper into albums of bands I like, but sometimes I decide to look further and find new bands that I really like.
26.01.2014 - 14:04
I've never had a problem of elitism but whatever...
{}::::::[]:::::::::::::::::> ONLY DEATH IS REAL <:::::::::::::::::[]::::::{}
Rest In Peace: Bon Scott, Dave G. Halliday, Michael "Destructor" Wulf, Jerry Fogle, Quorthon, Witchhunter
30.01.2014 - 03:35
I was incredibly elitist when I was younger. I used to listen to metal almost exclusively. I guess I got too caught up in the culture. I'm so ashamed of that particular phase in my life. It was so immature and so stupid beyond belief. However, I feel as though I've come a long way since I was 15. Since then, I've opened my mind to different types of music and such. I maybe a bit opinionated when it comes to music but I don't fucking care what anyone listens to. I respect other people's tastes, no matter how repugnant I find their favorite bands to be. I won't even give them shit for it.
10.02.2014 - 04:08
Secundum Filium
I would have only been into the "arena" name bands like Metallica or Iron Maiden if you asked me in like 2008-2010 and definitely more swayed by the opinions of others then, but I've definitely opened up a lot more since then, since diversity is definitely beneficial. I may not necessarily enjoy certain bands (Megadeth, Slipknot, etc.) but I'm not going to bash anyone for liking them, just like I won't kiss the asses of people who enjoy the bands I love (Katatonia, Meshuggah, etc). If you like it or dislike it, that's cool, it's what makes this community unique.
Ordinary men hate solitude. But the Master makes use of it, embracing his aloneness, realizing he is one with the whole universe (Lao Tzu).