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Moonspell's best album

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Favorite Moonspell Album

The Antidote
Under the Moonspell
Darkness and Hope
Butterfly Fx

Total votes: 134
21.05.2006 - 19:45
this is one hell of a difficult poll :|

decisions...i guess ill pick wolfheart...but Memorial...

Darkness and Hope...Antidote...oh my god....ill pick Wolfheart because it was the first...maybe ill change to Memorial LOL
21.05.2006 - 19:55
Account deleted
I used to like Irreligious the most, but now I changed to Wolfheart, basically for one song: Love Crimes... in general, I think Moonspell are a very good band, but their problem is irregularity.. all albums have good songs, some more than others, but there's a lot of crap also, even if their best releases.
21.05.2006 - 21:10
i also voted for Wolfheart ...
Memorial is my 2nd ...

but wolfheart have really gathered the most perfect melodies.... every single song from it have a so special part at least that you cannot pass the song without repeat it two or three times at least

Memorial is good ... especially Finisterra ... i can't believe it..!!! i wish they could do all their songs like it
I saw her standing by the crimson sea...
Isolated by the silent thoughts...
Her gazing was intense but so dead...

The teardrops corroded the soil.. She couldn't say a word to me...
22.05.2006 - 11:43
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Vampiria is what convinced me to vote for Wolfheart... of course, all other songs on the album have brilliant aspects, although Vampiria is just that damn good in its overall composition
22.05.2006 - 17:17
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
I vote inder the moonespell because i liie early Moonsepell albums and I think this is best. I wish I can by it some day original CD
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
23.05.2006 - 03:08
I think Wolfheart is the best one. All the songs are good...even Lunar Still and it have my prefered: Love Crimes and it also have the music that let the new listeners became to be fans: Alma Mater.
23.05.2006 - 05:21
Wolfheart is the best imo, I'd like the change of melody on the songs, the deep voice of Ribeiro, the keyboards that add a special sound of melancholy sense, also the female voice and the amazing track of Trebaruna
And sometimes I despair
At who I've become
I have to come to terms
With what I've done
24.05.2006 - 03:52
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"Irreligious" is my personal favorite! And to be honest, I'm not partiqulary sure why! I just feels right, actually. As a collection of songs, I feel it is the strongest, best show casing the bands unique take on melody.
25.05.2006 - 06:07
Well this is difficult, is hard to say which one is may favorite I'm between Under the moonspell and Wolfheart, I've voted for Unde the moonspell it's atmospheric, full with passion and darkness, Wolfheart fullemotioned, and Alma mater just freak me out is the best Moonspell song...
" And every angel needs a tear to laugh "
25.05.2006 - 18:32
hmmmmmmm.. i think i'll vote for the antidote not a special reason, and the best song of them is in and above men imo ^^
in a dreaming utopia.. dead on dope
28.05.2006 - 10:40
The Antidote. Call me crazy but I just think it's their best. I enjoy it the most, even more so than Wolfheart.
04.06.2006 - 07:47
I Own You Bitch
the antidote! the antidote! forever that will be my all time favorite Moonspell album! <3
Stick this up your fucking pee-aitch-dee.
04.06.2006 - 14:45
Written by X-FrEaK on 21.05.2006 at 19:45

this is one hell of a difficult poll :|

decisions...i guess ill pick wolfheart...but Memorial...

Darkness and Hope...Antidote...oh my god....ill pick Wolfheart because it was the first...maybe ill change to Memorial LOL

Think I'll never make this choice, because Wolfheart, Ireligious and Darkness And Hope are equally great for me. And it's pretty damn good that Moonspell is the band with several "the bests".
06.06.2006 - 05:14
This is hard..
But I think Wolfheart is the best
06.06.2006 - 15:18

Think I'll never make this choice, because Wolfheart, Ireligious and Darkness And Hope are equally great for me. And it's pretty damn good that Moonspell is the band with several "the bests".

ive got to agree with you in a band where its dificult to choose the best album that only means they are REALLY masters
06.06.2006 - 23:54
Dark Phoenix
I was deciding between Sin/Pecado and Wolfheart; gave my vote to Sin/Peacdo after all Mostly due to Magdalene, 2nd Skin and EuroticA. All such emotional songs that just hit my heart the first time I heard them, each on their own way.
You think darkness is your ally? You merely adopted the dark. I was born in it. Molded by it. I didn't see the light until I was a man. But it was nothing to me but blinding.
07.06.2006 - 05:48
I see a lot of opinions about their albums, but what about "Under the moonspell" it is fantastic and no one says something about it, so please ¿What about this album?...
" And every angel needs a tear to laugh "
07.06.2006 - 16:56
I think that Under is one of the best ones but not the best...very good but too short and was a step behind wolfheart. They are similar but wolfheart have a better production and is more beauty.
I think that Under was the preparation to wolfheart
11.06.2006 - 01:12
i guess its a bit unfair to put the album in a poll(although it has 2 votes) cause it only has 2/3 "real songs" there are 5 but 2 are instrumental if im not mistaken but Tenebrarum Oratorium and Opus Diabolicum are great songs, who knows what could have happened if Moonspell decided to go that is, nevertheless, a great album!
13.06.2006 - 20:42
Account deleted
Under the Moonspell definately
13.06.2006 - 22:16
Written by X-FrEaK on 11.06.2006 at 01:12

i guess its a bit unfair to put the album in a poll(although it has 2 votes) cause it only has 2/3 "real songs" there are 5 but 2 are instrumental if im not mistaken but Tenebrarum Oratorium and Opus Diabolicum are great songs, who knows what could have happened if Moonspell decided to go that is, nevertheless, a great album!

I agree with you...only 3 "real" songs. Besides, it was an EP and the the first shown of moonspell. Before that only some maketes like Serpent Angel (great song), Anno Satanae and Wolves from the fog.
16.06.2006 - 23:32
Written by bangladesh on 13.06.2006 at 22:16

I agree with you...only 3 "real" songs. Besides, it was an EP and the the first shown of moonspell. Before that only some maketes like Serpent Angel (great song), Anno Satanae and Wolves from the fog.

you r right Goat on Fire just r0x DDD one of the best black metal songs Moonspell ever produced \m/
19.06.2006 - 05:24
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Of all the bands to do this with. With Moonspell, it's almost impossible. But, if pressured to, I would have to say Wolfheart and Sin/Pecado. Although Under The Moonspell would've qualified, if it was a full-length CD that kept the quality up all the way through.

24.06.2006 - 03:58
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easy one, wolfheart its just awsome.
26.06.2006 - 12:38
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the most fullfilled - Complete albym for me...

30.06.2006 - 00:24
Ofcourse Wolfheart. It is a complete album and very well produced. You just listen to it till you wake up from the daydream it gets you into. I'm not a fan of their later albums. I haven't listened Memorial yet but the good old Wolfheart still is the best. As i was saying i hold them on my favorite bands list everywhere just for Wolfheart album. There are two songs which i adore in Darkness and Hope (Ghostsong and Than the Serpents in My Arms)album too.
18.07.2006 - 00:17
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Honestly, with the absolutely biggest debate, I would say that Sin is the best album in their catalogue. Why you may ask? Simply because they had shown through with their talent on this album then any others in the past. Pedro had great samples that just harmonized with the rest of the music, Mike with his great rhythm on the drums, as well as some smooth bass lines from Sergio. But what also moved me, are the great solos that Ricardo could pull through. They were so simple and moved through the songs, opposed to many you here in their genre. Though all in all, this is the album that made me such a great fan of theirs. Fernando asked so many questions for us to answer in this album, and put them so delicately. Look at the title Sin/Pecado. Sin in Spanish means without, and picado means sin, and with the slash he may be asking, sin or without sin. Normally no one would really take light in it, but with his use with multiple languages in the music you have to ask. Or what about the verse "there is always a claw at the end of each hand, they stretch down to help you, they scratch down to hurt you", or even "without you I am mute, without you raped and nude", "into decadence with elegance". But the song that one me over on the album is the Hanged Man, the last song on the album, except for 13, the opening quote is "Put your arms around my neck, like a pathetic lace of death, display us like a tarot deck, I am the card of the hanged man". So it is saying that this wise man, this one that could be god, has got him in a hold, but so delicately he can almost not tell. How great is that. Lyrically, vocally, musically it is the greatest album they had ever produced and should never be over looked. So that is my reason. But do keep in mind, I am one of the biggest Moonspell fans out there and I love every album they had put out, from the demos to Memorial, but this is the one that had the greatest impact.
18.07.2006 - 05:48
Lord Grim
I have been listening to this band for a long time now... And let me tell you... When I first heard their music, I was like, oh, he has a very good voice and the instruments sounded nice. Well.. I sort of forgot about Moonspell for a while... So... Yesterday while I was hanging out with my gf/keyboardist, and both my guitarists, we hop on their web site... I almost shit myself from hearing their new CD... That is why I voted for it... It's just so... Amazing...
"Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary in life."
18.07.2006 - 12:29
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I picked "The Antidote", because it's kinda like "Wolfheart", but better. "Darkness and Hope" is a pretty neat album as well, but a bit... soft, for my taste. Come to think of it, "The Antidote" is sorta combining the best elements from both Wolfheart and DaH. So "The Antidote" it is, 'though, I haven't listened to "Memorial" just yet...
18.07.2006 - 15:14
Under the Moonspell
IMO was the heaviest album they ever realesed ....with so much talent and mixture of musical elements I think moonspell peoduced a master piece ...