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Benighted - New Song Up

Posts: 64   Visited by: 73 users
10.10.2007 - 14:36
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An uberly fantastic death grind band from France with incredibly catchy and memorable songs. I'm pretty sure a lot of you know this band so I won't ramble on about them. Identisick and Insane Cephalic Production are both very sweet albums indeed.

One thing to note that I love about this band is that I find that they're as aggressive a band can be without passing over into "brutal" territory so they retain a lot of their groove, melody and how shall I put it? Headbang-a-bility? Something like that.

Anyhoo my main reason for this topic is to gather opinions of the new album 'Icon' if anyone's heard it? Have a slight worry they're gonna head down the Deathcore path :/
10.10.2007 - 17:19
Identisick is my favorite of theirs. This band has a killer sound that really stands out from other DM bands. I'm ready for the new album.
11.10.2007 - 01:30
Winter Death
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This band is a more recent discovery for me, but man they have got some talent. They have a unique sound that balances melody and brutality, which is always a hard thing to do.
11.10.2007 - 01:39
Lactation Cnslt
Benighted is one of my favorite death metal bands; 4th to be specific. I have Psychose, ICP, and Identisick and they're all amazing. I like how they can be super technical at times, but still remain fluid and brutal as hell.
11.10.2007 - 17:01
Baz Anderson
"Identisick" is an amazing album - really great stuff!
I cannot wait to hear the new album - even if it is just the same as "Identisick", I will still be a very happy person indeed
my second favourite French band out there (that I know anyway)
12.10.2007 - 12:40
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Got the new album =] it's pretty good actually. I'm still on my first listen but it sounds a little bit more mature than their other stuff. Still very "Benighted" though.
13.10.2007 - 20:43
I love this band! Is one my brutal death favorites and well I'm no big fan of the brutal stuff but this band really caught my attention. Maybe as some of you put it is due to that perfect balance between melodic and brutal and a lot of technicality. I love Identisick I'd say is my favorite one and but I just got Icon and well I like it a loot is growing more and more and maybe it will become my favorite. I think like Velvet said it sounds more mature. Keep it brutal
21.10.2007 - 23:39
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23.10.2007 - 11:42
Written by Baz Anderson on 11.10.2007 at 17:01

"Identisick" is an amazing album - really great stuff!
I cannot wait to hear the new album - even if it is just the same as "Identisick", I will still be a very happy person indeed
my second favourite French band out there (that I know anyway)

Please tell me the first one is not Heavenly

I've pre-ordered Icon, should receive it soon. If the two songs on their myspace page are anything to go by, it's going to be even better than Identisick. That "Slut" song is absolutely amazing.

My second national favourite band as well (after Gojira) and probably one of my 2-3 fav death metal bands. Catching them live in one week. It's the first time I'll get to see them, which is a bit odd considering they come from the area I'm living in.
23.10.2007 - 12:23
Baz Anderson
Written by Deadsoulman on 23.10.2007 at 11:42

Please tell me the first one is not Heavenly

I've pre-ordered Icon, should receive it soon. If the two songs on their myspace page are anything to go by, it's going to be even better than Identisick. That "Slut" song is absolutely amazing.

My second national favourite band as well (after Gojira) and probably one of my 2-3 fav death metal bands. Catching them live in one week. It's the first time I'll get to see them, which is a bit odd considering they come from the area I'm living in.

hahahaha, how did you guess - yes it is Heavenly. I just wish I knew them before the Hellfest show - but still, I can see Heavenly as a product of going to Hellfest

I've not heared them tracks on the myspace, so I am there now!

indeed, Benighted are one of my favourite death metal bands now I think.. they might worm their way in to my favourite bands if the new album is just as great as "Identisick"
23.10.2007 - 18:09
"Icon" is pretty good. Not as good as Identisick, but definitely a quality album. Some weird parts thrown in, like the rapping section. Again, not as good as the previous album, but a worthy addition to the Benighted discography.
23.10.2007 - 23:45
Lactation Cnslt
Rapping? wtf I knew it wouldn't be possible to top Identisick, but that just sounds annoying. I'll pick it up one of these days...
24.10.2007 - 02:41
Written by Dangerboner on 23.10.2007 at 23:45

Rapping? wtf I knew it wouldn't be possible to top Identisick, but that just sounds annoying. I'll pick it up one of these days...

It's only like 15 seconds, and not as bad as it sounds.
24.10.2007 - 09:32
Written by Dangerboner on 23.10.2007 at 23:45

Rapping? wtf I knew it wouldn't be possible to top Identisick, but that just sounds annoying. I'll pick it up one of these days...

Yeah, come on, it happens just once, 10 to 15 seconds, and it kind of flows naturally with the rest of the song - that song is brutal, it's not Biohazard or anything. I don't understand why it annoys people. On Identisick, there was a flamenco passage, and nobody whined, even though I don't think metalheads are big flamenco fans. Why does a bit of rapping frighten people like this? As the Benighted guys said in an interview (quote): "we all listen to many different things, in and outside metal, and it's kind of obvious in our albums". Benighted wouldn't be Benighted without that.
25.10.2007 - 13:21
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Ha, yeah I can't believe ppl would moan about the rapping bit which is clearly done for humorous purposes.

I loved that flamenco bit, it was on Sex Addicted wasn't it?
26.10.2007 - 01:37
Lactation Cnslt
zomg! Brutal death metal fans not liking rap? No way!

I'll get the album next week
26.10.2007 - 01:41
Baz Anderson
hahaha, this is a great album - I have had it on pretty much non-stop
the rapping part is great, it just sounds so bizarre. hahaha
definitely the album isn't as good as "Identisick" but I think this is still a really great album - worthy of time of course! one of the best death metal albums of the year, but still unfortunately it doesn't top their last album
26.10.2007 - 08:36
Sepulchral Oath
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these guys seem to be labeled as "deathcore," and i think they even label themselves that term considering that they have shirt designs that say, "Benighted: Brutal Deathcore" or something, but i definitely find them really enjoyable to listen to. they seem to have a certain groove that makes for some really interesting tunes, unlike other deathcore bands...
26.10.2007 - 20:42
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I can see how the term deathcore could apply to them, even if it is only a vocal thing. esp. their earlier stuff. Apart from that they have nothing in common with the core scene as far as I can tell. I still maintain there's a lot of grind in their music, aside from their obvious Napalm Death cover.

Seems that is almost unanimous that their new album is great but not as good as Identisick. I doubt they'll ever top it really.
01.11.2007 - 16:29
I saw Benighted live on Tuesday. I think I can say I had never seen something like that before. Ever. You all who like this band, don't miss any opportunity to see them. If you want to know why, read my report of the concert here.
02.11.2007 - 00:51
Lactation Cnslt
I downloaded Icon a few days ago and it's awesome, as expected. My favorite songs are Slut and Human Circles, which actually is strikingly similar to Edgar Winter's Frankenstein. Grind Wit is also a great song, but the rapping part is totally unnecessary. It doesn't make the album better or worse, it's just 6 seconds of randomness. I wouldn't even call it experimental - if they wanted to experiment, they'd make a whole song like that, which I hope they don't ever do. It's already been done before anyways, most notably by the band Vampire Mooose.

I want to see them live so bad...
02.11.2007 - 02:21
Just saw the review of them. They sound great.
22.04.2008 - 00:18
This guys are Brutal! I want to see them live too...
One Pound Of Flesh, No More No Less, No Cartilage, No Bones, But Only Flesh...
01.05.2008 - 15:24
Urban Monster
Benighted has to be my favorite death metal band at the moment. They really are awesome, i downloaded Icon a few weeks ago and i can't stop listening to it. Killer riffs that stay in your head, innovative drumming and Julien's growls are just brutal and very varied, end result ? Top quality death metal !
Any man can stand adversity, but to test his character give him power - A. Lincoln
21.05.2008 - 13:20
Yeah, one of my favourite bands, too. Though, I discovered them only a year ago, so shame on me.
I don't like their early works though (before ICP).

Top3 bands I still haven't but want to see live.
31.05.2008 - 18:30
very nice band. i just got iCP, Identisick and Icon. but i've listened to other albums ... they are getting better album by album. the point is that they are not american (because most of grind death metal bands are american)
so, i just want to know are they playing black metal beside death metal? because they are so similar to black metal. and i've read in wikipedia that they are influenced by Cannibal Corpse and Marduk.. so maybe they are brutal death metal with black...e
31.05.2008 - 22:30
Lactation Cnslt
no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
31.05.2008 - 22:42
Urban Monster
Written by Hamird on 31.05.2008 at 18:30

very nice band. i just got iCP, Identisick and Icon. but i've listened to other albums ... they are getting better album by album. the point is that they are not american (because most of grind death metal bands are american)
so, i just want to know are they playing black metal beside death metal? because they are so similar to black metal. and i've read in wikipedia that they are influenced by Cannibal Corpse and Marduk.. so maybe they are brutal death metal with black...e

No dude, they just succeeded in creating their own sound. Yeah okay they can be infleunced by diverse metal genres but they are primarily brutal death or grindcore. And no they do not sound black metal at all come on, you're just thinking of that vocal shrieking style.
Any man can stand adversity, but to test his character give him power - A. Lincoln
02.06.2008 - 16:39
Account deleted
Actually 'Psychose' (and I suspect their self titled) is very much a black metal orientated album. They dropped the sound on ICP except in a couple of songs.
02.06.2008 - 22:51
Lactation Cnslt
Nah, Psychose is just a melodic death metal album, and a really good one at that.