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How often do you play?

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How often do you play your instrument?

Majority of the time
All the time

Total votes: 113
12.11.2007 - 21:57
Lord TJ
I play sometimes, I use to play majority of the time. Being with friends, girlfriend, and the computer all distracts me from playing.

But then again I can't put a band together her for anything! Nobody is good enough for metal! So its not like I have something to prove out here. Im not so bad of a player though. I am kinda getting back up to playing majority of the time. I need to change my strings first!
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13.11.2007 - 02:48
I go on my drum about 3 or 4 times a week for at least 1 hour
13.11.2007 - 04:53
Never Enough, since I didn't feel I applied to any of the above, I tend to sometimes go without days of playing and then there are those days I tend to play for several hours. And then their are those days that I do what's usually recommended and play for 45 mins, take a 15 min brake and do the cycle about as many times as I feel like doing.

Written by [user id=22888] on 18.01.2008 at 09:05

People are always at their very best when they're dead.

13.11.2007 - 08:23
Foetal Butchery
majority of the time, im always playing, whether its playing or just holding it and mucking around with scales and stuff
Dark death metal from Sydney:
13.11.2007 - 12:59
majority of the time. I'm able to type this because I just took a 5 minute brake from playing my guitar
13.11.2007 - 20:05
Lord TJ
I use to sit at my computer with my guitar, I would have guitar pro, and my music playing so I could play along, and I had a program called Audacity where I could record my work. I had to do a system recovery on my computer so now I lost everything, I got Audacity again and I got my music back, but now I can't ifnd out where to download guitar pro again! Which is probably why I don't play as much as I used to.
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14.11.2007 - 09:42
This is sort of a vague quetion, but I will answer it anyways. I play bass about two hours each day. I mainly review scales on differrent keys, chord structures, and go over some differret pieces. But when I decide to review actual songs, sometimes I get sucked in for hours.
14.11.2007 - 15:30
Written by Lord TJ on 13.11.2007 at 20:05

but now I can't ifnd out where to download guitar pro again!

use limewire, I found gp 5 there.
14.11.2007 - 16:41
Well, I play around 3 hours every 2 months, to be honest lol. But I really regret it...I swear I'll play more often as soon as possible, since I moved due to Uni and I don't have my guitar with me right now.
*All Blood Runs The Same*
14.11.2007 - 17:37
Lord TJ
Written by matthioso on 14.11.2007 at 15:30

use limewire, I found gp 5 there.

I have, I did not get any results after waiting for 15 minutes.
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14.11.2007 - 17:53
Lone wanderer
The pool is little confusing for me, but I think the closest answer is "sometimes". Since I can play for 5 hours without a brake, and sometimes, I dont play for whole month at all. I play pretty good, when you take in consideration how little I practice....
14.11.2007 - 19:13
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
I try to play a lot but these days I can't get in a lot of playing time...if I had it my way I'd be playing 24 hours a day...
14.11.2007 - 20:06
i always devote at least an hour of playing guitar each day....but as of late, those 'one hour sessions' have been turning into 2 and a half without me even knowing it...

not that i'm improving much. usually in a rut....

now get on your knees and worship me!
-Zakk Wylde
15.11.2007 - 12:44
Heaven Knight
only sometimes...i have too much other activites and duties to play my keyboard often and ordinary
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

16.11.2007 - 10:51
Account deleted
I Used to play all the time but my [playings taking a slide, which is wierd since i just started at music college again, to much emphasis on crap really.

I Think my skills are being passed onto retro games...there goes my life!
18.11.2007 - 23:30
Account deleted
I used to play quite alot, like 2-4 hours per day. Ive just been really bussy with the school lately which have distracted me from playing. So thats the main reason.. Also girlfriend, friends and weight-lifting takes time from guitar playing, so its really been only from one to three times a week(usually 1-2 hours/session) for some time now.
19.11.2007 - 03:24
I play as much as I can, on days that are empty, I play almost all day, holding my guitar at my hands.

When I have little time before I go out or to the work, I grab the guitar and play even for 10 minutes. I have to.

Can't handle not playing for over a day..
24.11.2007 - 12:30
Written by Aylee_Bodom on 14.11.2007 at 16:41

Well, I play around 3 hours every 2 months, to be honest lol.

Ah yes, it's not as fun as hunting bats at night, is it?

Seriously though, just like ms Bodom here, i'm also not getting the practice i should be getting, because of my studies. I used to play three times a week for about an hour, but now...

Anyway, my last exam is next week, so after that i'll get back to my old routine.
Procrastinate, NOW!
25.11.2007 - 00:29
Bitter Dawn
Ave Sathanas!
All I do with my spare time is play and create music, either I am coming up with a new riff for a song or recording my work. I end up spending a lot of time on the computer since I use Line 6 hardware to record everything via Reaper. Last Monday though, I spent probably at least six hour's playing and writing new guitar pieces for a song, we (my band) already recorded the acoustic part's and I wanted to come up with some electric for the rest of the song. Then all of yesterday I was working with the drum's, which I am about to do soon now since I don't like the way the overall recording came out.
27.11.2007 - 21:32
Lord TJ
Im starting to get more involved with my playing time. After I finally changed my guitar strings its a lot better to play!
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28.11.2007 - 19:48
I play a lot, I think I couldn't live without my guitar. I used to play much more, up to 4 or 5 hours a day, now I have less time for that so I practice around one hour a day.
Having a signature is an absolute must.
28.11.2007 - 23:08
Account deleted
I also play a lot.
But university takes a lot of time so I would spend more time if able...

Currently we produce our 2nd album so I'll have to play more often the next time! ;-)
29.11.2007 - 02:35
Torture Killer
Account deleted
i play majority of the time, once a day or every other day for like 4 or 5 hours
03.12.2007 - 14:51
Arian Totalis
The Philosopher
Written by Sunioj on 14.11.2007 at 09:42

This is sort of a vague quetion, but I will answer it anyways. I play bass about two hours each day. I mainly review scales on differrent keys, chord structures, and go over some differret pieces. But when I decide to review actual songs, sometimes I get sucked in for hours.

Yeah that's one of the best feelings in the world. I also practice every day, normally for about an hour, and I will go for more than an hour a few times a week. I need to get crackin' more on learning some more songs, but lately I have been learning how to Pick sweep. So I voted for "All the time"
"For the Coward there is no Life
For the hero there is No Death"
-Kakita Toshimoko

"The Philosopher, you know so much about nothing at all." _Chuck Schuldiner.
03.12.2007 - 15:22
Valentin B
i try to play/exercise every day even for 5-10 minutes, i never really get bored of playing, it's just my fingers start hurting again, even with my needle-stopping callouses

so majority..
04.12.2007 - 03:49
Account deleted
I try to practice quite a bit, but after work I usually feel like doing something that requires little physical effort like playing video games or watching TV, so I find it hard to get motivated to play. Then I remember that my friends are counting on me to write material, so I get my ass in gear.
06.12.2007 - 09:23
Account deleted
i try to get at least an hour of practice a day
06.12.2007 - 09:51
Zombie, M.D.
I can't imagine people seriously practicing their instruments for the majority of their waking hours.

Monday through Wednesday I practice the drums from the time I get off of work until my roommate comes home from work. Usually around two hours or so, I guess. Thursday and Friday I can't play the drums because my roommate is home with his son, so I just mess around on my practice pad while watching TV or listening to music. Saturday and Sunday are typically used for band practice/jamming which goes on until one of us gets angry about something stupid and leaves, on average around four hours.

I'm pretty sore by the time the next Monday rolls around.
"I really screwed up this time." - Jeffery Dahmer
11.12.2007 - 12:22
The last month i've been playing 8 hours every day, but usualy i play three hours!
You found god? If nobody claims him in thirty days, he's yours

Walk with me in hell
17.12.2007 - 18:32
Account deleted
I play sometimes... I haven't got enough time left when I come home. Unfortunately.
And mostly I'm bored playing songs I already played hundreds of times. I just feel like playing new songs on the weekend (because of my time to learn something new).
I think I just need a band again then it'd all be better.