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Abigor - Founding Member Peter Kubik Dies

Austrian black metal outfit Abigor's guitarist (also bassist) Peter Kubik has passed away at the age of 49. Peter was one of band's founding members back in 1993.

Statement from the band's FB site: PK 1975 - 2024. Immortal in his legacy - blood (family), soil (home) and monuments of Black Metal art. Walked through the gate by his own hand, through his own will. (photo below May 1995 during the recording of Nachthymnen. more following during the next days. keep your respectful distance to the bereaved for now!)

Band profile: Abigor
Posted: 03.09.2024 by Cynic Metalhead


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Comments: 34   Visited by: 105 users
03.09.2024 - 14:35
Even in the obituary, they couldn't resist making Nazi allusions
03.09.2024 - 15:16
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by Shmelevod on 03.09.2024 at 14:35

Even in the obituary, they couldn't resist making Nazi allusions

I'm not seeing anything of the sort chief.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

03.09.2024 - 17:36
Written by Boxcar Willy on 03.09.2024 at 15:16

Written by Shmelevod on 03.09.2024 at 14:35

Even in the obituary, they couldn't resist making Nazi allusions

I'm not seeing anything of the sort chief.

Hello?! "Blood and soil"?!
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
03.09.2024 - 17:53
Meat and Potatos
Written by Boxcar Willy on 03.09.2024 at 15:16

Written by Shmelevod on 03.09.2024 at 14:35

Even in the obituary, they couldn't resist making Nazi allusions

I'm not seeing anything of the sort chief.

Seeing nazism in everything became an epidemic. Guy is freaking dead... And people are busy doing that. Sad times.
"Aah! The cat turned into a cat!"
- Reimu Hakurei
03.09.2024 - 17:56
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by RaduP on 03.09.2024 at 17:36

Hello?! "Blood and soil"?!

You learn something new everyday.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

03.09.2024 - 18:11
Written by Karlabos on 03.09.2024 at 17:53

Seeing nazism in everything became an epidemic. Guy is freaking dead... And people are busy doing that. Sad times.

Do you think the band just happened to use "Blood and soil" in the text?

Is it a coincidence that founding member Thomas Tannenberger played keys on Absurd releases recently?
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
03.09.2024 - 18:19
Silent Creeper
Senile Veteran
I always thought that they are not connected to Nazi scene, considering their frequent collaborator is Silenius of Summoning, band which publicly renounced Nazism. But unfortunately it seems I was mistaken.
03.09.2024 - 19:01
i c deaf people
I find it hard to believe that people who have grown up in a Western democracy have never heard of the "blood and soil" ideology. "Blut und Boden" was one of the central slogans of the NS regime, I thought that was general knowledge.

Is this really no longer taught at school these days?
signatures = SPAM
03.09.2024 - 19:41
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by Starvynth on 03.09.2024 at 19:01

I find it hard to believe that people who have grown up in a Western democracy have never heard of the "blood and soil" ideology. "Blut und Boden" was one of the central slogans of the NS regime, I thought that was general knowledge.

Is this really no longer taught at school these days?

Sorry, I fill my head with Oasis lyrics and 90s motocross videos, not Nazi regime slogans.
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

03.09.2024 - 20:01
i c deaf people
Written by Boxcar Willy on 03.09.2024 at 19:41

We're not all from Germany bro.

Is that supposed to be the answer to my very simple question, or is it meant as an explanation for why you like to get involved in controversial topics, even though you apparently have little idea what it's actually about?
It's 2024. The internet exists, and the entirety of human knowledge is just a click away. It shouldn't be that hard to acquire a bit of basic knowledge before doubting the completely valid statement of another user.
signatures = SPAM
03.09.2024 - 20:36
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by Starvynth on 03.09.2024 at 20:01

Is that supposed to be the answer to my very simple question, or is it meant as an explanation for why you like to get involved in controversial topics, even though you apparently have little idea what it's actually about?
It's 2024. The internet exists, and the entirety of human knowledge is just a click away. It shouldn't be that hard to acquire a bit of basic knowledge before doubting the completely valid statement of another user.

Maybe you can use the internet to learn how to not be a condescending dickhead then?
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

03.09.2024 - 21:16
Written by RaduP on 03.09.2024 at 18:11

Written by Karlabos on 03.09.2024 at 17:53

Seeing nazism in everything became an epidemic. Guy is freaking dead... And people are busy doing that. Sad times.

Do you think the band just happened to use "Blood and soil" in the text?

Is it a coincidence that founding member Thomas Tannenberger played keys on Absurd releases recently?

Honestly almost absurd that he claimed people are reading too much into it after you already pointed out the "blood and soil" thing. Like, a quick Google search could have told you it's a nazi slogan. Sad times indeed, considering the willful ignorance and looking-the-other-way we have to put up with when it comes to blatant nazism.
03.09.2024 - 22:08
i c deaf people
Written by Boxcar Willy on 03.09.2024 at 20:36

Maybe you can use the internet to learn how to not be a condescending dickhead then?

Touché! I'm indeed often condescending. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

But the big difference between us is that I don't lose my temper when someone tries to provoke me. Whether you call me "dickhead" or "bro" doesn't matter to me at all. I'm condescending when I want to appear condescending, and I am whenever people try to sell their uninformed opinions as truth. That's a conscious choice, which stands in stark contrast to your temper tantrums and uncontrolled outbursts that lead you to say so much rash, unfounded BS that you even have to edit your own posts after they've already been quoted.

You learned something today? Good for you. But we're not in school here. If you really want to participate in a serious conversation, then do your homework first. That's a basic requirement for any discussion that isn't about trivialities like Oasis lyrics or motocross videos.
signatures = SPAM
03.09.2024 - 22:11
A Real Mönkey
On the one hand It definitely wouldn’t kill Willy to crack open a book once in a while.

But on the other hand who honestly looks at the words “blood” and “soil” in successive order and their first immediate thought is “That sounds like Nazi slang?”
"Change the world. My final message. Goodbye."

~Last words of Harambe, seconds before he was shot, according to child he shielded from gunfire
03.09.2024 - 22:39
i c deaf people
Written by A Real Mönkey on 03.09.2024 at 22:11

But on the other hand who honestly looks at the words “blood” and “soil” in successive order and their first immediate thought is “That sounds like Nazi slang?”

That's a good point, and that's why I asked. I genuinely have no idea whether this is still part of the curriculum in Canada, the USA, or elsewhere these days. In Europe, it's largely common knowledge.
signatures = SPAM
03.09.2024 - 22:40
X-Ray Rod
To be honest I was on the fence on quoting the first post as I was wondering the same thing as Willy. But I had the wrong vibes about the "blood" and "soil" thing so I was like "eh, I will search for it later or wait for someone to fill the gaps". Turns out my gut was right.

I'm honestly still sad that he died. For two reasons: Not only was Abigor an excellent and very underrated band that just recently was putting out some very impressive and fairly original black metal, but also because a suicide is a tragedy in almost every case. It's a shame that he was in a frame of mind where he felt that "eh, good enough. Bye".

Stuff like Nachthymnen, Supreme Immortal Art and Orkblut is pretty legendary (honestly I enjoy most of their stuff).
I will keep them in my memory. But can't help but have a sour taste in my mouth at the moment. :\
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

03.09.2024 - 22:43
I will say that 'blood and soil' is something that I only heard of fairly recently (as in the last handful of years) - at least in the UK when I was growing up, there was less of the history curriculum dedicated to WW2 than some might expect, and what there was in the years it was covered (mainly age 9-10; I dropped history age 14 and they didn't really cover it in high school up to that point) didn't put much emphasis onto Nazi language (most people in the UK will know of 'the final solution', but lebensraum, arbeit macht frei, and so on are all things I learned after leaving school). I'm not sure how much 'blood and soil' can be expected to be common knowledge globally, but from a black metal band from a Germanic country, its use is most likely intentional with respect to those connotations, and it's unfortunate that this tribute has been clouded as such
03.09.2024 - 22:44
X-Ray Rod
Written by Starvynth on 03.09.2024 at 22:39

Written by A Real Mönkey on 03.09.2024 at 22:11

But on the other hand who honestly looks at the words “blood” and “soil” in successive order and their first immediate thought is “That sounds like Nazi slang?”

That's a good point, and that's why I asked. I genuinely have no idea whether this is still part of the curriculum in Canada, the USA, or elsewhere these days. In Europe, it's largely common knowledge.

My perspective is a bit different because I moved from Chile to Sweden when I was 12 which was roughly the time where WWII would have been covered in both Chile and Sweden. But I was busy learning Swedish for a year and I very briefly touched the subject of WWII in eight grade. And that's pretty much it for me. And after the 9th grade you enter High-school here in Sweden which is 3 years. And depending on which lane you pick (I took Natural sciences so basically physics, biology, chemistry and math) you may completely skip any history classes all together.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

03.09.2024 - 23:23
Written by A Real Mönkey on 03.09.2024 at 22:11

But on the other hand who honestly looks at the words “blood” and “soil” in successive order and their first immediate thought is “That sounds like Nazi slang?”

Who honestly looks at a swastika and a roman salute and their first immediate thought is "That looks like Nazi stuff"?
Do you think if the heart keeps on shrinking
One day there will be no heart at all?
04.09.2024 - 00:06
A Real Mönkey
Written by RaduP on 03.09.2024 at 23:23

Written by A Real Mönkey on 03.09.2024 at 22:11

But on the other hand who honestly looks at the words “blood” and “soil” in successive order and their first immediate thought is “That sounds like Nazi slang?”

Who honestly looks at a swastika and a roman salute and their first immediate thought is "That looks like Nazi stuff"?

Not buddhist monks and Roman centurions, that’s for sure.
"Change the world. My final message. Goodbye."

~Last words of Harambe, seconds before he was shot, according to child he shielded from gunfire
04.09.2024 - 00:20
A Real Mönkey
Written by X-Ray Rod on 03.09.2024 at 22:44

Written by Starvynth on 03.09.2024 at 22:39

Written by A Real Mönkey on 03.09.2024 at 22:11

But on the other hand who honestly looks at the words “blood” and “soil” in successive order and their first immediate thought is “That sounds like Nazi slang?”

That's a good point, and that's why I asked. I genuinely have no idea whether this is still part of the curriculum in Canada, the USA, or elsewhere these days. In Europe, it's largely common knowledge.

My perspective is a bit different because I moved from Chile to Sweden when I was 12 which was roughly the time where WWII would have been covered in both Chile and Sweden. But I was busy learning Swedish for a year and I very briefly touched the subject of WWII in eight grade. And that's pretty much it for me. And after the 9th grade you enter High-school here in Sweden which is 3 years. And depending on which lane you pick (I took Natural sciences so basically physics, biology, chemistry and math) you may completely skip any history classes all together.

Honestly I only knew about it because Trump apparently used the term when talking about immigrants last year at some rally, which says a lot about our country and its leaders I guess.
"Change the world. My final message. Goodbye."

~Last words of Harambe, seconds before he was shot, according to child he shielded from gunfire
04.09.2024 - 00:37
I don't remember hearing about "blood and soil" before this news post, and I have seen quite a few WWII documentaries and have read quite a bit about it. I guess I must have seen it before, but I didn't really register it for some reason. I definitely did not make any connection until Radu pointed it out, and I googled it to see what it was.

In school, we learned about the causes that led to WWII and the events during it, the use of the swastika and the salute, of course, but I sincerely don't remember us being taught about Nazi language or slogans. Maybe "the final solution", but that's about it.

Written by Boxcar Willy on 03.09.2024 at 20:36

Maybe you can use the internet to learn how to not be a condescending dickhead then?

That's unnecessary and rude. Like Rod above, I also didn't see anything Nazi-related at the post and wanted to ask where the Nazi allusions were, but I googled what Radu said before posting anything. Starvynth sometimes may come across as condescending, but it usually happens when people make dumb comments.
04.09.2024 - 00:57
I think this "blood and soil" is another of those instnaces that a thing used in cultures beside Nazi Germany for fairly innocent purposes has been indefinitely polluted.
In any case, I find it hard to believe that a band from Austria of all places not seeing the Nazi connection.
Giving my ears a rest from music.
04.09.2024 - 01:09
Cynic Metalhead
Ambrish Saxena
Written by Boxcar Willy on 03.09.2024 at 20:36

Written by Starvynth on 03.09.2024 at 20:01

Is that supposed to be the answer to my very simple question, or is it meant as an explanation for why you like to get involved in controversial topics, even though you apparently have little idea what it's actually about?
It's 2024. The internet exists, and the entirety of human knowledge is just a click away. It shouldn't be that hard to acquire a bit of basic knowledge before doubting the completely valid statement of another user.

Maybe you can use the internet to learn how to not be a condescending dickhead then?

Go easy on him. As far as I'm concerned, he's far from being a condescending considering how we have gone through the forums way before he wasn't even knowing about Metal Storm. His posts always comes across as being posted by primary school teacher and is very helpful.

Back to the topic, it's sad how we all gone off the topic on the grieving situation of the musician who passed away.
04.09.2024 - 03:28
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by Starvynth on 03.09.2024 at 22:08

Written by Boxcar Willy on 03.09.2024 at 20:36

Maybe you can use the internet to learn how to not be a condescending dickhead then?

Touché! I'm indeed often condescending. You know it, I know it, everyone knows it.

But the big difference between us is that I don't lose my temper when someone tries to provoke me. Whether you call me "dickhead" or "bro" doesn't matter to me at all. I'm condescending when I want to appear condescending, and I am whenever people try to sell their uninformed opinions as truth. That's a conscious choice, which stands in stark contrast to your temper tantrums and uncontrolled outbursts that lead you to say so much rash, unfounded BS that you even have to edit your own posts after they've already been quoted.

You learned something today? Good for you. But we're not in school here. If you really want to participate in a serious conversation, then do your homework first. That's a basic requirement for any discussion that isn't about trivialities like Oasis lyrics or motocross videos.

So why do you get a pass do act this way?

You can peruse the forum and be an asshole when you feel like being an asshole because “You know it, I know it, everyone knows it”. When I call you out for your poor attitude suddenly I’m a poor little baby having a “tantrum”. Unbelievable.

Clearly my questioning of the connection was warranted by the other posters in this thread. I even used the World Wide Web and posted a link to explain for others who might not have understood it! Imagine that! Yet you still felt the need to “comment” on my lack of (clearly not) basic knowledge of WWII NS slogans.

Even better, you double down on being a dick with this response. Incredible behaviour. Bravo.

You’re no different than any other troll. Poking and poking until you get a reaction. I guess I am an idiot, because I fell for it this time, like Poland’s border. (Don’t worry, I googled that too.)
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

04.09.2024 - 05:10
Cool the stuff Blood and soil, manly as fuk like rural tough environment.
04.09.2024 - 05:22
While we are all digging for buzzwords in a social media post, can we please try to remember that one of our fellow humans has passed. How about instead of reading into what someone else said about the departed, we honor his memory and legacy.
04.09.2024 - 06:49
Written by Starvynth on 03.09.2024 at 22:08

You learned something today? Good for you. But we're not in school here. If you really want to participate in a serious conversation, then do your homework first. That's a basic requirement for any discussion that isn't about trivialities like Oasis lyrics or motocross videos.

I'd say a willingness to learn should always be encouraged, whether in a serious conversation or not. Besides, it's not as if Willy was making false claims or spouting nonsense. He merely stated he didn't see any nazi allusions and when someone pointed them out he accepted that. Then he jokingly explained why he didn't know in response to your question. Was that so bad?
04.09.2024 - 10:27
Abigor was one of the very first black metal bands I listened to and loved. never until now have I known that their members might be affiliated with national socialism.

To reply to some of the comments, The 'Blood and 'soil' slogan, it's the first time I've ever heard of too. We were taught about WW2 at school, but were definitely not taught any slogans. I think in every country the WW2 is taught more from that country's perspective rather than have a detailed analysis. The curriculum is so big that I think most schools teach you 'this and that happened' just to cover most important events but never go into much detail.
This is my worship, this is my path...
04.09.2024 - 10:57
Written by mz on 04.09.2024 at 00:57

I think this "blood and soil" is another of those instnaces that a thing used in cultures beside Nazi Germany for fairly innocent purposes has been indefinitely polluted.
In any case, I find it hard to believe that a band from Austria of all places not seeing the Nazi connection.

I am from Austria and we do have history classes from 12 to 18y. However, I have never come across that term

Anyway. Rip to him. He was a great musician and Abigor are criminally underrated on ms imo

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