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The Band that Invented Metal

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Posted by Lupas, 01.06.2006 - 18:51
I wonder who was the first band that invented True Metal Music .
Some say that was OZZY or ACDC and others would say LED or even Metallica.
Better leave to you this decision
17.04.2009 - 02:22
The Beatles, The Who and the Rolling Stones inspire bands like Deep Purple, Scorpions, The Doors and Led Zeppelin who inspire Metal... I think that Metal come from Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and Judas Priest... Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax re-invent Metal...
17.04.2009 - 11:10
Account deleted
AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath may we call them as legendary/pioneer but they're not the one who invented true metal, it started and influenced in some other genre of music until they reached the evolution of metal music.
30.04.2009 - 22:08
Cliff 'em all
Account deleted
Sabbath first brought it on I guess. I know Zeppelin and Deep Purple have major influences, but I guess the first real heavy metal band was Black Sabbath.

Maiden, Priest & Metallica kinda had an enormous influence as well.
01.05.2009 - 09:43
Bands like Iron Butterfly, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple etc. have had massive effect on metal; they created "embryo", but Black Sabbath formed it into metal as we know it. Check out lyrics from Black Sabbath, and you know what I am talking about.
Look, The old Bitch is back!
26.05.2009 - 17:44
Black Sabbath was the first band to play "Heavy Metal" in songs like "Children of the Grave". Its song structure is the typical successful classical metal setting. However, this could not been possible if bands such as Steppenwolf, Iron Butterfly, Humble Pie and many other rock bands would not have existed. Finally, Metal differs from Pop, to start with, for the use of the distortion and Jimi Hendrix was the pioneer in using and abusing it. Without distortion metal would not have existed. We were be playing Extreme or Aggresive Classical Music instead. LOL.
27.05.2009 - 13:46
Black Sabbath was also ahead of their time in the 70´s. Downtuned guitars, "double bass drums" in Children of the Grave... etc.
Look, The old Bitch is back!
25.06.2009 - 17:06
The Beatles invented everything we have now.. Listen to the song "I want you (She's so heavy)"
It is a mix among latin rock, hard rock, rock and roll, jazz, psychodelic and even BLACK METAL at the end..
25.06.2009 - 17:07
Helter Skelter (1968) is the first metal song ever
25.06.2009 - 17:08
No one mentioned MC5. It is said that this band is the inventor of both metal and punk.
Having a signature is an absolute must.
25.06.2009 - 19:36
Dane Train
Beers & Kilts
The mid to late 1960's produced what I would call the proto-Metal scene. These were the bands that laid the groundwork for the 70's Heavy Metal movement. These bands, while not "fully" Heavy Metal, were experimenting with different tunings, darker lyrics, heavier sounds and fast playing. Blue Cheer, along with Mountain, Deep Purple, Wishbone Ash, Cream, Uriah Heep, Jeff Beck Group, Steppenwolf, The Yardbirds, Iron Butterfly, and Love Sculpture were creating the first Heavy Metal Music just as much, and often before Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath. Credit should also go to The Rolling Stone, The Beatles, Jimi Hendrix and The Doors for much of their influence on these bands.
(space for rent)
30.06.2009 - 15:44
Chucky's Bride
I've just bought the summer edition of Classic Rock magazine, they have included an in depth history of metal. They claim Blue Cheer are the band that invented metal in the way it is perceived today. They mention Eddie Cochran as a big influence in the style with his "repeated and solidy memorable guitar riffs", it goes on to explain how Cochran influenced songs like I Can't Explain by the Who, Satisfaction by the Stones and You Really Got Me by the Kinks. They then emphasis on the creation of bands such as Cream, Led Zeppelin and Deep Purple whose musicians were "guys fed up with playing guitar in blues bands". However after this short explanatory introduction, they move on to the main article with three pages about Blue Cheer and how they influenced the metal scene, here's the beginning which explains itself:

"They were the bellowing Gods Of Fuck. There were no big ugly noises in rock'n'roll before Blue Cheer. They created sonic brutallity, coiling their teenage angst into an angry fist of sludge and feedback and hurling it at stunned, stoned hippies like a wave of mutilation. Everything about them was badass. They had a Hell's Angel for a manager, they were despised by the other bands in their scene, and they played so loud that people ran from them in fear. Proto-Punk, Proto-Metal amd Proto-Rehab, Blue Cheer took acid, wore tight pants, cranked their walls of Marshall stacks and proved, once and for all, that when it came to all things rock, excess was always the best."

I have been thinking about Blue Cheer for a while as I have realy taken a liking to their music in the past couple of years. Everybody mentions Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath as the creators of Heavy Metal but Blue Cheer came before them and their music was just as tormented and influencial. The fact they are probably the creators of metal will always be up for debate as I believe no one single band invented the genre by themselves, the genre came as an evolution. But I also think Blue Cheer played a huge role in that evolution. I even suggested to add the band a couple of weeks ago on this very website. For those who do not know Blue Cheer, try them out, you may be very surprised.

The mag also composed a list of songs that they believed forged metal, here it is:

The Novas - The Crusher
The Kinks - You Really Got Me
Jimi Hendrix - Foxy Lady
Pretty Things - Defecting Grey
The Turtles - Buzzsaw
Blue Cheer - Summertime Blues
The Open Mind - Magic Potion
High Tide - Futalist's Lament
Crushed Butler - Factory Grime
Sir Lord Baltimore - Master Heartache
Budgie - Guns
Ronno - Powers of Darkness
Tear Gas - Woman for Sale
Hot Chocolate - Go-Go Girls
Bang - Lions & Christians
Sweet - Man from Mecca
Pentagram - Forever My Queen
Buffalo - Shylock
Black Sabbath - Symptom of the Universe
Judas Priest - The Ripper

The first of these songs was recorded in 1964. It's also odd to notice the absence of Led Zeppelin.

"Seasons don't fear the reaper. Nor do the wind, the sun and the rain (we can be like they are)."
03.07.2009 - 07:41
Black Sabbath is THE metal blueprint. End of story.
Sons of vengeance can you rescue me...
03.07.2009 - 23:16
Chucky's Bride
Written by cortez on 03.07.2009 at 07:41

Black Sabbath is THE metal blueprint. End of story.

Simply an opinion among many others

"Seasons don't fear the reaper. Nor do the wind, the sun and the rain (we can be like they are)."
03.07.2009 - 23:33
Dane Train
Beers & Kilts
Written by cortez on 03.07.2009 at 07:41

Black Sabbath is THE metal blueprint. End of story.

NO! It is not the end of story! First, learn to read the whole article. If you had bothered to do that you would have understood that Black Sabbath DID NOT invent Metal. There were socres of bands before Black Sabbath playing heavy metal. It just seems you just have no friggin' clue about any of them or the history of the genre. How about you do us all a favor and go buy some Stepenwolf and Blue Cheer material, then try and come back and say Sabbath created it. THEY DIDN'T!

I am so sick an tiered of all you Hot Topic kids quoting Sabbath like it gives you some sort of credablity. Gosh! Learn some history.

But if you truly believe that Black Sabbath "is THE metal blueprint" why don't you tell us why instead of posting some uninspired inane bullcrap smap post that only shows us you have a hardon for Ozzy.
(space for rent)
04.07.2009 - 00:26
Kid, don't lecture me. I'm 39 years old and know and love Blue Cheer, Steppenwolf, Cream, Hendrix, the Stooges, MC5, Music Machine, 13th Floor Elevators, The Seeds, The Sonics, (stop me if I'm getting too obscure for you). I was simply stating my opinion...get off of your high horse.
Sons of vengeance can you rescue me...
04.07.2009 - 01:19
Dane Train
Beers & Kilts
Written by cortez on 04.07.2009 at 00:26


Ohhh...pulling out the age card, are we. Very badass.

Written by cortez on 04.07.2009 at 00:26

Blue Cheer, Steppenwolf, Cream, Hendrix, the Stooges, MC5, Music Machine, 13th Floor Elevators, The Seeds, The Sonics, (stop me if I'm getting too obscure for you).

Obscure? Not at all. Heck, I was just pinning Hard Attck and Why Doncha this afternoon.

Written by cortez on 04.07.2009 at 00:26

get off of your high horse.

Highhorse, nah. Annoyed with folks who don't even back up their statements. So why don't you enlighten us all as to why Black Sabbath is the end all heavy metal band?
(space for rent)
04.07.2009 - 01:53
You're the one who started with assumptions by insinuating that I was some "Hot Topic kid," so don't get your panties in a bunch when I responded with my age and calling you a "kid." I'm glad that you have a grasp on rock and metal, but in MY OPINION Black Sabbath is the blueprint of all metal that followed it. Downtuned guitars, wailing vocals, occult subject matter, etc, etc. All of the bands that you were mentioning don't qualify as "Heavy Metal" to me. Sure, Steppenwolf was the first band to use the term in a song but it was actually in reference to a motorcycle, not a style of music. Steppenwolf is most definitely a rock band. Blue Cheer, I could maybe give you that...although I consider them an awesomely loud blues band. Did these bands and others have an influence on Heavy Metal? Absolutely, I never said otherwise but to call them Heavy Metal, you might as well say Robert Johnson invented it as it is all originally based off of the blues.

After all this is all my opinion, you are free to disagree.
Sons of vengeance can you rescue me...
18.09.2009 - 18:15
Metal is just a name.. In the end and in the roots everything is called Rock and Roll
19.09.2009 - 01:51
Written by cortez on 04.07.2009 at 01:53

You're the one who started with assumptions by insinuating that I was some "Hot Topic kid," so don't get your panties in a bunch when I responded with my age and calling you a "kid." I'm glad that you have a grasp on rock and metal, but in MY OPINION Black Sabbath is the blueprint of all metal that followed it. Downtuned guitars, wailing vocals, occult subject matter, etc, etc. All of the bands that you were mentioning don't qualify as "Heavy Metal" to me. Sure, Steppenwolf was the first band to use the term in a song but it was actually in reference to a motorcycle, not a style of music. Steppenwolf is most definitely a rock band. Blue Cheer, I could maybe give you that...although I consider them an awesomely loud blues band. Did these bands and others have an influence on Heavy Metal? Absolutely, I never said otherwise but to call them Heavy Metal, you might as well say Robert Johnson invented it as it is all originally based off of the blues.

After all this is all my opinion, you are free to disagree.

I agree with this man 100%. All of those other bands mentioned did influence metal. However, since they didn't actually go out and create metal they should not get all the credit for it. Black Sabbath took all of those influences and create metal, with those influences. So, all of those bands that influenced metal get credit as influences, not creaters.
19.09.2009 - 06:41
Something makes me want to say venom created it. I know that technically sabbath did, but venom was the band that was indfluential to many styles of metal, and took it to a much darker extreme. But then again bands like priest and maiden influenced power metal, and sabbath started doom... I don't know, venom I guess just contributed the most to this music.

Why would anyone say metallica though?
19.09.2009 - 12:52
Chucky's Bride

Just two bands whose debut albums were released in 1970 (on which these songs do appear), the same year as Black Sabbath and Paranoid, anyone still believe Black Sabbath single handedly invented metal.

"Seasons don't fear the reaper. Nor do the wind, the sun and the rain (we can be like they are)."
19.09.2009 - 14:25
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by danielllewis on 19.09.2009 at 06:41

Something makes me want to say venom created it. I know that technically sabbath did, but venom was the band that was indfluential to many styles of metal, and took it to a much darker extreme. But then again bands like priest and maiden influenced power metal, and sabbath started doom... I don't know, venom I guess just contributed the most to this music.

Why would anyone say metallica though?

Sigh... it seems we have someone here who just wants his favourite (probably) to be most influential.
Sabbath was way more influential than Venom as were Priest and Maiden and maye even Metallica. Without Sabbath a band such as Venom could never even have existed.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

19.09.2009 - 14:28
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Haddonfield on 19.09.2009 at 12:52

Just two bands whose debut albums were released in 1970 (on which these songs do appear), the same year as Black Sabbath and Paranoid, anyone still believe Black Sabbath single handedly invented metal.

Not singlehandedly but they DID as first band have the total package to become known as Heavy Metal. The bands you just quoted only have some slight metal to them and then only in one or two songs.
Even Cream already had heavy riffs before Sabbath made it into an ENTIRE sound but that doesn't make Cream metal. Btw, Sir Lord Baltimore and Lucifer's Friend only had a couple of metallish tracks the rest was pure blues and rock. On Black Sabbath's debut album MOST of it was pure metal.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

19.09.2009 - 14:48
Thanks, Haddonfield, it has been too long since I last listened to these two.

Anyway, I find it quite ridiculous that people think Black Sabbath (or any band) invented metal. That would mean that at one point there wasn't metal (as it had not yet been invented) and then suddenly, they finished their invention and behold, there was metal. Music doesn't really work that way. Things change gradually, everyone doing something (or trying to do) something differently and eventually we have something different that was before. But the exact point, where one thing ceases to be and another one starts to be, is impossible to determine.

Think about it like this: let's assume you have a heap of sand and you are carrying it away one grain at a time. At which point does the heap cease to exist?
19.09.2009 - 21:29
Written by BuzzPhil on 17.04.2009 at 02:22

The Beatles, The Who and the Rolling Stones inspire bands like Deep Purple, Scorpions, The Doors and Led Zeppelin who inspire Metal... I think that Metal come from Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and Judas Priest... Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax re-invent Metal...

this is all I had to read right here because this is what I was gonna say!

God's disciples want you to die!
In the blazing inferno
Slewed on Satan's pitchfork
Burning for eternity
I see it coming your way
by my hand... or by your fate
with no remorse.
20.09.2009 - 00:42
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 19.09.2009 at 14:25

Written by danielllewis on 19.09.2009 at 06:41

Something makes me want to say venom created it. I know that technically sabbath did, but venom was the band that was indfluential to many styles of metal, and took it to a much darker extreme. But then again bands like priest and maiden influenced power metal, and sabbath started doom... I don't know, venom I guess just contributed the most to this music.

Why would anyone say metallica though?

Sigh... it seems we have someone here who just wants his favourite (probably) to be most influential.
Sabbath was way more influential than Venom as were Priest and Maiden and maye even Metallica. Without Sabbath a band such as Venom could never even have existed.

No, they're not my favourite band at all, I don't even have any of their albums. I'm just saying that they influenced black metal bands, and also thrash bands, who intern were influential to death metal bands. That's what I mean by saying that I think they've contributed the most to metal. I agree that without sabbath, venom would have never existed though.

Metallica infleunced bands like trivium
20.09.2009 - 00:48
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by danielllewis on 20.09.2009 at 00:42

Metallica infleunced bands like trivium

Them too but also bands such as Dark Angel, Death Angel, Overkill, Anthrax, Sacred Reich, Flotsam & Jetsam, Atrophy, even Slayer, Megadeth (hadn't Mustaine been kicked out no Megadeth ) Metallica influenced loads of great to good and unfortunately also crap thrash bands. But then again Venom also influenced loads of shit bands
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

20.09.2009 - 00:52
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 20.09.2009 at 00:48

Written by danielllewis on 20.09.2009 at 00:42

Metallica infleunced bands like trivium

Them too but also bands such as Dark Angel, Death Angel, Overkill, Anthrax, Sacred Reich, Flotsam & Jetsam, Atrophy, even Slayer, Megadeth (hadn't Mustaine been kicked out no Megadeth ) Metallica influenced loads of great to good and unfortunately also crap thrash bands. But then again Venom also influenced loads of shit bands

That's true too. I'll stop talking since you obviously know shitloads more than me considering how long you've been listening to metal. Whereas I have for like 4 years, lol
20.09.2009 - 01:13
Written by MetallicA on 19.09.2009 at 21:29

Written by BuzzPhil on 17.04.2009 at 02:22

The Beatles, The Who and the Rolling Stones inspire bands like Deep Purple, Scorpions, The Doors and Led Zeppelin who inspire Metal... I think that Metal come from Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and Judas Priest... Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax re-invent Metal...

this is all I had to read right here because this is what I was gonna say!

lol!! It's good to know I'm not the only one who have this opinion!!
20.09.2009 - 02:53
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Blue Cheer and The Kinks invented metal