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What's the best music to study with?

Posts: 222   Visited by: 324 users

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Posted by iaberis, 27.01.2008 - 14:05
Every year when the exams start, I'm getting into a big dilemma... I don't know what to do when I study! Listen to music or not at all? Well sure it depends on the subject you're studying, but give me your opinions...

I wish I could have every possible genre in the options, but the options are limited, so I think that's the best way to put this poll...


When with a book in hands, what's the best music to listen to?

No music at all!
Melodic metal
Instrumental tracks of any genre
Extreme metal
Other - please define
Classical music...
Electronic / EBM / Ambient / Industrial
Rock or glam...
Hardcore / Metalcore

Total votes: 199
28.01.2008 - 10:25
Account deleted
No music at all, pure silence is all I need to study properly. Any noise in the room is a distraction to my ears, unless I'm brainstorming, for instance, then I put on music that might relate to the topic at hand.
28.01.2008 - 12:09
Ok, there are these scientists who say that any type of noise is going to 'disturb' your brainwaves and you will have a very hard time concentrating. They say you should listen to quite classical music BEFORE you study, so it can calm you down and help you concentrate. I heard this when watch this show about fast readers. There is a guy who can read 6 pages in 10 seconds. When they finish reading they test them, ask them what was the text about, etc. I rarely study, but when I do study, I need complete silence.
Having a signature is an absolute must.
29.01.2008 - 00:02
Account deleted
i voted for other.
i find that things like the cure, kate bush or the smiths help. i don't like complete silence, but metal is too distracting, even if it's not turned up high. it's enough that i'm aware of it, but not so much that i lose focus on whatever i'm working on.
29.01.2008 - 07:03
Account deleted
definitely anything ambient, soothing, and without vocals
I find drone also helps (which counteracts the soothing ambient part :S)
29.01.2008 - 12:44
Written by Promonex on 27.01.2008 at 23:53

WTF man? How can you focus on your studies with Covenant in the background?? I can't even focus on sitting still with that song playing

Gotta agree with Damnated here. For any kind of reproduction, i.e. applying your knowledge like doing maths, programming, writing up a report and stuff like that, extreme metal is great, preferably brutal death metal and norsecore for me, as long as it lacks emotion. When studying my mind tends to drift away with stuff that bothers me - anti-emotional music helps me to crush any of those thoughts and keep my focus on what's really important in that very moment. Cryptopsy in particular has been a great learning companion in the past.

When memorizing stuff I prefer total silence though. Nothing calm, ambient or classic, just total silence.

I've to admit that listening to it at first it can be a bit distracting. But once you have sortered out the lyrics it has a nice beat that makes you very motivated.

I wonder if diffrent music fits to diffrent subjects? Something like Opium and Dane train mentioned about earlier.When I'm studying, it's mostly in the social sience feild, where EMB works the best for me. When dealing with math and logical problems it's better with grindcore as it's more straigt to the point. When it comes to language it's better with instrumental tracks or no music at all, as the language needs full focus, even if it happens to be your native language you're studying.
29.01.2008 - 14:39
I R Serious Cat
Well, I can listen to prtty much anything while studying, I've studied listening to Dimmu borgir, Mnemic... And these final asifnments in teh last 3 weeks or so have been pure EBM. But most of my career I studied listening to melodic (power) metal, so that's my vote. Although EBM kicks ass to study too.
"Nobody wants to be the weird kid, you just end up being the weird kid. You don't know how you ended up getting there" - Rob Zombie My dA, mainly photography, go check it out!
29.01.2008 - 16:54
Doom Spector
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I don't study with music on but sometimes I like to listen something calming before I start.
I read that classical music helps while studying but I don't know if it works, i haven't tried yet.
29.01.2008 - 17:05
All kinds of metal for me...or at least the genres that I listen to. Tried techno and trance but it always made me fall a sleep while reading. Metal keeps me awake most of the times.
So I guess that's the "other" option for me.

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
29.01.2008 - 17:18
Advice Troll
42 people have voted already and no clear result! This is getting nowhere!
I guess it's a very personal issue...
Bitch! Please
29.01.2008 - 18:41
Mr. Noise
What I regularly listen to.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
29.01.2008 - 20:20
Lord TJ
I honestly cant vote, the only thing I can say here is people have different tastes on what they "relax" to.

Like a few days ago I was talking to iaberis, I showed him a youtube link to Necrophagist (and a woman pooping in a hottub lmao), he didn't like Death Metal much, and he showed me a few bands that he preffered. So if two people switched musical tastes and tried studying it would be hard. So like I said, with everyone having different tastes there cant be a "best".

Unless this would be a thread of "What is better for you when studying" im sure things in the voting polls would be different.
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29.01.2008 - 22:44
Advice Troll
Written by Lord TJ on 29.01.2008 at 20:20

...(and a woman pooping in a hottub lmao)...

That was fake!!! The water turned unnatural shitty after that accident! If you pour something in a liquid, the colour doesn't spread like a shadow in it! Haha!
Bitch! Please
29.01.2008 - 22:52
Lord TJ
Not unless its.....diahrea!
Visit the "Black Metal Page" on facebook, my page delivers everything black metal - Memes - Music - Humor - Interviews - Discussion.
30.01.2008 - 00:44
I really to need to listening music when I'm studying, writing or something ... that helps to get concectrate ... amybe I don't listen quite well the musci but the atmospehre that music creates .. it's awesome ... I'd rather to listening melodic metal ...
"Follow your steps and you'll find, the unknown ways are on your mind" (Angra)
30.01.2008 - 20:53
When I want really study hard I must turn off music. I can focus only on one thing. From my point of view, its easy choice: listen music or pass an exam
30.01.2008 - 23:29
I like to listen to metal while studying just to kill the boredom , but for an important test I turn the music off.
Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können.
David Hilbert
31.01.2008 - 11:15
I have experienced many times listening to music while studying or just reading book. IMO all music can apply for this case. But IMO decent music would make you more excited and relaxed, and get you easier to focus on studying.
31.01.2008 - 13:16
Eternal Flames
From my own experience I found that post rock or any other soft instrumental music was best for studying. Classical music always set a nice mood, usually keeps you calm and allows you to concentrate on the task. I always found that it was best if I had some soft music in the background while studying, otherwise I'd get very bored and frustrated/fidgety, especially if I was having difficulty with the task.
31.01.2008 - 15:49
Written by BADDEST MEMBER on 31.01.2008 at 11:15
decent music would make you more excited and relaxed

Huh? How can you be both at the same time?!

Written by iaberis on 29.01.2008 at 17:18
I guess it's a very personal issue...

That and/or it depends on what you're studying
death ? thrash ? death/doom/prog ? Hail Zoldon!

he's not the kind you have to [url=../bands/album.php?album_id=28982]wind up[/url] on Sundays
31.01.2008 - 15:53
Advice Troll
Written by iaberis on 29.01.2008 at 17:18
I guess it's a very personal issue...

That and/or it depends on what you're studying

General musical/studying inquiries...
Bitch! Please
31.01.2008 - 16:47
Written by Eternal Flames on 31.01.2008 at 13:16

From my own experience I found that post rock or any other soft instrumental music was best for studying.

Agree, post rock, or some decent music like Alcest would make you feel calm.
@Syk: relaxed leads to excited, , but I agree that one of those is good enough.

IMO, enjoy listening to music while studying, still not more comfortable as pure listening to music, definitely
31.01.2008 - 20:00
Account deleted
Usually instrumental, or no music at all. Funny to put Ambient and Industrial to the same section by the way.
01.02.2008 - 20:18
i study the best in silence
I am a God in the deepest corner of my mind
04.02.2008 - 23:28
Account deleted
I listen to anything I like really, I just put my playlist on shuffle and off I research/design/write.
If I don't listen to music I find that I procrastinate more often.
04.02.2008 - 23:55
Erotic Stains
If I listen to something too good and catchy I can't concentrate 'cuz I'm all caught up in the music!
05.02.2008 - 01:54
Account deleted
Written by Warman on 04.02.2008 at 23:55

If I listen to something too good and catchy I can't concentrate 'cuz I'm all caught up in the music!

I completely agree. No music for me while studying (or doing anything involving concentration for that matter).
10.02.2008 - 21:08
Yah I need silence, because if I had to play some music, it would obviously be music I like, and that would lead me to sing along or do the air drums/guitar or who knows what...the thing is I would totally forget anything I read at the moment.
*All Blood Runs The Same*
10.02.2008 - 21:17
Account deleted
I usually listen something proggressive. Usually its either of these three bands thought: Opeth, Pink Floyd and Porcupine Tree.
10.02.2008 - 21:26
Account deleted
I NEED TENHI to study. Better when I draw.
15.02.2008 - 04:15
I find if I listen to something too brutal, I can't concentrate. And, with no music at all, I find it hard not to fall asleep while doing those cursed equations. So... It's melodic metal for me.