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Annoyed by Metaldudes sometimes?!

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Posted by APOHAKC, 29.05.2008 - 21:09
Some general thoughts and one question, lately, I am irritated by metalheads more and more, damn, I know it has been that way since ever, but... damn! I did not made up things, everything is pulled out of experience with my close friends and people I occasionally hang around.

What I starting to hate is narrow minded of many metalheads that thinks they drink from the pool of wisdom and are here with a reason - to teach everyone things never supposed to be known. First thing I am bothered, a lot, is the fact that metalhead is always right, all non metalheads are stupid, laughable, or just hot, even though they'll never say it in public, so it will be smth like, she is dressed as a whore, she is 100% dumber than a donkey, but on the other hand, they are all attracted to that girl/guy. We complain all the fucking time how people have prejudices toward us, while we are probably worst then them, half of you will totally judge fancy dressed dude, even though that clothes may suits him and he is as good or better person as yo, but do not have long hair, combat boots and some old school t-shirt with lot of blood. Most metalheads I know also Totally judge people by their music taste, damn, if someone likes Britney Spears, it does not means she or he is retard..

What I hate about metalhdeads and is bothering me a LOT in last few months is their classification on true matalheads and posers, it seams I can't be a metalheads anymore, since I cut my hair and do not go oftenly on true nekro metal places but occasionally visit some other place where is not played our music and bartender won't ask me dark or light beer, or some heavier alcohol? IT seams I can't pass as a metalhead if I do not wish to drink 2L bottle of beer with my buddies sitting on the street on the public square and make noise so I can be center of attention, I must have true clothes and white shirt is so out, you can't be even a power metalhead anymore, what the fuck, I'd walk naked if I can, it is 50C outside for God's sake and I do not wish to wear combat boots on that weather, damn people!

Clubing is the worst thing, every time you go to some metal pub, same story, there are group of young blood which are on some silly trial, like trial of manhood in tribal primitive societies, they must know all the songs, wear right clothes etc so older ones will accept them, then we have older ones, I am annoyed by them the most, the fact he/she listen to some music for 10-20-30 years doesn't give him/her right to treat other people without any respect, if anyone have respect for the elders, that is me, BUT DAMN, what a fuck, I don't give a fuck for the whites in your hair if you won't show at least little of dignity and threat people as - people! You was not Bruce Dickinson's buddy, you just listen to him more years than we do, that's all. Then you have cool guys, drinking their beer, not saying a thing, giving the looks to the rest like: yeah, I am the cool guy, mysterious, all girls wanna get laid with me bla bla bla, losers, leaving home without those girls alone every night doesn't give you any clue that you're not so cool and that not all the girls are hot on retards that can't make two sentences that makes some sence! Go jerk of on a vampire porn, their as mysterious as you, retard.

Also, the DARK thing, it seams I can't laugh anymore, that's not so metal, make jokes, not so metal too, you must wear only dark clothes, and speak about meaning of life, cause it is intelligent, yeah, some high-school guy with average grades and no idea of future discovered meaning of life after 4 bottles of beer and rahter wasted night.

List of things I'd blow some heads:

Statements like Cradle of Filth are so bad, Danny is such a poser, damn, if you do not like it, forget it, why are you SO important to say who's bad and who's not, and even if you find it necessary to comment, please, come up with something new and not the sentence said by billion metaldudes before you, because it is in to spit on COF and few more bands, funny thing is that at least half of those people start listening to extreme music through COF.

Things in pubs like, I will totally ignore Helloween or Grave Digger, even Metallica, that is for kids, I will bang my head off when some Technical Deat or Ambiental black starts, I do not know the song, but it is awesome, and that is what grown up listen.

I do not listen to famous commercial bands, I listen to UG bands, ym favorite is exotic Black metal band I found on internet from Indonesia, they have male soprano and female growl and they are so awesome - NO, THEY ARE NOT, they are so bad that it hurts, they just come from ex-communist Asian state, that's all, (no disrespect to Indonesians, I think you'll see the point already)

I read only philosophy like Nitze or Plato, Sure ok, how come you can't finish 2nd grade of high school then, AND MILLION of other things.
05.06.2008 - 09:41
Valentin B
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 05.06.2008 at 07:23

Written by Damnated on 04.06.2008 at 00:57

Written by Valentin B on 03.06.2008 at 22:57

Written by Damnated on 02.06.2008 at 00:24

needless to say, all these guys used to listen to shitty power metal and the likes, thought that helloween were the pinnacle of the music industry and drank as much as they could.

oh come on. you're one step away from comparing power metal to manele... :

yes, i am. the similarities between power metallers and manelists are alarming tbh.

Okay it might be some Romanian thing, but what is "manele"?

it pains me to do this, but the only way to see is this:

if that was too much, the wiki page describes everything well.
05.06.2008 - 09:58
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
C mon Vaslils Papakonstantinou music are good if only he wanst hard core communist
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
05.06.2008 - 13:38
"Annoyed by metalheads"... Hmm... I can't say I haven't felt annoyed one time or another.

Being an old hag as I am now, I believe I've already left behind stereotypical issues. The only stereotype I attach to metalheads these days is the "dudes that love Metal" one. I've seen and met enough people to say anyone you see on the street can be a metalhead.

But of course, when you go to gigs there's no mistake: everyone there is either a metalhead or a masochist. In those occasions, I tend to think of everyone as (and this may sound corny, but I hope you'll understand the idea) brothers. You know, like a brotherhood that gathers to live the event, the spirit, whatever.
So in those situations, it does piss me off that someone snuffs another just because their attire is not black enough, or trve enough... Or because they think that kid is too young to even be there or know what Metal really is.
Among women it may become even more annoying, since many of us tend to notice every little itsy bitsy detail on other girls' outfits and accessories, etc.
06.06.2008 - 05:03
Lowelas OF FIRE
Account deleted
Well down here in The Bahamas, the metal scene is extremely poor......But back in 8th grade (when i was 14), there were about 3 metalheads in my school (an American, A German and an Englishman), The American and the German acted like fvcking jerks sometimes, like so hostile and pissed off even when it wasn't necessary! One time when i did the horns, the American one told me that i shouldn't do that cuz i haven't "earned it" (i'd never been to a show) : .

But nowadays, the only real metalheads I know are my drunken/stoner group in Abaco lol (an Island north of where i live what has ALOTTT of white ppl for Bahamas haha).....They're cool, they don't act 'bastardly'.

..........That's my experience.
06.06.2008 - 11:21
Valentin B
Written by [user id=160] on 06.06.2008 at 05:03

One time when i did the horns, the American one told me that i shouldn't do that cuz i haven't "earned it" (i'd never been to a show) : .

OMG... what an asshole!
06.06.2008 - 12:45
Grave Digger
Sometimes? Yes.. Metalheads that are too depressed and/or weird to be capable of talking normally, those gits who act as if they were born as metalheads, while in fact they've only being listening to metal for some 2 months or so. Oh, and those guys who act like philosophers and just say something completely crazy so no one can contradict them because no one understands what the bloody hell they're talking about. And the stuff lowelas said about "not earning it", a guy once said to me that I can't be a metalhead since my hair is short and I don't wear black always... Since when was that a condition?
07.06.2008 - 13:34
rageing atheist
Account deleted
Written by Øyvind on 06.06.2008 at 12:45

And the stuff lowelas said about "not earning it", a guy once said to me that I can't be a metalhead since my hair is short and I don't wear black always... Since when was that a condition?

As far as my experiences go I've seen this kind of behaviour only among kids who are just getting into metal and/or retards. Imo It's pretty hard to take these kind of attitudes seriously.
07.06.2008 - 20:04
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
The dudes that were in my former band Illinium were a real pain in the ass...they were these greasy hick metalhead dudes with the long hair and only listened to metal and hated all other genres of music...they were real assholes...they all wore black too...the lead guitarist was trying really hard to look like Dave Mustaine and act like was actually scary how verbatim he was...when they kicked me out I simply grabbed his hair, pulled it back and punched him in the's really easy to beat up people with long hair...
07.06.2008 - 22:32
Grave Digger
Written by [user id=23267] on 07.06.2008 at 13:34

Written by Øyvind on 06.06.2008 at 12:45

And the stuff lowelas said about "not earning it", a guy once said to me that I can't be a metalhead since my hair is short and I don't wear black always... Since when was that a condition?

As far as my experiences go I've seen this kind of behaviour only among kids who are just getting into metal and/or retards. Imo It's pretty hard to take these kind of attitudes seriously.

You're right, that's why I just ignore it when someone says something like that to me. My knuckles do become itchy though
09.06.2008 - 01:17
The metalfans commenting on Slipknot videos makes me want to shove a defibrilator up my nose. The comments range between:

"omg slipknot sucks just like u (Followed by information about the private life of your mother)"
"omg slipknot r liek br00tal deathmetal dude lolz the rock"

Now I don't really have an opinion on slipknot, but those fans really get on my nerves.
10.06.2008 - 17:09
Its not a big deal to me, but if there is one thing I can't take, its the drunk metalheads! Wasted, running around like idiots yelling "SATAN!" or something.

What's wrong with joking anyways?! Sometimes other metal dudes can be narrow minded, but who gives a fuck, just don't talk to them.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
11.06.2008 - 00:37
The Bard
Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.06.2008 at 17:09

Its not a big deal to me, but if there is one thing I can't take, its the drunk metalheads! Wasted, running around like idiots yelling "SATAN!" or something.

What's wrong with joking anyways?! Sometimes other metal dudes can be narrow minded, but who gives a fuck, just don't talk to them.

Constantly drunk people are driving me nuts, not just metalheads.
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
11.06.2008 - 00:45
Written by APOHAKC on 11.06.2008 at 00:37

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.06.2008 at 17:09

Its not a big deal to me, but if there is one thing I can't take, its the drunk metalheads! Wasted, running around like idiots yelling "SATAN!" or something.

What's wrong with joking anyways?! Sometimes other metal dudes can be narrow minded, but who gives a fuck, just don't talk to them.

Constantly drunk people are driving me nuts, not just metalheads.

Constantly drunk/high people who come to speak to you or who will just ask you to give them money because they only need 25 box more in order to buy the bus ticket!! and then you see them next day asking the same 25 box they need for the bus from another "chosen one" on the street....tho once I was approached by a drunk guy who asked money "Because I want to buy more beer!" I've seen a guy on local gigs....he seems rather drunk all the time but he's actually very friendly and likes to chatter with matter whom he finds next to him, he'll develop a conversation...other dudes who've visited local gigs I haven't managed to go to have told me that they met the guy there as well.....

So...we've got a dude who visits every gig, who talks to everyone bout everything and who seems to be more or less drunk most of the time....just like K7 don't ya think....even if I dunno how K7 looks like I somehow bet that K7 would look like that guy....
11.06.2008 - 11:13
Are you talking about the one who is always headbanging and yelling in front of the stage during first bands, when the entire stagefront is empty? Black leather jacket, long brown hair, a bit older compared to us?
I have talked to him couple of times in front of the stage.
11.06.2008 - 13:01
rageing atheist
Account deleted
Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.06.2008 at 17:09

Its not a big deal to me, but if there is one thing I can't take, its the drunk metalheads! Wasted, running around like idiots yelling "SATAN!" or something.

Been there, done that, embarassingly so. I remember that once when I got wasted and was walking through the old town of Tallinn I was playing air guitar and "singing" the only lines from Beherit's Gate of Nanna that I could remember at the time, "Ave, Satan! Ave, Lucifer!"

@Magnus: I think you mean the right guy, his name is Ain and he seems to like talking about obscure bands like the only black metal band from Afganistan or an Australian black metal band, in which all the members are Aboriginal natives.
11.06.2008 - 14:00
Written by APOHAKC on 11.06.2008 at 00:37

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.06.2008 at 17:09

Its not a big deal to me, but if there is one thing I can't take, its the drunk metalheads! Wasted, running around like idiots yelling "SATAN!" or something.

What's wrong with joking anyways?! Sometimes other metal dudes can be narrow minded, but who gives a fuck, just don't talk to them.

Righteously agreed! Last night at the Cryptopsy show there was this fat Turkish guy looking at me like I was a Big Mac. Then he asked me if I had a smoke and I told him no then he came to me and wanted my lighter....but he didn't have a cigarette. I told him I'd light his cigarette if he had one and he got all pissed off. Fuckin, fat, drunk bastard!

And on the train back my friend had a nasty tissue thrown at him and the guy called him a "wanker", haha!!! It was awesome actually! He was upset, but it was funny....WANKER!

Constantly drunk people are driving me nuts, not just metalheads.

That rug really tied the room together, did it not?
16.06.2008 - 11:34
Bitter Dawn
Ave Sathanas!
I'm about 50/50 with Aronax Of Steel original post.

There is so much to address but I have little time before I've got to log off for the night. I'll say one thing though, No matter how hot it is boots can always be worn, I always wear boots that are almost knee high and if it is too warm I just wear cloth pants, on occasion I'll wear combat style boots since they're shorter and thinner and then wear shorts with that.

I think the stuff that Aronax Of Steel speaks of is not so much a metal head thing but rather it's just a subculture thing, because in every lifestyle or subculture people tend to act holier than thou and have certain expectations of what people in their cultural circle should be like. Most metalheads tend to stick together, yeah alot of is argue online but on the street it's a little differant if anything you'll usually give one another a nod, or hail of the horns. I've been to alot of metal shows and usually when someone goes down in the pit or front rows of the floor then people will help that person up. I've never had a problem with metalheads and I always dress in full garb, big boots, spiked leather jacket, leather or jean pants, tattoo's, long hair etc. and fellow metalheads have always been very cool to me, and I usually work at bars which is where I meet some okay people... I hate bars aside from working at them.
02.07.2008 - 22:12
I'm annoyed by some of them, yes. The ones that say they are "true" and only listen to music that is "true". There is no such thing as "true" music to me.
10.07.2008 - 20:37
It's pretty ironic, really; most nazi elite metalheads that I know don't even listen to metal anymore. Yet these were the people that kept persistently enforcing the notion that 'if you don't know true underground [black] metal bands, well, you're not really metal'. Although it can be irritating sometimes, it's pretty funny to watch these nimrods run around proclaiming that they listen to an array of bands (most of which they probably only claim to listen to) to appear as 'true metalheads'. They just look like dumbasses to me.
If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for everything
10.07.2008 - 21:15
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Nexus on 10.07.2008 at 20:37

It's pretty ironic, really; most nazi elite metalheads that I know don't even listen to metal anymore. Yet these were the people that kept persistently enforcing the notion that 'if you don't know true underground [black] metal bands, well, you're not really metal'. Although it can be irritating sometimes, it's pretty funny to watch these nimrods run around proclaiming that they listen to an array of bands (most of which they probably only claim to listen to) to appear as 'true metalheads'. They just look like dumbasses to me.

nazie didnt know in Canada are nezies
Thats true face of BM BM fans listen only fiew bands and bitching that heavy, doom, gothic are for gays, posers and idiots only BM are TrOO
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
12.07.2008 - 18:19
Yeah those such black metal fans also bash annoyedly melodic black metal. Dimmu Borgir or COF is refered to be gay for them. Very annoyed and harassed by them.
13.07.2008 - 01:15
Valentin B
Written by Bad English on 10.07.2008 at 21:15

nazie didnt know in Canada are nezies

assholes are everywhere.
13.07.2008 - 01:26
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Valentin B on 13.07.2008 at 01:15

Written by Bad English on 10.07.2008 at 21:15

nazie didnt know in Canada are nezies

assholes are everywhere.

thats the fact man, but In Swe thay are more intelectual how in Latvia, etleast thay dont bitching so much here
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
18.07.2008 - 13:14
Written by Bad English on 13.07.2008 at 01:26

Written by Valentin B on 13.07.2008 at 01:15

Written by Bad English on 10.07.2008 at 21:15

nazie didnt know in Canada are nezies

assholes are everywhere.

thats the fact man, but In Swe thay are more intelectual how in Latvia, etleast thay dont bitching so much here

More intelectual ? you mean they are more polite and good behave, right?
18.07.2008 - 15:09
Valentin B
Written by BADDEST MEMBER on 18.07.2008 at 13:14

Written by Bad English on 13.07.2008 at 01:26

Written by Valentin B on 13.07.2008 at 01:15

Written by Bad English on 10.07.2008 at 21:15

nazie didnt know in Canada are nezies

assholes are everywhere.

thats the fact man, but In Swe thay are more intelectual how in Latvia, etleast thay dont bitching so much here

More intelectual ? you mean they are more polite and good behave, right?

yeah, they help old jewish ladies cross the street and such...

no, he meant that they're not brainless "WHITE POWER !!!!1!1!1 OMGLOLZZ" people who you see on the news and on the internet, they're more focused and intelligent.
18.07.2008 - 15:13
@Valentine B: I get from your post that they are more eruditely.
18.07.2008 - 15:24
Valentin B
Written by BADDEST MEMBER on 18.07.2008 at 15:13

@Valentine B: I get from your post that they are more eruditely.

yeah... but still mostly brainwashed people who think with their dick/ass.
18.07.2008 - 16:13

What I starting to hate is narrow minded of many metalheads that thinks they drink from the pool of wisdom and are here with a reason - to teach everyone things never supposed to be known.

What I hate about metalhdeads and is bothering me a LOT in last few months is their classification on true matalheads and posers, it seams I can't be a metalheads anymore

Welcome to the new funderground.

In it, everyone is a loser and they're trying to justify that lifestyle with pretense.

How typically human (it's liberalism in a nutshell).

Even the supposedly "orthodox" tr00 nekkro metall people are this way.

They're using social assumptions to achieve status revenge on you! Ignore them, you are more metal than they!
29.07.2008 - 01:05
Valentin B
i was mildly disappointed with the audience at the Priest gig 2 weeks ago, people were standing in the back and eating even 15 minutes before they hit the stage.. i mean why in the hell did you even pay the ticket for?(yes, it was very expensive).. there were people who weren't singing in my area, i was quite close to the stage...if you were so bored why even bother to come? only so you can look BRVTAL KRI33G?
29.07.2008 - 19:28
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Valentin B on 29.07.2008 at 01:05

i was mildly disappointed with the audience at the Priest gig 2 weeks ago, people were standing in the back and eating even 15 minutes before they hit the stage.. i mean why in the hell did you even pay the ticket for?(yes, it was very expensive).. there were people who weren't singing in my area, i was quite close to the stage...if you were so bored why even bother to come? only so you can look BRVTAL KRI33G?

Ever considered the possibility that everyone enjoys a concert in a different way? I don't see what not singing along has to do with it at all. I for like to stand at the bar drinking while enjoying a show, does that mean I enjoy it less? Hell no, and probably it is safe to say that in that way I can [pass a better judgement on how the show really was than the people who scream along and headbang their ass off or mosh like mad.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996
