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Death vs. Sepultura

Posts: 112   [ 1 ignored ]   Visited by: 292 users

Original post

Posted by Unknown user, 29.10.2010 - 13:18
Who is a better band in your opinion? I myself prefer Death, as they have better songs/albums and such (Symbolic, Human etc.) which i think are incredible. Sepultura im not a big fan of, and some of their songs are pretty bad. Whats your opinion?


Which is a better band in your opinion?

Too hard to decide
I dont like either

Total votes: 220
29.10.2010 - 23:36
Pagan Angel
Death. Arise is a great album, but its also the only album of theirs that I listen to regularly. Meanwhile, I listen to Symbolic and Patterns religiously.
29.10.2010 - 23:36
Written by X-Ray Rod on 29.10.2010 at 22:58

Too hard to decide because their genres are completely different and both are bands of my liking. In this case I can't compare them and choose just one. I listen to them for completely different reasons.

an out of topic question
is svenska easy to learn ? (since you're from chile)

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
30.10.2010 - 00:03
Hahahaha funny poll! death wins by far, not because they are one of the pioneers of death metal, not even because they have not bad albums and not because they are more technical, better musicians and have many "complete" albums or you can call the masterpieces. they are better just because they have created much more wonderful music...
Υou've sold your human essence to the cold world of dead and empty things... You're SOLD!
30.10.2010 - 01:31
Im noticing a trend of threads pinning up sepultura against other bands i wonder why?
30.10.2010 - 01:45
Account deleted
Written by K✞ulu on 29.10.2010 at 17:47

Written by Zombie on 29.10.2010 at 16:05

Its the ONLY cover death did, coz they're an original band who dont play covers, but i watched in an interview that chuck wanted to do a cover version of his favorite songs in his last album (before he dies), so that explains why they made a cover song. and it's not among the worst, its as good as the judas priest version.

Actually Death also covered KISS's Thunder God. It's included in the Japanese edition of Human.

As far as this topic in general, MetalFist, just tell me why we are comparing these two bands?

I just wanted to see who people preferred, as alot ( i have noticed ) say that Sepultura's older stuff is better than any death album, and i just wanted to see peoples opinions on the two. If you think this is a waste of the forums, feel free to delete it, like i have said before.
30.10.2010 - 02:38
Account deleted
Written by [user id=107019] on 29.10.2010 at 15:55

Written by [user id=41104] on 29.10.2010 at 15:18

Death are amazing. Also are MetalFist and fists of metal similar names? Especially since bother are around the same age and both from australia. Probably just coincidence i guess

Were actually friends from school who are both on the forums. He didnt want to think of a name so he basically copied mine.

I figured that would be the case. I got no one i know on this site. Stupid non-metal bastards
30.10.2010 - 02:41
X-Ray Rod
Written by [user id=107019] on 30.10.2010 at 01:45

[I just wanted to see who people preferred, as alot ( i have noticed ) say that Sepultura's older stuff is better than any death album,

Never seen those comments before...
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

30.10.2010 - 04:11
Account deleted
Written by X-Ray Rod on 30.10.2010 at 02:41

Written by [user id=107019] on 30.10.2010 at 01:45

[I just wanted to see who people preferred, as alot ( i have noticed ) say that Sepultura's older stuff is better than any death album,

Never seen those comments before...

Here are Some Mr. Doctor.

Written by Mad Mike on 29.10.2010 at 20:10

I choose Death, they had better musicianship, consistency, more depth, and more imagination. Where as Sepultura was basically civil war and tribal dances. Sepultura has 2 classic albums at most (BTR and Arise) where as EVERY Death album is a masterpiece (and yes that includes Spiritual Healing).

Written by Bad English on 29.10.2010 at 13:22

Well this is not pointless pool, because Sepulture has been true style changes, but death played all albums same style, ok lil changed but still, I like Sepultura in 80's era, but death all albums so . Death

Written by Zombie on 29.10.2010 at 15:54

Its hard to decide coz they're both great bands, and also coz they play different genres of metal.. however, if post-max sepultura is included then i'd definitely go for death... i only liked sepultura when max in it.

Written by Dangerboner on 29.10.2010 at 18:27

I gotta go with Death. While I prefer a few Sepultura albums to anything Death has done, Death is much more consistent and I enjoy every album they have made.

30.10.2010 - 05:13
Actually none of the comments says that sepultura's albums are better than death's (except maybe the last one, dangerboner) .. all of us praised sepultura's old albums while still praising death and saying that all death albums are masterpieces. i'm yet to see someone who prefers sepultura to death... and the result of the poll makes it pretty obvious how popular death is.

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free
Johann Wolfgang van Goethe 1749-1832
30.10.2010 - 05:22
Account deleted
11 people prefer Sepultura to death, if you look at the results.
30.10.2010 - 06:11
Account deleted
Death For Sure R.I.P Chuck Schuldiner
30.10.2010 - 12:41
X-Ray Rod
Written by [user id=107019] on 30.10.2010 at 04:11

Written by X-Ray Rod on 30.10.2010 at 02:41

Written by [user id=107019] on 30.10.2010 at 01:45

[I just wanted to see who people preferred, as alot ( i have noticed ) say that Sepultura's older stuff is better than any death album,

Never seen those comments before...

Here are Some Mr. Doctor.

Those doesn't count because there are from this topic. I wanted to see comments OUTSIDE this one that gave you that idea. Therefore: I fail to see the reason of this poll to be more than jsut completely trivial and pointless.

Meh, Everyone to each own though.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass

Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.

30.10.2010 - 20:20
31.10.2010 - 01:06
The Ancient One
Always give detailed opinions, with explanations and as much as information as needed. If you're gonna answer the topic "Mayhem vs Marduk" with "MAYHEM!!!!!", you can count the days till you get banned. That's just spamming.
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
31.10.2010 - 11:29
Written by Deadmeat on 30.10.2010 at 00:03

Hahahaha funny poll! death wins by far, not because they are one of the pioneers of death metal, not even because they have not bad albums and not because they are more technical, better musicians and have many "complete" albums or you can call the masterpieces. they are better just because they have created much more wonderful music...

i love you XD
31.10.2010 - 12:46
No reason to compare, they are too different.
This has no sense IMO.
31.10.2010 - 13:19
Different types of metal- but I would go with Death
31.10.2010 - 16:49
Account deleted
Why Death VS Sepultura Didn't get what this topic about, what's next Marduk VS Anthrax?
01.11.2010 - 01:01
Hey I have a new poll topic: Nightwish VS Cannibal Corpse

WTF.. :0 Worse topic ever!
01.11.2010 - 05:03
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
You cannot compare these two because Death is death metal and Sepultura is thrash metal and the two bands are really in entirely different veins...
01.11.2010 - 07:56
Account deleted
Ok, if everyone hates this poll for some reason, feel free to delete it. Idc.
01.11.2010 - 23:02
Written by [user id=107019] on 01.11.2010 at 07:56

Ok, if everyone hates this poll for some reason, feel free to delete it. Idc.

Man don't take things to seriously...It's just that comparing apples with oranges goes nowhere cause we already know that they are very different fruits and therefore you can't compare 'em usefully. Comparing a good apple with a bad apple or a good orange with a bad one, that can do. If you had compared a proggy death/thrash band like Death with a similar band like Atheist, then it would have made sense. You could have compared Sepultura with, let's say, Sodom, Kreator, Destruction as I always felt their early sound was closer to German Thrash than American thrash, except for Slayer, maybe.
02.11.2010 - 07:21
Account deleted
I just mean, i think that this forum topic is redundant and pointless (comparing two bands in diff genres) and is pointless, i would just rather it gone.
03.11.2010 - 16:23
I Hate You
Tough one to decide.

On one hand, my favorite Sepultura songs and albums are way more enjoyable to me than any of the Death I like.

On the other hand, Death was consistently awesome, whereas Sepultura went into suck mode after Max left.

I chose Sepultura. If I were stranded on some crappy deserted island and had to choose albums to take.. Sepultura would probably be in there.
05.11.2010 - 16:52
I don't really think that Death and Sepultura are too different, once you consider their styles when they started out... Death started out as strictly death metal, with Scream Bloody Gore, and Sepultura's first releases were the EPs of Bestial Devastation and Morbid Visions, which are often put together and just packaged as a full album... which was also death metal.
I'm not really partial to the early work, such as the aforementioned, but if you listen to them and compare, they're pretty similar. For that reason, I don't consider it to be such a far-fetched poll to put these two bands against each other. Sure, they took obviously different directions. The one that I prefer would be Death. Sepultura's music is great... up to Roots/Blood Rooted, but you've got to think that just putting Chuck against Max, it's Chuck, hands down. Chuck had an amazing amount of talent and always tried to tap into a new unexplored realm of sound with every album. You could hear his sound evolve. Max, on the other hand, seemed to only devolve, as his rhythm playing became more and more groove oriented and less complicated. Also, Max's material seemed to become unfocused and stale, to me. When he went to Soulfly, I think I would've been pretty confused and wondering what all the pissed off lyrics were about, had I not viewed the album art and gathered that his stepson had been killed. It just seems to me that he could slow down and really think about the lyrics, instead of sounding like he's just banging his head on the wall before he writes a song.
09.11.2010 - 00:47

Sepultura never really impressed me
You try to awaken me, the flesh dripping with blood
My body is there, but my soul a perilous void
Aethereal existence coming off in ambient waves
I am nothing. I AM N1H1L.
09.11.2010 - 09:15
Immortal SEP
Account deleted
SEPULTURA and Death are my best - loved bands, but after departure Max from SEPULTURA I'm is forbore listen.
Therefore I prefer DEATH - now is the best for myself band in the world!
18.11.2010 - 18:58
Death for sure, they are both awesome bands though! Sepultura is still good though, but Death just has better song structures and a little more exciting than Sepultura.
19.11.2010 - 16:17
Death VS Sepultura?! :O To compare Death and Sepultura it's like compare day and night:D
23.11.2010 - 03:11
How Is This a Question? Death hands down!