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Best Spanish metal band!

Posts: 184   Visited by: 187 users

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Posted by Dam3k, 17.05.2006 - 23:51
So here it's again, I'm very interested in this one and due to the bunch of fans in south america I think could have a bit of success =). That are the most representative bands in the metal scene here in Spain @tm. Choose one, explain why you choose. I went for Saratoga very important for me, cool bass-lines, good guitars, good voice and good drums!! =) Very hated and very loved here. Let's vote!!


So what do you think is the best spanish metal band?

Dark Moor
Other (Specify which one)
Mägo De Oz
Barón Rojo
Tierra Santa

Total votes: 138
25.05.2006 - 23:38
A music genre is an opinion. End of talking
My account on other musical pages:
25.05.2006 - 23:40
Metal isn't a genre, is a feeling.

28.05.2006 - 15:28
Account deleted
i voted for dark moore....great metal band....shame on me 'cause i didn't know till now that they were spanish...but anyway...thy impressed me from beginning....awesome drums
28.05.2006 - 16:25
Sorry for asking an out-of-topic question, but you guys would be the first to know. How do you pronounce the "ä" in Mägo De Oz? Is it like the German "ä" or just as a plane "a"?
Again sorry for being out of topic.
Spanish metal rules

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
28.05.2006 - 17:24
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Written by GT on 28.05.2006 at 16:25

Sorry for asking an out-of-topic question, but you guys would be the first to know. How do you pronounce the "ä" in Mägo De Oz? Is it like the German "ä" or just as a plane "a"?
Again sorry for being out of topic.
Spanish metal rules

Do you have the Fölktergeist CD or DVD? In that case, you'll hear José say "Mägo De Oz" as we say it in Spanish. We pronounce it as a plain a (not Danish "a" for sure, lol). I guess the umlaut is just an aesthetic thing, as well as in Deströyer 666.

By the way, I'm demanding the inclusion of Barón Rojo as a featured band in my signature now
28.05.2006 - 17:32
Cheers...I don't have the mentioned CD or DVD but I hope to get them some day

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
03.06.2006 - 07:44
Immortal Plague
I choose other, i decide to choose Avulsed, they are a great Brutal Death Metal band, and the only Spanish band i really like.
03.06.2006 - 09:23
I voted for Baron Rojo, because they have very meaningful lyrics, and they are quite good at the instrumentation... i didn't voted for Mago de Oz, because here in Colombia has becamed a poser band... i mean, the band is very good, but here is so mainstream, that any stupid kid, can come out with some copy of Finisterra, a t-shirt of Mago... and he suddenly becames a metalhead... that makes an awful image of the band here...
Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea Hijueputa Gonorrea
03.06.2006 - 12:06
Written by Metalguaska on 03.06.2006 at 09:23

I voted for Baron Rojo, because they have very meaningful lyrics, and they are quite good at the instrumentation... i didn't voted for Mago de Oz, because here in Colombia has becamed a poser band... i mean, the band is very good, but here is so mainstream, that any stupid kid, can come out with some copy of Finisterra, a t-shirt of Mago... and he suddenly becames a metalhead... that makes an awful image of the band here...

If you like Mägo, who cares about which people listen to them...? Here is something similar but I don't care If I like... I don't care who the hell listen to them!!

03.06.2006 - 15:21
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Written by Dam3k on 03.06.2006 at 12:06

Written by Metalguaska on 03.06.2006 at 09:23

I voted for Baron Rojo, because they have very meaningful lyrics, and they are quite good at the instrumentation... i didn't voted for Mago de Oz, because here in Colombia has becamed a poser band... i mean, the band is very good, but here is so mainstream, that any stupid kid, can come out with some copy of Finisterra, a t-shirt of Mago... and he suddenly becames a metalhead... that makes an awful image of the band here...

If you like Mägo, who cares about which people listen to them...? Here is something similar but I don't care If I like... I don't care who the hell listen to them!!

I wholeheartedly agree with Dam3k. What matters is the music they make, not the image posers give of them in your country. I've seen countless people you call posers or mainstream lovers with t-shirts of Metallica's "Ride the Lightning" or Iron Maiden's "Brave New World" here. This does not mean that these albums are simple or that you should like them less in order to look like a true metalhead. In fact, that is what posing is about: about trying to appear like somebody or something you are not. If you like an album for several reasons (technicality, "headbangeability", whatever, you should not be influenced by society in your intimate thoughts. If you just listen to some band in order to show yourself in society like "Hey, I'm so true! Look at me!", or stop listening to them in order to avoid been frowned upon, then you are that poser.
04.06.2006 - 18:16
Account deleted
occultus: I remember the last two concert of Mägo here... I wanted to cry that days! I use to love Mägo, and when I hear the old stuffs I still like them. So I will choose Mägo but i'm not sure. i mean I love that band or at least I used to. I remember how my life used to be so related with Mägo...
Well about the band they make some good stuffs. I love 'La Leyenda de la Mancha' and 'Finisterra'. What the hell I love all their first albums. i don't really like Gaia and the last things...
I like how they have fun! I mean, in the stage they have fun and we feel that, so we have fun too.
04.06.2006 - 20:51
what about Daemonlord:banger2:
pure black metal from Spain
06.06.2006 - 22:27
Javangas X
Account deleted
I don't have any doubt... Baron Rojo is the biggest spanish band of metal. Other three spanish good bands are Vanzai, Sangre Azul and Angeles del Infierno.

For me, Mago de Oz are the worst combination of metal with folk... in simple words: shit.
06.06.2006 - 23:39
Written by [user id=10152] on 06.06.2006 at 22:27

I don't have any doubt... Baron Rojo is the biggest spanish band of metal. Other three spanish good bands are Vanzai, Sangre Azul and Angeles del Infierno.

For me, Mago de Oz are the worst combination of metal with folk... in simple words: shit.

Well... atm is the most representative metal band in Spain so it cannot be that bad =)

08.06.2006 - 21:57
Account deleted
I didn't vote but i like Avalanch!!! Damn!!! this song Lucero!!! i really like it!!!!
08.06.2006 - 23:48
That's their masterpiece man =))) if u like it vote it!!!!

16.06.2006 - 21:30
I voted for Mägo de Oz because, first of all is the first metal band i've ever herad (well i listened to numetal before) but i think that in many songs they demonstrate a great ability, I think that all the members in the band are good musicians,
Mohammed studied in a conservatory
Jose was a singing teacher
I don't know the history of the other guys but certainly, only by hearing them, I know that as musicians they have a great talent
And even that in Mexico they are gaining popularity amon non-metalheads, I don't care, (I don't even care about their new look) I will listen to them while they keep doing good music
Mago de oz rulz!!!!!
26.06.2006 - 04:22
Account deleted
Mägo de oz obviously. Is te most representative band of spanish and with the folk of there.
So fucking awesome!
26.06.2006 - 08:03
Account deleted
Written by [user id=2267] on 23.05.2006 at 03:03

I went for Baron Rojo as they are old school heavy metal, my favorite genre!

Great!!! I remember hearing them when they first appeared on the scene in the 80s and was blown away. Fortunately, I'm not one of those people who ignore bands because thay don't sing in a language I understand (namely: english). Otherwise I would've missed out on a lot of great bands that I wouldn't have otherwise listened to. But as much as I like Baron Rojo, I voted for Dark Moor. One listen to Vivaldi's Winter and Houdini's Great Escapade and I was hooked.

26.06.2006 - 23:52
Written by [user id=6192] on 26.06.2006 at 04:22

Mägo de oz obviously. Is te most representative band of spanish and with the folk of there.
So fucking awesome!

Well... maybe they are the most representative now but time ago was Barón Rojo, don't forget =)

27.06.2006 - 21:59
Vinnie R.
Chido Chido
Written by [user id=941] on 08.06.2006 at 21:57

I didn't vote but i like Avalanch!!! Damn!!! this song Lucero!!! i really like it!!!!

my favorite too compadre, you must listen Xana from the Angel caido album or la taverna from the first. Avalanch and Tierra Santa are my favorites bands from spain, but Baron Rojo is great too, somebody have the solo album of the guitarist sherpa? or tony hernando? i must get them!!
27.06.2006 - 22:03
Vinnie R.
Chido Chido
oh, i forget Saurom are greatest too! I love their discs, but i don't know much about them
28.06.2006 - 00:48
Written by Dam3k on 25.05.2006 at 22:49

Jesus de Chamberi isn't metal Iron Maiden isn't neither then... -.- I'm tired of arguing don't wanna argue with u, u don't know anything about metal and I don't wanna explain i recommend u to visit wikipedia u could find it useful to know what's metal, look, Is not my opinion is what it is jesus de chamberi, finisterra, and la leyenda de la mancha are metal is not my opinion is the music genre no more don't continue with this plz, anyway,

You are totally wrong, sorry, Iron Maiden is not Heavy Metal???????? Heavy Metal IS Iron Maiden, there is not Heavy Metal without Iron Maiden!!!! Wikipedia is a "school encyclopaedia" for this, please go to or, or finally, if you want to "study" about metal go to
28.06.2006 - 01:14
Written by Conemetal on 28.06.2006 at 00:48

Written by Dam3k on 25.05.2006 at 22:49

Jesus de Chamberi isn't metal Iron Maiden isn't neither then... -.- I'm tired of arguing don't wanna argue with u, u don't know anything about metal and I don't wanna explain i recommend u to visit wikipedia u could find it useful to know what's metal, look, Is not my opinion is what it is jesus de chamberi, finisterra, and la leyenda de la mancha are metal is not my opinion is the music genre no more don't continue with this plz, anyway,

You are totally wrong, sorry, Iron Maiden is not Heavy Metal???????? Heavy Metal IS Iron Maiden, there is not Heavy Metal without Iron Maiden!!!! Wikipedia is a "school encyclopaedia" for this, please go to or, or finally, if you want to "study" about metal go to

ehm dude? are u retard or something????? it was SARCASTIC... I don't need to study anything about metal but you should check ur brain or maybe go WIKIPEDIA and read the concepts ironic/sarcastic

28.06.2006 - 20:31
i vote for Baron Rojo because they are the most representative spanish band in the metal scene, and the last concert was amazing
28.06.2006 - 23:35
it's amazing there are more fans here than I could ever imagine... I don't know why isn't this band added...

29.06.2006 - 12:28
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Written by Dam3k on 28.06.2006 at 23:35

it's amazing there are more fans here than I could ever imagine... I don't know why isn't this band added...

Yeah, they were the friggin' pioneers of Spanish Heavy Metal! If you have some convincing information about Barón Rojo, post it in the Bands To Add thread. I'm sure they will be added in a couple of weeks if we help the Mods out - they are just a few and don't have the time to collect everything about every band, you know.
29.06.2006 - 13:35
@ Taktsekte: Well, I'm a bit disappointed with that forum, I've tried to add, Liquid Tension Experiment, Beethoven R. and I didn't have any success... so I cannot imagine what would they say about an old band... anyway I'll try as soon as I've got time

29.06.2006 - 13:44
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Voted for Baron Rojo because I like them most of the bands mentioned and it was the first Spanish band I ever heard. That was way back in 1983 when I first heard their album called Metal Morphosis.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

30.06.2006 - 23:28
Account deleted
Written by Dam3k on 26.06.2006 at 23:52

Written by [user id=6192] on 26.06.2006 at 04:22

Mägo de oz obviously. Is te most representative band of spanish and with the folk of there.
So fucking awesome!

Well... maybe they are the most representative now but time ago was Barón Rojo, don't forget =)

Yes I really like them. They have awesome songs but I prefer Mago de Oz I dont know why.