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Fav lyrics theme

Posts: 144   Visited by: 135 users

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Posted by Valentin B, 26.03.2007 - 18:29
my faves are fantasy and politics, with bands like megadeth, iced earth, maiden and sepultura having my favourite lyrics, like on "dante's inferno", "phantom of the opera", "the bard's song", "the power of one" are all wonderful songs, and "holy wars", "hangar 18", and "refuse resist", just straight out flaming, bitching and lashing about what's wrong and what their problem is.

i choose fantasy though, since it's a more imaginative field, you can just go totally mindfuck random and no one will bother assessing the reality behind your lyrics, not like in politics where most of the inspiration comes from real events.


which is your favorite lyrical theme in a song?

"call to arms"-type

Total votes: 150
26.04.2007 - 15:28
The Bard
I love A Call To Arms lyrics mixed with historical themes. Perfect example would be Grave Digger's Tunes Of War. They have that historical accent and mixed with call to arms lyrics made fenomenal atmosphere. We had whole story about history of one people spoken through several different kings, queens and heros, songs like Rebellion or Scotland United make such atmosphere and gives great dozes of adrenalin. I love all Grave Digger lyrics, they are master of lyrics for me. I love conceptual albums too, like King Diamonds and again Grave Digger. I don't like Satanic, Religious or politics lyrics, they make me sick, I don't think that politics and music need to be involved, only my opinion of cause. Gore is always welcomed and norse is little boring...
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
26.04.2007 - 17:14
Mela Muke
Account deleted
I don't really have a fav but I do prefer bands that try to have a little depth to them and not sound utterly pretentious.
26.04.2007 - 20:01
voted on norse. just love lyrics with mythology n stuff.
Games don't make people violent, lag does.
26.04.2007 - 20:14
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Wow...I really don't know...I can pick three though...satanist, introspective/psyhological/sentimental and horror/sci-fi/fantasy...
27.04.2007 - 02:04
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Wow, this thread doesnt really leave much for us people who are into glam rock....singing about partying and getting laid.

Im tempted to choose Norse, or Call to Arms, but those wouldnt take my #1 fav so Ill refrain from voting until theres another option.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
27.04.2007 - 08:59
Spirit Crusher.
Account deleted
I voted for religion.

I'm an atheist but I've said that for metal to prosper that religion must remain in it's image...

I always ask: Imagine Slayer without religion... Yeah.

Imagine Angra without Religion... yeah.
28.04.2007 - 01:41
White Winter Sun
Laboratory's Rat
Without any doubts my two favorites are introspective/psyhological/sentimental and historical.
16.05.2007 - 14:55
Account deleted
I think recounts and personal stories are a great theme and im not suprised that this is No.1 at the moment. Everyone loves the song they think is about them, "hey this song is about me/my current relationship/my past/my dream!"
16.05.2007 - 15:27
rageing atheist
Account deleted
I voted for psychological/introspective/sentimental because I think that anyone can play a tough guy and write some stupid shit about gore, but it really takes some "balls" (hate to use that phrase btw) to write about your personal negative emotions, and I also love psychological and introspective lyrics like Death's or on some Atheist songs, also I enjoy lyrics that critisize our society, satanic lyrics I like when they are done intelligently, like Arcturus lyrics on La Masquerade Infernale, and also I enjoy some not very intelligent Satanic lyrics ( "I spread eternal dark on earth and rape the mother of christ" by Bathory comes to mind), but only when they have some "power" I'm not into "Gathered we are, thirteen, around the book made of human flesh" kind of approach, I like political lyrics when they are against governments and politics, as Atheist's "Why Bother" or Nevermore lyrics for example. About norse then: I like mythological lyrics, but dislike clichéd simplistic approaches to to norse themes. Horror/ sci-fi are cool, and sometimes even fantasy, when its done well, the lyrics I dislike are gore ( except for Carcass, that is , I love Reek of Putrefaction), some fantasy lyrics, and "call to arms" type as I find them very hard to relate to, and kind of escapist, as they have little to do with reality (and yes, that goes for gore also, for me it's as escapist as Rhapsody-style fantasy, as it has little to do with reality, and it's also boring, unlike other "escapist" themes like sci-fi or good fantasy), and call-to-arms lyrics I dislike because I dislike violence, and also I'm not into patriotism or any kind of "we" feeling arousing lyrics in general. About spiritualism, I dislike christianity, but I like some Buddhist or just spiritual lyrics, first thing that comes to mind is Cynic, also some of the more "spiritual" Atheist stuff, like "Piece of Time" , "Beyond" and "Room with A View". Anyway, that's just my opinion, no offence to any fans of gore or other types of lyrics I dislike.
16.05.2007 - 15:31
Written by Doc G. on 27.04.2007 at 02:04

Wow, this thread doesnt really leave much for us people who are into glam rock....singing about partying and getting laid.

I guess my vote goes to "introspective/psychological/sentimental", with the focus more on the introspective side of things than the "sentimental". The reason is obvious - it's the theme to which I can most easily relate. Norse/historical/call to arms lyrics are bitchin', too.
"Summoned By Words Never Spoken Before..."
16.05.2007 - 17:44
Account deleted
I voted for psychological/introspective/sentimental(although it was a hard choice), I think these themes make the music quite unique usually. I like when the musicians write for example, about their own feelings towards something, especially if they use interesting metaphors, it gives more content and depth to music and I feel that these lyrical themes are best for making emotional and interesting music, where a part of the musicians is felt in their work. Then again, I'm not sure I can say that some lyrical themes can be my favourite, because I like a lot of different ones and it depends on the approach and so on.

Generally I tend to like more in-depth and interesting or original lyrics that are taken seriously by the band. Sometimes I listen to some lighter and straightforward stuff too but i don't like it as much.

I also like lyrics about politics that critisize our society, and like rageing atheist, autoritarianism but I don't tend to like very angry and hateful lyrics, usually, so I don't like lyrics about National Socialism and other violent themes, I don't like gore either, most of the time.

Other themes I also like are nature, if it is creative. All kinds of mythological or fantasy-sci-fi themes, also if they are creative and not cliche. If they are original they can be very enjoyable but I don't like bland lyrics that much. Also some folk themes appeal to me but not very much the ones, that have been described as trolls drinking beer and partying.

It's quite interesting to listen to some lyrics about religions and spirituality too, even if I don't share the views there and disagree with it, still it's interesting to listen and think about it and this kind of lyrics tend to be sophisticated and interesting, and I like when they mix this theme with some other aswell.
16.05.2007 - 18:17
Erotic Stains
I've always liked satanic lyrics, I'm not a satanist but I do think satanism is a very interesting subject.
16.05.2007 - 23:28
rageing atheist
Account deleted
Also I dislike nazi lyrics, I find them ridiculous, and can't take any Hitler worshipping bands seriously.
19.05.2007 - 13:26
The Bard
Written by [user id=23267] on 16.05.2007 at 23:28

Also I dislike nazi lyrics, I find them ridiculous, and can't take any Hitler worshipping bands seriously.

Yeah I agree. I don't like stupid people that worship Hitler, some of those bands are coming from Poland, Serbia, Russia... And there is possiblility that their grandfather was killed by nazis...
Altough patriotic lyrics are ok, if they are written with love for your countrie and respect for others, than those lyrics can be very good
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
19.05.2007 - 15:06
Written by [user id=23267] on 16.05.2007 at 23:28

Also I dislike nazi lyrics, I find them ridiculous, and can't take any Hitler worshipping bands seriously.

yeah it's really ridiculous...i don't get them and their point!
I amar prestar aen, han mathon ne nen, han mathon ne chae a han noston ned 'wilith...
19.05.2007 - 15:20
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by APOHAKC on 19.05.2007 at 13:26

Written by [user id=23267] on 16.05.2007 at 23:28

Also I dislike nazi lyrics, I find them ridiculous, and can't take any Hitler worshipping bands seriously.

Yeah I agree. I don't like stupid people that worship Hitler, some of those bands are coming from Poland, Serbia, Russia... And there is possiblility that their grandfather was killed by nazis...
Altough patriotic lyrics are ok, if they are written with love for your countrie and respect for others, than those lyrics can be very good

About Pols well same time thay dont like nazies and comunists and about Polish Ns band lyrics seems thay give new meaning of term NS but living in comunistic ragime it make sthem hate bout and love nazism more
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
19.05.2007 - 15:25
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Lathronniel on 19.05.2007 at 15:06

Written by [user id=23267] on 16.05.2007 at 23:28

Also I dislike nazi lyrics, I find them ridiculous, and can't take any Hitler worshipping bands seriously.

yeah it's really ridiculous...i don't get them and their point!

Thay sare so stupid like satanistic lyrics, no satanistic are more stupid how thay and I better prefeer about nazies how satan, even i dont read such lyrics and dont care about them
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
19.05.2007 - 16:17
Hitler vs Satan...hmm which is worse? A man responsible for millions of deaths including homosexuals and gypsies or a religious character that is made to scare members from sinning? I dont listen to or really know any NS bands, but I would think that any song containing lyrics with any sort of praise or credit to hitler is pretty retarded.
19.05.2007 - 17:03
The Bard
Written by Sunioj on 19.05.2007 at 16:17

Hitler vs Satan...hmm which is worse? A man responsible for millions of deaths including homosexuals and gypsies or a religious character that is made to scare members from sinning? I dont listen to or really know any NS bands, but I would think that any song containing lyrics with any sort of praise or credit to hitler is pretty retarded.

Exactly, you got the point here
And to K7 about that communist VS NS constatation, can you explain that little more?
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
19.05.2007 - 19:14
Written by Sunioj on 19.05.2007 at 16:17

Hitler vs Satan...hmm which is worse? A man responsible for millions of deaths including homosexuals and gypsies or a religious character that is made to scare members from sinning? I dont listen to or really know any NS bands, but I would think that any song containing lyrics with any sort of praise or credit to hitler is pretty retarded.

Ditto. But you ARE aware that other people think of satanism as badly as they do (or maybe more) think of nazi bands n stuff.
Games don't make people violent, lag does.
19.05.2007 - 22:12
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by APOHAKC on 19.05.2007 at 17:03

Written by Sunioj on 19.05.2007 at 16:17

Hitler vs Satan...hmm which is worse? A man responsible for millions of deaths including homosexuals and gypsies or a religious character that is made to scare members from sinning? I dont listen to or really know any NS bands, but I would think that any song containing lyrics with any sort of praise or credit to hitler is pretty retarded.

Exactly, you got the point here
And to K7 about that communist VS NS constatation, can you explain that little more?

I mean it because first ewery body hate nazies specely in slavic countries because thay ocupy for example Poland and and kill a lot of ppl but then sudenly ussr also ocupy for example Poland and reagime stay there long, and pll start hate it and being in such long ocupation, ppl start lil think previsuly reagime was better and thats why thay hate bouth
But Polish NS bands us ethat idiology in name of Polish nation pols are best ithers nothing, thay us elyrics, idiology to attack someone, but not made empire its like some ppl want revolution but dont want changes
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
20.05.2007 - 07:58
Written by MadGatsu on 19.05.2007 at 19:14

Written by Sunioj on 19.05.2007 at 16:17

Hitler vs Satan...hmm which is worse? A man responsible for millions of deaths including homosexuals and gypsies or a religious character that is made to scare members from sinning? I dont listen to or really know any NS bands, but I would think that any song containing lyrics with any sort of praise or credit to hitler is pretty retarded.

Ditto. But you ARE aware that other people think of satanism as badly as they do (or maybe more) think of nazi bands n stuff.

Perhaps in relative to music yes...I am aware of that. I know people like that too, but it doesnt make sense too me. I know why they would be offended by satanic lyrics, but IMO it doesnt compare to nazi lyrics by far.
20.05.2007 - 12:54
This is a hard poll. I could vote for politics, norse, call-to-arms or historical. Ended up voting for call-to-arms 'cause well they always give me sort of a power boost. Depends on the genre though

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep
20.05.2007 - 14:23
Written by Sunioj on 20.05.2007 at 07:58

Written by MadGatsu on 19.05.2007 at 19:14

Written by Sunioj on 19.05.2007 at 16:17

Hitler vs Satan...hmm which is worse? A man responsible for millions of deaths including homosexuals and gypsies or a religious character that is made to scare members from sinning? I dont listen to or really know any NS bands, but I would think that any song containing lyrics with any sort of praise or credit to hitler is pretty retarded.

Ditto. But you ARE aware that other people think of satanism as badly as they do (or maybe more) think of nazi bands n stuff.

Perhaps in relative to music yes...I am aware of that. I know people like that too, but it doesnt make sense too me. I know why they would be offended by satanic lyrics, but IMO it doesnt compare to nazi lyrics by far.

Well for those who do believe in Satan, i think they would be pretty much scared of satan over hitler O.o i mean, hitler was mortal (and died because of it), instead satan is immortal and could do so many worse things than hitler ever would. I mean dont rituals scare the shit out of those ppl? im not even religious, and the girl i liked was into satanism and i somethings she told me were pretty creepy. O.o This is a major big off-topic here so im sorry for these last posts guys.
Games don't make people violent, lag does.
20.05.2007 - 15:02
Written by MadGatsu on 20.05.2007 at 14:23

Well for those who do believe in Satan, i think they would be pretty much scared of satan over hitler O.o i mean, hitler was mortal (and died because of it), instead satan is immortal and could do so many worse things than hitler ever would. I mean dont rituals scare the shit out of those ppl? im not even religious, and the girl i liked was into satanism and i somethings she told me were pretty creepy. O.o This is a major big off-topic here so im sorry for these last posts guys.

no worries, I know exactly what you mean though...I cant imagine a bigger bad guy to Abrahamic religious people other than Satan Himself, the great deceiver! I said this before, but I personally think that satanic ( not neccessarily satanist {lavey, etc} ) suit bands that play extreme metal and has good DM and of course BM.
20.05.2007 - 19:11
Written by Sunioj on 20.05.2007 at 15:02

Written by MadGatsu on 20.05.2007 at 14:23

Well for those who do believe in Satan, i think they would be pretty much scared of satan over hitler O.o i mean, hitler was mortal (and died because of it), instead satan is immortal and could do so many worse things than hitler ever would. I mean dont rituals scare the shit out of those ppl? im not even religious, and the girl i liked was into satanism and i somethings she told me were pretty creepy. O.o This is a major big off-topic here so im sorry for these last posts guys.

no worries, I know exactly what you mean though...I cant imagine a bigger bad guy to Abrahamic religious people other than Satan Himself, the great deceiver! I said this before, but I personally think that satanic ( not neccessarily satanist {lavey, etc} ) suit bands that play extreme metal and has good DM and of course BM.

Now imagine what ppl that dont listen to metal feel when they hear DM or BM bands lol ;P They think exactly the same as u do towards nazi bands Its all about different point of views. No use in arguing about it lol
Games don't make people violent, lag does.
21.05.2007 - 13:39
rageing atheist
Account deleted
Well I'm not overly familiar with the Bible, but to me Satan seems to be a rebel, someone like Prometheus from the Greek mythology,who was cast out of God's kingdom for not following him, and I think that if God and Satan of Christian religion do exist (unlikely, but still a possibility), I think that the Bible is a rather one-sided source for depicting Satan, and talking about evil, who was the guy that flooded the Earth and killed almost all humanity by doing so according to the Bible, just because he wasn't worshipped? That was God if I remember correctly. And well if this isn't evil I'm not sure what is. Sorry for the offtopic here.
21.05.2007 - 14:12
The Bard
Enough with Hitler VS Satan, this is second time to see discussions like this on two wifferent threads..
First time it was on What Happened With Black Metal I think.. Anyway, maybe someone really should open that thread...
They say that we are gone but I can't let you down
The heathen faith will rise again we won't fail now
I know we cannot die forever is our time
Give my people back to me free from Christianity!!!!
21.05.2007 - 15:01
satanist : loool .wtf is a satanist lyrical theme ? btw i voted for that....
Blessed is he that murders Christ in himself and in his fellow men.

Written by TheBigRossowski on 10.02.2009 at 16:01

if my wife and I can't conceive, I want a medical shipment of your sperm so our baby will be just like you.

21.05.2007 - 17:31
@Damnated: why vote for it if you don't know what it covers?

Dreams are made so we don't get bored when we sleep