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Most Important Metallica Album

Posts: 171   Visited by: 255 users

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Posted by Black Mass, 03.05.2007 - 05:07
I'm sitting at my desk at work slugging away on a 150 page pavement design report (yawn) when I decided I needed some music to get me going. I pulled out my trusty ipod and chose Metallica. After listening to Kill 'Em All, Master Of Puppets and ...And Justice For All, I began wondering which Metallica album is the most important. And by that I mean the album that had the biggest impact when it was released, the album that made them who they became and who they are today, the album that solidified their fan base and their place in the Heavy Metal music world.

For me, its Master Of Puppets. From the opening riff of Battery to the closing note of Damage Inc, the songs are well structured, powerful and remind me why Metallica were the first band I really got into all those years ago.

I did a search and couldn't find a similiar poll, so if there has been one already I apologise.
I also realise I have left of Garage Days Re-visited and S&M but decided they dont really rate in the poll.

Would love to read what anyone else has to say.


Which do you think is the most important Metallica album?

Master Of Puppets
Ride The Lightning
Kill 'Em All
Metallica (black album)
...And Justice For All
St. Anger
Garage Days

Total votes: 255
15.06.2007 - 18:45
Account deleted
Kill Em All is best album of all time for me. Metallica wouldn't have gotten anywhere if it weren't for Dave Mustaine. (Metallica shouldn't have kicked him:nogood:.
16.06.2007 - 09:06
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I disagree with Megadeth fan up there (THE MECHANIX)......thanks to Mustain's alcoholism they found Kirk Hammett who defined and marked the true sound of Metallica and (my taste) his guitar playing can't be matched by Mustaine.

Mustaine did Metallica a favor by leaving..."thank you Dave" (stop idolizing the guy so much) he's Megadeth not Metallica, period. The only thing that affected Metallica was Cliff's death, period.

I picked Master because it influenced millions of fans around the globe and made a name for Metallica...and Mustaine wasn't there for fucks sakes!.
16.06.2007 - 14:55
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omg metallica's most imporntant album is of course MOP or atleast RTL after Cliff death metallica never released a great album as those 2. kill 'Em all is a great beggining for a band i respect it as an album..

who the heck voted st. anger???????
18.06.2007 - 08:20
Torture Killer
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I think Master Of Puppets had the biggest impact when it comes to the basic fan base, but Kill 'Em All Had the biggest impact on me personally.
18.06.2007 - 08:41
Diabolic Priest
Kill'em All !!
19.06.2007 - 18:18
The Sasquatch
Written by [user id=24191] on 16.06.2007 at 14:55

omg metallica's most imporntant album is of course MOP or atleast RTL after Cliff death metallica never released a great album as those 2. kill 'Em all is a great beggining for a band i respect it as an album..

who the heck voted st. anger???????

It sure wasnt me, but I kinda get the point
Think that St. Anger influenced many nu thrash bands lol, or the person who voted for St. Anger just hate Metallica
02.07.2007 - 03:47
Master Of Puppets is the best and most important metallica album
Written by muthafucka on 08.07.2010 at 06:46


02.07.2007 - 04:58
For us, the fans, is Master of Puppets
For them, and their wallets, the Black Album
both of them are still selling and eventually run out in stores for a while
03.07.2007 - 22:04
Master of Puppets for sure.
oderint dum metuant
04.07.2007 - 05:22
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I choose Kill 'Em All because it not only established them as thrash metal gods but it started the bay area thrash scene, or at least made it bigger, and more accessible to people who wouldn't go to the live shows.
12.09.2007 - 08:54
Written by [user id=22132] on 16.06.2007 at 09:06

I disagree with Megadeth fan up there (THE MECHANIX)......thanks to Mustain's alcoholism they found Kirk Hammett who defined and marked the true sound of Metallica and (my taste) his guitar playing can't be matched by Mustaine.

Mustaine did Metallica a favor by leaving..."thank you Dave" (stop idolizing the guy so much) he's Megadeth not Metallica, period. The only thing that affected Metallica was Cliff's death, period.

I picked Master because it influenced millions of fans around the globe and made a name for Metallica...and Mustaine wasn't there for fucks sakes!.

I was under the impression that Dave M. was their for the writing process of Master but was ousted shortly before its release. I believe that the band just left his name off the credits all though he did influence the album. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyway, I voted St. Anger as this is the point where I believe Metallica pushed their luck too far, they should have retired from releasing studio albums and I feel St. Anger proves this.
12.09.2007 - 13:46
I hate to decided only one album but i have voted to The Black Album but Master of Puppets is awesome too ! In The Black Album there are two of the songs most listened from all people even for those that are not metalheads. These are Unforgiven and Enter Sadman
"For what point has this life if you can't realise your dreams?" -- The Divine Comedy
13.09.2007 - 11:29
Written by BF on 12.09.2007 at 08:54

Written by [user id=22132] on 16.06.2007 at 09:06

I disagree with Megadeth fan up there (THE MECHANIX)......thanks to Mustain's alcoholism they found Kirk Hammett who defined and marked the true sound of Metallica and (my taste) his guitar playing can't be matched by Mustaine.

Mustaine did Metallica a favor by leaving..."thank you Dave" (stop idolizing the guy so much) he's Megadeth not Metallica, period. The only thing that affected Metallica was Cliff's death, period.

I picked Master because it influenced millions of fans around the globe and made a name for Metallica...and Mustaine wasn't there for fucks sakes!.

I was under the impression that Dave M. was their for the writing process of Master but was ousted shortly before its release. I believe that the band just left his name off the credits all though he did influence the album. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyway, I voted St. Anger as this is the point where I believe Metallica pushed their luck too far, they should have retired from releasing studio albums and I feel St. Anger proves this.

Dave Mustaine was thrown out of the band in 83, Master was written in 85-86, so yes, you're definately wrong.
By the way, this was a poll about the MOST IMPORTANT Metallica album. I don't see your reason for voting for St. Anger justify the importance of the album in any way other than your hatred for the album. To say that Metallica should stop making album entirely is blasphemy!

I voted Master of Puppets, because it's THE Metallica album. It cemented Metallica as a household name, and it solified their place in heavy metal.. Without a doubt my favourite album, ever.
14.09.2007 - 03:17
Black album. The first album of my collection.
Viva aquele que se presta a esta ocupação
Salve o compositor popular
Salve o compositor popular.
14.09.2007 - 03:23
Account deleted
Master of Puppets is my definitive favorite of Metallica. I want Orion to be played at my funeral. Master of Puppets was and always will the bases for my intro and obsession of drumming.
14.09.2007 - 04:50
@Mulldarren, thanks for setting me straight, I was never confident I had the info right, thats why I asked. I don't hate the album, I just felt that it was important in a way that I stated previously. I try to have a nuetral point of view when making statements. If this was "best Metallica album" then I would have put Master O.P. But it wasn't, it was most important. I felt that St. Anger was of such poor material that it takes the mantle as most important, just in a negative way.

For all those die hard Metallica fans I apologise for the...

Wait a minute I don't apologise at all! This is a discussion about a topic and we are all welcome to offer opinions on the subject, be it good or bad. I am just sorry I came across as a hater. I think that there was a gross over-reaction to my point of view.

"Anyway, I voted St. Anger as this is the point where I believe Metallica pushed their luck too far, they should have retired from releasing studio albums and I feel St. Anger proves this."

That was meant to mean: Metallica made good stuff but I feel they started to go downhill and St. Anger is more than likely at the bottom of the said hill. I do not believe they can climb up the other side. Retirement would be a good idea, after all lots of bands retire before they start writing rubbish by their own choice, better to go out in style.
14.09.2007 - 08:42
Foetal Butchery
MOP easily - it has easily had the most impact on metal in general than any other album.

ANd a whole 3! yes, 3!! people voted for St. Anger - are u serious?!?!?!
Dark death metal from Sydney:
16.09.2007 - 01:05
My vote goes for Master of Puppets. It really is great album and even after 3 years (3 years then I heard it first time) it rocks!

Yeh wtf St.Anger O__o' I think it's the worst album ever...
Coffee for power
Music for creativity
Sarcasm for fun
04.11.2007 - 05:13
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Wow!, three people voted for St. Crap , is that a joke or something lol?
The most important album is obviously Kill em all, as Metallica's debut album it influenced metal a lot more then all the other albums, and it's probably the best sounding as well. It also helped create Thrash Metal and got a fairly wide fan base interested in the new, emerging style of metal. RTL, MOP and the black album also influenced quite a bit of bands but not nearly as much as Kill Em all. If Metallica held on to that raw thrash style i think they would've been much better and more respected then they are now.
04.11.2007 - 16:41
To Arms!
Master Of Puppets its their most known song
Stay Metal !!!
04.11.2007 - 16:44
Mad Laughter
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The Black Album is when they sold out, and thus it is the most important, for it displays the direction lots of music went in around that time....
05.11.2007 - 22:47
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to me its Kill 'Em All.
but as I can see and expected: Master Of Puppets and Black Album take the lead. pity
06.11.2007 - 12:09
Master of Puppets . It's not true that Metallica sold out with the Black album.MoP couldn't be matched by anything else , so they had to change the music a little , they sold out with Load/Reload , it's clear that those albums were made for cash.St. Anger wouldn't be such a crap if it was somebody else's album, St.A just didn't match the criteria for a "good" metallica album , but no mather what they do next they can't make anything as good as MoP.
Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können.
David Hilbert
07.11.2007 - 21:25
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change the music a little?
07.11.2007 - 22:01
rageing atheist
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Well I wasn't even born when they released their early stuff, so I'm not going to speculate on the topic of the most important Metallica album for the development of metal. Or maybe I should just cite my favorite Metallica album as their most important for the development of metal? Though it seems a popular thing to do I'd skip it nevertheless.
08.11.2007 - 15:30
This is easy. RTL gets my vote just because I feel that 'Kill Em All' although its great it feels to amateurish and done by young kids whilst on RTL you can hear for the first time Metallica playing more mature, coehisive music. On the other hand 'Master of Puppets' was just a continuation on what happened on RTL.
Spitting in the face of mainstream music !!!
21.12.2007 - 14:48
surely master of puppets
after cliff metallica faded to black days
21.12.2007 - 14:55
st. anger.

23.12.2007 - 05:46
In an artistic point of view the best album of Metallica it's Master of Puppets, but the most important is The Black Album, because it's also a piece of art, but was the base where the band built their fame and worlwide success !!
"Follow your steps and you'll find, the unknown ways are on your mind" (Angra)
15.01.2008 - 21:35
Master of puppets, although i see Ride the lightning as my personal favorite.