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Annoyed by Metaldudes sometimes?!

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Posted by APOHAKC, 29.05.2008 - 21:09
Some general thoughts and one question, lately, I am irritated by metalheads more and more, damn, I know it has been that way since ever, but... damn! I did not made up things, everything is pulled out of experience with my close friends and people I occasionally hang around.

What I starting to hate is narrow minded of many metalheads that thinks they drink from the pool of wisdom and are here with a reason - to teach everyone things never supposed to be known. First thing I am bothered, a lot, is the fact that metalhead is always right, all non metalheads are stupid, laughable, or just hot, even though they'll never say it in public, so it will be smth like, she is dressed as a whore, she is 100% dumber than a donkey, but on the other hand, they are all attracted to that girl/guy. We complain all the fucking time how people have prejudices toward us, while we are probably worst then them, half of you will totally judge fancy dressed dude, even though that clothes may suits him and he is as good or better person as yo, but do not have long hair, combat boots and some old school t-shirt with lot of blood. Most metalheads I know also Totally judge people by their music taste, damn, if someone likes Britney Spears, it does not means she or he is retard..

What I hate about metalhdeads and is bothering me a LOT in last few months is their classification on true matalheads and posers, it seams I can't be a metalheads anymore, since I cut my hair and do not go oftenly on true nekro metal places but occasionally visit some other place where is not played our music and bartender won't ask me dark or light beer, or some heavier alcohol? IT seams I can't pass as a metalhead if I do not wish to drink 2L bottle of beer with my buddies sitting on the street on the public square and make noise so I can be center of attention, I must have true clothes and white shirt is so out, you can't be even a power metalhead anymore, what the fuck, I'd walk naked if I can, it is 50C outside for God's sake and I do not wish to wear combat boots on that weather, damn people!

Clubing is the worst thing, every time you go to some metal pub, same story, there are group of young blood which are on some silly trial, like trial of manhood in tribal primitive societies, they must know all the songs, wear right clothes etc so older ones will accept them, then we have older ones, I am annoyed by them the most, the fact he/she listen to some music for 10-20-30 years doesn't give him/her right to treat other people without any respect, if anyone have respect for the elders, that is me, BUT DAMN, what a fuck, I don't give a fuck for the whites in your hair if you won't show at least little of dignity and threat people as - people! You was not Bruce Dickinson's buddy, you just listen to him more years than we do, that's all. Then you have cool guys, drinking their beer, not saying a thing, giving the looks to the rest like: yeah, I am the cool guy, mysterious, all girls wanna get laid with me bla bla bla, losers, leaving home without those girls alone every night doesn't give you any clue that you're not so cool and that not all the girls are hot on retards that can't make two sentences that makes some sence! Go jerk of on a vampire porn, their as mysterious as you, retard.

Also, the DARK thing, it seams I can't laugh anymore, that's not so metal, make jokes, not so metal too, you must wear only dark clothes, and speak about meaning of life, cause it is intelligent, yeah, some high-school guy with average grades and no idea of future discovered meaning of life after 4 bottles of beer and rahter wasted night.

List of things I'd blow some heads:

Statements like Cradle of Filth are so bad, Danny is such a poser, damn, if you do not like it, forget it, why are you SO important to say who's bad and who's not, and even if you find it necessary to comment, please, come up with something new and not the sentence said by billion metaldudes before you, because it is in to spit on COF and few more bands, funny thing is that at least half of those people start listening to extreme music through COF.

Things in pubs like, I will totally ignore Helloween or Grave Digger, even Metallica, that is for kids, I will bang my head off when some Technical Deat or Ambiental black starts, I do not know the song, but it is awesome, and that is what grown up listen.

I do not listen to famous commercial bands, I listen to UG bands, ym favorite is exotic Black metal band I found on internet from Indonesia, they have male soprano and female growl and they are so awesome - NO, THEY ARE NOT, they are so bad that it hurts, they just come from ex-communist Asian state, that's all, (no disrespect to Indonesians, I think you'll see the point already)

I read only philosophy like Nitze or Plato, Sure ok, how come you can't finish 2nd grade of high school then, AND MILLION of other things.
29.07.2008 - 19:46
Valentin B
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 29.07.2008 at 19:28

Written by Valentin B on 29.07.2008 at 01:05

i was mildly disappointed with the audience at the Priest gig 2 weeks ago, people were standing in the back and eating even 15 minutes before they hit the stage.. i mean why in the hell did you even pay the ticket for?(yes, it was very expensive).. there were people who weren't singing in my area, i was quite close to the stage...if you were so bored why even bother to come? only so you can look BRVTAL KRI33G?

Ever considered the possibility that everyone enjoys a concert in a different way? I don't see what not singing along has to do with it at all. I for like to stand at the bar drinking while enjoying a show, does that mean I enjoy it less? Hell no, and probably it is safe to say that in that way I can [pass a better judgement on how the show really was than the people who scream along and headbang their ass off or mosh like mad.

well, you're right, for your age at least i can see it, a 40-year old moshing would be quite a sight lol. but i don't know.. what those people do seems so directly opposed to what i usually do at concerts, i can't even imagine myself doing that.. 100 metres from the stage you see the musicians as tiny ants, the sound may be better, but i feel there is much connection lost between the band and the fan... Halford started going "Ooooaaaaooaaaoaaaa yeah!" as he does before You've Got Another Thing Comin'.. and those guys i assume were dead silent..

or like i saw a Therion show here, they wanted to make something special so they performed their songs with a full orchestra and choir. guess what? the orchestra was directly in front of the stage, and it was in a concert hall, so there were the guys at therion, about 40-50 metres from the first fan, and Christopher was clapping, trying to get them to participate during the song "Rise of Sodom and Gomorrah".. of course there were some people clapping but generally everyone was bored. i even know a guy from here (Venom_BM) who claims to have fallen asleep at the show. what kind of a show is that?(oh yeah and i wanted to go too, imagine how "sad" i was after i saw it lol)... if the orchestra was behind the band or on the side there might have been some people who actually "leaved their seat" to quote KISS. how is it any different from popping a cd(or even more close, a live album) in the player?
29.07.2008 - 21:01
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Reading the first post I gotta say I'm probably one of those "metal dudes" your thinking of, but theres different reasoning behind the way we act. We get drunk and act like king shit in public because we're young, thats what we do, I know when I get older its not going to be as acceptable to do that type of thing so me and my friends are having our kicks now, its not an exclusive thing either, if someone wanted to join us it'd be fine, I dont think getting drunk in public and making an ass of ourselves is limited to metalheads. Secondly, about being "the fountain of knowledge" and only talking to other people wearing black and what not, its kind of a way of advertising what your into. Music pretty much dominates my life, so naturally I'm going to hit it off best with people with similar musical tastes, so when I see another person dressing the part, I generally know I'm probably going to get along with that person because we have something in common. And about being "the fountain of knowledge" I havn't met anyone who claims to be the all-knowing metalhead, a lot of us do have a lot of knowledge though, and when hanging out at a bar me and my friends usually talk metal, swapping information. We dont try to be exclusive on purpose, the odd time a stranger whos not into metal comes and talks to us I dont act better than them, but that rarely happens because people generally stay away from us not out of fear but because they know we do not share very common interests so the conversation wouldn't be very exciting......although I always enjoy a friendly game of pool with strangers regardless of social type groups.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
29.07.2008 - 21:12
Totemic Lust
Any "metalhead" who calls you a poser is most likely self-conscious of being a poser themselves.
29.07.2008 - 22:02
Doc G.
Full Grown Hoser
Written by Introspekrieg on 29.07.2008 at 21:12

Any "metalhead" who calls you a poser is most likely self-conscious of being a poser themselves.

Not entirely true, I generally think of posers as those people who wear band shirts without knowing anything about the band.For example, I know one guy who hangs out in my circle of friends (who nobody seems to like) who always sports Motorhead shirts, probably to curry favor with me, but he knows nothing past 'Ace Of Spades'. I find this particularly offensive considering I pretty much live and breath Motorhead (yeah I'm a little fanboy I admit it). So I guess I dont consider someone a poser in the traditional sense, I generally think of them as someone who claims/acts like they know more than they actually do, or like the type of person who sports a Ramones shirt but only knows 'Blitzkrieg Bop'. A lot of people consider Nu Metal fans posers, I just think they have knowledge in a different corner of matter how bad it is, its when they claim to be the final say on anything metal is when they are a poser.
"I got a lot of really good ideas, problem is, most of them suck."
- George Carlin
29.07.2008 - 23:20
Totemic Lust
Written by Doc G. on 29.07.2008 at 22:02

Written by Introspekrieg on 29.07.2008 at 21:12

Any "metalhead" who calls you a poser is most likely self-conscious of being a poser themselves.

Not entirely true, I generally think of posers as those people who wear band shirts without knowing anything about the band.For example, I know one guy who hangs out in my circle of friends (who nobody seems to like) who always sports Motorhead shirts, probably to curry favor with me, but he knows nothing past 'Ace Of Spades'. I find this particularly offensive considering I pretty much live and breath Motorhead (yeah I'm a little fanboy I admit it). So I guess I dont consider someone a poser in the traditional sense, I generally think of them as someone who claims/acts like they know more than they actually do, or like the type of person who sports a Ramones shirt but only knows 'Blitzkrieg Bop'. A lot of people consider Nu Metal fans posers, I just think they have knowledge in a different corner of matter how bad it is, its when they claim to be the final say on anything metal is when they are a poser.

Well, I guess that does make sense. It is almost like he is flirting with you by wearing a Motorhead shirt XD. I was more so referring to the psychological defense mechanism to attribute your own unacknowledged feelings and insecurities to others, projecting your feelings of not being "metal" enough by calling others posers. It is like people who catch themselves staring at a man for too long and get worried that they are gay going around calling people fags to assert their heterosexuality.
30.07.2008 - 00:29
The Ancient One
on that line of discussion, a slight off topic here, but one afternoon in the mid-90's as i pulled in to a convenience store parking lot i was listening to Joy Division's "dead souls" - the track that Nine Inch Nails covered on The Crow soundtrack - and had the windows down and stereo fairly loud.

some little Gothbunny chick, sporting a New Order shirt nonetheless, heard my music and turned to her friend and said, intentionally loud enough for me to overhear as i exited my car:

"that is the worst Nine Inch Nails cover i've ever heard!"

for those not familiar - which will be most of you - New Order is the new wave band that formed from the ashes of Joy Division after the lead singer, Ian Curtis, hung himself.

in metal terms, that's about the equivalent of someone sporting a King Diamond t-shirt referring to Mercyful Fate's "Gypsy" as the worst cover of an Emperor song they'd ever heard.

i refer to someone as a "poser" a little less infrequently than Halley's Comet passes the Earth - but you can bet i broke it out when i mocked, ridiculed, and verbally murdered that girl. made for quite the amusing beer run, though.

(/end thread hijack)
get the fuck off my lawn.

Beer Bug Virus Spotify Playlist crafted by Nikarg and I. Feel free to tune in and add some pertinent metal tunes!
30.07.2008 - 12:14
Valentin B
Written by BitterCOld on 30.07.2008 at 00:29

some little Gothbunny chick, sporting a New Order shirt nonetheless, heard my music and turned to her friend and said, intentionally loud enough for me to overhear as i exited my car:

"that is the worst Nine Inch Nails cover i've ever heard!"

wow... was she at least drunk? that was one EPIC misfire
30.07.2008 - 13:26
Written by Introspekrieg on 29.07.2008 at 21:12

Any "metalhead" who calls you a poser is most likely self-conscious of being a poser themselves.

I absolutely agree, calling someone a poser means that you are SO true and SO able to despise the bands (almost) everybody like because you are not like everybody. For me, a poser is somebody who claim to be a kind of "dandy", you know, adopting the attitude of the one who knows what good taste is, what true is etc...

To finish, I just wanted to shout: LET US HAVE FUN !!!!! What's wrong if we're "newbies" or "wannabes", if we like bands that are not SO unaccessible?
I just hate the guys in a concert who look despisefully at the moshpit thinking SO loud "uh, those littles kids... WE are SO evil, because we are SO serious and SO communicating with Satan through the music..." come on mates, you're just fuckin' BORING!!!!
30.07.2008 - 13:52
X-Ray Rod
Written by Dagorwen on 30.07.2008 at 13:26

Written by Introspekrieg on 29.07.2008 at 21:12

Any "metalhead" who calls you a poser is most likely self-conscious of being a poser themselves.

I just hate the guys in a concert who look despisefully at the moshpit thinking SO loud "uh, those littles kids... WE are SO evil, because we are SO serious and SO communicating with Satan through the music..." come on mates, you're just fuckin' BORING!!!!

Well. There's always a person [like me] that don't like moshing just because... I want to concentrate on the music better.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass
Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.
30.07.2008 - 16:57
A poseur has always been someone who adopts the surface attributes of a genre, as a pose, without even looking into what it means or believes.

Death to all poseurs... death in the ovens...
30.07.2008 - 22:10
Written by X-Ray Rod on 30.07.2008 at 13:52

Written by Dagorwen on 30.07.2008 at 13:26

Written by Introspekrieg on 29.07.2008 at 21:12

Any "metalhead" who calls you a poser is most likely self-conscious of being a poser themselves.

I just hate the guys in a concert who look despisefully at the moshpit thinking SO loud "uh, those littles kids... WE are SO evil, because we are SO serious and SO communicating with Satan through the music..." come on mates, you're just fuckin' BORING!!!!

Well. There's always a person [like me] that don't like moshing just because... I want to concentrate on the music better.

for me I would be impossible, all the huge energy metal gives me just HAS to be expressed, or I think I would do something like an infarctus. While listening to metal, I HAVE to headbang, mosh, or ride a horse, run or something like that. I feel impossible to stay calm and concentrated while receiving a such powerfull energy impulse! (well, even without music I can't keep quite, cool etc... ^^)
30.07.2008 - 22:34
X-Ray Rod
Written by Dagorwen on 30.07.2008 at 22:10

for me I would be impossible, all the huge energy metal gives me just HAS to be expressed, or I think I would do something like an infarctus. While listening to metal, I HAVE to headbang, mosh, or ride a horse, run or something like that. I feel impossible to stay calm and concentrated while receiving a such powerfull energy impulse! (well, even without music I can't keep quite, cool etc... ^^)

It's a matter of what kind of music you listen to in the concert, I do headbang and screams a lot but I do not mosh, mostly because I will die.
You will not headbang or move to much if you listen to... I don't know.. Xasthur as example [yeah, Iknow that Malefic doesn't do live shows] but still.. that kind of metal is not for headbang. Same goes to some Lacrimosa.... how the hell can you headbang with violins and keyboards?

But if the bands ARE energic... yeah, I would "do" something, but moshing is nothing for me since I concentrate on not to die instead of hearing.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass
Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.
30.07.2008 - 22:34
Sleep In Sorrow
Ghost Of The Sun
I usually don't have much trouble with metaldudes. So far most guys I met were pretty cool and nice people to hang out with. Same goes to the goths in my town (the population is a bit mixed, as it often is). Sure we do have to stomach some ridiculous sights like some guys wearing really tight pants or calling themselves (in real life) names like Lord Darkness 666 or Lord Raven or Lestat. But, overall, they're nice people. Exceptions exist, though... and I especially hate guys who can't understand that you're not in the moshpit. Once there was this fat idiot going around moshing around while HITTING HIS CLOSED FIST AGAINST HIS OWN FOREHEAD to the rhythm of the songs and we had to push him around like a huge meatsack. Anyway, that was a weird way to headbang.
"It's not funny, my ass is on fire..."
30.07.2008 - 22:47
Written by X-Ray Rod on 30.07.2008 at 22:34

It's a matter of what kind of music you listen to in the concert, I do headbang and screams a lot but I do not mosh, mostly because I will die.
You will not headbang or move to much if you listen to... I don't know.. Xasthur as example [yeah, Iknow that Malefic doesn't do live shows] but still.. that kind of metal is not for headbang. Same goes to some Lacrimosa.... how the hell can you headbang with violins and keyboards?

But if the bands ARE energic... yeah, I would "do" something, but moshing is nothing for me since I concentrate on not to die instead of hearing.

Yes, you're right! Lacrimosa is one of the musics I can listen to while sitting on a chair, but I consider it as "gothic" more than metal. But otherwise I listen to black (even if I know you're supposed to hear it very solemnly:necro: , I can't avoid headbanging on Mahem; for Burzum, it's special, like Lacrimosa, I enjoy it calmly, perhaps because it's more experimental), death, epic, thrash, and even folkish things like Tanzwut or Corvus Corax that makes me do some medieval dances ^^
30.07.2008 - 22:53
X-Ray Rod
Written by Dagorwen on 30.07.2008 at 22:47

(even if I know you're supposed to hear it very solemnly )

I can't avoid headbanging on Mahem; for Burzum, it's special, like Lacrimosa, I enjoy it calmly,

I didn't get the first sentence.
And about the second one... Is just about the band [lacrimosa was a bad example] but same goes tu Burzum... well, some songs are fast enough to move a lot, but most of them would make me headbang.. very sloooooooooooooooooow.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29
Like you could kiss my ass
Written by Milena on 20.06.2012 at 10:49
Rod, let me love you.
31.07.2008 - 22:09
Written by X-Ray Rod on 30.07.2008 at 22:53

I didn't get the first sentence.

it was irony, it's about the 100 rules of black metal: one says "don't have fun at the concerts" or something like that, so, you have to be very concentrated, very solemns while listening to black metal (or you're supposed to ^^)
31.07.2008 - 22:19
There are lots of socially retarded people in metal...

But people who are too social are blind to truth...

I suppose nothing is perfect, and that in itself is perfection.

"No fun, No Core, No Mosh, No Trends" was started in response to what happened with death metal, which was that about 1991 or so it started becoming a parody of itself. Yes, Cannibal Corpse, I'm looking at you here
01.08.2008 - 08:06
Account deleted
I don't really steriotype guys that like metal and old rock because they're usually good people, but when they're drunk at parties it's a flippin nightmare.
I'd just be drinking with my pals and we'd randumly see 20 guys with long hair (half of them of course, wearing metallica shirts) walk in the place, jump right in the middle of the dance floor and start headbanging and wacking everyone with their long ass hair. It's a mood killer lol.
01.08.2008 - 10:51
Valentin B
Written by Conservationist on 31.07.2008 at 22:19

"No fun, No Core, No Mosh, No Trends" was started in response to what happened with death metal, which was that about 1991 or so it started becoming a parody of itself. Yes, Cannibal Corpse, I'm looking at you here

woah.. so the guys who started it thought the audience could act as if they were at a classical concerto or what? like, sit down all the time, clap at the right moments, and leave politely and silently when a death metal gig ended? it sounds hilarious to me.
04.08.2008 - 00:32
Account deleted
Kinda silly, it's music, there aren't "posers". There are some pussies into metal who mainly listen to it to be cool, that you could call a poser. But personally, I hate clubs, and I hate the type of people who put restrictions on their intelligence because it's 'not metal'. The smartest people I've known have been metalheads, and it makes me proud to be one, but the cat who sits on the stairs with 2 litres of beer is stupid. I drink beer in my house and at gigs when I can, but it doesn't make you cool.

If you listen to band interviews with Finntroll, Ensiferum, Tyr, etc., they're simple guys; they like metal and beer, so that's what they do, it ain't a pose.
04.08.2008 - 01:27
Account deleted
Written by Valentin B on 01.08.2008 at 10:51

Written by Conservationist on 31.07.2008 at 22:19

"No fun, No Core, No Mosh, No Trends" was started in response to what happened with death metal, which was that about 1991 or so it started becoming a parody of itself. Yes, Cannibal Corpse, I'm looking at you here

woah.. so the guys who started it thought the audience could act as if they were at a classical concerto or what? like, sit down all the time, clap at the right moments, and leave politely and silently when a death metal gig ended? it sounds hilarious to me.

I think they just wanted their music to be taken seriously, instead of just being background noise for idiots to get drunk and misbehave to.
04.08.2008 - 03:10
Valentin B
Written by [user id=4122] on 04.08.2008 at 01:27

Written by Valentin B on 01.08.2008 at 10:51

Written by Conservationist on 31.07.2008 at 22:19

"No fun, No Core, No Mosh, No Trends" was started in response to what happened with death metal, which was that about 1991 or so it started becoming a parody of itself. Yes, Cannibal Corpse, I'm looking at you here

woah.. so the guys who started it thought the audience could act as if they were at a classical concerto or what? like, sit down all the time, clap at the right moments, and leave politely and silently when a death metal gig ended? it sounds hilarious to me.

I think they just wanted their music to be taken seriously, instead of just being background noise for idiots to get drunk and misbehave to.

sorry man but IMO death metal just shouldn't be enjoyed like that. it is supposed (and most of the times meant) to be glorification of destruction, gore, death etc. so it should be enjoyed by fans for what it is, in the apropriate manner: "mimicking" the destructive lyrical theme by moshing and stuff.
04.08.2008 - 03:23
Account deleted
Written by Valentin B on 04.08.2008 at 03:10

Written by [user id=4122] on 04.08.2008 at 01:27

Written by Valentin B on 01.08.2008 at 10:51

Written by Conservationist on 31.07.2008 at 22:19

"No fun, No Core, No Mosh, No Trends" was started in response to what happened with death metal, which was that about 1991 or so it started becoming a parody of itself. Yes, Cannibal Corpse, I'm looking at you here

woah.. so the guys who started it thought the audience could act as if they were at a classical concerto or what? like, sit down all the time, clap at the right moments, and leave politely and silently when a death metal gig ended? it sounds hilarious to me.

I think they just wanted their music to be taken seriously, instead of just being background noise for idiots to get drunk and misbehave to.

sorry man but IMO death metal just shouldn't be enjoyed like that. it is supposed (and most of the times meant) to be glorification of destruction, gore, death etc. so it should be enjoyed by fans for what it is, in the apropriate manner: "mimicking" the destructive lyrical theme by moshing and stuff.

´No fun, No Core, No Mosh, No Trends´ was more a black metal thing though.I don´t think I´ve ever heard it being used in a death metal context.
28.06.2010 - 03:01
I must say that Ican definately relate to what you're talking about.. not so long ago I met some metalhead that was very proud of buying his newly born son some "metal clothes" , no offense to anybody here with kids.. but thats effing stupid... because y would you corrupt ur kid in such way? he cant do nothing about it.... and here you are ... thinking ur soooooOOO metal buying ur kid some metalhead clothing??? dude hes a kid... like wtf??? thats lame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
28.06.2010 - 14:32
Strangely enough, most of the people that I know that are into metal are mostly open minded about it, like myself. Some even listen to nu and alternative metal, like I do. However, most metalheads I met ONLINE are pretty much different, and fit the topic like a glove. I harbor a deep animosity towards these would-be elitists and music snobs.

If I want to listen to nu-metal, I will, and I don't need you telling me how untrue I am, because I don't give a shit. In fact, the very mentioning of the word 'true' wakes in me the kind of rage that just wants me to bash someone's skull. I listen whatever I want, and dress however I want. Other than some band t-shirts, nothing in my appearance would tell you what I listen to. I have a short hair, I wear whatever I find comfortable, mostly sportswear.
*insert something deep and profound*
28.06.2010 - 14:49
Mr. Noise
I'd say that's just an aspect internet/being anonymous brings along, Kennoth. In real life, being polite is much more important than on the internet, where nobody knows who you are anyway. It gives you the opportunity to be an asshole without consequences.

That being said, prejudice rules supreme, in the metal world as much as the others. Hell, we're probably all guilty of it. Including me. I remember very well I was walking around on the festival ground of Hellfest, hearing music from a tent. I said to my companion 'hey, this isn't bad at all. sounds pretty fun. what is it?'. We checked the running order and lo and behold, it was As I Lay Dying! I never, ever would've guessed that. But of course, a live sound can differ vastly from a studio song, or maybe it was an old song or something, but still my point stands.

And I'm with you on the clothing part. I look like your average student, because I like the clothes and I realize it is necessary to 'fit in' and have a certain look to get a job etc. That's the way it is, I don't see any reason to fight it.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
29.06.2010 - 15:31
Personally, I think the biggest negative about the metal community, snobbery aside, is this constant [rather adolescent] desire to be "different", to the point of obsession. We all know that people are individuals, and nobody needs to go a step further and try to underpin this with a load of "unique" interests by which to base their image around. It's not necessary. I wish that metalheads could collectively admit that metal is a massive genre of music and that big metal bands are "mainstream". The constant masquerade of exclusivity is annoying IMO. Counter-culture is an irritating trend.

With that negative out of the way, I'll say that I do sympathise with the OP, and cannot stand such behaviour when I see it, but I don't think it was a very well-constructed indictment of the sort of negative behaviour commonly seen among the metal community.

The nub of the matter is simple, it's that some people who listen to metal (emphasis on some) take the age-old folly of consciously tailoring their own personality to a percieved collective identity (based around a genre of music) too far. Linking metal directly to some sort of lifestyle (especially the whole "beer/mosh/party/let's be rowdy" thing) has become a total self-parody, and to be fair a lot of the examples you gave in the original post do look terribly dated and childish.

The genre has branched out musically, grown up (IMO) and is definitely on the up and up in terms of fanbase size. I'd like to think the average metal fan as of 2010 reflects these positives. The example of metalhead behaviour in the OP is almost a complete anachronism, and I certainly don't think it's representative of the fanbase as a whole. The main thing that metal fans need to do more of is care less about what everyone else is doing- and to be fair I'm as guilty of that as anyone
29.06.2010 - 16:12
Written by Lucas on 28.06.2010 at 14:49

I'd say that's just an aspect internet/being anonymous brings along, Kennoth. In real life, being polite is much more important than on the internet, where nobody knows who you are anyway. It gives you the opportunity to be an asshole without consequences.

That being said, prejudice rules supreme, in the metal world as much as the others. Hell, we're probably all guilty of it. Including me. I remember very well I was walking around on the festival ground of Hellfest, hearing music from a tent. I said to my companion 'hey, this isn't bad at all. sounds pretty fun. what is it?'. We checked the running order and lo and behold, it was As I Lay Dying! I never, ever would've guessed that. But of course, a live sound can differ vastly from a studio song, or maybe it was an old song or something, but still my point stands.

And I'm with you on the clothing part. I look like your average student, because I like the clothes and I realize it is necessary to 'fit in' and have a certain look to get a job etc. That's the way it is, I don't see any reason to fight it.

I also had this epiphany. When I was in college I had a whole different freedom in clothing I don't have now, especially if I want to impress my boss. I literally had to buy new clothes and snickers and all because I had to 'fit in' at work and look presentable. It's not that I have something against ppl who go to work dressed as metallers, I just realised I couldn't do that because otherwise no-one would give me a job because they would assume all kinds of things because of the clothes I was wearing. If I wear 'normal' clothes, like I do to work, people hopefully will judge for my work ethic and so forth. But I make an exception. I still wear my bands t-shirts, even to work But that's because I'm comfortable now and feel like I can show that part of me.
Written by BloodTears on 19.08.2011 at 18:29

Like you could kiss my ass.

My Instagram
30.06.2010 - 04:11
Written by Lucas on 28.06.2010 at 14:49

I'd say that's just an aspect internet/being anonymous brings along, Kennoth. In real life, being polite is much more important than on the internet, where nobody knows who you are anyway. It gives you the opportunity to be an asshole without consequences.

That being said, prejudice rules supreme, in the metal world as much as the others. Hell, we're probably all guilty of it. Including me. I remember very well I was walking around on the festival ground of Hellfest, hearing music from a tent. I said to my companion 'hey, this isn't bad at all. sounds pretty fun. what is it?'. We checked the running order and lo and behold, it was As I Lay Dying! I never, ever would've guessed that. But of course, a live sound can differ vastly from a studio song, or maybe it was an old song or something, but still my point stands.

And I'm with you on the clothing part. I look like your average student, because I like the clothes and I realize it is necessary to 'fit in' and have a certain look to get a job etc. That's the way it is, I don't see any reason to fight it.

Yeah, I get the anonymous on the internet part. I realize most of the trolls probably wouldn't act half as bad in real life, but on the internet, no one knows them, they can be douchebags without consequences, and spill in their thoughts, whether serious or not.

I'm not perfect myself. I have had, and still do, some prejudices about a lot of things in life, who hadn't? And music is no exception. Since we're being honest here, as far as the music fares, I find most of the Lady Gaga and Lil Wayne and people who listen to such, well..not THE most intelligent. That doesn't necessarily have to be the case of course, just my biased opinion. But as far as the metal goes; I personally can't stand black metal (it bores me to death), but if someone's a fan, that's their business, as long as they don't rub it on my nose and giving me shit for my own preferences.
*insert something deep and profound*
07.07.2010 - 15:00
Written by flickaa on 28.06.2010 at 03:01

I must say that Ican definately relate to what you're talking about.. not so long ago I met some metalhead that was very proud of buying his newly born son some "metal clothes" , no offense to anybody here with kids.. but thats effing stupid... because y would you corrupt ur kid in such way? he cant do nothing about it.... and here you are ... thinking ur soooooOOO metal buying ur kid some metalhead clothing??? dude hes a kid... like wtf??? thats lame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol i wished my parents did the same when i was a kid. i'd have now tons of metal clothes hahaha