School education - another form of manipulation?
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Posted by Damnated, 25.05.2006 - 13:11
ChasingEuphoria Account deleted |
30.12.2007 - 23:00 ChasingEuphoria
Account deleted
education in u.s. is utter shit. supposebly its for a reason though, to dumb people down so the government can do whatever it wants and people are too stupid to realize whats going on. i can see it
Vinnie R. Chido Chido |
11.01.2008 - 04:08 Written by [user id=4927] on 30.12.2007 at 23:00 Think you refer to the massive information that the society receives from the corporations, ideas that say that the people must learn something and not beyond. Well, here in Mexico the education level is poor, the school is full of very bad ideas about eah others, the institutions fills me with anger, many anger because the way you describe it it's very like my country.
ChasingEuphoria Account deleted |
Vinnie R. Chido Chido |
11.01.2008 - 07:39
@ChasingEuphoria: Dude, you are getting one of my favorite metalstormers!
Evil Chip |
08.03.2008 - 01:31
If in USA the education is poor, then in Chile its pure shit. USA has a good free education dispite many southamerican countries. I have to pay like 400 dollars per month to have a decent education.
Necrogeddon Born Too Late |
24.03.2008 - 00:56
the education in itself aint too bad but my school is SOOO strict. they dont care about the welfare or individuality of the students just how the school looks to an inspector and how good the grades are. our school is actually supposed to be one of the best non-private schools in warwickshire in the midlands for example countless times ive seen people being badly bullied and nothing is ever done, people being beaten up on corridors and teachers walk by because they are on their break. also we arent allowed any 'extreme' hair cuts or colours, i got punished for having red hair even though i hadnt dyed it. we also arent allowed any piercings or jewellery. im a good a grade student but im sick of not being able to be myself so i rebel with purple hair dye and my piercings i have my horizontal eyebrow septum and lip teachers try to expel me but i havent actually done anything wrong! im trying to encourage other people to rebel and see what is going on but they conform anyway, it sucks...
---- 'I wish you all had one neck and that I had my hands on it.'
Dark Blood The Avenger |
03.04.2008 - 03:01
Humm.. education. A subject that is being questioned in my country right now... A few weeks ago this was revealed on Youtube: a student recorded this with his cellphone in a classroom here in Portugal. The girl wanted to use her phone and teacher says "no" and takes it away so she could continue with her class, but the student fights back and demands the phone back. More cases of school violence are coming to the public. School laws are now changing radically. Students are forbidden to use the phone and teachers are no longer afraid to denounce violent kids. In some way, what's happening here is good for the public to understand what's really going on with the kids these days. In other way, I feel ashamed of my country just to know that kids don't have respect for anyone. When I was at school, me and my colleagues did some really bad shit at the time, but we had boundaries, most of us respected the elders and there was never a story of a teacher being hit by a student... right know it's all I heard in the news.. kids hit their own parents!... I don't blame the school or even the kids themselves, I blame their parents that don't even know how to fucking raise a kid, and comes out a "hooligan". I don't know how's the education in other countries.. but in mine, right now it's like this.. lol
---- It is humanity who must pay homage to the greatness of the Universe... not the Universe to the human narcissism.
Harmonic Account deleted |
03.04.2008 - 10:10 Harmonic
Account deleted Written by Dark Blood on 03.04.2008 at 03:01 I quit teaching high school in 2005 and I'm never going back. As far as I'm concerned, half of the seats in high school classrooms are a waste of my tax dollars, because only about half the students in high school are getting any benefit from being there. The other half ought to be shipped off to boot camp and kept in the military until they're 18, where they would hopefully get some discipline, learn respect, and come away with a much-needed attitude adjustment. (Yeah, I'm talking about the girls too.) What is being presented in this video is fairly mild. A student tried to hit me with a chair once; when I wouldn't back down he trashed the classroom. On another occasion, a group of students in a geology class threw rocks at me when I tried to put the lesson up on the board. Then there was the kid who "got back at me" by aiming a laser pointer into my eye. When I informed the school principal, the kid denied it. Of course, the principal believed the kid - not the teacher. After five years, I could write a fucking book filled with shit like this. Whoever you are, whatever you want to do with your life - stay the hell away from teaching kids older than 10 years of age. You may never experience the pain firsthand, but trust me - that's among the best advice you will ever hear.
owl |
03.04.2008 - 20:51 Written by [user id=22888] on 03.04.2008 at 10:10 I've been thinking just that for many years, and I've never teached (nor do I intend to, thank god). Even when I was a student, I used to think I wouldn't want to be the one teaching my classes (not because of my own behaviour, I was a regular nerd ), and we didn't do one third of the s*it that goes on today in classrooms worldwide, so it seems.
Aei Ontos Account deleted |
04.04.2008 - 15:22 Aei Ontos
Account deleted
It isn't very suprising that it happens, kids don't learn rules from their parents, their parents sometimes don't even know how to educate. And when the parents are divorced also, it's even worse, you see that both parents want to please the child(ren) more than the other parent and the kid gets everything, but no respect or rules. That's bad I think. Rules rule sometimes, maybe not liberal, but it works well. (even though I don't always agree with the rules of my parents);D
Dark Blood The Avenger |
04.04.2008 - 21:32 Written by [user id=22888] on 03.04.2008 at 10:10 I know whats on the vid is very mild (compared to what I've seen and heard). Unfortunately, the scenario is much worst, and according to you most of the teacher don't do nothing because: either the principal won't believe them or they're afraid of them cause in some cases there are "gangs" involved. I've never actually put myself on a teacher's side because I know it's not one bit easy for them. Sometimes I don't even understand how some teachers can stand their students, I really admire that in some cases.
---- It is humanity who must pay homage to the greatness of the Universe... not the Universe to the human narcissism.
Harmonic Account deleted |
05.04.2008 - 06:34 Harmonic
Account deleted Written by [user id=30512] on 04.04.2008 at 15:22 Very good observation! Divorced parents would avoid using discipline; whoever does a "better" job of spoiling the child wins. No wonder so many kids are screwed up nowadays.
Harmonic Account deleted |
05.04.2008 - 06:43 Harmonic
Account deleted Written by Dark Blood on 04.04.2008 at 21:32 I know about the gangs. I taught in a school where the department head looked at my class list and told me which kids to "let off easy, no matter what they do." A few years before I took a job at this particular school, the entire place had been trashed by a gang - while school was in session in the middle of the day. Written by Dark Blood on 04.04.2008 at 21:32 They can't stand their students - they tolerate them because they have to pay the rent and feed their families. The so-called "good" or "friendly" teachers are just putting on a big act. Teaching is a very political job.
Nighthowls Paratrooper |
06.05.2008 - 03:56
Yup, I agree, if you want to get the real story you have to study in two different countries because every country has its own censorship to cover their asses.
Nighthowls Paratrooper |
06.05.2008 - 03:59 Written by Evil Chip on 08.03.2008 at 01:31 Thats sucks man, but its free cause they only teach you what they want you to know. and what ever the topic maybe its censored lies like the US wants its people to believe. Just like in your country if you want the truth "which is what matters"you got to pay.
Nighthowls Paratrooper |
06.05.2008 - 04:02 Written by Necrogeddon on 24.03.2008 at 00:56 That's cool man I mean you rebelling not your schools system. A true metalhead I hope your peers grow some balls and follow you. That be the shit if were to change that system.
Nighthowls Paratrooper |
06.05.2008 - 04:10
All around I think poor education is one way for governments to control their populace. I mean if they are ignorant and in many countries around the world malnourished even if they wanted to put up a fight they probably couldn't thus the system wins again. we need to learn our shit and raise arms against our oppressors in my opinion. I think the french were headed in the right path when well so was the US when we had our revolutions but then we stopped and we ourselves became corrupt. The French well I don't know whats going on with them right now, but I do believe their government fears them because every time they don't like something they protest as far as I know and they eventually get what they want. Now with a people like that I don't know how they lost to the Germans.
Nighthowls Paratrooper |
06.05.2008 - 04:18 Written by [user id=22888] on 03.04.2008 at 10:10 Sorry to question you sir, but shouldn't you have been teaching in a University if you wanted to know your students cared about their Education? Cause High School is kind of forced upon the masses and its not necessarily a bad thing but wouldn't you like to teach people who actually wanted to learn? and not be forced to be there? I mean people aren't just gonna go pay for that just to harras a professor right? Me as an example, I would love to keep expanding my education just that I don't have the financial means to do so. While I'm sure somewhere out there, there is a rich snobby motherfucker bitching cause his parents are paying for his education and he'd rather be doing something else.
Harmonic Account deleted |
06.05.2008 - 07:10 Harmonic
Account deleted Written by Nighthowls on 06.05.2008 at 04:18 My parents did not have any money to put me through university; between working and student loans, I paid my own way. The post-graduate education required to teach at the university level was financially out of reach for me. So I had to settle for teaching high school. I am well aware of the fact that many kids in high school don't care. However, in a properly-run school, bad behaviour is promptly dealt with and it does not set the tone. Now what really surprised me when I began teaching was the lack of any consistently-enforced rules or structure on the part of school administrators. The teachers were apparently supposed to run classes in "no consequence" environments where if anything went wrong, it was the teacher's fault. Bad behaviour was rampant; the good kids kept their heads down and their mouths shut. And that's a fucking tragedy. So my contention is this: if the education system as a whole refuses to set and adhere to minimum expectations for student behaviour, then retaining kids who don't want to be there is worse than pointless - it's downright counterproductive. The bad kids would be more useful to themselves - and everyone else - in a structured environment with discipline and standards, like the military.
Harmonic Account deleted |
08.05.2008 - 07:38 Harmonic
Account deleted Written by Nighthowls on 07.05.2008 at 02:43 Where did you serve? And how do you rebel against the system? If you don't mind me asking, I would like some perspective on your situation before I post a full response. (Knowing one's audience can be important at times.)
Reizenstein |
08.05.2008 - 22:08
I'm currently at gymnasium (16-18 years old), and I've never seen or heard of any situation like those described above. Sure, in our school we are rewarded with some increadibly arrogant arses, but I've never heard of any student hitting another teacher, though I'm sure it's happened. I do, however, feel bad for the teachers sometimes. I can only begin to imagine how irritating it must be to try to keep a class of noisy and lousy teens in control...
---- Growl
Nighthowls Paratrooper |
09.05.2008 - 06:56 Written by [user id=22888] on 08.05.2008 at 07:38 I served with the 2nd Infantry Division, 5th Brigade, 4th Battalion, 23 Infantry Regiment, A CO, 1st Platoon, Second Squad of The U.S. Army . Um well I just wrote this to "TAKA" you can get some answers to What you want to know from this, and if there's anything else you care to know please let know, and I do want to read your response so I'll be waiting for that Alright here goes: Quote: myself NO, you were right on too, just different points of view I think. Alright, cool then No thats cool I like to view things through other peoples eye's even if its not what I believe in just to try to understand them and their points of view you know? Which is initially why I quoted you. Anyway..... back to the topic. Well Thank You, but it was not against my own nature. At the time I was 17 and I still believed in my government and all governments for that matter, So I signed up for the The U.S. Army Infantry. I went in thinking I would help people be free and be able to give them the opportunity to voice themselves. " thiknig about Afghanistan not Iraq because I still don't know why we're there" As I found out the Military is as corrupt and deceptive as it gets. I was crushed a huge disappointment, that is until I arrived at my unit and met my Squad Leader SGT. Jeremy Rice. He taught me most of what I know today, well things that matter, and about the world. anyway I'm straying again I f you're intersted though I can tell you more about it on som other thread or PM's. It wasn't against my nature though and now I know better thanks to SGT, and I grew an intense hate towards politicians and the whole system in general. "Which is why I'm not in The Army anymore" I DO believe in good human nature though. So I'll take your compliment on that well despite my corrupt government which speaks for us without even letting us decide what we want to say "supposedly the land of the Free huh yeah Right more like the land of people living in fear of the police and using Fear as a method of controlling the masses" "except for the 1% who rule this country THE RICH and Politicians which stick behind the government no matter what SO ignorant I think" I'm proudly American cause through it all we're good people " The Poor anyway" but our government gives us a bad name So with that being said my nation was born of war therefore I well don't shy away from it and its something that's part of being American I guess. War is normal to us it's always been here and probably always will cause of our nosy ass government. I am not a war monger, " But strangely enough I find a Beauty in it, and It brings out the best of people when they are faced and under such hellish and intense situations, good human nature truly comes out as well as the worst" but will and put my life on the line if its something i truly believe in. I don't know what I'll be classified as for that, but I know its what i believe in and will stick by it. Pacifist that's someone I can respect, but I love weapons and guns again probably cause I'm American. My moral etiquette well thank you again, but that I owe a lot to METAL my brother which is what kept me going when the Colonel and the other high ranking motherfuckers would strike me down. For that reason METAL is like an escape, a religion, something to believe in, something to find myself in, and something to find strength in. It got me though a lot. as well as my interpretation of GOD. Its just being true to yourself you know? People know what's right and whats wrong, but because of greed or other temptations they seem to forget or ignore what is right. Here, check this out, this is what I live my life by "A King may move a man, But remember that even when those who move you be Kings... or men of power... your soul is in your own keeping alone. When you stand before GOD, you cannot say... But I was told to do thus or that virtue was not convenient at the time This will not suffice" I live my life by these verses they come from one of my favorite movies "Kingdom Of Heaven" because of this the Colonel, Sargent Major, and 1st Sargent hated me and tried imprisoning me, but that's another part of my story See what you ask and say makes perfect sense and I have asked those same things. In my case I was there trying to make a better world, but the way I was doing it in I did not agree, but could not do anything about it or else I would be in prison as we speak. Besides like previously mentioned I was there to protect my SGT and team mates not for country or duty or any of all that other bullshit you hear about. I could not bear the thought of him dying because I would not be there to back him up, specially after him taking care of, teaching, and risking his own career for me. I LOVE That man, and I would not let anything happen to him, and I could not have faced his wife who fed me by the way, and tell her that her husband was dead and I was not there to look we're he cannot. Even now we still keep in contact. So in my case those questions you asked can be answered and I question my interpretation of GOD all the time and I do receive an answers through signs in my life, but not for everything. You may think this is just wishful thinking or a coincidence in which I choose to find my answers, but its the way I choose to live and view my life. Those same questions though that you asked I've asked too and sadly I have not received a sign or response for those. I still don't lose faith though cause if i he or she has helped me so to will they. But I wish i could know the answer to those questions, and it saddens me to know and see all that stuff specially children suffering since they're innocent. I made my final decision on joining the Army based on a little kid. It was on a series called Band Of Brothers you might have seen it. Based on true events of WWII and mainly and American Paratrooper unit which my SGT was part of!!!!. Anyway there was a scene were an American soldier was on patrol in a Danish barn and he heard a sound. As any good soldier would do took cover and asked who was there. To his amazement a Man and his Child came out. They looked scared. The Soldier told them that the German were gone and that they were free to do as they pleased. The Guy said something in Danish and gave the soldier a sign to wait there which he did. When he returned he came back with a bottle of wine ad gave to him. Well as he approached to take the bottle he noticed the scared little kid and went towards him. As he got nearer the little kid ducked behind his dad and when the soldier saw this he reached into his jacket and stretched his arm out with a bar of Government issued chocolate "which fucking sucks". Well the little kid came out and took the bar and started eating it. The dad told the soldier in English "He's never tasted chocolate before" and the little kid gave the soldier this look of innocence and happiness along with a smile. Well that made me realize man, I got to go help those little kids out cause they don't have a fault of any of this and they don't deserve to see or face any of that. So I joined the Infantry. I don't know why things like hat occur but I don't think we'll ever know the answer, and therefore I agree with you on that we must keep questioning this, and get a solid clear answer. I believe if religion hadn't been corrupted by man as it has been in every religion you would have a different view, but those are just my thoughts. True, Science does contradict all religions, but there must be a medium between the two. We have not discovered everything on either side, and therefore we should leave both sides open to be a possibility. New discoveries are made on both sides frequently and hopefully in our lifetimes they'll coincide. Probably just my wishful thinking though. I do respect your comments and opinions though and like I said before you put up a good smart argument and in a polite tactful manner too. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! I completely agree the governments of the world ARE the problem, but people won't realize this, conform too easily or are just too scared to rise up against them, and I would love to get into that just direct me to the thread and I'll be there. I'll check out that video. Thanks Oh by the way you Should watch Monty Python's "Erik The Viking" its funny and will explain this whole religion and science thing a lot better than anything else I've ever seen. I highly Recommend it, and "For The Greater Good Of God" just goes perfectly with this thread
Aei Ontos Account deleted |
11.05.2008 - 18:39 Aei Ontos
Account deleted
I don't really think that people are good in itself, though they now the difference between good and evil. I've always known what was good, but I did evil which I knew was evil. I am not completely fucked up and I did not completely gotten mad because God still keeps the world in His hand and keeps people that are (just like) children that makes our hearts soft and loving and caring. Only for children most do something not for their own pleasure. In the worst sitiation the good and the bad become visible most, some will run, others will risk their lives to safe their mates. Sometimes I almost wish all situations where like that, when nobody pretends to be good anymore.
Aei Ontos Account deleted |
12.05.2008 - 15:53 Aei Ontos
Account deleted
@Taka: I am a organdonor myself. I've chosen to be so because I cannot use my organs anymore when I'm dead. It is my own moral decision. As I said, I know the difference between good and evil and I can make my own moral decisions. So did I also do in the past, before I returned to God. But I made the wrong moral decisions. If all would be in the bible, than it would be easy to lay yourself next to the measuring rod and see whether you would be good or evil. Now it is something that we have to considder on our selfs mostly. It keeps us free. So, I did not mention the bible talking about knowing of good and evil. I think this knowledge lies in ourselfs. And many people pretend to be good and aren't. You live in Austria, haven't you heard from that old man that got children with his daughter and so. In the outside world he pretended to be good. He wasn't. That is what I mean with pretending to be good. This is really a example of the worst, or somewhere close to that, most people do exactly the same on a much smaller scale. So was I addicted to pornography a view years ago, pretending to be good. That is the point. There are many people that do something and ask nothing in return. I say, thank God. It has no other cause than that IMO.
Aei Ontos Account deleted |
13.05.2008 - 12:53 Aei Ontos
Account deleted
What do you define as wrong decisions in your life? Wrong decisions are those that put myself on the first place, not the other, not God. If I like something, it is ok. The bible doesn't speak out really against masturbation in this case, but with homosexuality you don't act in a positive way to the other and to God. God has given his rules so that clearly is what is right and what is wrong, which is also told by our conscience. Maybe you don't see it wrong in your "rational" mind and so, but I am sure your conscience tells something different. You just can't tell why. Most native tribes and asian religions viewed sex as a natural thing and encouraged it, unfortunately the puritanical inquisition and colonization of these imposed a taboo on sex which was predominant until the 60s and still is in some more religious areas. Maybe sex is not the problem but religion, remember, the only thing that you can go blind from is religion There is nu such thing as a puritanical inquisition. The bible clearly supports sex, there are even rules that tell that a man with more woman may not have sex with one more than with the other. But the bible sees sex as something that is part of the marriage (not just the paper) and not something to give away for free. Many christian are boring, I know, but you don't know what happens in the bedroom, how would you judge?
Insects Of Death Account deleted |
25.08.2008 - 01:11 Insects Of Death
Account deleted i live in the us and i must admit are whole fucking goverment sucks in school last year like all my social studies teacher talked about was how corrupt and fake the us goverment is and even admitted to be anti bush and he got fired because a class mate of mine told there parents.
Sick Girl |
28.09.2008 - 18:53
I lived in the USA since I was about 5 (born in Norway, came from Italy). I think the education here, and yes, I'm being blunt, is complete and utter shit. Yes, we learn the typical things, but they are getting so uptight on religion in schools, it's about to drive me insane. I live in the bible belt [lucky me] and I've had kids walk out of the biology and history rooms because they fear they are going to learn something other than what they know from church. I'm waiting for some more protesting to begin. Not only is the USA one of the fattest countries, apparently it's one of the dumbest. They are so worried about our dresscode, keeping drugs out of schools, searching us every fucking chance they get, trying to keep girls to keep their legs closed so we have no teen mothers, worried about violence, it's like they almost lose sight of our education. They push us, and make us not want to go to school, and make us hate it. 7 of my friends have already dropped out and their excuse was "I just hate school." It makes me sad to hear that. No wonder you have the ghettos filling up, and I don't mean that offensively, but it's true.
DevilBabi |
30.09.2008 - 04:13
Hhhhmmmmm education in Australia is also quetionable. The children tend to be a little more well behaved then america. And no offence meant there, but i've never heard of a gun at my school or any school in NSW for that matter. The kids also tend to be nicer, have a lot more respect and keep their shit together. Although, there are the few that break all these standards. but they are generally acting out for attention, or require special schooling. The issues with the cirriculum here in Oz is it isnt standards across the country. Therefore, if you move form one side to the other, and your in high school. you can expect things to be completly different at your new school adn will probably be reqeuired to re-learn everything to their methods. If we were to introuduce a national Cirriculum that could be distributed throughout Oz, it means that, as a kid in school, you could go from one school to another, and still understand what they are teaching and how thigns work due to it being issue standard cirriculum. Besides that, freedom of thought is encouraged here. Religion isnt really big in schools, except those of a christian nature, besides that, as a nation o the whole, we're not really religious people . So, schools here are still fairly free from that form of mind control. Religion i mean. The only type of control here is generally administered from the children. Peer pressure is big here.
Toast Account deleted |
22.10.2008 - 05:17 Toast
Account deleted
All I know is that in in elementary school and high school we were constantly fed stupid, bias data on drugs, alcohol, tobacco, ect ment to scare us from it. Obviously the teachers knew what they were saying was wrong because when I argued about such things and offered to give links/studies they'd shut me up and call my parents . The part that scared me though is that my classmates completely believed whatever the teachers said and thought i was crazy lol. I couldn't believe how stupid they were but oh well, that's the world we live in. In addition they never really teach you your rights as a citizen or politics. This is obviously done to dumb you down. Some people may think this isn't important, but then you have to remember that the world is a fucked up place. If you don't study law, the police, lawyers, ect. will use it to take advantage of you and will without a doubt violate your rights. If you don't know your politics and world issues your government will screw around and mess up your country while your clueless butt is watching a news channel and getting filled up with manipulative, unreliable information.
necrovamp |
18.11.2008 - 23:44
I must say i was fed up in school. when it came to history we learnt about the wild west, medicine through the ages and the chinese revolution. now bieng from england i thought 'why arn't we learning our own history?' there was the jacobite rebellion, in which the scots practilly mashed us to peices but stopped short (if they didnt stop, and carried onto london england would ahve become under scottish rule, which may not ahve been that bad a thing. theres the wars of the roses, a period i love but is completly missed off at school. and the civil war. plus most things they told us are wrong, i had a teacher who tried to tell me when it was daylight it was daylight all over the world and when it was night it was ngiht all over the world. this same teacher told em i was going to hell and there was no point in me making an effort because i was satanic and would be cast down by god. this is in the middle of class. i mean talk about unprofessional its not to dumb us down at all it is to be politicly correct which is why we dont learn about the jacobite rebellion its hurtfull to scottish people (we're in england!) that kind of thing. and no i dont have nayhting agaisnt scotish people im using this as an example, i do plan to reenact the period as a scott (hell 2 swords and shield against a poxy english musket, which would you choose?) IMHO
---- 'I'd rather die than go to heaven' - Murderface