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Annoyed by Metaldudes sometimes?!

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Posted by APOHAKC, 29.05.2008 - 21:09
Some general thoughts and one question, lately, I am irritated by metalheads more and more, damn, I know it has been that way since ever, but... damn! I did not made up things, everything is pulled out of experience with my close friends and people I occasionally hang around.

What I starting to hate is narrow minded of many metalheads that thinks they drink from the pool of wisdom and are here with a reason - to teach everyone things never supposed to be known. First thing I am bothered, a lot, is the fact that metalhead is always right, all non metalheads are stupid, laughable, or just hot, even though they'll never say it in public, so it will be smth like, she is dressed as a whore, she is 100% dumber than a donkey, but on the other hand, they are all attracted to that girl/guy. We complain all the fucking time how people have prejudices toward us, while we are probably worst then them, half of you will totally judge fancy dressed dude, even though that clothes may suits him and he is as good or better person as yo, but do not have long hair, combat boots and some old school t-shirt with lot of blood. Most metalheads I know also Totally judge people by their music taste, damn, if someone likes Britney Spears, it does not means she or he is retard..

What I hate about metalhdeads and is bothering me a LOT in last few months is their classification on true matalheads and posers, it seams I can't be a metalheads anymore, since I cut my hair and do not go oftenly on true nekro metal places but occasionally visit some other place where is not played our music and bartender won't ask me dark or light beer, or some heavier alcohol? IT seams I can't pass as a metalhead if I do not wish to drink 2L bottle of beer with my buddies sitting on the street on the public square and make noise so I can be center of attention, I must have true clothes and white shirt is so out, you can't be even a power metalhead anymore, what the fuck, I'd walk naked if I can, it is 50C outside for God's sake and I do not wish to wear combat boots on that weather, damn people!

Clubing is the worst thing, every time you go to some metal pub, same story, there are group of young blood which are on some silly trial, like trial of manhood in tribal primitive societies, they must know all the songs, wear right clothes etc so older ones will accept them, then we have older ones, I am annoyed by them the most, the fact he/she listen to some music for 10-20-30 years doesn't give him/her right to treat other people without any respect, if anyone have respect for the elders, that is me, BUT DAMN, what a fuck, I don't give a fuck for the whites in your hair if you won't show at least little of dignity and threat people as - people! You was not Bruce Dickinson's buddy, you just listen to him more years than we do, that's all. Then you have cool guys, drinking their beer, not saying a thing, giving the looks to the rest like: yeah, I am the cool guy, mysterious, all girls wanna get laid with me bla bla bla, losers, leaving home without those girls alone every night doesn't give you any clue that you're not so cool and that not all the girls are hot on retards that can't make two sentences that makes some sence! Go jerk of on a vampire porn, their as mysterious as you, retard.

Also, the DARK thing, it seams I can't laugh anymore, that's not so metal, make jokes, not so metal too, you must wear only dark clothes, and speak about meaning of life, cause it is intelligent, yeah, some high-school guy with average grades and no idea of future discovered meaning of life after 4 bottles of beer and rahter wasted night.

List of things I'd blow some heads:

Statements like Cradle of Filth are so bad, Danny is such a poser, damn, if you do not like it, forget it, why are you SO important to say who's bad and who's not, and even if you find it necessary to comment, please, come up with something new and not the sentence said by billion metaldudes before you, because it is in to spit on COF and few more bands, funny thing is that at least half of those people start listening to extreme music through COF.

Things in pubs like, I will totally ignore Helloween or Grave Digger, even Metallica, that is for kids, I will bang my head off when some Technical Deat or Ambiental black starts, I do not know the song, but it is awesome, and that is what grown up listen.

I do not listen to famous commercial bands, I listen to UG bands, ym favorite is exotic Black metal band I found on internet from Indonesia, they have male soprano and female growl and they are so awesome - NO, THEY ARE NOT, they are so bad that it hurts, they just come from ex-communist Asian state, that's all, (no disrespect to Indonesians, I think you'll see the point already)

I read only philosophy like Nitze or Plato, Sure ok, how come you can't finish 2nd grade of high school then, AND MILLION of other things.
07.07.2010 - 15:20
Account deleted
I'm a little sick and tired of reviewers arbitrarily giving metalcore records 1/10. I don't really listen to metalcore but even some of the worst probably deserve more than that for musicianship, ability to string a chord together etc. even if it is ripped off.

Most of the time it just shows how limited metallers are and how bound by their own ego and need to prove a point to their peers about how metal they are. It's particularly irritating as all metalcore reviews invariably begin with a short diatribe on how the scene is full of copy-cats, is in a constant state of degradation etc. not to mention you could bet your house on the fact that the image of the band and its prospective fans will be brought into question, ironic considering it's just as passe to mostly ignore the fact that a vast number of metal bands are just as guilty of plagiarism as its metalcore counterparts; not something many are willing to admit.
08.07.2010 - 05:39
Written by Roro on 07.07.2010 at 15:00

Written by flickaa on 28.06.2010 at 03:01

I must say that Ican definately relate to what you're talking about.. not so long ago I met some metalhead that was very proud of buying his newly born son some "metal clothes" , no offense to anybody here with kids.. but thats effing stupid... because y would you corrupt ur kid in such way? he cant do nothing about it.... and here you are ... thinking ur soooooOOO metal buying ur kid some metalhead clothing??? dude hes a kid... like wtf??? thats lame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lol i wished my parents did the same when i was a kid. i'd have now tons of metal clothes hahaha

I dont think wearing "metal clothing" makes u more of a metalhead or am I wrong? Clothing doesn't necessarily have to portray your tastes in music........ my point was that.. at that age... a kid doesn't even have a clue about such music..., I understand that the parents can like the music but that doesn't make them "cool" or impress people just because they buy their kid "metal attire" ... i'm not trying to insult anybody here, if you are this kind of a person, i'm just giving my opinion of what I think about an infant wearing "metal clothing" that is it. =)
09.07.2010 - 11:20
Its just cloths afterall, right ?
09.07.2010 - 12:52
Account deleted
Clothes are just a way of identifying with a specific culture, a way of feeling a sense of belonging to a subset of people that enjoy the same music and have similar outlooks on life. It's exactly the same as bling, tight black trousers, Ben Sherman shirts etc.

Until recently I dressed fairly normally but in recent times I've started reverting back to more alternative fashions as I was getting a little tired of the incongruous relationship between my ordinary looks and my general dislike of mainstream society. It's nice to know that people will "get me" on a superficial level, even if it's not a positive reaction.

There's nothing wrong with dressing metal, as long as it represents who you are. Not like the people who wear Ramones t shirts because it's iconic.
09.07.2010 - 13:50
I agree with ur last line Jooe, but if i had kids, i'd like to raise them same way i did. i'll implants the seeds and let's see how it'll be...
09.07.2010 - 14:18
Account deleted
Written by Roro on 09.07.2010 at 13:50

I agree with ur last line Jooe, but if i had kids, i'd like to raise them same way i did. i'll implants the seeds and let's see how it'll be...

I'm in two minds about that really. While I definitely agree that children should be allowed to find their own path, that you should never force them to be a certain way, I can't help thinking whenever I see a kid dressed metal (usually along with their equally metal parents) that they're probably going to be awesome in the future. It probably isn't the case; they may well indeed be persecuted at school and have an odd upbringing but the alternative (at least in England) is often seeing kids dressed as chav/lower-class thug attire which makes me think they'll grow up as gangsta-rap loving, teenage pregnant prone scum. That's pretty much my own cynical view anyway.

I'll never have kids but if I did I'd probably force feed them metal from their birth ;]
09.07.2010 - 14:35
Yeah i get that. but imagine a marvelous kids having a good taste in music, talented in playing insturments with a unique minds and wearing black t-shirts plus the high ethics.(though i prefer them to be a school gangs lol)
the result will be...

beautiful, isnt she ?
09.07.2010 - 14:38
Account deleted
Written by Roro on 09.07.2010 at 14:35

Yeah i get that. but imagine a marvelous kids having a good taste in music, talented in playing insturments with a unique minds and wearing black t-shirts plus the high ethics.(though i prefer them to be a school gangs lol)
the result will be...

beautiful, isnt she ?

Haha, definitely cute anyone should be proud to have her as a daughter.
10.08.2010 - 23:50
The thing that most pisses me off is when "metalheads" start constantly insulting other genres of music. Its like they talk more about that genre than about metal. And dressing like a metalhead to me isn't just putting a band t-shirt on. Its much more than that.
For there is a purpose and reason
Beyond all human apprehension
The shrieking silence in the blackness of space
10.08.2010 - 23:56
Written by F0rang3l on 10.08.2010 at 23:50

The thing that most pisses me off is when "metalheads" start constantly insulting other genres of music. Its like they talk more about that genre than about metal. And dressing like a metalhead to me isn't just putting a band t-shirt on. Its much more than that.

Why should we have to impose a dumb subculture inform? I never wear anything more than a band t-shirt occasionally.
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11.08.2010 - 00:01
Written by vezzy on 10.08.2010 at 23:56

Written by F0rang3l on 10.08.2010 at 23:50

The thing that most pisses me off is when "metalheads" start constantly insulting other genres of music. Its like they talk more about that genre than about metal. And dressing like a metalhead to me isn't just putting a band t-shirt on. Its much more than that.

Why should we have to impose a dumb subculture inform? I never wear anything more than a band t-shirt occasionally.

Yeah thats what I also do. But there are people that just buy a band shirt of a band they have never heard that play a genre of metal they have never listened to and think they are so "metal". I have friends like that. Its not really about what you wear but what you listen to.
For there is a purpose and reason
Beyond all human apprehension
The shrieking silence in the blackness of space
11.08.2010 - 00:01
Angelic Storm
Written by [user id=4365] on 09.07.2010 at 12:52
There's nothing wrong with dressing metal, as long as it represents who you are. Not like the people who wear Ramones t shirts because it's iconic.

Yep, exactly. I don't wear metal shirts all the time, but most of the time I do. It's just an extension of my personality. Also, overtly feminine clothing doesn't really suit me. lol

I'll never have kids but if I did I'd probably force feed them metal from their birth ;]

I dunno if "force feed" is the right word... lol But if I did have kids, they'd be growing up around metal, seeing as that is what I predominantly listen to. hehe xD
11.08.2010 - 00:07
Written by F0rang3l on 11.08.2010 at 00:01

Written by vezzy on 10.08.2010 at 23:56

Written by F0rang3l on 10.08.2010 at 23:50

The thing that most pisses me off is when "metalheads" start constantly insulting other genres of music. Its like they talk more about that genre than about metal. And dressing like a metalhead to me isn't just putting a band t-shirt on. Its much more than that.

Why should we have to impose a dumb subculture inform? I never wear anything more than a band t-shirt occasionally.

Yeah thats what I also do. But there are people that just buy a band shirt of a band they have never heard that play a genre of metal they have never listened to and think they are so "metal". I have friends like that. Its not really about what you wear but what you listen to.

Here, the problem is that there are kids who listen to Metallica, Megadeth, Nightwish, AC/DC, Children of Bodom, Iron Maiden, Cradle of Filth and Slayer and are suddenly the metal authority. Yeah, that includes them wearing t-shirts.
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Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
11.08.2010 - 00:11
Written by vezzy on 11.08.2010 at 00:07

Written by F0rang3l on 11.08.2010 at 00:01

Written by vezzy on 10.08.2010 at 23:56

Written by F0rang3l on 10.08.2010 at 23:50

The thing that most pisses me off is when "metalheads" start constantly insulting other genres of music. Its like they talk more about that genre than about metal. And dressing like a metalhead to me isn't just putting a band t-shirt on. Its much more than that.

Why should we have to impose a dumb subculture inform? I never wear anything more than a band t-shirt occasionally.

Yeah thats what I also do. But there are people that just buy a band shirt of a band they have never heard that play a genre of metal they have never listened to and think they are so "metal". I have friends like that. Its not really about what you wear but what you listen to.

Here, the problem is that there are kids who listen to Metallica, Megadeth, Nightwish, AC/DC, Children of Bodom, Iron Maiden, Cradle of Filth and Slayer and are suddenly the metal authority. Yeah, that includes them wearing t-shirts.

Maybe, but you don't need to listen to some black metal underground sensation from Congo that only 2 people know of to be called a metalhead.
For there is a purpose and reason
Beyond all human apprehension
The shrieking silence in the blackness of space
11.08.2010 - 00:12
Written by F0rang3l on 11.08.2010 at 00:11

Written by vezzy on 11.08.2010 at 00:07

Written by F0rang3l on 11.08.2010 at 00:01

Written by vezzy on 10.08.2010 at 23:56

Written by F0rang3l on 10.08.2010 at 23:50

The thing that most pisses me off is when "metalheads" start constantly insulting other genres of music. Its like they talk more about that genre than about metal. And dressing like a metalhead to me isn't just putting a band t-shirt on. Its much more than that.

Why should we have to impose a dumb subculture inform? I never wear anything more than a band t-shirt occasionally.

Yeah thats what I also do. But there are people that just buy a band shirt of a band they have never heard that play a genre of metal they have never listened to and think they are so "metal". I have friends like that. Its not really about what you wear but what you listen to.

Here, the problem is that there are kids who listen to Metallica, Megadeth, Nightwish, AC/DC, Children of Bodom, Iron Maiden, Cradle of Filth and Slayer and are suddenly the metal authority. Yeah, that includes them wearing t-shirts.

Maybe, but you don't need to listen to some black metal underground sensation from Congo that only 2 people know of to be called a metalhead.

That's true, but come on, those bands are pretty much the very surface.
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Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
11.08.2010 - 13:02
Written by Angelic Storm on 11.08.2010 at 00:01

I'll never have kids but if I did I'd probably force feed them metal from their birth ;]

I dunno if "force feed" is the right word... lol But if I did have kids, they'd be growing up around metal, seeing as that is what I predominantly listen to. hehe xD

He is communist... and yeah could be such a annoying metalfather
11.08.2010 - 13:03
Account deleted
Written by BADDEST MEMBER on 11.08.2010 at 13:02

Written by Angelic Storm on 11.08.2010 at 00:01

I'll never have kids but if I did I'd probably force feed them metal from their birth ;]

I dunno if "force feed" is the right word... lol But if I did have kids, they'd be growing up around metal, seeing as that is what I predominantly listen to. hehe xD

He is communist... and yeah could be such a annoying metalfather

Hey, communism is great in theory.
11.08.2010 - 13:17
Written by [user id=4365] on 11.08.2010 at 13:03

Written by BADDEST MEMBER on 11.08.2010 at 13:02

Written by Angelic Storm on 11.08.2010 at 00:01

I'll never have kids but if I did I'd probably force feed them metal from their birth ;]

I dunno if "force feed" is the right word... lol But if I did have kids, they'd be growing up around metal, seeing as that is what I predominantly listen to. hehe xD

He is communist... and yeah could be such a annoying metalfather

Hey, communism is great in theory.

1991 is great year, IMO both for metal and the world practice in the aspect of new metal music wave and blah

I was a very annoying metal dudes, did hate/bashed all other metalheads in my local who listens to Gun'N'Rose, Manowar, all metalcore, Alternative (until now I cant understand why my local metal head bashing alternative), Pop, Hiphop - Rap (damn this was very extreme)... And now I become metaldude who annoys who that I was like

I think it is the taste differences annoys different metaldudes by themself each other and the conviction that from the taste genre culture.
11.08.2010 - 14:09
Written by BADDEST MEMBER on 11.08.2010 at 13:17

1991 is great year, IMO both for metal and the world practice in the aspect of new metal music wave and blah

I was a very annoying metal dudes, did hate/bashed all other metalheads in my local who listens to Gun'N'Rose, Manowar, all metalcore, Alternative (until now I cant understand why my local metal head bashing alternative), Pop, Hiphop - Rap (damn this was very extreme)... And now I become metaldude who annoys who that I was like

I think it is the taste differences annoys different metaldudes by themself each other and the conviction that from the taste genre culture.

...What did he just say?
Licensed under the GPLv3.
Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
11.08.2010 - 14:23
Written by vezzy on 11.08.2010 at 14:09

Written by BADDEST MEMBER on 11.08.2010 at 13:17

1991 is great year, IMO both for metal and the world practice in the aspect of new metal music wave and blah

I was a very annoying metal dude, did hated/bashed all other metalheads in my local who listen to Gun'N'Rose, Manowar, all metalcore, Alternative (until now I cant understand why my local metal attitude is bashing alternative rock/metal), Pop, Hiphop - Rap (damn this was very extreme there has been a rap-metal war in my country music fans scene)... And now I become metaldude who annoys who that are like I was

I think it is the taste differences that annoys different metalhead because of the conviction that from the culture of the genre taste, e.g tr00 stuff made from black metal culture.

...What did he just say?

You mean "he" is me or who ? do I annoy u ? (corrected/rephrased grammar mistake from my original post)
11.08.2010 - 15:09
Written by [user id=4365] on 09.07.2010 at 12:52

There's nothing wrong with dressing metal, as long as it represents who you are. Not like the people who wear Ramones t shirts because it's iconic.

I seriously want to bash someones head when I see him/her wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt. It's wrong on so many levels.
*insert something deep and profound*
11.08.2010 - 15:31
Erotic Stains
I seriously hate metaldudes who bring their girlfriends to concerts, as a date! When my friend brings his gf he just dumps her and hangs with me. But sometimes there's dudes who pushes away people from their gf, stands far in the front kissing or take stupid pictures of each other.
11.08.2010 - 18:02
Sangre Sani
I hate metaldudes who drink (or smoke) to much on the concert and they start to try pogo but their moves are just fucking not from this earth, and they start to accidentally punch everybody with their elbows. I'm not against beer, but holy fuck- this is the music concert, not Oktoberfest....
11.08.2010 - 18:16
One thing I really hate are those metalheads that go to concerts and just act like total retards and annoy everyone (pushing people around, getting really drunk, spitting beer everywhere, etc...). Usually they calm down or get thrown away by security but it sometimes ruins everything, specially during fests with the campsite.
11.08.2010 - 18:27
Written by Kennoth on 11.08.2010 at 15:09

Written by [user id=4365] on 09.07.2010 at 12:52

There's nothing wrong with dressing metal, as long as it represents who you are. Not like the people who wear Ramones t shirts because it's iconic.

I seriously want to bash someones head when I see him/her wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt. It's wrong on so many levels.

I don't see why it should be, unless that person has little idea as to who he is.
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Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
11.08.2010 - 18:39
Written by Kennoth on 11.08.2010 at 15:09

I seriously want to bash someones head when I see him/her wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt. It's wrong on so many levels.

If this grand panorama before me is what you call God
Then God is not dead.
11.08.2010 - 18:51
Written by Zuzuz0r on 11.08.2010 at 18:39

Written by Kennoth on 11.08.2010 at 15:09

I seriously want to bash someones head when I see him/her wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt. It's wrong on so many levels.

This is what I meant
*insert something deep and profound*
13.08.2010 - 17:55
Written by Warman on 11.08.2010 at 15:31

But sometimes there's dudes who pushes away people from their gf, stands far in the front kissing or take stupid pictures of each other.

Ugh, I know. Once I saw a guy with his gf kissing the entire goddamn show, they paid no attention to the band, whatsoever. Worst part is, I had to listen to their "oh, I love you so much" speeches whenever there was a break between songs. Almost made me walk out of the place.
13.08.2010 - 18:01
Mr. Noise
Written by [user id=4365] on 07.07.2010 at 15:20

I'm a little sick and tired of reviewers arbitrarily giving metalcore records 1/10. I don't really listen to metalcore but even some of the worst probably deserve more than that for musicianship, ability to string a chord together etc. even if it is ripped off.

Most of the time it just shows how limited metallers are and how bound by their own ego and need to prove a point to their peers about how metal they are. It's particularly irritating as all metalcore reviews invariably begin with a short diatribe on how the scene is full of copy-cats, is in a constant state of degradation etc. not to mention you could bet your house on the fact that the image of the band and its prospective fans will be brought into question, ironic considering it's just as passe to mostly ignore the fact that a vast number of metal bands are just as guilty of plagiarism as its metalcore counterparts; not something many are willing to admit.

Damn straight. There's just as much plagiarism going on in ALL genres of metal (Black, Doom, Power, Heavy, Death, you name it). And similarly, image is just as important -if not more important- in all these genres too.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
14.08.2010 - 12:57
Account deleted
Written by F0rang3l on 10.08.2010 at 23:50

The thing that most pisses me off is when "metalheads" start constantly insulting other genres of music. Its like they talk more about that genre than about metal. And dressing like a metalhead to me isn't just putting a band t-shirt on. Its much more than that.

The most metal attire is a WHITE band shirt, plad shorts, and a metal grim. necro. permafrost encrusted cap.