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What turned you into a Metal Head?

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Posted by Bleed4Metal, 26.03.2010 - 19:39
I was never really into music as a kid. Than my uncles gave me some old school metal albums (Sabbath, Metallica, Pantera) and ever since its been metal through and through.
02.09.2010 - 20:39
Angelic Storm
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.09.2010 at 20:25
Not France.
Go live in Holland, every single metal band in the world stops over when on tour. Good being small, farthest I have to travel for a show is two hours.
And the good thing is most power metal bands are shunned like the plague here

They probably are compared to here.

Hey! That wouldnt be a good thing for me, seeing as I like power metal...
02.09.2010 - 20:41
Marcel Hubregtse
Grumpy Old Fuck
Written by Angelic Storm on 02.09.2010 at 20:39

Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.09.2010 at 20:25
Not France.
Go live in Holland, every single metal band in the world stops over when on tour. Good being small, farthest I have to travel for a show is two hours.
And the good thing is most power metal bands are shunned like the plague here

They probably are compared to here.

Hey! That wouldnt be a good thing for me, seeing as I like power metal...

They still come by and the show aren't sold out. And thank God the shows are in small venues, so it's easy to get up close.
Member of the true crusade against European Flower Metal

Yesterday is dead and gone, tomorrow is out of sight
Dawn Crosby (r.i.p.)
05.04.1963 - 15.12.1996

02.09.2010 - 21:02
Boxcar Willy
yr a kook
Written by Marcel Hubregtse on 02.09.2010 at 20:25

Written by Angelic Storm on 02.09.2010 at 16:11

@Darkside Momo: I think most countries in Europe are "super metal countries" compared to here. And yep, it is very sad...

Not France.
Go live in Holland, every single metal band in the world stops over when on tour. Good being small, farthest I have to travel for a show is two hours.
And the good thing is most power metal bands are shunned like the plague here

lucky ive got a 5 hour drive for a big concert, although we get little ones in bars n shit
14:22 - Marcel Hubregtse
I do your mum

03.09.2010 - 04:11
What got me into metal was when i was around 14 years old and I started listening to metallica then my cousin introduced me to blackmetal.. my transitioning was a bit slow but eventually by the time i was 16-17 I was really listening to metal and that was pretty much it =)
03.09.2010 - 13:18
In my case I had pretty much always been exposed to rock oriented music & I kinda just branched out into Metal at around 11 or 12 years old.
08.09.2010 - 10:00
Account deleted
I discovered metal when I was 14, but I didn't turn into a full-fledged metalhead until a few years later. There wasn't one single thing that did it, it was just a natural progression I guess. Idk.
10.09.2010 - 16:26
Account deleted
Life turned me into a metalhead. Actually, life turned me into a goth at first and then I transformed. I believe it's called musical evolution. Haa-haa.
18.09.2010 - 18:50
Carl Berg
Carl Berg
What turned you into a Metal Head?

18.09.2010 - 21:19
When i was about 8 or 9 years old my uncle gave me a few CDs to listen to in my new portable cd player at the time which consumed 2 AA batteries in about 2 hours if i remember correctly haha(around '94 - '95ish). I remember I got Aerosmith, Skid Row, Nirvana and Poison cd. a few months later and after I had enjoyed my small CD collection for a bit, I had saved up just enough to buy a CD of my choice, which I bought at the local Wal-mart and it was, Metallica - Master of Puppets. I didnt know what i was getting at that moment but when I heard it, everything changed!

03.03.2011 - 14:49
When I woke up, it was cold, dark and damp. Although I opened my eyes, I could see very little, as darkness engulfed the room. As my eyes adjusted to the dark, I saw that I was in a windowless, door-less room. Monolithic, unforgiving stone walls surrounded me from all sides. I had no recollection of the past night and had no idea when I arrived at this location or my purpose for being here. I decided to get up and hunt around for anything that might trigger my memory, but as I attempted to move I realized that both my wrists and feet were in steel bands, and chained to the ground! It seemed that whoever brought me here rendered me immobile.

The lights came on. The only thing new I noticed was that there was a message crudely scrawled in what appeared to be spray paint on the wall opposite from me. It read:
This confused me. Was there some sort of woman that was going to get me out of here? Maybe give me directions on how to get these damn chains off my arms and legs? I suppose only time would tell, although I still didn't want to accept the fact that I'd probably be here for a while. Wherever "here" was.

Suddenly I heard a huge, booming voice, coming from something that sounded like a loudspeaker.
Oh great. I was a slave now? The worst part was they didn't tell me why I had to be a powerslave. In fact, the whole mentioning of this fact seemed kind of pointless, until I heard some sort...some sort of music coming from the loudspeakers. It was like nothing I'd ever heard. There was some sort of string instrument playing, but it was incredibly abrasive- it sounded like a guitar being played with a chainsaw! Good lord it was horrible. Then the wailing came in. Some horrible demon decided to sing his lungs out overtop of this giant wall of sound, and it nearly made my ears bleed. He was even singing lyrics, too! and they were about a horrible topic- the devil! This was blasphemy! There seemed to be a chorus of him saying "SIX...SIX SIX...THE NUMBER OF THE BEEEAST!" My lord, it just made me cringe, it was too edgy for me. By the end of it, my body was shaking, my heart was beating, it was like I had been mutilated from the inside out. But that wasn't the worst part.

The worst part was that I actually wanted to listen to it again.

I don't know why- i hated it, i really did, but something draw me back. I don't know, sometimes there was the occasional melody or vocal line that kinda grabbed me, made me bob my head a bit.

Then another song came on. And another. and another. All by the same band, it seemed. With each new song my heart grew even more fond of the band until I was singing along with them.
as soon as I hit that falsetto on the word "high", something happened. The chains started to rumble and vibrate, and the walls shook as well. I knew what I had to do. I grabbed each chain in my hand, and using all my might, I broke free! suddenly one of the stone walls collapsed, revealing a clear exit. FREEDOM! AT LAST! I made a mad dash for the door. But before I went out, I needed to know something. So I looked up and yelled.

"Excuse me, sir. Why did you bring me here?"

It took a second, but the man on the loudspeaker replied.

"You are the seventh son of a seventh son, my lad. A bringer of night. A messenger of steel. A true warrior of metal. You needed to become aware of this. Now go forth, and join the ranks of the warriors. You will make a fine addition to our army, I'm sure."

and with that he cut out.
I wasn't sure what he meant at the time, but with each passing day I grow more and more understanding of it. Something changed in me that day. I started wearing mostly black clothing, I disliked haircuts more than your average male- I'd let my hair grow long. The music of the (Iron) Maiden adorned my ears as much as possible, and every day became a new quest. To delve deeper into the realms of metal and explore every little nuance it had to offer.
Only the dead have seen the end of the war.
03.03.2011 - 20:11
Account deleted
I read that^

On topic: I think learning the guitar when I was 14 is what really facilitated my love for metal, but at that time I was more into hard rock, got into metal a year or so later and have been listening to it since.
03.03.2011 - 22:10
I used to listen to like rap and Hard Rock like Godsmack and SOAD in high school, then when I was in the army I listened to punk and indie rock, and started to get into heavier shit, learned about metalcore I think From Autumn to Ashes was my first band with harsh vocals, then progressed to AILD, then discovered Trivium from the Madden 2009 soundtrack, and they introduced me to the wide ass realm of metal, and now im into Thrash, Black metal, and Melodic Death basically everything from the genre except for death and Deathcore bands that only make noise for the sake of being heavy, I mean I love heavy but I want some melody.
Now we gotta make the best of it, improvise, adapt to the environment, Darwin, shit happens, I Ching, whatever man, we gotta roll with it.
04.03.2011 - 06:27
Account deleted
Simple as this: Anger
06.03.2011 - 08:12
Anger. Self-hatred. Having no friends. Metal filled the void.
08.03.2011 - 17:57
Written by Yojimbo on 06.03.2011 at 08:12

Anger. Self-hatred. Having no friends. Metal filled the void.

That's exactly what made me listen to metal, then wonder how I could live without it all this time.
Strike from behind and knock me to the ground
Kick me while I'm down!
Stab me in the back, you bastards
Tear my heart out of my chest!
I'll rise from the ashes, from these ruins of mine
A dozen of eyes for an eye - vengeance is mine!
10.03.2011 - 20:09
I got into metal through a friend of mine in 4th grade (9 yrs. old). Before that, my brother and I used to listen to pop / soft rock from the mid 70's (Kool and the Gang, Queen, Devo, The J. Geils Band, Alice Cooper, etc.), then this kid (Tobias) invited me to his house and there's where I listened to my first heavy metal band/album: Iron Maiden's Number of the Beast....... and daaamnn!! that sounded just awesome to me!! So from there on it was like most of you people who grew up with the 80"s boom of heavy metal / thrash and 90's grunge / nu metal, etc, etc.....
I still am a hardcore fan of heavy metal (almost any sub-genre except extreme death / hardcore (I'm more into melody than just noise). I'm currently the guitarrist for a local melodic rock metal / thrash band and I guess I'll keep doing it for as long as I can. Metal is about passion, not trend, you love it because you feel it, period.
\m/ o_o \m/
10.03.2011 - 20:52
Ok. i heard disturbed and Staind and all that crap in grade 7 (1999) so thats the "metal" i was listening to. Then to punk revival came, and that immediately grabbed my attention away from the mainstream media at the time (Backstreet fags, m&m (ya, fuck u lol), and other pop garbage that was constantly being fed to me. I got into the Blink 182, Sum 41, Still Standing, the pop-punk bands. Then i heard Mudvayne (all this while never hearing any Megadeth, Metallica, not 1 drop of metal. thanks controlling parents...) and thought that the bumping was just the bass guitar. OH! that's 2 kick pedals going at the same time?!?!?! hahahaha ya, i was bewildered and amazing that people would DO that, y? it sounded like crap to me...
So stayed loyal to the Punk, u know how they can be. So loyal to their 4/4 timing quarter note chugging and the typical "punk drumming" that they dont know y the genre died in the first place... lack of progression! So the punkers got a little confused when punk died off, so they looked to the closest thing, metal. yet they corrupted it making emo, and i sadly heard some of that new music and thought it sounded ok except for the emo parts. so i was constantly pressing next on itunes and listened to the punk for longer still.... Then i heard protest the hero... and my mind was blown. A Calculated Use Of Sound EP was pretty much Punk/metal. it wasnt core, it wasnt emo, it was a perfect blend of metal and punk. but it was Kezia i heard, thats the one that got me looking at metal with respect and curiosity, when before i couldnt STAND hearing metal.

But the band that turned me completely, making me a 100% devoted metalhead, was Necrophagist. My neighbour listened to Cryptopsy, Dying Fetus, the real reeeeall heavy death metal bands that even only a few metalheads i know like. He showed me a "Cryptopsy" song, or what he thought was Cryptopsy. so i start listening to cryptopsy, or rather Advanced Corpse Tumor by Necrophagist. See my friend had the title wrong. he thought the song Advanced Corpse Tumor (which had no title to it, just Track 11) was Cryptopsy... i noticed a huge sound difference right from the start. So Necrophagist got me into Cryptopsy unintentionally, and i found out the real band name and song title about 3 months later, and i shat myself when i found it.

Advanced Corpse Tumor will forever be the song that changed my life.
Gerald Massey: "They must find it difficult ... those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority."
10.03.2011 - 20:57
Oh and not to mention i started guitar in 2001, and punk cant get any more difficult than its limits. so i had to get better, and metal is the way to go if u want to basically play all styles of guitar and still have fun doing it!
Gerald Massey: "They must find it difficult ... those who have taken authority as the truth, rather than truth as the authority."
27.04.2011 - 01:21
The power and aggression in the music were a great outlet for me. The first time I heard it I felt like it was an expression of a lot of things I felt and thought. 25 years later, I still feel that way.
"Bullshit! You didn't convince me!"
27.04.2011 - 18:58
Life has its ways... In my teens I was more or less listening to rock, punk and pop and I've always enjoyed good guitar riffs. When I met my husband in my mid20s I was taken to gigs to see Stratovarius, Dio, Metallica, Amorphis and bunch of other bands that play power metal or traditional heavy metal which he likes the most. That started the journey in metal for me... In the last few years I've learned to appreciate the harsh vocals and have started to like some death/doom metal as well. Having been through some rough times in life that definitely is the music that helps me deal with the deeper emotions.
27.04.2011 - 19:59
At 12 i was always bullied by older kids( they knew i'll become a nerd..) so i started listening to bands like Alice Cooper & Sepultura. My parents understood that, so my no.3 audio tape was Evol - Saga of the Horned King.
Now i'm 30, bullied again by my husband, so i started to listen to bands like Mayhem/Marduk/Cavalera Conspiracy and sometimes Lamented Souls. Rock/metal music is a refuge.
True norwegian Dimmu Burger : zero tolerance to pickles must be issued!
29.04.2011 - 02:51
Thrash Talker
2 words did turn me into a metal head: Iron Maiden

And then I found so many good bands...
- Headbanging with mostly clogged arteries to that stuff -
Guib's List Of Essential Albums
- Also Thrash Paradise
Thrash Here
29.04.2011 - 03:06
Over Kill, used to listen to shit on the radio. A friend gave me an Over Kill CD about 4 years ago. Fuck the radio, I hate that shit now. Need more than a playlist of 8 songs I guess. Like others here, I then found many other bands I like. Now I can't stand the shit I used to listen to and grew up on. Life goes on man.
18.06.2011 - 21:43
I'm young. I got into it by liking Breaking Benjamin (Especially where the vocalist did the scream/growl style vocals) because it felt like a very emotional way of going about music. I still think BB is an amazing band to this day.

I ended up finding Lamb of God when I was I think like 10 or 11 years old and would listen to Laid To Rest quite a bit but I was always searching for programs to remove the vocals as I felt my parents wouldnt approve of my musical choices. I grew up a little and realized they can piss off about what music I like and that the heavier vocal style once you are used to it is one of the best. Since then I have progressively started listening to heavier and heavier music.
18.06.2011 - 21:47
Written by XV535Virago on 27.04.2011 at 19:59

At 12 i was always bullied by older kids( they knew i'll become a nerd..) so i started listening to bands like Alice Cooper & Sepultura. My parents understood that, so my no.3 audio tape was Evol - Saga of the Horned King.
Now i'm 30, bullied again by my husband, so i started to listen to bands like Mayhem/Marduk/Cavalera Conspiracy and sometimes Lamented Souls. Rock/metal music is a refuge.

If you're being bullied by your husband, why do you still stay with him o.O? Without specifying what kind of bullying I picture abuse for some reason.

I'm sure there are people who love the same music and would live a girl like you ^^
18.06.2011 - 22:45
It all started one day when I listened to the Black Sabbath Greatest Hits album. Someone showed me it, and I was like man this shit is awesome. The next band was Metallica, then Maiden and Megadeth followed, and then the snowball continued. I just love the energy, technical skill of the performers, acknowledgement of darker themes, and power of the genre.
20.06.2011 - 15:56
When I grew weary of mediocre music...
The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it- Oscar Wilde
22.06.2011 - 01:11
I'm pretty sure it was Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock. The rock songs on there were cool, but "Raining Blood", The Number Of The Beast", and "One" were simply amazing and I had to check out more metal. Some music forums have also showed me some of the bands I now consider favorites.
22.06.2011 - 04:18
For me my endevour in metal began when I was 14. I had started out listening to Metallica and Black Sabbath, then I moved on to Dio and even dabbled in Manowar:) Months later I was introduced to death metal via Amon Amarth ( Who are by the way my favourite band ) and soon expanded my tastes from there. Now I listen to melodeth, death, folk, heavy, power, black and progressive metal:) The violence and anger of the music gets me riled up and puts me in a surprisingly great mood:) Plus some of the greatest musicians are metal heads like Jeff Loomis or Johan Hegg or Jari Maenpaa.
22.06.2011 - 11:54
Timm O)))
I started out as a lame nu-metal/metalcore kid.
Then Opeth came along. Nuff said.