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Written by: Ayr
Published: May 04, 2006
Event: Evergrey
Location: Underworld, London, United Kingdom

With their new "Monday Morning Apocalypse" album about to come out and a number of UK shows behind them, the Swedes finally returned for their 1st headlining gig. It took place in what could be dubbed THE London Metal club - "the Underworld". A small, almost 500 capacity basement venue, is exactly what it says: a modest, dark, empty box in Camden Town, London's underground scene capital.

In London you get used to ocassionaly missing gigs that sell out. A pleasant (?) surprise was that Evergrey did not and there were still tickets available on the door.
So, you get in easily, walk downstairs to grab a pint or two, while listening to a short set by a support act Humanity (UK). The guys do they job properly: the sound is set up clearly, and the audience doeas appreciate that. Again, the venue is not full, so it is easy to make your way to the stage and get ready to headbang.

Evergrey's set list does not differ much from "A Night To Remember" live album, released last year (no choir or orchestra this time though). The band starts off with Blinded, followed by End of your days, with the crowd enthusiastically singing along. Fans would go on singing the whole first verse of I'm sorry on their own, as Tom Englund (vocals) takes some time off. This gives everyone that magical feeling of unity. Sweet.
The title song from "Monday Morning Apocalypse" follows. The only new song performed this night, it suddenly seems more powerful than what a preview on the band's website promised. Catchy =) Great sound setup only helps.

Couple of tracks off "In Search of Truth", then Recreation Day and A Touch of blessing for the first encore. For the second encore Tom changes into a long black coat and looks all dark and devilish, while Michael Håkansson (bass) goes missing from stage until halfway through Masterplan!!!
My mate and I spend a while discussing possible reasons for his random absence and then join everybody, as they sing along the chorus. Definately, the night's highlight, and Tom's ability to get audience involved must be mentioned.
This lasts for what seems to be ages, then the final cheers and applauses die out and we make our way out.

Set list:
End Of Your Days
Solitude Within
More Than Ever
She Speaks To The Dead
Watching The Sky
I'm Sorry
Monday Morning Apocalypse
Rulers Of The Mind
Mark Of The Triangle
When The Walls Come Down
Recreation Day
A Touch Of Blessing
The Masterplan

Guest article disclaimer:
This is a guest article, which means it does not necessarily represent the point of view of the MS Staff.


Comments: 2   Visited by: 5 users
27.07.2006 - 20:01
Evergrey's new album sucks big time I was so dissapointed it's one of my favourite bands; hope they don't get too commercial and release a better album in the future.......

They worked with the same producer as brittney spears or some shit like that.....I mean come on guys......what the fuck wwas all that about? I think they are getting mainstream
27.07.2006 - 21:25
Account deleted
gosh, have you heard the news????! the bassist has quit! nw one's the ex-Hammerfall guy. N O!

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