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What's the best music to study with?

Posts: 222   Visited by: 324 users

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Posted by iaberis, 27.01.2008 - 14:05
Every year when the exams start, I'm getting into a big dilemma... I don't know what to do when I study! Listen to music or not at all? Well sure it depends on the subject you're studying, but give me your opinions...

I wish I could have every possible genre in the options, but the options are limited, so I think that's the best way to put this poll...


When with a book in hands, what's the best music to listen to?

No music at all!
Melodic metal
Instrumental tracks of any genre
Extreme metal
Other - please define
Classical music...
Electronic / EBM / Ambient / Industrial
Rock or glam...
Hardcore / Metalcore

Total votes: 199
16.10.2008 - 01:02
Written by -Soulreaper- on 15.10.2008 at 19:02

Written by Piro on 14.08.2008 at 20:10

I generally listen to very atmospheric metal (like Nazgul, Summoning, Burzum) when I study, though sometimes stuff of the doom genre comes in as well. Classical is also very nice for studying, though I still personally prefer some sort of metal.

The same here. But doing anything while listening to Summoning always makes whatever you are doing better.

Thirded. Atmospheric stuff and instrumentals are always good as background. I've been listening to some Evoken albums while I study lately, they have a nice atmosphere and aren't too fast-paced to take your attention away.
20.10.2008 - 23:50
Wow, interesting topic! I study much, and almost always study with music in background. EVERYTHING you like IS OPTION!!! When the subject pisses me off I turn it really loud ( as long neighbours don't complain :-) ). Mostly, power, prog and symph sound is best for my studying ( not to get depressed-what's more depressing then studying?! ). I remmember studying with Nightwish - good during winter ( Ghoost Love Score to get me out of hell when I start hate all the world) , Pantera ( when I start enyojing hate all the world ), Dream Theater ( when I'm inspired to study and want to make it even better, to stay open minded ), Blind Guardian ( when I want to get out from this f... world ). And many, many more...
20.10.2008 - 23:58
Red Nightmare
I always listen to music when studying. Actually it can depend on what I'm studying or on what I like more at that moment. Recently I find pleasant to study with jazz/fusion stuff. Avantgarde/Ambiet goes well too.
IntoPlighT said: "Slipknot is 15 years old how the fuck is that Nu metal?"

21.10.2008 - 12:26
Hi all,

I have studied a lot, perhaps too much and I could not help neither any kind of sound in the surrounding area nor any person moving or coming in and out -All doors had to be closed as well, even from the wardrobes-.

Only just in case there were noises from the street or some stupid neighbour was playing his stupid radio pop music -I have lived mostly in Spain-. I had to put one of my own...but never metal. If I did I started headbanging and finish studying...become "excited" in one way. I had to play classical or the few poplike but not pop bands I like. Nothing fast or brutal anyways.
22.10.2008 - 22:31
Account deleted
I have to listen to metal while studying / doing homework. Its weird. It makes whatever I'm doing go by so much faster and I usually do a better job when listening to music. When I don't have metal blaring in my ears I just think of how badly I want to get the assignment done so I can go play xbox or go on youtube or something, but when I'm listening to metal I'm entertained by the music while I do my homework, and I generally get way better ideas when writing stories or something, as compared to when I'm not.
23.10.2008 - 18:41
Advice Troll
I came to the conclussion, after much music and studying, that I study better without music...
Bitch! Please
26.10.2008 - 02:29
Land Of Doom
I Prefer To Study Without Music But If Its Compulsory I Listen To Stratovarius
We Only Fear What Comes
And Smell Death Every Day
Search For The Answers That Lie Beyond
09.03.2009 - 14:37
At serious studying I study without music but when I have the chanche to read with music I listen to all styles, especially death, thrash etc...
Υou've sold your human essence to the cold world of dead and empty things... You're SOLD!
09.03.2009 - 20:31
Account deleted
I usually can concentrate with any type of music on. As long as the volume does not drown out my thinking .
09.03.2009 - 20:45
Extreme metal helps me concentrate. It really does. I don't know why really.

Or maybe I'm just insane and work better with extreme metal on because it helps drown out the voices of dead people I hear in my head....
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
09.03.2009 - 21:33
Hmm, the best music genre for studying has always been brutal death metal (or so). This is one of those music genres I'm not really into and I really don't care if the vocalist is talking about rotten human bodies or about space, global warming, slaughter or... whatever. Few of my favourite bands were Aborted, The Berzerker, Luna Field, Skinless, Kataklysm, Crionics, Decapitated and so on. Now I'm not listening to these bands as often as I used to do, but since I've always been more into black metal, that's ok.

...though, I just realized I haven't really studied for a very long time (I guess that's why my marks at school now are slowly lowering because in this year teachers are more looking at my undone homework).
09.03.2009 - 22:12
Written by Ragana on 09.03.2009 at 21:33

(I guess that's why my marks at school now are slowly lowering because in this year teachers are more looking at my undone homework).

Don't we all have this little problem, eh?

I got two essays in chemistry which were due two weeks ago, one essay in physics which was due one week ago, some English stuff that was due before christmas, a math test on wednesday that I haven't studied for, and a speech I have to do in Swedish this thursday which I haven't written (which is the national tests, done by everybody in Sweden at the same date, so I'm not gonna get another chance if I fuck this one up). Gonna have a long day tomorrow it seems...
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
09.03.2009 - 22:27
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Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 09.03.2009 at 22:12

Written by Ragana on 09.03.2009 at 21:33

(I guess that's why my marks at school now are slowly lowering because in this year teachers are more looking at my undone homework).

Don't we all have this little problem, eh?

I got two essays in chemistry which were due two weeks ago, one essay in physics which was due one week ago, some English stuff that was due before christmas, a math test on wednesday that I haven't studied for, and a speech I have to do in Swedish this thursday which I haven't written (which is the national tests, done by everybody in Sweden at the same date, so I'm not gonna get another chance if I fuck this one up). Gonna have a long day tomorrow it seems...

I'll top that off with my final matriculation exams starting this week which I'm going to fail Then I have to re-take the test on every single subject again. Some time.
Aprox. 4 years of "school" down the drain.

Studying with music? Every single thing demanding my attention eats away my focus on the matter at hand, thus reducing the effectiveness of my studying. Hence, I would never study with (metal) music. Then again I rarely play music at the background either, I prefer actually listening to it.
10.03.2009 - 00:38
Well, I do listen to music while I'm studying...actually no always but most of the time. Which genre I listen depends in what kind of mood I am. But sometimes it's quite difficult to study with music...for example if would listen to somekind of non-metal screaming or growling staff, than I would probably sing along the lyrics (like ex-yugo staff and so on...or AC/DC staff). Than again if I would listen to heavy and other metal staff, it could happened that I would start playing ''air drums'' whith my pencils or chemichs (possibility in this case is 90% )...p.s.: air drums are my favourite instrument
10.03.2009 - 01:23
I chose other. Tom Waits' earlier music like Closing Time, The Heart of Saturday Night, Blue Valentines. Its like a mix between Jazz/ Blues and Alternative. Simply genius and one of my fav artists of all time. Really helped me out and calmed me down when studying.
"When night falls
she cloaks the world
in impenetrable darkness.
A chill rises
from the soil
and contaminates the air
life has new meaning"

14.03.2009 - 16:25
I generally don't listen to music when I study, however, sometimes ill listen to some classical music. I am currently working on my thesis so often when I having a break from writing ill listen to a few tunes.

Formerly Desolate Gale
14.03.2009 - 22:58
Account deleted
When i was in highschool i never studied anyway. I gratuated with a 2.0 gpa. Metal consumed my mind with happiness, not shitty useless school and study. :|
14.03.2009 - 23:00
Account deleted
School sucked! Metal rules!
15.03.2009 - 07:28
Ok i have voted for melodic metal but i feel that is a little one dimensional with regards to my play list during study. Because my play list generally consists of instrumental music with a fair mix of progressive metal simply because it makes great background music a lot of the time.
25.03.2009 - 20:47
Ok i voted for extreme it seemed the only one that caught my fancy from the list.
but if i were given more options i would choose technical and brutal death metal!!
I am immortal...and my Death is my Highway to Hell..!!
26.03.2009 - 00:20
Kap'N Korrupt
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How the hell can you study with that on? Doesn't that break your concentration? You don't have to sound cool and give an answer that is br00tal or tr00...just give an honest answer...
26.03.2009 - 00:33
Mr. Noise
Kap'N Korrupt wont believe me, but extreme metal works best for me too.

In general, all music I like works, except for pop (yes, I do like a few pop bands). Why not? The lyrics. Shining's lyrics don't grab my attention because I can't understand, and because I can't understand them (twice because of the language + the distorted type of vocals ). I can understand Bruce Springsteen, I'll sing along, get carried away, listen to the story in my head and it's bye bye studying for at least a couple of minutes.

I'll also turn on the tv sometimes, and let all the pop/rock/mtv stuff fly by. The commercials are annoying though.

Silence works too, but only when it is actually silent.
SLUDGE. DOOM. DEATH. Wait, what?

"The reason I'm running for president is because I can't be Bruce Springsteen." - Barack Obama
26.03.2009 - 04:18
Account deleted
Can't study with music, too distracting
26.03.2009 - 15:07
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Written by [user id=36320] on 26.03.2009 at 04:18

Can't study with music, too distracting

This is how I feel too...
Lucus, I guess you're able to concentrate better than I can
26.03.2009 - 16:04
I can't study with music on the background.
Working on the other hand I can do better with music than without.
what kind of music? rock & heavy metal (at least music I can sing with )
27.03.2009 - 04:27
I have often found myself listening to a great deal Black Metal through my studies this week, which is a little odd because its not my normal study music. But Immortal and Emperor seem to be flooding my computer lately through study time
27.03.2009 - 15:51
Movie or game soundtrack are great when studying, usually I'm listening to the Requiem for a Dream, Gladiator or The Rock soundtracks when reading/writing, an inspirational boost. Any music goes when studying, but instrumental is better.
04.04.2009 - 03:45
Extreme metal , or some ambiental instrumentals

Evil undisguised
Breathe in pain
Blackened souls remain
06.04.2009 - 23:05
I study to rap
10.04.2009 - 15:28
Written by Rozz on 06.04.2009 at 23:05

I study to rap

shit are you serious?

Evil undisguised
Breathe in pain
Blackened souls remain