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Annoyed by Metaldudes sometimes?!

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Posted by APOHAKC, 29.05.2008 - 21:09
Some general thoughts and one question, lately, I am irritated by metalheads more and more, damn, I know it has been that way since ever, but... damn! I did not made up things, everything is pulled out of experience with my close friends and people I occasionally hang around.

What I starting to hate is narrow minded of many metalheads that thinks they drink from the pool of wisdom and are here with a reason - to teach everyone things never supposed to be known. First thing I am bothered, a lot, is the fact that metalhead is always right, all non metalheads are stupid, laughable, or just hot, even though they'll never say it in public, so it will be smth like, she is dressed as a whore, she is 100% dumber than a donkey, but on the other hand, they are all attracted to that girl/guy. We complain all the fucking time how people have prejudices toward us, while we are probably worst then them, half of you will totally judge fancy dressed dude, even though that clothes may suits him and he is as good or better person as yo, but do not have long hair, combat boots and some old school t-shirt with lot of blood. Most metalheads I know also Totally judge people by their music taste, damn, if someone likes Britney Spears, it does not means she or he is retard..

What I hate about metalhdeads and is bothering me a LOT in last few months is their classification on true matalheads and posers, it seams I can't be a metalheads anymore, since I cut my hair and do not go oftenly on true nekro metal places but occasionally visit some other place where is not played our music and bartender won't ask me dark or light beer, or some heavier alcohol? IT seams I can't pass as a metalhead if I do not wish to drink 2L bottle of beer with my buddies sitting on the street on the public square and make noise so I can be center of attention, I must have true clothes and white shirt is so out, you can't be even a power metalhead anymore, what the fuck, I'd walk naked if I can, it is 50C outside for God's sake and I do not wish to wear combat boots on that weather, damn people!

Clubing is the worst thing, every time you go to some metal pub, same story, there are group of young blood which are on some silly trial, like trial of manhood in tribal primitive societies, they must know all the songs, wear right clothes etc so older ones will accept them, then we have older ones, I am annoyed by them the most, the fact he/she listen to some music for 10-20-30 years doesn't give him/her right to treat other people without any respect, if anyone have respect for the elders, that is me, BUT DAMN, what a fuck, I don't give a fuck for the whites in your hair if you won't show at least little of dignity and threat people as - people! You was not Bruce Dickinson's buddy, you just listen to him more years than we do, that's all. Then you have cool guys, drinking their beer, not saying a thing, giving the looks to the rest like: yeah, I am the cool guy, mysterious, all girls wanna get laid with me bla bla bla, losers, leaving home without those girls alone every night doesn't give you any clue that you're not so cool and that not all the girls are hot on retards that can't make two sentences that makes some sence! Go jerk of on a vampire porn, their as mysterious as you, retard.

Also, the DARK thing, it seams I can't laugh anymore, that's not so metal, make jokes, not so metal too, you must wear only dark clothes, and speak about meaning of life, cause it is intelligent, yeah, some high-school guy with average grades and no idea of future discovered meaning of life after 4 bottles of beer and rahter wasted night.

List of things I'd blow some heads:

Statements like Cradle of Filth are so bad, Danny is such a poser, damn, if you do not like it, forget it, why are you SO important to say who's bad and who's not, and even if you find it necessary to comment, please, come up with something new and not the sentence said by billion metaldudes before you, because it is in to spit on COF and few more bands, funny thing is that at least half of those people start listening to extreme music through COF.

Things in pubs like, I will totally ignore Helloween or Grave Digger, even Metallica, that is for kids, I will bang my head off when some Technical Deat or Ambiental black starts, I do not know the song, but it is awesome, and that is what grown up listen.

I do not listen to famous commercial bands, I listen to UG bands, ym favorite is exotic Black metal band I found on internet from Indonesia, they have male soprano and female growl and they are so awesome - NO, THEY ARE NOT, they are so bad that it hurts, they just come from ex-communist Asian state, that's all, (no disrespect to Indonesians, I think you'll see the point already)

I read only philosophy like Nitze or Plato, Sure ok, how come you can't finish 2nd grade of high school then, AND MILLION of other things.
14.08.2010 - 13:38
Insulting other genre of music is the most annoying-as-fuk- type of music-intolerant and abuser, saying your bands are not good because of their genre is like saying you have no good taste or all you know is shit, is like saying you are shit lol. My high schoolmate was very cocky (actually it his big ego) when it comes to music, he introduce me rock/metal stuff, the way he cocky turn me extremely discrimnating after I got deep into the whole metal genre. I bashed his favorite bands, saying it is not metal or blah, the extreme point that then he says he hates metal and actually somewhat he acts like what he said...haha. Actually now I still find his band taste was jut mediocre but courtesy giving more respect...
14.08.2010 - 19:09
What I seriously hate is the people who get up and scream "ELITIST!!!!" everytime someone bashes a band they like.

Seriously, let's face it. We "elitists" can very well have a mature discussion about metal without necissarily resorting to stupid namecalling.

These self-appointed crusaders of open mindedness think they get some kind of respect by standing up and screaming about how open minded they are and how all metalheads would benefit from being like them. This makes them get some sort of superiority complex, thinking that an open minded taste is better than a closed-minded one. These people seem to get some kind of kick out of screaming "elitist" and complain about the narrow-mindedness of others in a quite narcissistic way.

Some things you will notice about these people are:
1. They get all pissed off when somebody bashes a band they like, but they will not refraim from bashing bands that they themselves do not like.
2. In order to not have a discussion about the subject, they throw the term "elitist" around to end the discussion. In reality, this is basically like saying "You do not think like me! This cannot be! You must be one of those elitists and therefore your opinion is invalid!"
3. They will often make it a point to complain about these so-called elitists way too often.
4. They see it as a given fact that open-mindedness is superior to narrow-mindedness at all times, thus in their minds making their taste superior to that of other people.

Now, am I an elitist? I guess I am, in a way. I know very much what I like and what I don't like, and when I don't like something, I am going to say so. Even so, I am willing to back it up with arguments, and unless somebody comes across as a total moron, I try to be respectful.

Besides, if nobody really knew what they liked, where would metal be today? Most of today's really good releases were born out of the "elitism" of the band members and not out of their open-mindedness. Good releases are made by people who know exactly what they like and will not compromise regarding their artistic vision, and not by the open minded sissies. So yeah, thank the hells for some good fucking raw elitism! Without it most of you wouldn't have that many of your favourite albums.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
14.08.2010 - 19:22
Angelic Storm
@ForeverDarkWoods: You can be elitist without it giving you a superiority complex, and not only bashing bands, but also bashing the person themselves for liking said bands. Bashing bands should be open season for anyone. Bashing a person for liking a certain band/albums though, is another matter entirely. Narrow-mindedness where music is concerned is only a problem when that leads to a belief that any opinions that disagree with yours are not valid in any way. Being narrow minded in your music taste is one thing, being high and mighty about it is quite another. The bottom line is, no matter whether you're open minded, narrow minded, elitist, or whatever else, only when your attitude includes being intolerant of others tastes and opinions does it become an undesireable, and immature attitude to have. Besides, the people you are labelling as "open minded", are actually not open minded at all. Part of being open minded is accepting other people's tastes, regardless if they are narrow-minded ot not. I would not class the people you're describing as being open minded at all.
14.08.2010 - 20:38
Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 14.08.2010 at 19:09

What I seriously hate is the people who get up and scream "ELITIST!!!!" everytime someone bashes a band they like.

Seriously, let's face it. We "elitists" can very well have a mature discussion about metal without necissarily resorting to stupid namecalling.

These self-appointed crusaders of open mindedness think they get some kind of respect by standing up and screaming about how open minded they are and how all metalheads would benefit from being like them. This makes them get some sort of superiority complex, thinking that an open minded taste is better than a closed-minded one. These people seem to get some kind of kick out of screaming "elitist" and complain about the narrow-mindedness of others in a quite narcissistic way.

Some things you will notice about these people are:
1. They get all pissed off when somebody bashes a band they like, but they will not refraim from bashing bands that they themselves do not like.
2. In order to not have a discussion about the subject, they throw the term "elitist" around to end the discussion. In reality, this is basically like saying "You do not think like me! This cannot be! You must be one of those elitists and therefore your opinion is invalid!"
3. They will often make it a point to complain about these so-called elitists way too often.
4. They see it as a given fact that open-mindedness is superior to narrow-mindedness at all times, thus in their minds making their taste superior to that of other people.

Now, am I an elitist? I guess I am, in a way. I know very much what I like and what I don't like, and when I don't like something, I am going to say so. Even so, I am willing to back it up with arguments, and unless somebody comes across as a total moron, I try to be respectful.

Besides, if nobody really knew what they liked, where would metal be today? Most of today's really good releases were born out of the "elitism" of the band members and not out of their open-mindedness. Good releases are made by people who know exactly what they like and will not compromise regarding their artistic vision, and not by the open minded sissies. So yeah, thank the hells for some good fucking raw elitism! Without it most of you wouldn't have that many of your favourite albums.

Congratulations for this great post. I totally agree on everything. I've met way too many of those self-called self-proclaimed 'open-minded' Powermetal fans who will blame you as soon as you don't swallow any crap as long as it sounds remotely like Powermetal. And those people are much more close-minded than elitists, dismissing all more extreme subgenres as 'noise' and saying it 'sounds like shit'.

Those people are the reason why I have a general aversion for Powermetal and traditional Heavy Metal fans.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
14.08.2010 - 20:51
Angelic Storm
Written by RavenKing on 14.08.2010 at 20:38
Congratulations for this great post. I totally agree on everything. I've met way too many of those self-called self-proclaimed 'open-minded' Powermetal fans that will blame you as soon as you don't swallow any crap as long as it sounds remotely like Powermetal. And those people are much more close-minded than elitists, dismissing all more extreme subgenres as 'noise' and saying it 'sounds like shit'.

Those people are the reason why I have a general aversion for Powermetal and traditional Heavy Metal fans.

Ive highlighted that part of your post, because I think that is the main point that shouldnt be lost. These people are NOT "open-minded" even if they claim to be so. And if anything, are even worse than "tr00ists" with superiority complexes because they actually believe they are open minded. Which is being majorly hypocritical. Open mindedness means accepting other's tastes, even if you yourself dont like them. Powermetal fans who slam extreme metal fans are not open minded, even if they state otherwise.

Even some self proclaimed elitists concede that there are some who slam popular/mainstream bands merely because they are popular, and are trying to protect a "tr00" image. The problem with blind fanboys is, they assert that everyone who criticises their favourite mainstream band is in that category, which is totally false.
14.08.2010 - 20:53
Written by ForeverDarkWoods on 14.08.2010 at 19:09

What I seriously hate is the people who get up and scream "ELITIST!!!!" everytime someone bashes a band they like.

Seriously, let's face it. We "elitists" can very well have a mature discussion about metal without necissarily resorting to stupid namecalling.

These self-appointed crusaders of open mindedness think they get some kind of respect by standing up and screaming about how open minded they are and how all metalheads would benefit from being like them. This makes them get some sort of superiority complex, thinking that an open minded taste is better than a closed-minded one. These people seem to get some kind of kick out of screaming "elitist" and complain about the narrow-mindedness of others in a quite narcissistic way.

Some things you will notice about these people are:
1. They get all pissed off when somebody bashes a band they like, but they will not refraim from bashing bands that they themselves do not like.
2. In order to not have a discussion about the subject, they throw the term "elitist" around to end the discussion. In reality, this is basically like saying "You do not think like me! This cannot be! You must be one of those elitists and therefore your opinion is invalid!"
3. They will often make it a point to complain about these so-called elitists way too often.
4. They see it as a given fact that open-mindedness is superior to narrow-mindedness at all times, thus in their minds making their taste superior to that of other people.

Now, am I an elitist? I guess I am, in a way. I know very much what I like and what I don't like, and when I don't like something, I am going to say so. Even so, I am willing to back it up with arguments, and unless somebody comes across as a total moron, I try to be respectful.

Besides, if nobody really knew what they liked, where would metal be today? Most of today's really good releases were born out of the "elitism" of the band members and not out of their open-mindedness. Good releases are made by people who know exactly what they like and will not compromise regarding their artistic vision, and not by the open minded sissies. So yeah, thank the hells for some good fucking raw elitism! Without it most of you wouldn't have that many of your favourite albums.

You're my hero.
Not really, but great post. Just because we don't swallow everything the record labels feed us doesn't mean we're narrow-minded "elitists". Yet many people insist their cheesy keyboard soaked band is heavier than a renowned/semi-renowned or underground act all because it's "open-minded" and to "fight the elitists/music snobs".
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14.08.2010 - 21:08
Written by Angelic Storm on 14.08.2010 at 20:51

These people are NOT "open-minded" even if they claim to be so. And if anything, are even worse than "tr00ists" with superiority complexes because they actually believe they are open minded. Which is being majorly hypocritical. Open mindedness means accepting other's tastes, even if you yourself dont like them. Powermetal fans who slam extreme metal fans are not open minded, even if they state otherwise.

Even some self proclaimed elitists concede that there are some who slam popular/mainstream bands merely because they are popular, and are trying to protect a "tr00" image. The problem with blind fanboys is, they assert that everyone who criticises their favourite mainstream band is in that category, which is totally false.

Exactly. It doesn't matter to me if people are elitist or not. I consider myself an elitist to a certain extent, in the same way Foreverdarkwoods probably considers himself (but only him could really tell).
I have friends on boards who are elitists and others who are not. I often discuss with people who don't share my tastes and views and I have no problem with it. On the contrary, I enjoy such discussions/debates.

However, fanboys who come here for the first time and land on a thread all guns blazing only because some people criticize their 'holy beloved band', I can't stand. This is when I will answer very sharply because I have less than zero respect for people who dare to call you a poser or whatever, when in fact your tastes are more extreme than theirs (which is something I find extremely ironical). I have no respect for fanboys.

I know my tastes are limited, in some way, and quite focused. I never try to deny it. But fanboys are more close-minded than elitists, yet they do their best to deny it.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
14.08.2010 - 21:15
Written by vezzy on 14.08.2010 at 20:53

Just because we don't swallow everything the record labels feed us doesn't mean we're narrow-minded "elitists". Yet many people insist their cheesy keyboard soaked band is heavier than a renowned/semi-renowned or underground act all because it's "open-minded" and to "fight the elitists/music snobs".

Exactly. For me, it only means we know our tastes very well. The only thing we must be careful with, however (and I made this mistake myself a few times) is to avoid being too quick to label people who disagree with us as fanboys. We need to be careful and see the difference between real blind fanboys and people who simply happen to have different or wider tastes than us.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
14.08.2010 - 21:25
Written by RavenKing on 14.08.2010 at 21:15
Exactly. For me, it only means we know our tastes very well. The only thing we must be careful with, however (and I made this mistake myself a few times) is to avoid being too quick to label people who disagree with us as fanboys. We need to be careful and see the difference between real blind fanboys and people who simply happen to have different or wider tastes than us.

Oh yes, speaking of that, I've dropped the blind fangirl charges on AS. (don't know when I'll feel like it again though, my mood is insanely volatile)

Technically their tastes might be broader, but the trouble is those with very broad tastes tend to lean on certain genres and underdevelop their experience in others (like, let's say I'm personally a death and thrash fan, I lean on those, I'm not very big on black, no metalcore, nu and extremely little doom).
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14.08.2010 - 21:38
Angelic Storm
Written by RavenKing on 14.08.2010 at 21:08
Exactly. It doesn't matter to me if people are elitist or not. I consider myself an elitist to a certain extent, in the same way Foreverdarkwoods probably considers himself (but only him could really tell).
I have friends on boards who are elitists and others who are not. I often discuss with people who don't share my tastes and views and I have no problem with it. On the contrary, I enjoy such discussions/debates.

However, fanboys who come here for the first time and land on a thread all guns blazing only because some people criticize their 'holy beloved band', I can't stand. This is when I will answer very sharply because I have less than zero respect for people who dare to call you a poser or whatever, when in fact your tastes are more extreme than theirs (which is something I find extremely ironical). I have no respect for fanboys.

I know my tastes are limited, in some way, and quite focused. I never try to deny it. But fanboys are more close-minded than elitists, yet they do their best to deny it.

Yes, even though I am not an elitist, I have made friends with, and respect the tastes of, certain members on boards who are elitist. (Or are at least considered to be elitist by other people) There is a fine line between elitists, and those I would label as "tr00ists". But for me at least, its very easy to spot the difference between the two. I enjoy discussions and debates on music as well. Even with, and sometimes even especially with, people who don't share my tastes. For me, in all but very rare extreme cases, there is no "right and wrong" as far as the validity of certain metal genres/bands goes. Only differences of opinion. This is were my problem with fanboys, and tr00ists comes in, because they can only see in black and white, and cannot accept that others actually have a different opinion to their own, and for a valid reason.

Well yep... I saw the farce that "The Final Frontier" thread descended into, which is why I refrained from posting anything more in it. Im all for disagreements and debate, but Id rather stay out of childish mudslinging contests if at all possible. That episode, where 3 Maiden fans all joined at the same time to unleash their anger at the negative attitudes towards the new album from some here, shows just how ridiculous fanboyism is.

Like I said, there's nothing wrong at all with having limited tastes. My tastes are quite broad, and I am open minded not just in my metal tastes, but in my acceptance of others' different tastes as well. And this is the only thing that annoys me, whether its from fanboys, or elitists. Is intolerance of others' opinions, and developing a superiority complex due to that lack of tolerance. And the liking/disliking of bands/albums for superficial reasons.
14.08.2010 - 21:55
The thing is, some songs simply are generic, uninspired and/or dull, but many people just can't drive themselves to accept that there is some sort of flaw. For example, people defending St. Anger can come off as quite laughable, as it is the main argument that the album suffers from extreme simplicity, repetition and general oddity (also lack of atmosphere, if you want), whereas other minimalistic albums actually evoke some sort of atmosphere and can be respectable.
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14.08.2010 - 22:22
Angelic Storm
Written by vezzy on 14.08.2010 at 21:55

The thing is, some songs simply are generic, uninspired and/or dull, but many people just can't drive themselves to accept that there is some sort of flaw. For example, people defending St. Anger can come off as quite laughable, as it is the main argument that the album suffers from extreme simplicity, repetition and general oddity (also lack of atmosphere, if you want), whereas other minimalistic albums actually evoke some sort of atmosphere and can be respectable.

"Generic" is basically just another term for unoriginal. Id say over 90% of bands in ALL metal genres are unoriginal. In this day and age, its harder than ever to create something truly unique, as both the soft and extreme sides of metal have both been pushed about as far as they can possibly go. For me, if music is original as well as being good, that is merely a bonus. But I dont mind if something's generic as long as I like it. As for something being "dull", again, that is something that comes down purely to personal opinion, rather than irrefutable fact. Without wishing to get into a specific debate about St. Anger, I dont really think it's "laughable" if anyone genuinely enjoys it. After all, Mortician's music is soooo simplistic it makes St. Anger look like a Rush album, yet some people enjoy them. I personally cannot understand that, but whatever floats your boat is fine with me. lol
14.08.2010 - 22:24
It sure is cool to bash Mortician, huh? Others pick Iron Maiden, flower metal and Metallica. You pick Mortician.

Well, yes, they are terrible, but the only reason it'd make St. Anger look like Rush is because St. Anger drags itself for far too long, whereas Mortician, in the grindcore spirit, keep it brief... and slaughtered.
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14.08.2010 - 22:34
Angelic Storm
Written by vezzy on 14.08.2010 at 22:24

It sure is cool to bash Mortician, huh? Others pick Iron Maiden, flower metal and Metallica. You pick Mortician.

Well, yes, they are terrible, but the only reason it'd make St. Anger look like Rush is because St. Anger drags itself for far too long, whereas Mortician, in the grindcore spirit, keep it brief... and slaughtered.

Wow, you really think everything I like or dislike is in order to "be cool". Geez... lol

I am free to dislike Mortician if I wish, and to openly state that. What I dont do, is personally bash people who genuinely enjoy them. Just because I am open minded, doesnt mean I have to like absolutely everything in metal thats ever been recorded. To think that, is just being immensely foolish.

Not really. Even if all the St. Anger songs were shortened to 3 minutes, there'd still be more riffs on it that in Mortician's entire discography. Seeing as they only use the same 2/3 chords in every single song.
14.08.2010 - 22:38
Written by Angelic Storm on 14.08.2010 at 22:34
Wow, you really think everything I like or dislike is in order to "be cool". Geez... lol

I am free to dislike Mortician if I wish, and to openly state that. What I dont do, is personally bash people who genuinely enjoy them. Just because I am open minded, doesnt mean I have to like absolutely everything in metal thats ever been recorded. To think that, is just being immensely foolish.

Not really. Even if all the St. Anger songs were shortened to 3 minutes, there'd still be more riffs on it that in Mortician's entire discography. Seeing as they only use the same 2/3 chords in every single song.

Nope, it's a running gag of sorts. I don't like to spoil the humor with an emote or "lol".

That's true, thing is St. Anger's also just basic chords and one string lines/alternating strings.
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Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
14.08.2010 - 22:47
Angelic Storm
Written by vezzy on 14.08.2010 at 22:38
Nope, it's a running gag of sorts. I don't like to spoil the humor with an emote or "lol".

That's true, thing is St. Anger's also just basic chords and one string lines/alternating strings.

A "running gag?" Fair enough... lol

Yes, that is very true about St. Anger. Most of the riffs in St. Anger are basic, and easy to play. The songs are long, but hardly in the same league of complexity as say AJFA. I think St. Anger is okay, despite the horrendous production, and the poor arrangement of certain songs. It is the Metallica album I like least though.
15.08.2010 - 00:25
Written by Angelic Storm on 14.08.2010 at 22:22

"Generic" is basically just another term for unoriginal. Id say over 90% of bands in ALL metal genres are unoriginal. In this day and age, its harder than ever to create something truly unique, as both the soft and extreme sides of metal have both been pushed about as far as they can possibly go. For me, if music is original as well as being good, that is merely a bonus. But I dont mind if something's generic as long as I like it.

I would say it depends. If music is not original but complex and interesting, I won't dismiss it as generic. However, if the songs are plodding, dragging and there's nothing impressive as for playing, then I will call it generic. For me, generic has a negative connotation and is kinda linked to simple and basic playing.

I will also add that I don't mind if music is not original if I find it impressive musically because at least it's at a great level. However, if it's just obvious it lacks inspiration and it sounds mediocre, then it's a different story.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
15.08.2010 - 06:15
I do get pissed off with "metal heads" a lot, but it is because I live in the middle of the Metalcore scene where being a metalhead means wearing skinny jeans, plaid shirts and having gauged earlobes. Most of them dress this way not to express their interests, but rather to fit in, since metal is trendy right now. I personally prefer to wear all black and knee-high combat boots because it reflects my personality.
Just another cog in this infernal machine....
15.08.2010 - 06:57
I stopped wearing bands t-shirts long ago. I believe at my age (38), it would only make me look stupid and out of place. Especially as I have nothing of a metalhead in life (apart from listening almost exclusively to extreme metal music) and all my friends are 'normal' people who don't give a fuck at metal.
Anyway, during weeks I could not wear anything like that at work.
They shake your hand and they smile and they buy you a drink
They say we'll be your friends we'll stick with you till the end
But everybody's only looking out for themselves
And you say who can you trust I'll tell you nobody
15.08.2010 - 19:38
Written by RavenKing on 15.08.2010 at 06:57

I stopped wearing bands t-shirts long ago. I believe at my age (38), it would only make me look stupid and out of place. Especially as I have nothing of a metalhead in life (apart from listening almost exclusively to extreme metal music) and all my friends are 'normal' people who don't give a fuck at metal.
Anyway, during weeks I could not wear anything like that at work.

James Hetfield cut his long hair when he starts somewhat no longer metal dude, or I think simply long hair/bands shirt no longer a important thing anymore...I mean. Almost people who I interact with they dont know about metal, no caring no thought about it, Im pretty sure they feel Im somewhat not normal eventhough they dont know what I listen to...or why,..but who care ? Im metalhead one. Certainly, they are annoyed by me
16.08.2010 - 00:21
I still have long hair and wear almost exclusively metal shirts in my free time. Now, if the metalhead look becomes inconvenient at a particular time, I will of course adapt to the situation. Currently this happens very rarely.
Free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don't attack each other. Free nations don't develop weapons of mass destruction!
- George W. Bush, ex-president of the United States of America
18.04.2012 - 16:30
Troy Killjoy
I still listen to some of the bands I "grew up with" - the gateway bands that led me to where I am now. And I definitely don't hate on others who listen to those same bands.

Although I do hate when weeaboos plague the forum with terribad recommendations of Japanese flower "metal" songs. Aside from that, I don't take issue with others' listening habits.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
18.04.2012 - 17:28
proofread free
Written by Troy Killjoy on 18.04.2012 at 16:30

Although I do hate when weeaboos plague the forum with terribad recommendations of Japanese flower "metal" songs.

You really hate that (dude?)
He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across the abyss
is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.
18.04.2012 - 17:32
Account deleted
Interesting thread
18.04.2012 - 17:35
Troy Killjoy
Written by InnerSelf on 18.04.2012 at 17:28
You really hate that (dude?)

Not him personally, just what he does.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
18.04.2012 - 17:40
proofread free
Written by Troy Killjoy on 18.04.2012 at 17:35

Written by InnerSelf on 18.04.2012 at 17:28
You really hate that (dude?)

Not him personally, just what he does.

I still think he's just trolling us
He who is not bold enough
to be stared at from across the abyss
is not bold enough
to stare into it himself.
18.04.2012 - 17:41
Troy Killjoy
Written by InnerSelf on 18.04.2012 at 17:40
I still think he's just trolling us

Definitely. Much like Bad English is a novelty account.
"Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something."
18.04.2012 - 17:51
Lit 2.0
Account deleted
Like Ravenking said, I don't care for wearing metal shirts. I go by the firm belief that buying the CD's is the main way to support a band. Showing a friend a CD, letting him borrow it and recommending him others is much more effective in terms of just parading a shirt with the band on it around. More than often enough, he won't even give it a second glance.
18.04.2012 - 22:50
Written by Troy Killjoy on 18.04.2012 at 16:30
Although I do hate when weeaboos plague the forum with terribad recommendations of Japanese flower "metal" songs. Aside from that, I don't take issue with others' listening habits.

High five, man.
Licensed under the GPLv3.
Relinquish proprietary software for a greater GNU/America.
18.04.2012 - 23:25
gloom cookie
I do wear metal shirts still, and I'd wear even more of them if I could get around to updating my collection. I like metal shirts. I won't wear them to work ever, unless they're really subtle designs, but I don't think I'll ever give them up... it's just letters on a shirt, which have a special meaning to me, and you can find more grown up designs around if you try hard enough, so I think I'll be wearing them well into my forties on casual dates with friends and similar, if my interest for metal survives until then.

Of course, when you come to a more mature age, no one will judge you for not looking the part - and frankly, even if it were any different, I wouldn't give a rat's arse. I'm not born to visually please, and it goes both ways - I'm not born to visually please the so-called "mainstream" people who think I'd be prettier in generic pastel colored clothes, and I'm not born to please stuck up metalheads who think I'd look better in a Venom shirt. My way of dress is very modest and toned down, even if it IS all over the "dark alternative" spectrum - if anyone is offended by that, well, he doesn't have to look at me.

As for being annoyed by metal dudes, I found my niche, met around 15 metalheads over the last four high school years with whom I share something in common other than out love for music. These people I count among my close friends and we hang out separately. On "mass metal hangouts" that take place near my ex-school, for example, you've got a bunch of people 16-18 years old which are more or less the type of annoying people ARONAKS described in the first post (he lives in Serbia, so he knows them well, I bet...), and they all listen to the most generic music. We mostly "pick up" the kids who differ from that bunch and talk to them.

And of course, the most sensible people are the ones 5-6 years older than me, who either play in bands or do some other work in the scene if they're not busy in some other way.
7.0 means the album is good