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2018 Metal Storm Awards Now Open

Hey, the 2018 version of the Metal Storm Awards are now open for voting. You can do so here. You have until midnight, server time, February 28th to get your votes in.

Feel free to blow your left ventricle telling us what we got wrong, or what we got right, on this thread.
Posted: 01.02.2019 by BitterCOld

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25.02.2019 - 01:11
Written by nikarg on 25.02.2019 at 00:11

I am surprised that you liked Thy Catafalque's album so much. It's good of course like every album of his, but I thought it was much poorer than Meta which for me is an absolute masterpiece.

I'm a fanboy ever since 2011 when I first listened to Rengeteg I didn't like Sgurr that much (it is STILL an awesome album, but a bit pales when compared to the two that came before it). Meta was glorious and Geometria is in my opinion just as good or veeery slightly worse.


About misplaced albums:
Where would you place those?

A Forest of Stars - melodic black, I guess? Or avant-garde.
Decesased - like you said, thrash or death, could be either (but melodic death is not the average for it ). I wouldn't really call that progressive, even if it incorporates more than one genre.
Hypno5e and Antimatter? Honestly, nowhere. Or made a 'prog rock' category (hey, there's hard rock already). I don't think Antimatter ever played metal. Hypno5e, yes, but not on this album. If someone forced to place these albums in the categories you have, I'd go for prog metal for both. But honestly, I wouldn't have put them at all.
And note those were just the examples of the albums I liked more, you had a few more misplacings
Madder Mortem (should be prog, though I kinda get you), Arkona and Shining in extreme prog is really pushing it (acceptable though), I don't think Daughters is a -core album (doesn't fit in any category), Black Viper is heavy/speed (so heavy). Keor was just a prog rock (again, see Hypno5e) - it was pretty good though and I saved it for later (wasn't on my wishlist before the awards). Them Moose Rush was also barely metal (and rather mediocre). Should have gone for e.g. Haken instead, I get that this album has mixed opinions among fans and you're on the one side of the barricade. (gonna see them on Wednesday btw)


ps. I fail to see how someone listened to Morne's album in post- and didn't vote for it
(I did listen to the Soldat Hans album you suggested, it is good indeed. It was an insane year for post-, I liked so many albums and post- is generally not my favourite genre; far from it)

Glad you enjoyed it, I haven't had the time to listen to your recommendation yet, cause I had to listen to the nominations But I'll get there, slowly. Currently finishing Clandestine Cuts and those are pretty good, my vote will go to Gaupa unless Void Rot, the final listen, will surprise me.
About Morne - eh, that might change later as I will go back to this album. Now I only listened to it once and I liked it but it didn't leave on me that much of an impression (oh, by the way, Long Distance Calling is also barely metal, the album was pretty good, however). Will it make it any better if I tell you I *might* see Morne on Roadburn? Might, not will, because there might be scheduling conflicts and I've got some other priorities (and sometimes there are 5 bands playing at once ;_;)

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