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Bass players

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Posted by Unknown user, 30.06.2006 - 16:14
Well, I just like to know who the bass players on this forum are, the bass is not to be underestimated ...
I play bass myself, pretty shitty gear actually .. I'm playing exactly one year right now.
An adonis four strings, and a Stagg 80W amplifier, it's just doable to play in a band
Monday I'm recording a demo
I love to play rock and metal (of course) Iron Maiden - Hallowed be thy name and Dream of Mirrors are heaven!

So .. What's your gear ? Favorite songs to play on the bass ? Band ?
15.08.2008 - 01:18
it still sounds different, i just prefer neck-thru.
17.08.2008 - 14:50
Account deleted
My favourite song on bass hmm a lot of but i played carcass- black star, arch enemy -burning angel, rage against the machine - killing in the name, metallica all i think but 5 years ago, in flames - artifatcs of the black rain, death pull the plug and also spirit crusher hypocrisy .....
17.08.2008 - 16:50
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I have my bass 1 month and I am still in the begginig. The first I am trying to play is Breaking The Law - judas is easy
17.08.2008 - 17:03
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hmm my first was Nothing else matters Yes metallica !!
17.08.2008 - 17:24
My first song I learned was Smells Like Teen Spirit, lawl. Recently I've been playing a long to 'Claws of Perdition' by Shining, 'Scalestomeasurethisshapeofman' by Detrimentum, and 'Djavulens Ande' by Ondskapt.

I sent my bass in to get the intonation and action set up since the last time I did it was a year ago. But last time, I had DR hi beams which I absolutely loved and now I'm settling for S.I.T. I heard good things about them so it shouldn't be a big deal, I just loved DR's brightness. Though after a while, that sort of dies down like most strings so I don't even know what I'm whining about.

Tried out a 5-string Stagg today, and I swear it felt like a fricking toy. It was actually my first time on a 5-strings, but I wasn't overtly impressed. Besides the ability to have an extra (lower) string, I didn't connect with the feel and sound of the bass that much. Maybe if it wasn't such an ugly bass and the neck wasn't so thick I'd feel differently. But thanks - I will stick with four string for a while
17.08.2008 - 17:32
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hey guys!!! one question do you prefere playing bass with fingers or mediator? i like fingers cause they're give a really bass sound, and for little death metal tracks i can't play with my fingers cause the tempo is higher like at the gates blindead by fear i was playing by mediator and after can play with finger i think it's just a question of practice no?
17.08.2008 - 17:49
Written by [user id=34393] on 17.08.2008 at 17:32

hey guys!!! one question do you prefere playing bass with fingers or mediator? i like fingers cause they're give a really bass sound, and for little death metal tracks i can't play with my fingers cause the tempo is higher like at the gates blindead by fear i was playing by mediator and after can play with finger i think it's just a question of practice no?

I personally use my fingers because like you indicated, they give a strong bass tone IMO. I only use a pick when I play with an overdrive/distortion pedal.

Regarding your second question, playing at the exact same tempo with most extreme metal bands is difficult, but you can always settle for playing 1/8th instead of 1/16th notes.

Which isn't such a huge deal, tons of bands do it. Plus, in my opinion, playing bass with 16th notes for a song whose tempo is maybe 200 bpm is too fast for the mind to understand Guitar has the advantage of being decipherable at that speed because it's sound is a lot higher than the bass.

So it kind of has to do with what you're comfortable with.
17.08.2008 - 19:19
I'm going to get one of those 5 string dandies myself, because my current bass's registry is simply too limited (both low and high) and it's impossible to play some stuff i really want to try. So i went through the music shops to have a look, I think I'm going to go for a Schecter, once I have the money that is (this will take a while )
When the sun rises I take my flock on the balks
When the moon rises I tell the woods good night
17.08.2008 - 23:34
I guess I need to try out more 5 strings... the one I played had nice action and really thick punch and was pretty cheap considering the 180% taxation on imported products, it was about $500.

Though if I did look into one, I'd probably get a 5 string with smaller gauges on the strings and active pickups. Schecter's basses look pretty cool though.
18.08.2008 - 00:39
Kap'N Korrupt
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I'd rather a five string too so I wouldn't have to be tuning down as four string 1976 Kramer is starting to go on's sad because I bought it a little over a year was refurbished and everything...I also have a 1981 El Degas four string too that I hardly use anymore and it's starting to rust....
18.08.2008 - 09:06
Why don't you go Ebay or something? It's a shame for an instrument to sit and rust, maybe you'll find some freak that'll buy it and restore it and everything, or maybe you might try that yourself. I mean, Steve Harris's (random example) been using the same bass for like 30 years or something and it still works.
When the sun rises I take my flock on the balks
When the moon rises I tell the woods good night
18.08.2008 - 09:08
Why don't you go Ebay or something? It's a shame for an instrument to sit and rust, maybe you'll find some freak that'll buy it and restore it and everything, or maybe you might try that yourself. I mean, Steve Harris's been using the same bass for like 30 years or something and it still works.
When the sun rises I take my flock on the balks
When the moon rises I tell the woods good night
18.08.2008 - 22:13
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Yeah, there are a bunch of things that I have meant to sell on Ebay...I wish I could have an instrument for a long time but shit keeps happening to is rusty because it's up in my attic...
19.08.2008 - 11:57
Written by [user id=33097] on 17.08.2008 at 16:50

I have my bass 1 month and I am still in the begginig. The first I am trying to play is Breaking The Law - judas is easy

Hey there, that was one of the first songs I tried as well. Playing eight notes properly is one of the most important things a bass player has to do, and it's one of the things most bass players neglect the most, so study it properly and make sure it sounds the way it should .
When the sun rises I take my flock on the balks
When the moon rises I tell the woods good night
22.08.2008 - 16:50
Just got back my bass from the setup. It cost be almost $100 including new strings, and input jack. I was completely shocked when I brought the bass back from the store and no sound came out when plugged it in to the amp. So, then I went back to shop about to kill someone, and the dude fixed it. Thing is, it probably wasn't his fault, there is something wrong with one of the knobs after I dropped it once. I got that fixed a year ago, so it probably gave in again. No biggy.

Oh yeah, S.I.T. strings are great! Not as bright and penetrating as DR, but easier to play IMO.
23.08.2008 - 12:03
Written by [user id=34393] on 17.08.2008 at 17:32


By the way, what kind of bass do you have?
23.08.2008 - 12:18
Account deleted
Do you Speak with me Sunioj? hmm im from Morocco and don't have a lot of choice for bass's so i have a red yamaha rbx 170 4 string and in amplifer yamaha too 25 watt for repetition !
23.08.2008 - 13:19
Written by [user id=34393] on 23.08.2008 at 12:18

Do you Speak with me Sunioj? hmm im from Morocco and don't have a lot of choice for bass's so i have a red yamaha rbx 170 4 string and in amplifer yamaha too 25 watt for repetition !

It looks like a nice bass, I've seen that around before. Israel is pretty good with importing instruments, the only shitter is that there is a 180% tax imposed on every product that comes here. BUT, the city I live is really, really bad with instruments, you can't find anything here. Not even an acoustic bass!
23.08.2008 - 13:22
Account deleted
Oh niceee, i see one electro-acoustic bass here in my town my maternel oncle had it Grrr and don't late me play with it but here we can import too instruments but it's verry expensive ...
25.08.2008 - 04:02
I have a question about short scale basses.

Which part is short on a 30 inch bass, is it the neck, body, strings, or everything? Because I've been considering it, and I think i'm going to just buy new replacement parts for my bass than buy a new one =D

if it is the neck that is shortscale, can someone please recommend me a Bolt-On neck to buy?
25.08.2008 - 13:21
The only thing I can tell is that every living or at least recently dead musician will make fun of you if you play a short-scale bass . Also keep in mind that short scale basses don't really have the same balls when it comes to the low end, and that the whole idea of replacing parts is tricky, because the result may be great or a disaster soundwise.That's because the whole thing vibrates and everything and having different woods and shapes mixed up could really screw up your sound.
When the sun rises I take my flock on the balks
When the moon rises I tell the woods good night
25.08.2008 - 21:27
I believe the scale is the length of the fretboard. Though I've never bought any pieces of the bass to put together, so I can't really give any advice. I'm a complete novice when it comes to those technical things... I leave that stuff to my luthier
26.08.2008 - 04:13
Written by NECURATU on 25.08.2008 at 13:21

The only thing I can tell is that every living or at least recently dead musician will make fun of you if you play a short-scale bass . Also keep in mind that short scale basses don't really have the same balls when it comes to the low end, and that the whole idea of replacing parts is tricky, because the result may be great or a disaster soundwise.That's because the whole thing vibrates and everything and having different woods and shapes mixed up could really screw up your sound.

oh.. really?

then fuck that idea.
26.08.2008 - 22:08
LeChron James
Written by [user id=34393] on 23.08.2008 at 13:22

Oh niceee, i see one electro-acoustic bass here in my town my maternel oncle had it Grrr and don't late me play with it but here we can import too instruments but it's verry expensive ...

yeah importing instruments can be ABSURDLY expensive. i had one of my basses shipped from germany to the US in a hardshell case and the shipping was like $60 and the customs fees were like $40 or $50 more.
Kick Ass, Die Young

Less is More
Stay Pure
Stay Poor

Music was my life, music brought me to life and music is how I will be remembered long after I leave this life. When I die there will be a final waltz in my head that only I can hear.
27.08.2008 - 06:20
i have about $220 to spend on a new bass amp, and I've been looking around, and these have caught my eye:
Roland Micro Cube Bass RX
Acoustin B20 1x12
Peavey MAX 112

i know it's kind of foolish for this price, but i want something that'll make my chest heave i could also probably go about 30 bucks higher than 220

well at least in a medium/smallish sized hall with about 50 people
01.09.2008 - 06:00
i started out really into punk but i got into metal and now i am trying to play death metal stuff. u no stuff like amon amarth and obituary also lots of black metal shit like mayhem. funeral fog!:banger2:
27.10.2008 - 23:43
I'm learning bass sweeping right now. First thing is first, I'm gonna have to get used to sweeping out chord shapes so that's extra mind power right there, then get my speed up. I know I can do it, because I have the metronome set at 300 something and that's the most I can go...

I'm thinking, minor, major, diminished, suspended, and dominant 11ths to get me started. Any other suggestions? Sooner or later, I wanna be able to add tapping to to the mix...
06.11.2008 - 21:58
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Mmmm... I think thati should not talk about my gear coz it will be a nationel shame on this forum!!! LOL...
But i can talk about my techniques anf influences:
Well... Right now am trynig to cover for "VICTOR WOOTEN" (The Lesson from the Palmystery album).. Am trying to understand his techniques of slapping he's a genious.. that's it... And actually am covering a lot of metal shit (at the gates especilly i lov the melodic death meatl)...
For the theorical thing i have to say that am still a beginner... I just have techniques (tapping, sweeping, slapping..) RISE !
07.11.2008 - 08:26
Written by [user id=28430] on 06.11.2008 at 21:58

Mmmm... I think thati should not talk about my gear coz it will be a nationel shame on this forum!!! LOL...

Try us
08.11.2008 - 23:00
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I mean a shame... For me..:-|